View Full Version : What's going on in Tibet?
03-20-2008, 04:35 AM
I do not have time to look to deeply into this, so I need a quick summary to bring me up to speed.
What's going on there? What's with all these protests and boycotts? What is the Dalai Lama connection? Is this and danger to the US? Will this lead to a civil war in China?
03-20-2008, 04:55 AM
same shit.
China is oppressing their people, and nobody is going to stop them.
We shun every other communist country except China.
Its bullshit.
What they need is for all the people to stand up and overthrow the govt.
03-20-2008, 04:56 AM
The Tibetan people are protesting, and the Chinese government is blaming the Dali Lama saying he is instigating them.
03-20-2008, 04:59 AM
I am confused by the Tibet angle, what does it have to do with China?
Sorry if I seem like an ignoramous..
Does Tibet want to be a part of China or is it already a part of it and is oppressed by China?
If it is not a part of it, why is it involved?
03-20-2008, 05:02 AM
I am confused by the Tibet angle, what does it have to do with China?
Sorry if I seem like an ignoramous..
I could be wrong, but I think its like this. China claimed Tibet as there own a while ago, and the Dali Lama has been living in exile ever since. The Chinese government has also been pretty aggressive towards the Tibetan people. Not hesitating to use violence to put down any form of dissent.
03-20-2008, 05:09 AM
So I am assuming that Tibet is under the Chinese thumb and they want out from under it, but why do the Tibetan people stay there? Why not leave and start their own state, away from Chinese oppression? Maybe it is not easy, I do not know. Do the majority of the Chinese citizens feel their country is doing wrong things to Tibet and they too are powerless? Is this why this is in the news? Does Tibet produce anything of value, or is there oil there or something?
03-20-2008, 05:43 AM
So I am assuming that Tibet is under the Chinese thumb and they want out from under it, but why do the Tibetan people stay there? Why not leave and start their own state, away from Chinese oppression? Maybe it is not easy, I do not know. Do the majority of the Chinese citizens feel their country is doing wrong things to Tibet and they too are powerless? Is this why this is in the news? Does Tibet produce anything of value, or is there oil there or something?
03-20-2008, 06:41 AM
China is raping the environment. American patriots are shopping in Walmart, which sells american flag stickers printed in china. This should work out well.
03-20-2008, 07:30 AM
Tibet wants to be independent of China, China is not allowing it and is very oppresive to anyone who opposes them. As far as leaving and forming their own state this is almost impossible to move a large group of people to another place because wherever they would go is already a soverign nation which also wouldn't want to give up territory, or it would be somewhere completely inhospitable to life. Honestly though would you rather move or defend your native lands...before you answer think about this guy.
03-20-2008, 08:25 AM
So I am assuming that Tibet is under the Chinese thumb and they want out from under it, but why do the Tibetan people stay there? Why not leave and start their own state, away from Chinese oppression? Maybe it is not easy, I do not know. Do the majority of the Chinese citizens feel their country is doing wrong things to Tibet and they too are powerless? Is this why this is in the news? Does Tibet produce anything of value, or is there oil there or something?
No offense, but where the hell have you been for the last 15 years? This has been a relatively big issue for quite some time, and it's pretty easy to find info about. It's Wiki, but it's a decent place to start with as a primer as it has pieces on Tibet, the occupation and the current riots. ( Not that people can't answer here, but you're asking pretty basic and broad questions that are difficult to sum up into neat little answers due to all the history involved. The Tibetans live in a very mountainous region with limited modern ways of living, so they can't really just pack up and leave, nor do they want to. Tibet is their spiritual home, and they don't want to abandon it. The Dalai Lama only left out of necessity in 1959, since as the young spiritual leader of Tibet at the time he was a prime target for Chinese kidnapping and "re-education," or worse.
03-20-2008, 08:50 AM
I just did not know and was looking for a sum up answer so I can get the gist of what's going on. I keep hearing about and am interested, but I do not have the time to research it. My experience is that when I try to learn about issues like this, there is usually some slant to whoever is providing the information. In this way, not only will I get a range of information, anyone else reading this will also learn about it and stimulate ideas and discussion, which I believe is the purpose of such a forum on a discussion board.
03-20-2008, 08:55 AM
Mojo was just a little weirded out that your questions were so broad (I admit I was too) and you hadn't heard about it as this has been going on for a long, long time. Not a big deal but just a little odd. The important thing is at least you are trying to get into it now.
03-20-2008, 09:22 AM
03-20-2008, 09:30 AM
I keep hearing about and am interested, but I do not have the time to research it.
I'm really not trying to bust your balls, but with an issue this huge and ongoing, you easily have time to research it if you have time to post here. All of the major news outlets have Tibet pages/profiles on their sites. Of course, I'm not saying we shouldn't discuss it here, but making a place like this your only or primary outlet for world events is a little disconcerting. I love this place and most of the people here, but at the end of the day it's just a board abut a goofy radio show...not the best primary source for tracking current affairs.
03-20-2008, 09:51 AM
partly cloudy 38 degress f / 3 degress c
wind ese at 7 mph / 11 km/h
pressure na in /oHp
03-20-2008, 09:59 AM
That Dalai Lama Is Stirring Up Shit Again !!. He's The Al Sharpton Of Tibet !!
03-20-2008, 01:26 PM
Why was my thread title changed?
03-20-2008, 02:01 PM
Because it's much more about Tibet than China. I figure if you want actual discussion about Tibet, putting Tibet in the title would draw more people in for that than a vague question about China.
03-20-2008, 03:07 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe Mojo just gave blakbird a stern tongue lashing..:unsure:
Note to self: Don't ask Mojo any questions about Kozovo..
03-21-2008, 06:21 AM
Because it's much more about Tibet than China. I figure if you want actual discussion about Tibet, putting Tibet in the title would draw more people in for that than a vague question about China.
It's been real active since the name change! :thumbup:
03-22-2008, 07:26 AM
Did Bill Clinton's abandoning values set up the oppression we see in Tibet. Seems Pelosi thinks so.
She was profoundly disappointed when President Clinton told her in 1994 that he was ending a policy of tying trade with China to human rights progress. When Bill Clinton spoke in Beijing in 1998, Pelosi said his remarks downplayed human rights violations, putting them "in the past instead of a current nightmare for the Chinese people." She opposed extending most-favored nation status, a liberalized trade policy, to China.
03-22-2008, 08:28 AM
See also: Hong Kong and while you're at it, see what they do to Macau in 15 years or less
03-22-2008, 09:34 AM
See also: Hong Kong and while you're at it, see what they do to Macau in 15 years or less
Bill Clinton...Great Republican!
03-22-2008, 09:49 AM
I'm no fan of Clinton, but pretty much any Preisdent is screwed dealing with China. The own so many US bonds (more than any other nation in the world) that they could destroy our economy completely in almost a moment's notice.
03-22-2008, 09:58 AM
I'm no fan of Clinton, but pretty much any Preisdent is screwed dealing with China. The own so many US bonds (more than any other nation in the world) that they could destroy our economy completely in almost a moment's notice.
You're right and we can thank Bill for selling us out. Any wonder they don;t want to release tax returns?
03-22-2008, 10:02 AM
You're right and we can thank Bill for selling us out. Any wonder they don;t want to release tax returns?
They bonds issue started well before Clinton.
03-22-2008, 10:32 AM
They bonds issue started well before Clinton.
tell me more
tell me more
"A-ha. A-ha. Ah-HA. A-ha."
03-22-2008, 10:41 AM
To oversimplify, tt's been building up since Deng Xiaoping helped shift the country towards so-called "market socialism" and the 80's and China opened itself up economically to the internationa world, both as buyers and sellers.
03-23-2008, 08:57 PM
China is a repeat offender of violating human rights. The communism in China oppresses the people of China terribly. The fact that you can't practice religion in the coutnry is disgusting, no matter what your personal feelings on God and spirituality are.
03-24-2008, 04:23 AM
To oversimplify, tt's been building up since Deng Xiaoping helped shift the country towards so-called "market socialism" and the 80's and China opened itself up economically to the internationa world, both as buyers and sellers.
Deng started "market-socialism" Bill Clinton insured it's success...
03-24-2008, 08:58 AM
Deng started "market-socialism" Bill Clinton insured it's success...
How can you drop that on him? China and US economic relations started well before he ever took office.
03-24-2008, 09:15 AM
Deng started "market-socialism" everybody who buys shit at Wal-Mart insured it's success...
Fixed that for ya. (Not the spelling though)
03-24-2008, 10:17 AM
Fixed that for ya. (Not the spelling though)
But walmarts prices are SOOOOO good.
03-24-2008, 10:45 AM
How can you drop that on him? China and US economic relations started well before he ever took office.
Because prior to his trade deals China had a negative trade balance with the US... the Clinton deals enabled the transfer of wealth from the US....
03-24-2008, 11:07 AM
Because prior to his trade deals China had a negative trade balance with the US... the Clinton deals enabled the transfer of wealth from the US....
But that's not the bonds.
03-24-2008, 02:46 PM
To oversimplify, tt's been building up since Deng Xiaoping helped shift the country towards so-called "market socialism" and the 80's and China opened itself up economically to the internationa world, both as buyers and sellers.
neither was this...
03-24-2008, 04:39 PM
"A-ha. A-ha. Ah-HA. A-ha."
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
03-24-2008, 06:34 PM
Tibet Primer
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
03-24-2008, 09:11 PM
neither was this...
By the end of the decade, it was those developments that lead to them investing in things like US bonds, well before Clinton took office.
It's interesting following the Tibetan developments. The young generations are really getting fed up with Chinese occupation adn many are rejecting the Dalai Lama's nonviolent Buddhist approach to protest and resistence. They look to Tibet's ancient past, before Buddhism, when they were feared warriors that often pressed into China, and are more inspired by that to become guerilla fighters. For anyone waning a really good accounting detailing the situation between China and Tibet, you NED to read this book:
It's 10 years old, but it's still the best on the subject, by far.
03-26-2008, 06:23 PM
cool board name, dude!!
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