View Full Version : So Who's Had The Prostate Exam?
I've never had it, but since I'm at 'that age' I have an appointment next week for a complete physical and the dreaded finger up the butt.
My father and my mother's father both had prostate cancer (both successfully beat it) so there's a history on both sides of the family and I figure it's better to be safe than sorry. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little nervous.
Is it as horrifying an experience as I'm envisioning, or is it really no big deal?
Anyone who's gone through it and can make a serious reply is welcomed to answer, as are all the smartasses who'll make 'Gvac is old' and homophobic jokes too.
Marc with a c
01-16-2008, 07:30 PM
field trip
01-16-2008, 07:38 PM
47 years old so I have had the test every year since 40.
No big deal. No fun mind you but no big deal either.
PS Gvac is old
still hoping for a Gvac sigpic now that is see marc has one
01-16-2008, 07:41 PM
Sure wish I had insurance. I think I may try to get a big boy job some day.
01-16-2008, 07:53 PM
Sure wish I had insurance. I think I may try to get a big boy job some day.
big boy jobs aint all their cracked up to be
01-16-2008, 08:11 PM
Let's ask that Billy Staples guy! He seems like quite the crack-up on the matter!
01-16-2008, 08:11 PM
as are all the smartasses who'll make 'Gvac is old' and homophobic jokes too.Thanks.
I have been contimplating getting checked myself, even though I am a young fella. Better to be safe than sorry. There nothing gay about making sure your healthy.
It might be the initial shock/male ego saying "I am not taking anything up my ass," but once you realize, "But what happens if I do have the Big Casino and don't get it checked," you'll see why you made the choice to take one for the team (so to speak)
Besides, if the Doc does it right you'll leave a little less stressed *wink wink* Its like going to a massage parlor that insurance pays for.
01-17-2008, 01:59 AM
I've never had it, but since I'm at 'that age' I have an appointment next week for a complete physical and the dreaded finger up the butt.
My father and my mother's father both had prostate cancer (both successfully beat it) so there's a history on both sides of the family and I figure it's better to be safe than sorry. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little nervous.
Is it as horrifying an experience as I'm envisioning, or is it really no big deal?
Anyone who's gone through it and can make a serious reply is welcomed to answer, as are all the smartasses who'll make 'Gvac is old' and homophobic jokes too.
I have my appointment this March (it's how I plan to spend my 40th birthday). I talked to the doctor and he said he doesn't enjoy it either.
01-17-2008, 02:49 AM
Had it done last year at 35...
It's usually the last thing done at the physical. Helps avoid any awkward silence after the test.
Just make sure that you can only see one of his hands while he does the test.
If you hear any clapping or clipboard writing going on during that part of the, GVAC, run! can usually shorten this part of the exam if you look behind you and make eye contact while it is going on.
You'll envision your doctor as the guy on the right until the appointment is over:
I hope this helps you.
01-17-2008, 03:18 AM
Be sure to give the doctor flowers after he finishes or he may never call you again afterwards.
Cleophus James
01-17-2008, 03:22 AM
It isn't too bad, but it is not fun.
Actually funny part. Doctor actually said "Feel anything painful or strange."
01-17-2008, 03:54 AM
Yes, Mendy gets it every year. Make sure you get a PSA test evey year as well. Don't want that number to be creeping up
I've had it. Afterwards I realized that I'd rather have the cancer than another exam.
01-17-2008, 04:21 AM
"using the whole hand doc?"
- Fletch
01-17-2008, 05:56 AM
I'm 35 and I've had it a number of times since being getting cancer at the age of 25.
There's some pain, but if you relax, it's not as bad as people say. Plus, it's only a finger.
01-17-2008, 05:58 AM
I am only 27 and have had it numerous occasions. Mostly related to my stomach condition.
At least its only a finger and not a 4+ foot tube going up your butt.
01-17-2008, 06:22 AM
I got when I had a prostate infection. Its not bad. He lubes up first. if anything, if feels violating, rather than painful.
01-17-2008, 06:51 AM
It feels violating, rather than painful.
If I had a nickel for every time I heard that...
Marc with a c
01-17-2008, 07:35 AM
new poll choice for '08 FIMB
01-17-2008, 07:38 AM
It's just a finger, you sissies.
It's just a finger, you sissies.
Not everyone likes having things shoved into their assholes.
Marc with a c
01-17-2008, 07:44 AM
It's just a finger, you sissies.
mine was three. you're the sissy
01-17-2008, 07:45 AM
I had it done once. It was uncomfortable, but it was quick.
01-17-2008, 07:45 AM
had it done once so far
my doctor is an attractive female and i had no problem with it, she didn't check long enough in my opinion :wink:
not sure if true but I heard the blood test is sufficient for checking for cancer of the prostate
Marc with a c
01-17-2008, 07:55 AM
mikey's post ruined this thread for me. i was having some light hearted fun in here, then for some reason i started to get mental images of all you dildos with a doctors finger in their rear.
I am 47 and have had the test twice since I turned 40. The first time was by a female doctor and last year by a male. Neither time was an issue at all. In fact, the worst part of the whole thing was wiping my ass after from all of the lube they left behind.
Don't worry about it GVAC, if you have concerns, talk to your Dr about them before hand. It is important
01-17-2008, 10:58 AM
Gee, I'm 45 and get an annual physical but never had the prostate exam. Guess my doctor doesn't think I have a cute ass.
One question to those who have had one: Is it okay to ask for a reach-around ?
Gee, I'm 45 and get an annual physical but never had the prostate exam. Guess my doctor doesn't think I have a cute ass.
One question to those who have had one: Is it okay to ask for a reach-around ?
Sure, but expect to get great laughs from your Doctor.
01-17-2008, 01:13 PM
Not everyone likes having things shoved into their assholes.
Then that's everyone's problem.
"Lube? Where we're going, we don't need...lube."
01-17-2008, 02:13 PM
I'm only 24, but I had it done twice when I was having urinary problems a few years ago. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't a big deal either. It takes like three seconds. It's more embarrassing than it is painful. Guys who go without having it done out of some kind of masculine "I'm not having a finger up my ass" attitude are retards.
01-17-2008, 02:20 PM
I've never had it,
So why are you asking me? This is like death, you can only experience it all by yourself. We'll never tell you what it's like, or what to expect. It's one of the mysteries of life, so to speak.
It's really no big deal. I go to a urologist for mine, and all the associated tests, because it runs in my family also. You need to do this, G..
01-18-2008, 04:28 AM
Practice, practice, practice
(this shot actually ran on a canadian newspaper's website yesterday)
01-18-2008, 05:57 AM
obviously I've never had a prostate exam but I've given PLENTY of them...I only use a pinky so men are usually happy. Of course, it's not in an "office setting" and it's usually during a blow job but c'mon down to Bawlmore, Hon, I'll check it out for you! I promise that it'll be no big deal :tongue:
01-18-2008, 07:28 AM
I just walked out of a meeting with one of the local project managers here that informed me that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer yesterday afternoon. The diagnosis resulted from his annual exam. He's 41 and in relatively good health albeit the whole prostate cancer thing...
They caught it early, he begins treatment next tues and the recovery rate is like 98%.
The good far outweighs any bad posed by lube residue or the uncomfortable feeling of a finger up your ass...
Be a man-Get probed!
01-20-2008, 02:01 PM
Tempting offer Millie!
Its just cause I havent offered!!
01-23-2008, 12:32 PM
Well my appointment has been changed to noon this Friday. While you're all gathered around your radios listening to Ron and Fez think of me. I'll be getting probed and violated as my doctor boldly goes where no man has gone before.
Adios, anal virginity.
01-23-2008, 12:37 PM
Well my appointment has been changed to noon this Friday. While you're all gathered around your radios listening to Ron and Fez think of me. I'll be getting probed and violated as my doctor boldly goes where no man has gone before.
Adios, anal virginity.
Boss must be really small.
01-23-2008, 12:39 PM
Boss must be really small.
It didn't even touch the sides.
King Hippos Bandaid
01-23-2008, 12:40 PM
Boss must be really small.
It didn't even touch the sides.
:lol: but I heard Greggy Poo is the Pitcher, not the catcher
01-23-2008, 12:42 PM
While it is funny to joke about this thread I hate to be Dr Kill joy BUT That exam will save your life
Detailed Guide: Prostate Cancer
What Are the Key Statistics About Prostate Cancer?
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer, other than skin cancers, in American men. The American Cancer Society estimates that during 2007 about 218,890 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in the United States. About 1 man in 6 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, but only 1 man in 35 will die of it. More than 2 million men in the United States who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point are still alive today.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind only lung cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that 27,050 men in the United States will die of prostate cancer in 2007. Prostate cancer accounts for about 9% of cancer-related deaths in men.
More than 9 out of 10 prostate cancers are found in the local and regional stages (local means it is still confined to the prostate; regional means it has spread from the prostate to nearby areas, but not to distant sites, such as bone). When compared to men the same age and race who do not have cancer (called relative survival), the 5-year relative survival rate for these men is nearly 100%.
The 5-year relative survival rate for men whose prostate cancers have already spread to distant parts of the body at the time of diagnosis is about 32%.
Five-year survival rates refer to the percentage of men who live at least 5 years after their prostate cancer is first diagnosed. Keep in mind that many patients live much longer than 5 years after diagnosis. Relative survival rates compare the observed survival with that expected for people without prostate cancer. That means that relative survival refers only to deaths from prostate cancer. Because prostate cancer usually occurs in older men who often have other health problems, relative survival rates are generally used to produce a standard way of discussing prognosis (outlook).
To measure 10-year survival rates, we must have records of patients diagnosed more than 10 years ago. According to the most recent data, for all men with prostate cancer, the relative 10-year survival rate is 93% and the 15-year survival rate is 77%. Modern methods of detection and treatment mean that prostate cancers are now found earlier and treated more effectively. If you are diagnosed this year, your outlook is likely to be better than the numbers reported above.
01-23-2008, 12:47 PM
obviously I've never had a prostate exam but I've given PLENTY of them...I only use a pinky so men are usually happy. Of course, it's not in an "office setting" and it's usually during a blow job but c'mon down to Bawlmore, Hon, I'll check it out for you! I promise that it'll be no big deal :tongue:
That pinky must be discolored.
I'll be the first to admit it - I enjoy the pinky in the ass from time to time.
Every chick that I have pinkied or licked her ass has enjoyed it too.
Why did God put the candy store so close to the sewer?
Please shit on the doctor - it would be classic.
01-23-2008, 12:48 PM
i'm waiting for fmjeff to give us the definitive word.
01-23-2008, 12:51 PM
I'm actually hoping the doctor DOES find something wrong. I'd hate to think I got ass-raped for no good reason.
01-23-2008, 02:53 PM
At almost 50 I've had that bunches of times.It's not the highlight of yer day however it's something that's best to be looking back at(no that's NOT meant to be punny) With a history of cancer in my family it's not something I wanna mess with so I just man-up & think relaxing thoughts at the same time.You'll come through this better than you think,just knowing that you've addressed the issue.
Sincerely,buzz :thumbup:
01-23-2008, 05:06 PM
I'm a good 10 years away from having to worry about this test, I hear they are starting to do more and more blood tests for the Prostate (using the ol' finger poke as a secondary test). So here's to science...I'm counting on ya!
01-23-2008, 06:09 PM
I've been poked in the ass twice now! Plus, last week I had full blown colonoscopy. Prostate check is a breeze compared to a camera-hose up your ass. At least they give you some fun meds and you don't remember anything.
.... or DO you ??? I'll never tell
PS - The good news is that F4P is cancer free
01-23-2008, 07:11 PM
Once a year since 2004. I'm good 'til september.
No fun, but at least my doctor has small fingers. :smile:
Marc with a c
01-23-2008, 07:17 PM
who knew a simple prostate exam thread would bring fezpaul back.
01-25-2008, 08:46 AM
I've been sitting in the waiting room for 45 FUCKING MINUTES!!!!
The suspense is killing me.
01-25-2008, 08:50 AM
I've been sitting in the waiting room for 45 FUCKING MINUTES!!!!
The suspense is killing me.
With that kind of build up, there's no way it's going to be as good as you're hoping.
I've been sitting in the waiting room for 45 FUCKING MINUTES!!!!
The suspense is killing me.
Enjoy being able to sit -- while you still can.
01-25-2008, 08:52 AM
I've been sitting in the waiting room for 45 FUCKING MINUTES!!!!
The suspense is killing me.
So, you have an erection already?
01-25-2008, 08:54 AM
had my second one done yesterday. to prep I gave myself an enema, showered up nice, did a little pre-lube of my own, and sprayed some cologne on my lower back
this time she spent approx 10 seconds probing around instead of what seemed like 5 last time... my prostate is not enlarged
01-25-2008, 08:58 AM
had my second one done yesterday. to prep I gave myself an enema, showered up nice, did a little pre-lube of my own, and sprayed some cologne on my lower back
this time she spent approx 10 seconds probing around instead of what seemed like 5 last time... my prostate is not enlarged
You lucky bastard!
I want a prostate exam.
01-25-2008, 09:10 AM
One hour, ten minutes...and counting. I'm gonna knock this cocksucker's teeth out for making me wait like a jackass.
01-25-2008, 09:12 AM
One hour, ten minutes...and counting. I'm gonna knock this cocksucker's teeth out for making me wait like a jackass.
You should kick the door down, take off your pants, spread your cheeks, and yell "Fuck that shit. You deal with me now!"
Alkey style.
01-25-2008, 09:25 AM
who knew a simple prostate exam thread would bring fezpaul back.
Us assholes have to stick together. :smile:
01-25-2008, 09:26 AM
One hour, ten minutes...and counting. I'm gonna knock this cocksucker's teeth out for making me wait like a jackass.
Man up and bend over.
01-25-2008, 09:29 AM
90 minutes and I'm still in the waiting room.
I'm missing the show for nothing.
01-25-2008, 09:30 AM
90 minutes and I'm still in the waiting room.
I'm missing the show for nothing.
why arent you listening to the show through your phone? you should call in and give us an ass update.
01-25-2008, 09:32 AM
why arent you listening to the show through your phone? you should call in and give us an ass update.
I don't have the ear buds with me. Last time I'll make that mistake.
01-25-2008, 09:33 AM
I just had vision of a variation of the Princess Bride scene happening to Gvac during the exam:
Doctor: I'm sure you've discovered my deep and abiding interest in pain. Presently I'm writing the definitive work on the subject, so I want you to be totally honest with me on how this exam makes you feel. This being our first try, I'll use one finger. I could go up to a fist, but I really don't know what that would do to you. So, let's just start with what we have. What did this do to you? Tell me. And remember, this is for posterity so be honest. How do you feel?
Gvac: Awwwwwww!
90 minutes and I'm still in the waiting room.
I'm missing the show for nothing.
You got a show dedicated to you today! Well, your ass did.
01-25-2008, 09:38 AM
Might as well start jerking off in the waiting room
01-25-2008, 09:47 AM
GVAC is still online. His butthole is still safe.
01-25-2008, 09:49 AM
If he makes you wait five more minutes, just come over here and I'll do it myself. I'm nowhere near as gentle but I'm much cheaper.
01-25-2008, 09:53 AM
I've made it from the waiting room to one of the exam rooms. Still waiting for the doc.
My blood pressure is perfect, however. 120/80.
01-25-2008, 09:54 AM
I've made it from the waiting room to one of the exam rooms. Still waiting for the doc.
My blood pressure is perfect, however. 120/80.
are you in the gown?
01-25-2008, 09:55 AM
Ask the doctor to put on some mood music.
01-25-2008, 09:57 AM
Have you thought about fingering your ass for awhile to make sure you can better handle the doctor when it finally happens?
01-25-2008, 09:58 AM
Ask the doctor to put on some mood music.
the doctor is waiting for 3pm for "the music that Mikey likes"
01-25-2008, 09:59 AM
are you in the gown?
he took it off to show his awaiting hole.
01-25-2008, 10:05 AM
he took it off to show his awaiting hole.
For some reason, a very scary visual came to me after reading the above.
01-25-2008, 10:11 AM
For some reason, a very scary visual came to me after reading the above.
i had a bad visual as I was writing it but decided to post it anyway.
01-25-2008, 10:14 AM
Say what you want about this doc, but he's a master of the build up. The Tease. Is it wrong that my asshole is tinglining, just a little?
01-25-2008, 10:16 AM
I think Gvac is getting the business right now.
01-25-2008, 10:17 AM
I think Gvac is getting the business right now.
I think he is enjoying it.
01-25-2008, 10:17 AM
gvac is offline!!!!!!!!! im scared.
gvac is offline!!!!!!!!! im scared.
Don't worry. I'm sure he's getting plugged in elsewhere.
01-25-2008, 10:22 AM
gvac is offline!!!!!!!!! im scared.
maybe he is enjoying it a little bit too much and asked for more?
01-25-2008, 10:33 AM
Don't worry. I'm sure he's getting plugged in elsewhere.
01-25-2008, 10:45 AM
hopefully the doctor's not a sports fan
01-25-2008, 10:50 AM
hopefully the doctor's not a sports fan
Or this guy....
01-25-2008, 10:53 AM
Or this guy....
thanks I was already feeling nauseous today..
I've never been so devastated in my entire life. I went to the doctor yesterday for a physical and told the receptionist when I made the appointment that I wanted my prostate checked because there's a history of prostate cancer on both sides of my family and I've never had the test done before.
I waited 2 hours and when the exam was over my prostate remained untouched. I told the doctor that was the reason I had made the appointment in the first place. He then informed me he had to refer me to a lab for a blood and urine test, and then refer me to a urologist for the actual prostate exam.
So I basically wasted 2 and a half hours yesterday (and 30 bucks for the copay) for NOTHING.
At least I got to hold onto my anal virginity for a little while longer.
01-26-2008, 06:53 AM
There goes my boner...
Maybe next time.
Look on the bright side -- maybe you'll get another show dedication out of this.
01-26-2008, 07:54 AM
01-26-2008, 08:12 AM
He then informed me he had to refer me to a lab for a blood and urine test, and then refer me to a urologist for the actual prostate exam.
yeah, my doctor started going in that direction but I convinced her otherwise. it was her finger I wanted and it's her finger i got :smile:
and actually for a 2nd time she told me that on my last lab work they found some blood in my urine. the 1st time they found blood i went through a sonigram and catscan and it turned out to be nothing. so now i'm skeptical about going to the urologist and will wait a year till my next set of lab work results come back. my girlfriend and i have been fucking religiouisly twice a week for the past ten months so I'm hoping it's from that, my doc said it could be but she can't say for sure...
01-26-2008, 09:16 AM
My offer still stands!!! I have teeeeeeny tiny fingers - but for you I'd use :thumbup:
01-26-2008, 01:16 PM
yeah, my doctor started going in that direction but I convinced her otherwise. it was her finger I wanted and it's her finger i got :smile:
and actually for a 2nd time she told me that on my last lab work they found some blood in my urine. the 1st time they found blood i went through a sonigram and catscan and it turned out to be nothing. so now i'm skeptical about going to the urologist and will wait a year till my next set of lab work results come back. my girlfriend and i have been fucking religiouisly twice a week for the past ten months so I'm hoping it's from that, my doc said it could be but she can't say for sure...
Twice a week for 10 months has you pissing blood? Who are you, Dave? Careful there stud, next stop is a steal rod in your rod.
02-01-2008, 06:12 AM
gvac should put his differences aside and get the exam from dr steve on o&a.
"....and then I realized BOTH of his hands were on my shoulders!"
Whatever you do, don't go to this place for your exam.
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