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Sunday Bloody Sunday 12/2 [Archive] - Messageboard


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12-02-2001, 07:02 AM
Tournament for the belts week 1.
By now all the winners know they've won, so as you know you are responcable for your match. So get it up a.s.a.p. because once i put up the main event there is to be no more matches posted. If you dont post them i will simply post the winner of the match.
So post your matches in this thread!

RF Godfather
12-02-2001, 09:55 AM
{1st Round in RFW World Title Tournament}

JR: Let's get things started right for our second installment of Sunday, Bloody, Sunday for the Tournament to crown the champions of RFW!

PH: Ross, you know what time it is? It's time! *looks at watch* It's time for the Casket Match! You see that hugh casket at ringside?!?

JR: This is going to be a slobberknocker of biblical proportions, the Apocalypse vs. The Reaper... the end is near for one of these combatants in the tournament! These guys hate each other with every piece of their being. No pinfalls, no submissions... no countouts... the ref is no factor...

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match in the tournament is a casket match! *hugh pop* This match can only be won when you put your opponent in the casket and close it shut! *pause* Now... coming down the aisle...

[The lights in the arena go out as "Last Resort" by Papa Roach plays to a decent pop as Apocalypse appears staggering to ringside.]

<img src=><font color=red>THE APOCALYPSE</font><img src=>

JR: He doesn't look too good, Paul.

PH: No he doesm't.

RA: Standing at 6'11, 325 from Area 51, THE LEGACY's own Apocalypse!

[He confusedly looks at the crowd and raises his arm on the rampway as blue flames illuminate the entranceway. He stares at the coffin, gets up on the apron, steps over the top rope, looks into the crowd and points to a sign that says, "It's the Apocalypse for The Reaper!" At this point he rips the mic from the ring announcer and stares at the entranceway.]

AP: I told THE LEGACY I didn't need them now and that I can do this on my OWN! I've always been a loner and I want to prove that I am what I say I am... The Apocalypse for the RFW! I've been waiting for my chance... its your final resting place, come and get me big boy! *tosses mic to the announcer*

RA: His opponent standing at 7'5, 347 lbs from Parts Unknown....

[The lights in the arena turn into a deep purple hue as smoke envelops the rampway as creepy organ music plays and the lights automatically turn off. A shriek is heard in the background as an hour glass appear on the Whatley-Tron and the words... THE APOCALYPSE IS NOW... for you!" The crowd goes nuts. A voice is heard echoing in the darkness of the arena.]

<img src=>

TR: Apocalypse, your time is up... all the mindgame are through... welcome to your worst nightmare once thought as improbable but will soon become a reality... Bwa Ha Ha!

[AP slaps himself in the head and gets in a fighting stance staring at the entranceway. But as the lights sudenly turn back on TR is standing wih his hands crossed glaring at his rival.]

JR: Here we go Paul. RIng the bell! It's a stare down, Paul!

[AP and TR exchange rights and lefts but neither man is feeling it.]

PH: This is the biggest display of no selling since Hogan and Warrior!

[TR having enough of this throws AP to the corner and unleashes stiff stingying lefts and rights. AP not feeling the effect tosses TR to that very corner and goes for a clothesline from hell but TR gets out of the way and begins to unleash Flair chops to AP.]

<marquee>Wooooo! Wooooooo!</marquee>

[AP no sells again then he whips TR off the ropes and delivers a huge big boot to the face of TR but he doesn't go down he suns off the assault. AP off the ropes and delivers a flying forearm but nothing hes just standing there. AP tries one more but this time delivers a violent looking standing crescent kick laying out AP.]

JR: He's down Paul! That's the first time I have ever seen him off his feet, ever!

[AP goes to one of the turnbuckles and begins taunting TR celebrating facing away from his opponent. Out of nowhere, TR gets up a la UT, lands a huge hard double axehandle to his back, grabs him by his arms from the top rope

12-02-2001, 01:48 PM
JR: "That was great opening match we just saw. Excellent start to the Tournament For The Belts.

PH: "That's right, but coming up next, we have a no DQ triple threat tournament match. It's Max Silk vs. S.S. Byrd vs. Commissioner Bobby Washington. And JR, I think "The Blaze" may be making the biggest mistake of his life."

JR: "I think Bobby has a plan, Paul. I think he knows exactly what he is doing. ::Pause::
However, it could be both Washington and Byrd who have problems in this match. Max Silk has been ignored from the beginning. Starting with Byrd claiming he had a bye in the first round, and then it continued after "The Blaze" added himself to the match."

PH: "Washington and Byrd are so focused on each other, that I think Silk could steal this one if he plays his cards right."

::"Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" begins to play::

JR: "Speaking of Max Silk, here he comes."

::Silk makes his way down the ramp, accompanied by Sally Diamond::

JR: "Silk looks dead serious here tonight. He's not even playing to the crowd."

::Silk stands in the ring, glaring up the ramp::

<img src=>

<img src=>

Appears on the RFW-Tron

::The crowd erupts as Bobby "The Blaze" Washington makes his way through the entrance::

JR: "And here is the Commissioner of RFW. He looks to be in great shape. And Paul, that injured arm looks to be at 100 percent."

PH: "I'm not so sure, JR. That arm was severely injured only a few weeks ago. It may not be fully healed yet. We'll have to wait and see whether it becomes an issue in this match."

::Washington enters the ring, and Max Silk immediately gets into his face. The referee separates them by pushing Silk back into the opposite corner. Washington turns his back to stretch his legs on the ring ropes. At that point, Silk rushes him and hits a forearm to the back of the head."

JR: "The action is starting already, and Byrd hasn't even made his entrance yet."

::Washington is backed into the corner, where Silk continues to hit him with punches and kicks. He whips "The Blaze" into the ropes and follows with a clothesline. A second Irish whip sends Washington into the corner, but as Silk follows, Bobby moves and Silk eats turnbuckle. Washington begins to punish him with kicks and punches. Washington whips Silk off the ropes and hits a shoulder block. A body slam and elbow drop follow. Silk is picked up and tossed over the top rope by the hair.::

::Crowd is chanting "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby"::

PH: "I have to admit. He is looking good so far."

::Washington is standing in the ring, as Sally Diamond checks on Silk.::

::"Sad But True" echoes through the arena::

PH: "But here comes S.S. Byrd. Washington may want to step out of the ring."

::Byrd runs down the ramp and dives into the ring. He runs right for "The Blaze" and Washington meets him. They exchange rights and lefts, with neither man gaining an advantage. Washington takes Byrd down and continues throwing punch after punch. Silk steps back into the ring and pulls Washington off of Byrd. Silk whips "The Blaze" into the ropes, but he stops himself from bouncing back, and slides under the bottom rope. By this point, Byrd is up and catches Silk from behind with a release German suplex. Washington slides back into the ring. Byrd steps outside, and grabs a chair, while "The Blaze" drops a few elbows on Silk::

JR: "Wait a minute. Byrd has a chair."

PH: "Well, it is no DQ, JR."

::Silk is slowly getting up as Byrd yells something at Washington. "The Blaze" listens and nods. Washington picks Silk up and whips him toward Byrd, who almost takes his head off with a chair shot.::

JR: "I think that Bobby Washington and Byrd are teaming up to get rid of Max Silk. I can't believe what I am seeing."

PH: "Byrd is a genius. He is using Bobby Washington to get rid of the tougher competition. After he's gone, it will be Byrd and Washington one on one."

::Blood is pouring out of Silk's forehead, as he stumbles to his feet. He is

12-02-2001, 02:18 PM
Paul: It's time for the next match, JR!

JR: It sure is, and believe me folks, this one will be a slobberknocker! We have two men here, Zero and the O.I.C., who..well, Paul, they don't exactly get along!

Paul: Don't get along? JR, they HATE each other! I haven't seen such rage between two people since Lawler's last divorce proceeding!

JR: This one's been brewing for the last couple weeks. Now it's a first round match in the RFW World Title tournament!

::Zero's entrance plays, and he stalks to the ring wearing his usual attire. This time, he carries with him a kendo stick. With a scowl on his face, he steps into the ring, and takes the microphone from the ring announcer.::

Zero: I would just like to again express how ridiculous I find this match to be. A hardcore match? I'm a professional WRESTLER. I'm not some sort of..hack..who knows how to do nothing else in this ring but swing a weapon. This is a disgrace to my honor! After this match, you can be sure that I will speak with Commissioner -

::But Zero never finishes his sentence, as suddenly, from the crowd comes the O.I.C., who immediately attacks Zero from behind! The crowd cheers wildly as he slams Zero in the back of the head with a stiff forearm.::

JR: Thank God for the O.I.C.! I only wish he had done that before Zero got the microphone!

Paul: JR, you're supposed to be impartial.

JR: Well, look who's talking.

Paul: What are you talking about? I'm always impartial!

::O.I.C. continues to lay into Zero with a series of stiff punches and kicks. Before long, Zero is slumped to the mat, as O.I.C. puts the boots to him. While Zero attempts to catch his breath, O.I.C. leaves and begins rummaging under the ring..and when he stands up, in his hands are a trash can full of weapons!::

JR: Well, we knew it wouldn't take long! Already, O.I.C. has a whole cache of weapons!

Paul: And he can use them all, JR, because it's all legal!

::O.I.C. tossed the can into the ring, but Zero quickly recovered his kendo stick. As the Officer stepped foot back inside the squared circle, Zero began to cane him across his back. O.I.C. grimaces in pain, but moves closer to the can, and pulls out a two-by-four. Spinning around, he faced off against Zero. The two men stood staring at each other, uncertain, feeling each other out...With a cry, Zero attempts to cane O.I.C. in the head, but it's blocked by the two-by-four.::

Paul: We may have a duel here, JR!

::Zero continued to strike with the cane, but each swing was met with the board by O.I.C. Finally, the kendo stick broke against the harder wood of the 2x4. O.I.C. just smiled menacingly. He jabbed the but of the board into Zero's gut, doubling him over. Then, it was his turn to whack Zero across the back. The man-in-black cried out in pain as the wood cracked against his spine. O.I.C. tossed away the board, and moved to the can. He withdrew a road sign, and as Zero struggled upon his knees, O.I.C. smashed him on top of the head as hard as he could, driving him down into the mat. Zero rolled out under the bottom ropes.::

JR: Zero looks ready to run, Paul, and I don't blame him. O.I.C. is whipping him like a government mule!

Paul: What the hell does that mean anyway?

::O.I.C reached into the can, and pulled out something..and then he followed Zero, who was staggering around the outside, heading for the announcer's table. O.I.C. came up behind him..and slipped the object from the can around his neck, choking him with it!::

JR: What in the hell? Paul, O.I.C. is strangling Zero with an extension cord! He's choking the life out of him!

Paul: Quick! O.I.C.! Plug it in! Plug it in!

::Zero struggled frantically, his eyes bulging, but O.I.C. would not relinquish his grip upon the cord. Zero staggered forward towards the timekeeper's table.and kicked his leg back, low-blowing O.I.C. The military man let go of the cord immediately, and stumbled back a few steps - giving Zero time to grab the ring bell and drive it into the side of his head.:

12-02-2001, 07:38 PM
Coda VS Michael Fransico.

Coda wins and advances to round 2

12-02-2001, 07:40 PM
Santiago Sandiago VS The Alkinator

Santiago Sandiago wins and advances to round 2

12-02-2001, 10:43 PM
JR: "Well here we are Paul, the main event. Tonight's show has got to be the most brutal 3 hours of wrestling I've ever seen."

Paul: "Tonight's event make my days at ECW look like Hulk Holgans WWF run."

JR: "Well lets not waist anytime Erik Newberg is backstage with RFMark"

Erik: *In the hallway* "Mark please let me get a word..."

RFM: "What do you want fat man?"

Erik: "Everyone wants to know why you attacked Apocalypse?"

RFM: "All answers will be given Monday long have you worked for this business that you don't know that already!"

Erik: *feeling stupid* "riiight, well..."

*Marks music hits*

RFM: "That's my cue tubs."

<img src=><font color=red>The Prototype</font><img src=>

*Mark enters the arena with a huge pop and enters the 15' cage*

JR: "Well we all want to know what's going on with The Legacy but Mark has a big 15' cage match tonight with one of RFW's sickest human beings. I just hope he can stay focused tonight."

Paul: "Well there's no way he can be feeling right. His own faction took out his long time partner The Apocalypse! What is going through his head tonight! I think it will cost him the match."
Appear on the Fezzie Tron

[gunshots ring threw the crowd as the lights go down and back up in red with a huge explosion as Joey Fransico enters the arena]

Paul: "Joey looks pumped, he has the stare of a champion, he's intense and happens to be my pick to win this tournament!"

JR: "You sure about that?"

*Joey run to the ring and starts to climb into the cage*

JR: "What is he doing? Why doesn't he just use the door?"

*Mark sees and opening and lounges his body into the cage from where Joey is climbing knocking Joey back down to the floor.*

JR: "I would advise Mark to exit the ring...but this match didn't even start yet, both me haven't even entered the ring!"

Paul: "Well this is Joey's plan you have to understand."

JR: "Plan? Seems more like a mistake to me."

*RFM taughts Joey as he slowly gets back to his feet. Joey has a line of blood coming from his bottom lip. He wipes it off with his right hand, licks the blood off his hand and smiles at Mark.*

JR: "That was disgusting!"

*Joey slowly enters the cage threw the door this time and gets face to face with RFM in the center of the ring.*

Paul: "These 2 hate each other JR, this is going to be an amazing match up"

*Joey spray a mixture of spit and blood into marks eyes. Mark reels back with his hand to his face as Joey quickly brands Mark with a bunch of rights. With the momentum Joey whips Mark into the ropes on the bounce back Joey runs with Mark grabbing his hair and thrusting his face into the steel cage."

::Crowd moans with sympathy pains::

*Mark falls to the match and Joey gets on top of him and starts unloading left and rights to the back of his head and back. Joey stands up and raises his arms in the air."

::Crowd mix with cheers and boos::

*Mark tries to get to his feet before Joey returns to the beating but once he gets to his feet Joey grabs him and delivers a suplex. Joey gets back to his feet and picks Mark up by his hair. Mark slow to his feet like a bat out of hell he knocks Joey's hand off his head and delivers quick stinging rights to Joey's shocked jaw.*

::Crowd explodes::

*Joey blocks Marks 4th punch and answers with a huge right hook knocking Mark back to his knees*

::Crowd moans::

*Joey quickly snapmares Mark and applies a head lock.*

::Crowd boos, and chants boring::

*Mark fights his way to his feet but Joey quickly plants marks head into the mat by falling to his belly. Joey quickly gets up and climbs the ropes*

JR: "Why doesn't he just try to leave?"

Paul: "This is personal JR"

*Joey attempts a flying leg drop but Mark rolls out of the way.*

::Crowd cheers::

*Mark slow to his feet helps Joey to his feet by the h