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8 dead in likely drag-race crash [Archive] - Messageboard


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02-16-2008, 10:45 AM
We used to do this kind of stuff growing up. - Watch people race in DC on V Street.
This was bound to happen. Back in the 80's there would be 50 - 100 people hanging out on the side of the road just watching & enjoying some racing during nice summer nights.

Horrible story out of Maryland. But come on, do you really need to take the grandmother, wife AND children to watch illegal racing? Sad stuff.

The death toll is now at 8. ( just came out)

02-16-2008, 10:55 AM
Were they racing for pinks?

02-16-2008, 10:56 AM
Seriously! Three generations watching a fucking street car race at 3:40 in the morning!!! That makes it real hard to feel sympathy for anybody except for the kid, who probably just wanted to stay in bed. I hate people.

Drunky McBetidont
02-16-2008, 10:56 AM
We used to do this kind of stuff growing up. - Watch people race in DC on V Street.
This was bound to happen. Back in the 80's there would be 50 - 100 people hanging out on the side of the road just watching & enjoying some racing during nice summer nights.

Horrible story out of Maryland. But come on, do you really need to take the grandmother, wife AND children to watch illegal racing? Sad stuff.

The death toll is now at 8. ( just came out)

these illegal races are out of control. florida passed a law that bystanders at these races will be fined $500 for attending and may serve up to seven days in jail.

i blame grease

02-16-2008, 11:02 AM
"He liked going to the race track, watching races," Courtney said. "It's going to take a toll on my family for a long time."

Really? Maybe he should have gone to the race track then.

02-16-2008, 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Dumb family member of one of the dopes who died
"He liked going to the race track, watching races," Courtney said. "It's going to take a toll on my family for a long time."

Really? Maybe he should have gone to the race track then.

Which is a better place to hope to see a crash.

02-16-2008, 11:28 AM
The racing cars actually didn't cause the crash; it was a car that plowed into the crowd after the fact.

It also happened at 3am in the morning... jeez.

02-16-2008, 11:33 AM
The racing cars actually didn't cause the crash; it was a car that plowed into the crowd after the fact.

It also happened at 3am in the morning... jeez.

yeah, suppsoedly the smoke from the burning rubber may have hindered there view. so to that i would say " if you can't see where the fuck you're going hit the fucking brake ". if your vision is impaired enough where you cannot see a crowd of people ahead of you then you may want to slow it down just a tad...

and they say the driver hasn't been charged???? plus one of the people he hit wound up in his front seat

the guy who hit and killed these people had to be speeding and obviously driving wrecklessly

02-16-2008, 11:44 AM
yeah, suppsoedly the smoke from the burning rubber may have hindered there view. so to that i would say " if you can't see where the fuck you're going hit the fucking brake ". if your vision is impaired enough where you cannot see a crowd of people ahead of you then you may want to slow it down just a tad...

and they say the driver hasn't been charged???? plus one of the people he hit wound up in his front seat

the guy who hit and killed these people had to be speeding and obviously driving wrecklessly

Charges are probably pending until an investigation is complete. He may have mistook the white smoke for fog.

It was 3:40. Would you be expecting a crowd of people on a well-traversed road?

Just let it all work out Funk. People were ready to crucify Leyritz and it turned out the other woman in the accident was drunk too.

Edit 2x: A witness who was related to one of the dead said he didn't have his lights on, NOT THE POLICE. That being said, if the driver's tox screens come back negative then the argument of him not having his lights on doesn't hold a lot of water. They are probably doing this by the book until everything works out. No charges until they get tox screens back too.

But we'll see.

02-16-2008, 12:17 PM
street races are fun, at least once a year we're treated to stories like these but i wonder how often it really happens.

but i can admit when i've gone to em i've never been that person standing streetside....

02-16-2008, 12:41 PM
you know someone there had a video camera.
only a matter of time before the news gets hold of it.

crazy shit