Kathleen From The Bronx
01-23-2008, 09:52 PM
Dear Ron and Fez Shooow,
Hey, how bout that new Ringo Starr song guys?! I was loooovin it...... NOT!
I was just thinkin, have you heard anyone do that Wayne's World-ish, "Not!" in a while? You're right, the rational answer to that question is to scream with annoyance, "No! Why the hell would I?! Is it 1992??!" Yeah, seeing as we are a good month into 2008, you wouldn't think that gimmick would show up much......Sure you could do the sarcastic thing of, "Yes, in fact I hear it all the time....NOT!" but I'd laugh more if you screamed that other stuff at me. Oh, but the point is, I heard somebody say it... I guess back in the Fall.....This older woman in front of me on line in the grocery store was talking to the cashier and said something about the weather and then, "NOT!" and I thought, "Euuugh," to myself, and, "How fuckin corny!" and then I asked myself why I was such a mean and awful person, and couldn't I put my hipster snideness away for five seconds??? Ahhh well....... I just thought of that lil memory cause you guys were searching for some new slang... a fresh, new catchphrase.... You're right.... I'm not on the pulse anymore...Sad to say.
I still consider myself a slang expert but.... I guess I should adjust my slang expert title to include, "of antiquity." I've fallen off a lil on the modern-day jive, you see...... Lately my game has been to stick with the rare and old-timey... and act like that's what makes me very exciting and eccentric... That's what does it...besides snapping while walking and calling everybody, "baby." Chuckle, chuckle....Oh me and my idiosyncrasies! Sooo..... when I'm on line in the store and the cashier tells me my total is $76, and I yell, "Why, 76 semolians!?! Ay the prices these days!" maybe there is someone behind me thinking, "What the fuck?" or, "What in Tarnation!?!" ....if the person behind me on line is one who was into sounding like an ole prospector...from the West..... Who knows.......
All I knows is there was no way I was gonna beat The Radio Shark's, "Winehoused." That was me favorite. Oh, oh.... I also loved the idea of calling a lame, washed up phrase; something like Pauly Shore would say..... as pulling a Pauly Shore.... Dug all the derivations: "Great, Pauly..... Pauly wanna cracker...... cracker......ritz....." Yeah, that made me cackle too....
Anyway man, that Ringo Starr song was terrrrrrrible....Terribly funny! Pretty bad...and oh how I was cackling.... I laughed so hard when Ron said with a tone of despair, "OH Jesus! He's singing his diary..." Seriously. That's what it sounded like.... The diary of an eight year old.....I was thinking it sounded like a elementary school kid's homework from some, "Write a poem about yourself," assignment:
"In the U.S.A, when we played Shea.....
We were number 1, and it was fun..............
When I look back, it sure was cool...
For those 4 boys from Liverpool....."
By the way...... In the song Ringo states that he worked in a factory.....and he had a friend named Rory....which he pronounced, "Ror-ri." That just stinks of convenient rhyming to me! Are you really remembering Rory so fondly...such great memories... OR you were grasping to find a rhyme for factory? Answer me, Ringo Starr!!!!!
I dunno.... That's what I would wonder if I was Rory..... if this Rory even exists! Yeah......I'm just sayin I'd hate for my name to be used as an easy rhyme for, "spleen," or, "Off a cliff she did careen." No thanks...."Keep me out of your God-damned song!" I'd demand.....
Oh. Ahem..... Eh... It has just come to my attention by word of a Beatlemaniac that Rory does exist.... Rory of Rory Storme & The Hurricanes... that's who Ringo was prolly singing about.... Hmmm..... Whatever! I still assert that he only brought him up to rhyme...... OK....!?! I still think it was cheap.
All that being said, I think he was right to walk out on Gelman.... Who wants to deal with Gelman, dude? He does seem mad aggravationg..... but do I just think that from hearing Regis yell, "GELMAN!" and seeing his Gelman face? Hmmm.... I'll tell you one thing, I saw him on Iron Chef America one time when he was a judge, and he said for every dish that he liked, "I enjoyed the crunchiness." What the hell!?! He only likes crunchy things???Please.... I bellowed, "Ah shut up GELMAN!" and added, "For the love of God, what the hell do any of you people know!?! The only one with any sense is Jeffrey Steingarten!!!" So... That was one time I yelled at my T.V..... and Gelman.....
Today I laughed too when that one guy called up asking Dave to choose between Ringo's, "Liverpool 8," and Sir Paul's, "Mr. Bellamy".....Euuugh what kooky world have you created for us this time, Paul? Oy, what a couplea terrible songs!
It reminded me of my brother Patrick, right...... He has always done that thing where he'll try to make me choose between two things I despise......sometimes music related.... like.... "IF YOU HAAAD TO....would you go see Rush, or The Eagles??.......AND you have to go wearing a t-shirt all like you're a fan...."
...and then I have to be all like, "EWWWWW!!" and like try to weigh the possibilities while groaning with disgust. It's ridiculous... I mean, besides it being a preposterous situation- Who's making me go to these shows!?! What's the diabolical plan?- Besides that, I mean, I get calls like that all hours of the night from that one... Truthfully, most of the time I'm a goof... so his line of questioning will amuse.... amuse and aggravate. Sometimes though, when feelin cranky, I might feel like yellin, "Enough! I'm not gonna answer your stupid questions!!!!!!!!!" ....... but I don't do that..... cause I don't wanna have a breakdown on some reality show, one day... and weepily lament that I've always regretted not answering his question..... "The answer is RUSH!! The answer is Rush..............."
Wooo! Crow-barred reference to Extras, anybody??? Yeeesh...... Well the other habit my brother Patrick has is that he will always call me when somebody famous dies. The weird thing is that every now and again he will call to tell me that a celebrity has passed away, and he'll just be totally lying....to see if I'll fall for it I guess? Yeah... Lotsa tricks up his sleeve, that one. It was weird, I kinda expected to hear from him yesterday after learning of the sad news about Heath Ledger, but I didn't..... I was thinking that if Pat had been the one to call me up about Ledger first, that's one I would have thought was a trick.... I probably would not have believed it.
I kinda get what Fez was saying, being so sad... I mean, he definitely took it harder than I did... but...... I still felt all shocked and weirded out and the day felt suddenly pretty dark.... I don't know..... I felt like the same shook way when I heard that Benazir Bhutto got killed though.... That's an assassination man...... It's just weird shit, though things like that happen all the time whether we consciously realize it or not.... Hard to splain, but I think you know what I mean...... and I appreciated Ron's speech that was not unlike Siggy Marvin's from What About Bob. Of course that made me feel better... "There's no way out of it..... You're going to die.........I.....am going to die..... It's GOInG to happen.....What difference is it gonna make if it's tomorrow, or eighty years? A lot sooner in your case......." Oh wait, maybe that IS exactly Siggy's speech....Well, Ron's was like that.... and .. ehhhh.... well, you know what I mean eh?
Well you guys gave me a great thing to fear instead of death- Shirley Phelps Roper! Nah, I'm just kiddin... I wasn't skeert..... BUT would you believe that after hearing Ronnie B. say like three different times, "Don't worry Fez, we're gonna bring in a spiritual adviser to you," I STILL didn't see her a-comin! I was still surprised.... Ay, wise up, huh!?! Yeah........ Well, as I've said in the past... Shirl's always a treat.....
She was on cause the Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket Heath Ledger's funeral.... Yeah, they're class all the way...... You know, Ron asked Shirley a question that I'd been wondering about....whether heaven was only made up of members of her family, of their church...... She laughed and said, "No, of course not hon!" but noted that her family would be the only ones who would make it through The Pearly Gates, of this day and age..........
Now if that's the case...... and none of us have a chance..... why do they insist on preaching, protesting.... when even if we suddenly came to agree with their message, it would be too late..??? Only Phelps-Ropers go to Heaven...too late for us all..... Doesn't it then, all just seem like they're rubbing it in at this point!?!? They're rubbin it in! Dag yo, stop braggin Phelps-Ropers!
Ahhh fuck'em...... Remember that atheist called in and said that he loved hearing Shirley call in cause it shows that all religions are nuts........ Ron responded, "But she always comes through with a tune! ...More than I can say for the atheists!" True....true..... Leave it to the ingenuity of that Shirley to see that John Denver's,"Take Me Home, Country Roads," was not a fully tapped resource! I mean, so many have covered it.... and I really thought that when Toots and the Maytalls changed the song to reference West Jamaica that was groovy enough..... but Shirley substituted a word for, "fag," here or there... et voila! We gots another W.B.C. classic, am I right?!
I'll echo Ron's sentiments here...... "I'm startin to think they're a little homophobic!"
Hey, one time.... when I was about fifteen.... I was in this restaurant in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.... There we had a sighting of John Denver! It was really strange... See, cause he pretty much had irritated me my entire life..... from the early years, even.... like when I saw him on The Muppet Show.... that paigeboy hair 'do...... his granola-y ways....and how he acted in Oh God!. No, no. Well, so it was still like, "Oh shit, check it... How weird we'd see John Denver here!" Pretty weird indeed.... It was just this lil marina-bar type deal.... He was with a hot young chica, and though we were not tryin to stare... they were goin at it yo, makin out like teenagers..... I whispered to my brother, "Get a ROOOOM, John Denver!" and he was cackling....... Well he was a lil kid then, so.... I'm not tryin to act like I was all incredibly witty..... He just laughed pretty hard....... Anyway, just wanted to tell you about that time... since John Denver kinda came up....... It's weird that since I saw him that one time, I felt strange when he died too.... and felt a little guilty for my lifetime of mocking him....
Ohh.. anyway... I was actually still awake yesterday morning to find out the nominations for the Oscars.... Made me feel very involved, ya know? Yeah.... though the truth was I just couldn't sleep anyway and was all bugged out....possibly twitchin'.... Oh, you know when they were announcing the noms for best actress, unfortunately I had a strange flashback to that scene from For Your Consideration. The scene that I recalled was where Catherine O'Hara's character is waiting to hear her name, doesn't and then later becomes drunkenly enraged.... screaming about, "Why did they give it to the French girl!?!" Gahh... That fuckin movie... Odd that you guys brought it up today!
Both Ron and Dave said that they've not seen the film again after the initial disappointment they experienced upon viewing in the first. It's been on a lot lately- HBO... and I tells ya... I'll put in a moment here or there to see if my mind will change, if I'll find a saving grace about it...a saving grace that will make me kinda love it a little..and think, "Hey see, I DO like it... a little....after all!" Ya know I was sad not to dig it, after loving all the other Christopher Guest films so fockin much........ but nahh...Oh, focus...kafleeen! The reason I brought that up, that Catherine O'Hara scene, was cause I was reminded of it, not only due to the early morning imagining of Hollywood people waiting anxiously.... I also wondered if some actress had a similar freak-out to the character, Marilyn Hack....when hearing, "Marion Cotillard for La Vie en Rose"....instead of her name... and was muttering in disbelief, "The FRENCH GIRL???!?!"
Ahhh.... but I liked the French girl in that film.... playin Edith Piaf...... I liked that film.... I was thinking after I saw it, that especially for a biopic, I really enjoyed.... Then I was wondering if that was real of me....or..... if I was giving it extra points cause of the French vibe.... Perhaps I get a little swept away with French stuff. I think of those people eating good food all the time, wine and cigarettes.... humming, "La Vie en Rose," through the streets of cute lil neighborhoods... carrying baguettes...... Ahhhh...
Oh but, the biopic thing... there is a chance.... possibly, not sures....that the film DID just bring up everything cliche about Edith Piaf in true biopic form.... and maybe I just didn't notice it... cause I only knew so much about her.... and meanwhile everybody in France is groaning, "Sacre bleu! Oooh God....not THIS predictable shit again... More about Piaf?!" I kinda doubt it though..... I thought it was very good..........I theeenk.....
Maybe I'm just questioning......cause yesterday the subject came up again about do we really do what we want to do, or are we conditioned to make the choices that we choose....like we are programmed from birth through experience....?? Does free will exist?? Why do we like what we like....?
Could it be that I am just kinda drawn to French things cause when I was little I loved this little painting that hung outside my grandma's green bathroom that was a replica of The Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec...... I don't know why, but I remember starring at the picture a lot when I was mad young..... and feeling weirdly attached......
Hmmm, could be it..... OR.....the affinity for Frenchness could simply be based in the fact that my interests in traveling the world are food based....... With the exception of Ireland (cause when I go there I plan on it being like this almost religious experience....land of the ancestors.... etc. .. Yeah, you know how it goes...), the places I really want to go are based on how much I like the food... They conveniently they tend to be beautiful places as well..... convenience! Hmmm.... maybe I was just about the Edith Piaf film cause my aunt the librarian had a record of hers...... Eh, whadda I know...... I have a hunch that it's almost impossible to be absolutely uninfluenced and totally objective in life...... It's very The Post-Modern Movement of Anthropology of me...... Believe it!
Anywhooo....bout that category of Best Actress, I am a little torn...... I loved Julie Christie in Away From Her... I was happy she was nominated..... see, but I also really liked Laura Linney too.......and that lil Juno chic....... and Cate Blanchett.... though... lemme not front..... I was not willing to watch another film about any English Queen this time. That's one I missed... It's like... enough is enough already! Anyway....... I like all them broads....OK, I'll stop rambling movie talk now.......speaking of, "enough is enough!"
I guess that I should let yez go... even though I feel like complaining about The History Channel at length! Oy, as I type to you now, a replay of Life After People is on once again and I am reminded how slow that show dragged. It was like watching it all happen in real-time. Has it been five years!?! Nope..... I laughed when Ron B. said that,"The History Channel should be called The Hysteria Channel." Dude, true........ Every time I chance to peek, they remind me about the impending doom suggested by predictions in the Mayan Calendar. Yikes, yikes....Jeez! JUST when I had stopped worrying about that Mayan Calendar for 15 seconds........ I tell ya, was a time my friends......Was a time a girl could skip school, get baked, eat burritos, and still feel like she was a-learnin' while watchin cable T.V........ Those days are gone...... OK! I said I was goin.... I'll talk to yez soon...... Peace out homies.....
kathleen from the Bronx :):):)
Hey, how bout that new Ringo Starr song guys?! I was loooovin it...... NOT!
I was just thinkin, have you heard anyone do that Wayne's World-ish, "Not!" in a while? You're right, the rational answer to that question is to scream with annoyance, "No! Why the hell would I?! Is it 1992??!" Yeah, seeing as we are a good month into 2008, you wouldn't think that gimmick would show up much......Sure you could do the sarcastic thing of, "Yes, in fact I hear it all the time....NOT!" but I'd laugh more if you screamed that other stuff at me. Oh, but the point is, I heard somebody say it... I guess back in the Fall.....This older woman in front of me on line in the grocery store was talking to the cashier and said something about the weather and then, "NOT!" and I thought, "Euuugh," to myself, and, "How fuckin corny!" and then I asked myself why I was such a mean and awful person, and couldn't I put my hipster snideness away for five seconds??? Ahhh well....... I just thought of that lil memory cause you guys were searching for some new slang... a fresh, new catchphrase.... You're right.... I'm not on the pulse anymore...Sad to say.
I still consider myself a slang expert but.... I guess I should adjust my slang expert title to include, "of antiquity." I've fallen off a lil on the modern-day jive, you see...... Lately my game has been to stick with the rare and old-timey... and act like that's what makes me very exciting and eccentric... That's what does it...besides snapping while walking and calling everybody, "baby." Chuckle, chuckle....Oh me and my idiosyncrasies! Sooo..... when I'm on line in the store and the cashier tells me my total is $76, and I yell, "Why, 76 semolians!?! Ay the prices these days!" maybe there is someone behind me thinking, "What the fuck?" or, "What in Tarnation!?!" ....if the person behind me on line is one who was into sounding like an ole prospector...from the West..... Who knows.......
All I knows is there was no way I was gonna beat The Radio Shark's, "Winehoused." That was me favorite. Oh, oh.... I also loved the idea of calling a lame, washed up phrase; something like Pauly Shore would say..... as pulling a Pauly Shore.... Dug all the derivations: "Great, Pauly..... Pauly wanna cracker...... cracker......ritz....." Yeah, that made me cackle too....
Anyway man, that Ringo Starr song was terrrrrrrible....Terribly funny! Pretty bad...and oh how I was cackling.... I laughed so hard when Ron said with a tone of despair, "OH Jesus! He's singing his diary..." Seriously. That's what it sounded like.... The diary of an eight year old.....I was thinking it sounded like a elementary school kid's homework from some, "Write a poem about yourself," assignment:
"In the U.S.A, when we played Shea.....
We were number 1, and it was fun..............
When I look back, it sure was cool...
For those 4 boys from Liverpool....."
By the way...... In the song Ringo states that he worked in a factory.....and he had a friend named Rory....which he pronounced, "Ror-ri." That just stinks of convenient rhyming to me! Are you really remembering Rory so fondly...such great memories... OR you were grasping to find a rhyme for factory? Answer me, Ringo Starr!!!!!
I dunno.... That's what I would wonder if I was Rory..... if this Rory even exists! Yeah......I'm just sayin I'd hate for my name to be used as an easy rhyme for, "spleen," or, "Off a cliff she did careen." No thanks...."Keep me out of your God-damned song!" I'd demand.....
Oh. Ahem..... Eh... It has just come to my attention by word of a Beatlemaniac that Rory does exist.... Rory of Rory Storme & The Hurricanes... that's who Ringo was prolly singing about.... Hmmm..... Whatever! I still assert that he only brought him up to rhyme...... OK....!?! I still think it was cheap.
All that being said, I think he was right to walk out on Gelman.... Who wants to deal with Gelman, dude? He does seem mad aggravationg..... but do I just think that from hearing Regis yell, "GELMAN!" and seeing his Gelman face? Hmmm.... I'll tell you one thing, I saw him on Iron Chef America one time when he was a judge, and he said for every dish that he liked, "I enjoyed the crunchiness." What the hell!?! He only likes crunchy things???Please.... I bellowed, "Ah shut up GELMAN!" and added, "For the love of God, what the hell do any of you people know!?! The only one with any sense is Jeffrey Steingarten!!!" So... That was one time I yelled at my T.V..... and Gelman.....
Today I laughed too when that one guy called up asking Dave to choose between Ringo's, "Liverpool 8," and Sir Paul's, "Mr. Bellamy".....Euuugh what kooky world have you created for us this time, Paul? Oy, what a couplea terrible songs!
It reminded me of my brother Patrick, right...... He has always done that thing where he'll try to make me choose between two things I despise......sometimes music related.... like.... "IF YOU HAAAD TO....would you go see Rush, or The Eagles??.......AND you have to go wearing a t-shirt all like you're a fan...."
...and then I have to be all like, "EWWWWW!!" and like try to weigh the possibilities while groaning with disgust. It's ridiculous... I mean, besides it being a preposterous situation- Who's making me go to these shows!?! What's the diabolical plan?- Besides that, I mean, I get calls like that all hours of the night from that one... Truthfully, most of the time I'm a goof... so his line of questioning will amuse.... amuse and aggravate. Sometimes though, when feelin cranky, I might feel like yellin, "Enough! I'm not gonna answer your stupid questions!!!!!!!!!" ....... but I don't do that..... cause I don't wanna have a breakdown on some reality show, one day... and weepily lament that I've always regretted not answering his question..... "The answer is RUSH!! The answer is Rush..............."
Wooo! Crow-barred reference to Extras, anybody??? Yeeesh...... Well the other habit my brother Patrick has is that he will always call me when somebody famous dies. The weird thing is that every now and again he will call to tell me that a celebrity has passed away, and he'll just be totally lying....to see if I'll fall for it I guess? Yeah... Lotsa tricks up his sleeve, that one. It was weird, I kinda expected to hear from him yesterday after learning of the sad news about Heath Ledger, but I didn't..... I was thinking that if Pat had been the one to call me up about Ledger first, that's one I would have thought was a trick.... I probably would not have believed it.
I kinda get what Fez was saying, being so sad... I mean, he definitely took it harder than I did... but...... I still felt all shocked and weirded out and the day felt suddenly pretty dark.... I don't know..... I felt like the same shook way when I heard that Benazir Bhutto got killed though.... That's an assassination man...... It's just weird shit, though things like that happen all the time whether we consciously realize it or not.... Hard to splain, but I think you know what I mean...... and I appreciated Ron's speech that was not unlike Siggy Marvin's from What About Bob. Of course that made me feel better... "There's no way out of it..... You're going to die.........I.....am going to die..... It's GOInG to happen.....What difference is it gonna make if it's tomorrow, or eighty years? A lot sooner in your case......." Oh wait, maybe that IS exactly Siggy's speech....Well, Ron's was like that.... and .. ehhhh.... well, you know what I mean eh?
Well you guys gave me a great thing to fear instead of death- Shirley Phelps Roper! Nah, I'm just kiddin... I wasn't skeert..... BUT would you believe that after hearing Ronnie B. say like three different times, "Don't worry Fez, we're gonna bring in a spiritual adviser to you," I STILL didn't see her a-comin! I was still surprised.... Ay, wise up, huh!?! Yeah........ Well, as I've said in the past... Shirl's always a treat.....
She was on cause the Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket Heath Ledger's funeral.... Yeah, they're class all the way...... You know, Ron asked Shirley a question that I'd been wondering about....whether heaven was only made up of members of her family, of their church...... She laughed and said, "No, of course not hon!" but noted that her family would be the only ones who would make it through The Pearly Gates, of this day and age..........
Now if that's the case...... and none of us have a chance..... why do they insist on preaching, protesting.... when even if we suddenly came to agree with their message, it would be too late..??? Only Phelps-Ropers go to Heaven...too late for us all..... Doesn't it then, all just seem like they're rubbing it in at this point!?!? They're rubbin it in! Dag yo, stop braggin Phelps-Ropers!
Ahhh fuck'em...... Remember that atheist called in and said that he loved hearing Shirley call in cause it shows that all religions are nuts........ Ron responded, "But she always comes through with a tune! ...More than I can say for the atheists!" True....true..... Leave it to the ingenuity of that Shirley to see that John Denver's,"Take Me Home, Country Roads," was not a fully tapped resource! I mean, so many have covered it.... and I really thought that when Toots and the Maytalls changed the song to reference West Jamaica that was groovy enough..... but Shirley substituted a word for, "fag," here or there... et voila! We gots another W.B.C. classic, am I right?!
I'll echo Ron's sentiments here...... "I'm startin to think they're a little homophobic!"
Hey, one time.... when I was about fifteen.... I was in this restaurant in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.... There we had a sighting of John Denver! It was really strange... See, cause he pretty much had irritated me my entire life..... from the early years, even.... like when I saw him on The Muppet Show.... that paigeboy hair 'do...... his granola-y ways....and how he acted in Oh God!. No, no. Well, so it was still like, "Oh shit, check it... How weird we'd see John Denver here!" Pretty weird indeed.... It was just this lil marina-bar type deal.... He was with a hot young chica, and though we were not tryin to stare... they were goin at it yo, makin out like teenagers..... I whispered to my brother, "Get a ROOOOM, John Denver!" and he was cackling....... Well he was a lil kid then, so.... I'm not tryin to act like I was all incredibly witty..... He just laughed pretty hard....... Anyway, just wanted to tell you about that time... since John Denver kinda came up....... It's weird that since I saw him that one time, I felt strange when he died too.... and felt a little guilty for my lifetime of mocking him....
Ohh.. anyway... I was actually still awake yesterday morning to find out the nominations for the Oscars.... Made me feel very involved, ya know? Yeah.... though the truth was I just couldn't sleep anyway and was all bugged out....possibly twitchin'.... Oh, you know when they were announcing the noms for best actress, unfortunately I had a strange flashback to that scene from For Your Consideration. The scene that I recalled was where Catherine O'Hara's character is waiting to hear her name, doesn't and then later becomes drunkenly enraged.... screaming about, "Why did they give it to the French girl!?!" Gahh... That fuckin movie... Odd that you guys brought it up today!
Both Ron and Dave said that they've not seen the film again after the initial disappointment they experienced upon viewing in the first. It's been on a lot lately- HBO... and I tells ya... I'll put in a moment here or there to see if my mind will change, if I'll find a saving grace about it...a saving grace that will make me kinda love it a little..and think, "Hey see, I DO like it... a little....after all!" Ya know I was sad not to dig it, after loving all the other Christopher Guest films so fockin much........ but nahh...Oh, focus...kafleeen! The reason I brought that up, that Catherine O'Hara scene, was cause I was reminded of it, not only due to the early morning imagining of Hollywood people waiting anxiously.... I also wondered if some actress had a similar freak-out to the character, Marilyn Hack....when hearing, "Marion Cotillard for La Vie en Rose"....instead of her name... and was muttering in disbelief, "The FRENCH GIRL???!?!"
Ahhh.... but I liked the French girl in that film.... playin Edith Piaf...... I liked that film.... I was thinking after I saw it, that especially for a biopic, I really enjoyed.... Then I was wondering if that was real of me....or..... if I was giving it extra points cause of the French vibe.... Perhaps I get a little swept away with French stuff. I think of those people eating good food all the time, wine and cigarettes.... humming, "La Vie en Rose," through the streets of cute lil neighborhoods... carrying baguettes...... Ahhhh...
Oh but, the biopic thing... there is a chance.... possibly, not sures....that the film DID just bring up everything cliche about Edith Piaf in true biopic form.... and maybe I just didn't notice it... cause I only knew so much about her.... and meanwhile everybody in France is groaning, "Sacre bleu! Oooh God....not THIS predictable shit again... More about Piaf?!" I kinda doubt it though..... I thought it was very good..........I theeenk.....
Maybe I'm just questioning......cause yesterday the subject came up again about do we really do what we want to do, or are we conditioned to make the choices that we choose....like we are programmed from birth through experience....?? Does free will exist?? Why do we like what we like....?
Could it be that I am just kinda drawn to French things cause when I was little I loved this little painting that hung outside my grandma's green bathroom that was a replica of The Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec...... I don't know why, but I remember starring at the picture a lot when I was mad young..... and feeling weirdly attached......
Hmmm, could be it..... OR.....the affinity for Frenchness could simply be based in the fact that my interests in traveling the world are food based....... With the exception of Ireland (cause when I go there I plan on it being like this almost religious experience....land of the ancestors.... etc. .. Yeah, you know how it goes...), the places I really want to go are based on how much I like the food... They conveniently they tend to be beautiful places as well..... convenience! Hmmm.... maybe I was just about the Edith Piaf film cause my aunt the librarian had a record of hers...... Eh, whadda I know...... I have a hunch that it's almost impossible to be absolutely uninfluenced and totally objective in life...... It's very The Post-Modern Movement of Anthropology of me...... Believe it!
Anywhooo....bout that category of Best Actress, I am a little torn...... I loved Julie Christie in Away From Her... I was happy she was nominated..... see, but I also really liked Laura Linney too.......and that lil Juno chic....... and Cate Blanchett.... though... lemme not front..... I was not willing to watch another film about any English Queen this time. That's one I missed... It's like... enough is enough already! Anyway....... I like all them broads....OK, I'll stop rambling movie talk now.......speaking of, "enough is enough!"
I guess that I should let yez go... even though I feel like complaining about The History Channel at length! Oy, as I type to you now, a replay of Life After People is on once again and I am reminded how slow that show dragged. It was like watching it all happen in real-time. Has it been five years!?! Nope..... I laughed when Ron B. said that,"The History Channel should be called The Hysteria Channel." Dude, true........ Every time I chance to peek, they remind me about the impending doom suggested by predictions in the Mayan Calendar. Yikes, yikes....Jeez! JUST when I had stopped worrying about that Mayan Calendar for 15 seconds........ I tell ya, was a time my friends......Was a time a girl could skip school, get baked, eat burritos, and still feel like she was a-learnin' while watchin cable T.V........ Those days are gone...... OK! I said I was goin.... I'll talk to yez soon...... Peace out homies.....
kathleen from the Bronx :):):)