View Full Version : We Had Crap!
The Blowhard
12-06-2001, 03:21 AM
Kids today: Computers, cellphones, designer clothes, sneakers with lights, MP3 players, dvd and video games, cable.
We had: A metal spring(Slinky), AM transistor radios with an earplug, Keds,
Close-n-Play, toxic waste(Silly Putty), 45 singles, no cable, black and white TV, wood scraps(Lincoln Logs) and so many other crappy things.
I'm bitter.
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"It takes good taste to appreciate bad taste."
12-06-2001, 03:38 AM
Yeah, that's true, but we had Rock 'em Sock 'em fuck them!
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To hell with all these techno gadgets. Theyre just forcing kids to grow up faster. Besides, who at age 7 really needs a cell phone? Who the f are you gonna call?
I say give me a wuzzle, rainbow brite and some playdoh any day and I'd be happy. Im even content with coloring books for the love of god. Kids today are too spoiled.
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Thanks Sheepy!
radio junkie
12-06-2001, 08:53 AM
At least we didn't have to buckle up. We could jump and scream while our parents drove. And our cars were made of metal, not ceap plastic. You could drive through a brick wall and only get a few scratches on the hood. But they will never know the pleasure of rabbit ear antenas. Your picture is clear until you move your hand away from them or move a step or two away. They missed out on taping a coin to the top of the phonograph needle to stop it from skipping over all the scratches on your record. And the joys of playing Skittle Bowl. Who am I kidding? The little bastards are spoiled and un-aprreciative.
The only time I have a drinking problem is when I don't have a drink
12-06-2001, 08:55 AM
what about big wheels and green machines
now the kids have lil electric cars that operate like real cars (gas,break) etc.)
yes kids are spoiled and fat today...and the parents wonder
12-06-2001, 09:52 AM
well they get screwed over entertainment wise they have no good cartoons to watch i had Nija turtles and GI joe what do kids got now so for that i feel i Win
number 333 its the way to be
12-06-2001, 10:10 AM
Dude, Lincoln Logs rocked!
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12-06-2001, 12:18 PM
We also had Shrinky Dinks! They were awesome!!!
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The Blowhard
12-06-2001, 12:50 PM
I also notice that kids don't play sports and games outside in the street as much. I guess they play video games.
On my street in Bay Ridge Brooklyn we played sports and street games all all year long. That was unless the "4:30 Movie" was showing something cool.
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"It takes good taste to appreciate bad taste."
yes kids are spoiled and fat today...and the parents wonder
Thats so true. LIttle kids today seem to be at least ten - fifteen pounds heavier than we were. Thats cause we played more sports not these "Microsoft Sports Simulators".
Jen- Shrinky Dinks ruled. My first set was the smurfs!
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Thanks Sheepy!
Captain Rooster
12-06-2001, 01:00 PM
I also notice that kids don't play sports and games outside in the street as much. I guess they play video games.
The average kid is a fat ass these days too....mix in a carrot stick and put down the PS2 controllers you prepubescent fat bodys!!!
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RF Godfather
12-06-2001, 01:02 PM
I'll play with my Legos and Tyco thankyou very much.
I think I still have my Rock'em Sock'em Bots in my basement somewhere.
I am the One who reeks of "limited" rockedness! Yoink! Narc! Meow!
12-07-2001, 06:35 AM
We had imaginations, everything did not have to be organized or in a video game. As long as you had a couple of friends you could always find something to do. Who wanted to stay inside the house all day. The kids nowadays are little veals being protected by their soccer moms. Back in the day it was mom I am going out see at dinner time and if you parents were calling, you better get your ass home. You could hear your mom from blocks away. No beepers or cell phones-- pretty soon kids will come with an option to have lojack installed. lol so mothers can track their every move.
We definitely had more fun.
The Blowhard
12-07-2001, 07:06 AM
The kids nowadays are little veals being protected by their soccer moms.
Jafter, that is probably the funniest comment I have read this year! LOL
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"It takes good taste to appreciate bad taste."
Silly Puddy
12-07-2001, 07:26 AM
We had: A metal spring(Slinky), AM transistor radios with an earplug, Keds,
Close-n-Play, toxic waste(Silly Putty), 45 singles, no cable, black and white TV, wood scraps(Lincoln Logs) and so many other crappy things.]
Heckler, PLEASE don't tell me you're calling me "toxic waste"? And if you are, SPELL MY NAME RIGHT!
I think, therefore I am..............a moron.
This message was edited by Silly Puddy on 12-7-01 @ 3:20 PM
12-07-2001, 03:28 PM
thanks Heckler,
It is true kids nowadays have to have everything laid out for them. Laser tag is a hundred dollar -- flash light tag set. You have to admit we had more fun as a kids.
12-07-2001, 03:31 PM
remember the crappy cable box (when we finally got cable) that didnt have a remote and just sat on top the tv with the three rows of channels and buttons at the bottom. then there was always some kid at school trying to explain to you how to press down two buttons at the same time and another half way with a toothpick stuck in it to get the porn channel.
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Ralphy Ramone
12-07-2001, 05:42 PM
Keds!?...You had Keds!?
My sneaks were on a rack next to the Produce section.
"Flashing-back to a time when coke bottle recycling was the key to the (candy store) door of opportunity...not a governmental mandate!"
12-07-2001, 07:37 PM
Rod Carew's Batting Practice
Remote control cars that had a wire attatched
Skinny skateboards with polyurethayne wheels (same for roller skates)
Clackers (glass kind)
Non-electronic Battleship
AFX racetracks
HO scale model trains
12 inch tall GI Joe
Sit 'n Spin
Green Machine
Matchbox and Hot Wheels
and my favorite of all
The Motocaster
The Motocaster was a machine you could make your own Hot Wheels type cars out of molten lead.
Yeah that's a good idea, let's let an 8 year old play with metal so hot it has actually melted. No safety hazard there at all.
The best toys are dangerous and can hurt you.
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This message was edited by skidmark on 12-7-01 @ 11:45 PM
12-07-2001, 11:29 PM
That was unless the "4:30 Movie" was showing something cool.
Ah, the 4:30 movie! I would stop playing street hockey in a heart beat if they were showing "Bad Ronald" or "Planet of the Apes"
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The Blowhard
12-08-2001, 06:36 AM
I always hated "Etch-a-Sketch". That was crap.
Same for "Barrel Of Monkeys".
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"It takes good taste to appreciate bad taste."
12-08-2001, 07:46 AM
Gnip Gnop sorta sucked too, but Toss Across wasn't bad.
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12-08-2001, 07:57 AM
skidmark - the green machine rocked. i loved mine. i wouldnt be caught on a poor white trash big wheel.
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12-08-2001, 08:37 AM
The kids today drive around in minivans with TV's. Our parents drove around in station wagons to which we had to play I spy or 20 questions, until your father was shouting "shut the hell up or Ill turn the car around".
Our parents also werent afraid to discipline us. If I had talked back the way some of these kids do, or acted like they did, it was a nice SMACK to the back of the head...parents today need books on how to raise kids. I have to say we turned out ok...
We also had afterschool specials. They today have afterschool brainwashing sessions featuring Japanese indoctrination (Pokemon).
We played games like kick the can, they today play kick the can on PS2...
We knew that things seen on TV werent real and not to be tried, they not only try something they see on TV and hurt themselves bad, but there fat ass soccer moms want TV shows taken off the air cause of what there mentally deficient kids did...
PS is anyone else noticing this trend to feed kids medications rather than disciplining them or talking to them??!! It is like Orwells 1984!!!
"We have met the enemy and he is ours!!!"- Oliver Hazard Perry
12-08-2001, 08:45 AM
Our parents drove around in station wagons
78 Ford Country Squire LTD, White with fake wood panels.
I usually had to sit in the way back seat that folded out and held the spare tire.
it was a nice SMACK to the back of the head
I do not encourage ever hitting a child, however I would get a shot now and then for fucking around and it kept me in line pretty well. Usually my dad (6'3", 325, butcher) just had to gimme a look and it was 'nuff said.
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12-08-2001, 08:59 AM
dont feel bad heckler i would take a slinky over playstation2 anyday...walking away laughing
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12-08-2001, 10:52 AM
I am not advocating abusing children either, but disciplining is different from abusing...My parents were FAR from abusive, but if I was acting like a jackass, it was either th look or my mothr would squeeze my arm and say in a demonic voice "knock it off"...When I say smack to the head I am not talking a hard smack, just a swipe at the hair area...let me "know my role"
"We have met the enemy and he is ours!!!"- Oliver Hazard Perry
12-08-2001, 12:49 PM
I hear ya, I got the same thing.
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opm * chick
12-08-2001, 12:59 PM
I say give me a wuzzle, rainbow brite and some playdoh any day and I'd be happy. Im even content with coloring books for the love of god. Kids today are too spoiled.
I agree with Gwen. My little sister has stuff now that I didn't even know about until I was 8, and she just turned 4. She has a frikkin Barbie makeup/lipgloss maker + fake nails for God's sake.
I was just happy with my Rainbrow Brite coloring books and Gak. :)
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<center>I hug the drugdealers</center>
12-08-2001, 01:30 PM
I always liked Lite Brite. You stuck little colored plastic pegs through a paper pattern. The you lit a light behind it, and the pegs lit up. Or may I was just humored by little lights.
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12-08-2001, 01:53 PM
i was happy with lite brite, colorforms ,and lincol logs. im such a simpleeton. i disgust even myself. i remember when we got a computer and i would play the olymipcs game on it... i alos remember playing atari. that was fun too.
i am not as bitter as the heckler.
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I am all out of bubblegum.
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thank you rooster.
stand united.
The Blowhard
12-08-2001, 04:33 PM
Not bitter Melissa, by any means.;) I was blessed with a wonderful childhood, and looking back it really was an innocent time compared to today. I think this is the case with every folks had the Depression and for entertainment they had radio.
Who the heck listens to radio?
Wait a minute..;)
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"It takes good taste to appreciate bad taste."
12-11-2001, 04:06 PM
Without a doubt this is the best string of them all. I wouldn't want to be a kid today. It is to crazy kids killing each other for no reason. Hell back in the day you got in a fight and you either got beaten up or you beat up the other guy and it was over. No one went to the hospital just the principals office.
You could go trick - or treating within reason to most of the people in your neighborhood.
You never back talked to your parents (if you knew what was good for you). I think I said a key word "parents". These kids today maybe have 2 parents some have 1 some have 4 and none of them can handle these monsters.
The Blowhard
12-15-2001, 04:52 PM
Remember "Krazy Straws"? Boy, they were great..sigh.
We had crap.
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12-15-2001, 05:14 PM
Yeah, I had a Krazy straw.
Did you ever have those molds for making Funny Face Ice Pops?
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Putting the "funny" in "not funny" since 1971.
12-16-2001, 07:39 PM
The toy makers even found a way to pussify action figures... what happened to the big G-I- Joes and the big rubber Wrestling guys with the big ring... now they have Justin Timberlake with his change in outfits and hair extensions... WTF?
Give me a He-Man comic and the snorks on television while I sit there throwing my poppel against the wall and I'm in grand spirits.
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The Blowhard
12-16-2001, 09:46 PM
And what about "War Toys"?
I had a cool M-16, various bazookas, cannons and pistols.
Now, its PC to ban them. Pathetic.
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Ralphy Ramone
12-23-2001, 04:44 AM
Speaking of "War Toys",did your M-16 have the ability to "load" multiple times?And did your bazooka have torquoise missles?Everything I owned shot a projectile!How else were you supposed to know if you shot the other guy?
Heck,I also have three words for you...Greenie Stick'em Caps!
"kill'em all,let Mattel sort them out"
The Blowhard
12-23-2001, 06:32 AM
Heck,I also have three words for you...Greenie Stick'em Caps!
LOL, I loved those! I once took a bunch to school and popped them in class and got ANOTHER note sent to my parents. Any type of cap was great, the local candy store always had something cool that you had to buy. Remember those big pea shooters? Damn, were they fun!
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12-23-2001, 10:58 PM
PS is anyone else noticing this trend to feed kids medications rather than disciplining them or talking to them??!! It is like Orwells 1984!!!
I notice! The overdiagnosis and overmedication of kids with these pussy learning disorders makes me sick. I didnt want to sit through math class either, but I didnt get put on drugs for it, I f'n sat there...ugh, awful!
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You too can have a MANdrew made sig pic...just ask nicely
The Blowhard
12-24-2001, 03:14 AM
One Christmas my parents gave me "Flintstone Building Blocks". They were interlocking styrofoam bricks.
Freaking styrofoam!!!
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Ralphy Ramone
12-24-2001, 06:02 AM
Those pea shooters were great(like industrial straws!).We would buy one for 5 cents and walk down to the A&P to get a bag of navy beans for 19 cents.A whole afternoon of fun and welts for under a quarter!
p.s. those Flintstone building blocks were great.You could make a full size fort in your livingroom.
Don't fall for the half drunken milk glass or the small bite in the cookie trick!
The Blowhard
12-26-2001, 01:31 PM
There was nothing better than loading up on peas and bringing your industrial sized shooter to an afternoon matinee at your local movie theater, usually a Godzilla double feature. You would shoot everyone and everything in sight, even those old fat matron ladies in the white dresses with flashlights LOL!
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This all sounds like such great fun! I am SO pissed I can't remember my childhood!
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Special thanks to Lt. Rooster for this masterpiece!
The Blowhard
01-09-2002, 05:06 AM
And no 24 hour TV, it went off the air around 2 or 3am.
No Videos or Dvd's, no pc's, we had to do dump stuff, like read books!;)
"It takes good taste to truly appreciate bad taste"-John Waters
01-09-2002, 07:17 AM
Remember when there was a Channel 1?
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01-09-2002, 03:26 PM
I still think we had it better. We had friends when was the last time you saw 10 kids playing together that wasn't an organized and supervised event. We would get up and knock on your friends door and say come on we are playing football, baseball, hockey or "what do you want to do today". We never stayed inside unless it was raining or freezing cold outside.
Did any of you all make tents in your room with all of the sheets and blankets. I used to have tunnels all over my room. Until my brothers would come in and destroy them. I was the youngest.
Have a safe and happy new year. Let's hope next year is a whole lot better.<IMG SRC=" 100x300
The Blowhard
01-17-2002, 11:37 PM
And what about those little red wagons? You would roll down a hill and have that long handle to steer with, and chances are you would wipe out. And what about those clumsy red metal scooters? CRAP! LOL
"It takes good taste to truly appreciate bad taste"-John Waters
The Blowhard
01-30-2002, 09:58 AM
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01-30-2002, 12:07 PM
Heckler, Do you think the kids today would actually try and work for money. When was the last time you saw a kid with a lemonade or kool aid stand. Or a kid mowing lawns or delivering newspapers.
01-30-2002, 08:15 PM
When was the last time you saw a kid with a lemonade or kool aid stand. Or a kid mowing lawns or delivering newspapers.
What do you need that for when mommy and daddy think it is cute to give junior and Sally the credit card. I mean I felt privleged when my mother gave me her credit card to pay for some things at college, including tuition for first semester. I NEVER abused that by putting something on there I shouldnt have. Then again I had respect for the dollar, my father was a blue collar worker and my mother would work odd-jobs. I had a paper route myself and pinched and saved to buy things for myself. And even learned patience to not buy something when it was not brand new. This way I would pay less for something that I wanted...These kids today do not respect the dollar. And the reason for this is the parents!! They are living in good economic times. I remember the early 80's and some of the stability there with the recession and all. There were a lot of scared people in my neighborhood. These kids never experienced that, and maybe that is not a good thing...
On a side note, does anyone use the term junior anymore to refer to a son with same name as father?? I swear to God I saw last week on a mid-terms list II (The second)...when the hell did this trend start???
"I love swatting at bi-planes, allegedly"
Thank you WWF Fallon for the sig
The Blowhard
02-01-2002, 12:18 AM
Doogie, credit cards and youngsters are always a bad mix, for the most part. This generation is a generation in debt, and sadly most young people abuse credit cards and dig a big hole for themselves.
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The Blowhard
02-07-2002, 10:55 PM
Those little transistor radios with the earplug..I said "plug"! No headphones, just AM radio with an earplug!
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02-07-2002, 11:09 PM
Heckler I grew up in Flatbush and we used to close off Kings highway to play hockey and football. I went to school in Bay Ridge and we used to do the same on 71st Street when on breaks from classes .
I stumble around the Irish Rivieria
02-12-2002, 02:32 PM
I remember back in West Babylon we didn't have hockey nets so we would use peoples garbage cans as goals. We played on the avenues (less traffic). It was a pain grabbing those cans out of the way.
We also used to play football up the street at the cemetary. It was the only open area with grass near our house.
We want Ron and Fez live in DC.
The Blowhard
10-20-2002, 09:28 PM
Stickball: The sleeping bum was first base, the sewer cover was second, the fender on that 67 Chevy was third. Home was a sewer cover.
And we used "Spaldeens"(Spauldings) for balls. "Spaldeens" were also used in Slapball, Stoopball and many other street games.
Since I lived on a dead end street, everyone would meet at my house to play whiffle ball in front of my house.
Like Heckler said, the manhole cover was home plate and the curb next to the neighbor's driveway was 1st. Second base was whatever pile of garbage we could assemble; usually some old newspapers and a pile of leaves. Third was the fire hydrant.
Ahh, memories.
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Thanks, JerseyRich!
10-21-2002, 09:27 AM
paddle ball with rubberband, and rocket lawn darts..when we got bored we played dodge dart... no not the car we did that later in our teens
a/k/a JOEY D' when I call the Show.
10-21-2002, 09:37 AM
<font color=purple>Look at it this way, they also gotta deal with AIDS and their schools being shot up.</font>
Bill From Yorktown
10-21-2002, 09:55 AM
we didnt have to deal with
friends parents dying when some madman plows a plane into their office
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This message was edited by Bill From Yorktown on 10-21-02 @ 2:14 PM
Michael Fury
10-21-2002, 10:09 AM
When I was a kid, everyone lived on bugs and rainwater, and we loved it.
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.
Bill From Yorktown
10-21-2002, 10:15 AM
When I was a kid, everyone lived on bugs and rainwater, and we loved it.
green plastic army men; hot wheels with the orange tracks; lego's; riding our bikes; catching lightning bugs; paper airplanes; crystal radio sets; comic books; 430 movie (godzilla week; planet of the apes week; etc)
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10-23-2002, 06:57 AM
How about an empty refrigerator or washing machine box? It could be a castle, a fort, a space rocket, anything you wanted. Had more fun with those than anything, played with them until they finally fell apart.. <P>
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