03-11-2008, 01:44 PM
[QUOTE]The father, Charles Spitzer, died in Newmarket, November 4, 1862, and the mother, Elizabeth F., died in Wyoming Territory October 25, 1881, while on her way to California to visit her sons, Lewis and Robert. Lewis, who had gone out on the road to meet his mother, whom he had not seen for twenty five years, found on reaching Ogden that she had died twenty-four hours before his arrival! He was only in time to perform the last sad rites over the remains of her whom he had loved so dearly and reverenced so highly. With the assistance of kind friends, he laid her to rest in the Ogden Cemetery./QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]The father, Charles Spitzer, died in Newmarket, November 4, 1862, and the mother, Elizabeth F., died in Wyoming Territory October 25, 1881, while on her way to California to visit her sons, Lewis and Robert. Lewis, who had gone out on the road to meet his mother, whom he had not seen for twenty five years, found on reaching Ogden that she had died twenty-four hours before his arrival! He was only in time to perform the last sad rites over the remains of her whom he had loved so dearly and reverenced so highly. With the assistance of kind friends, he laid her to rest in the Ogden Cemetery./QUOTE]
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