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Condi maintains admin. lie quota [Archive] - Messageboard


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high fly
02-17-2008, 01:19 PM
CondoLIES!LIES!LIES!zza Rice took offense the other day when her dishonesty was brought up by Representative Wexler.
Check this out, and keep in mind the offense she takes at her integrity being called into question.

Here are some Condi quotes which illustrate her difficulty with the truth which led to her integrity being questioned in the first place:

1) [the aluminum tubes] "Are only really suited for nuclear weapons programs, centrifuge programs." --Sept. 8, 2002

[the aluminum tubes, after examination and testing] "not consistent with gas centrifuge end use..." [Plus, you've got to have something for the tubes to plug into] " we have not seen related procurement efforts." --Quotes from April 11, 2001 Energy Dept. report, "Iraq High Strength Aluminum Tube Procurement."

" no definitive intelligence that it [shipment of the aluminum tubes] is destined for a nuclear programme" ---British Sept. 24, 2001 dossier on Iraqi WMD programs.
"That was a reflection of the state of the intelligence" --John Scarlett, head of the British Joint Intelligence Committee, in testimony before a British investigation, Sept., 2003

[aluminum tubes]"would not be suitable for manufacturing centrifuges." --International Atomic Energy Agency report, Jan. 27, 2003

An additional "clue" (as they call it in police work) might have been the fact that the tubes were marked, "81mm rocket."
The tubes were also identical to 66,737 artillery rocket tubes called the Nasser 81, chronicled by UN inspectors in 1996. The Nasser 81 was a copy of the Italian Medusa 81mm rocket.
Additionally, the Energy Dept. tested the tubes at Oak Ridge, Tennessee and found they fell apart under the stress of a spinning centrifuge.


2) [the phony uranium purchase documents]"Maybe someone knew down in the bowels of the agency, but no one in our circles knew that there were doubts and suspicions that this might be a forgery." --June, 2003

The claim of an Iraqi attempt to purchase uranium in Africa was in Bush's State of the Union speech, Jan. 28, 2003. By then, every major rationale for war with Iraq had been shot down or called into serious question, and the administration was desperate for something to support the claim of a revived nuke program.
At the time of her speech, those in her "circle" who had been told that the documents were forgeries were:
ROBERT JOSEPH, assistant to the president in charge of nonproliferation at the National Security Council, who was told by Alan Foley, Director of CIA Intelligence, Nonproliferation and Arms Control Center. Foley saw a draft of Bush's state of the union speech and got ahold of Joseph.
MICHAEL GERSON, chief speechwriter for President Bush who had been told in a CIA memo dated Oct. 5, 2001, that the allegation was bogus and to leave it out of a Bush speech Oct, 7, 2002, which they did.
STEPHEN HADLEY, Rice's deputy national security advisor, and unnamed others, who also recieved the Oct. 5 memo, as well as a memo )ct. 6, 2001 from DCI George Tenet, saying the charge was bogus, citing "weakness in the evidence" and saying the alleged attemped purchase "was not particularly significant." Hadley also had been told by Tenet in a phone call not to include the allegation.
STAFF OF VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY, Who tasked Joseph C. Wilson to go to Niger and investigate the deal described in the phony documents. Wilson's report that there was no such deal went to those who dispatched him.

CONDOLEEZZA RICE, yes, friends, one would think that she would be a member of her own "circle," right? She was a recipient of the Oct. 5, 2001 memo.


3)"I don't think anybody could have predicted that these same people [9/11 hijackers]... would try to use a hijacked airplane as a missile." --May 2002

This was "thought" of by many people, most significantly those who wrote 12 intelligence reports specifically addressing this threat, described in the House-Senate Joint Inquiry report and which were available to Rice.
Too long for me to type them all out here, they can be found on pages 443-445 of "The 9/11 Investigations" edited by Steven Strasser, published by PublicAffairs. It contains lengthy excerpts from the House-Senate report, staff reports of the 9/11 Commission, and reprints the testimony of people before the commission like Condoleezza Rice and Richard Clarke.

As National security advisor, she could have had these reports by just asking, before 9/11, when the administration was being swamped with reports of an impending "spectacular" attack. Had she asked, one report she would have received on terrorism would have been the 1997 National Intelligence Estimate on the terrorist threat. In it was the threat of the use of a hijacked plane as a missile, among other things.

That summer, President Bush had traveled to Genoa to a summit of the G8.
Fearing what Rice said no one "could have predicted," the airspace over Genoa was cleared and the U.S. deployed anti-aircraft weaponry around the place. U.S. Navy ships were redeployed to support the mission of preventing a hijacked aircraft from crashing into the buiding holding the summit.

The idea also occurred to the FBI Minneapolis Field Office when it requested an investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui. The agent filing the request said, "This is the kind of guy who could fly a plane into the World Trade Center."
In the request, the FBI agent requested that the Secret Service be notified of just such a threat to the White House.

"A classified September 1998 threat report warned that in bin Laden's next strike, his operatives might fly an explosives-laden airplane into an American airport and blow it up. Another report that fall, unavailable to the public, highlighted a plot involving aircraft in New York and Washington. In a third case, in November, Turkish authorities broke up a plan by an Islamic extremist group to fly a plane loaded with explosives into the tomb of modern Turkey's founder, Ataturk, during a ceremony marking the anniversary of his death. Some

02-17-2008, 01:47 PM
When and where was this hearing? The clip didn't say.

02-17-2008, 01:49 PM
wow, part of the bush administration is lying???



high fly
02-17-2008, 04:58 PM
When and where was this hearing? The clip didn't say.

It was about a week ago and sorry, I can't recall which committee it was that Wexler was on.
I heard the tape on the radio and like to fell out laughing when I heard her talking about taking her credibility so seriously and seeing the tape was welcome relief to an otherwise miserable time (I've been suffering from that flu going around)...

Here's more:

4) [Describing the Aug. 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."] "It did not warn of attacks inside the United States."
- Rice's 9/11 Commission testimony.

One would thing the title would be enough.
When Rice made that statement, in sworn testimony before the 9/11 Commission, the PDB was classified, and the White House fought a losing battle to get it declassified.
Perhaps one reason they fought so hard was the opening sentence,
"Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the U.S."
And then,
"The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may have been part of bin Ladin's first serious attempt to implementing a terrorist strike in the U.S."
As well as,
"FBI information since [1998 report of bin Laden New York City cell recruiting Americans for an attack here] that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks."
This PDB also spoke of current FBI investigations, said al Qaeda "maintains a support structure" that could aid attacks and said that bin Laden planned sometimes for years for an attack. Rice had said also that it was mainly "historical," but a reading of it clearly reveals it was addressing the future.

The report could be summed up as saying, "Bin Laden wants to attack inside the U.S. and there is activity going on right now preparing for such an attack."

As a side note, the day Bush recieved this report in Crawford, Texas, he sprang into action by getting in 9 holes of golf.
He then amused reporters of the antics of his dogs, one of which kept armadillos out of the garden.
Asked what he was working on, Bush replied he was working on national security stuff, Iraq in particular.


5) "United Nations inspectors have been briefed on every high and medium priority weapons of mass destruction, missile, and UAV-related site the U.S. Intelligence Community has identified." - Rice to Senator Levin of the Senate Intelligence Committee in early March, 2003.

"factually incorrect."
-Characterization of Rice’s statement by a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report in 2004. The report went on to say only 67 of 148 suspected sites were shared with the UN.


6) "No al Qaeda plan was turned over to the new administration."- Rice in a March 2004 editorial in the Washington Post

This was a big fat lie.
The Jan. 25, 2001 memo from Counterterrorism Group Chief Richard Clarke to Rice has been released. In it, the "Political-Military Plan Delenda" was enclosed.
This plan (though not released), was the result of a good year and a half of work to come up with a comprehensive plan to attack al Qaeda worldwide. In the aftermath of 9/11, the administration followed the plan.

02-19-2008, 04:01 AM
It was about a week ago and sorry, I can't recall which committee it was that Wexler was on.

It's probably the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

I was just surprised that those comments didn't make bigger headlines.

high fly
02-19-2008, 10:16 PM
I was too.
I think I heard about it on the Alan Colmes radio show and maybe on the Nightside Project but that was about it.

I kind of had Scott in mind because he doesn't seem to believe the administration out-and-out lied before the war.

After #2 there was a string of other lies trying to cover up and Rice also kept insiting there were credible people thinking the aluminum tubes were not for artillery rockets, but could cite none when challenged.
Indeed, all she did was get huffy about her "integrity" everytime her falsehoods were exposed.....