View Full Version : Week of 1/14 Podcast
The Week of 1/14 podcast is now available through the RSS feed (iTunes for most) or the website:
listener feedback
trevor inspired musings on the relationship between pets and owners
movies (CT reviews The Business Of Being Born)
Jivin oversees a strange-ass love connection
how we really want it all to end
...and more
Interact with the show! Call the CT & Jivin Suicide Prevention Hotline at 718-312-8492 and leave us any feedback on topics we discussed, suggestions for future segments, or anything else!
01-14-2008, 02:42 AM
Phew I was getting worried about where this show was haha
01-14-2008, 11:42 AM
Great show boys.
You were talking about hottest nationalities. I believe that accents definately can add or subtract from a chick's hottness.
1. Black chicks with a french accent
2. Japanese chicks with an accent
3. Eastern European chicks with an accent
4. White chicks with a french accent
5. White chicks
6. Latin chicks with an accent
Last - Indian chicks with an Indian accent
01-14-2008, 12:49 PM
I gotta be honest, this new show might be a decider for me. I cant sit through more of this "we are the only people who know about music" talk.
Nevertheless, cant wait to check it out.
Dan 'Hampton
01-14-2008, 01:51 PM
At my wife's company party this year a puerto rican guy brought along a hispanic midget. She had a cute face but no doubt about it she was a shorty. I think that maybe instead of it just being a black guy thing is a "playa" thing. Apparently this dude has no problem advancing a married women, pregnant women, and anything else with a vag.
I agree that you rarely see a white guy with a midget anywhere but Jerry Springer.
** Last weeks show**
Come on guys the mars door was a joke. Along the same lines as the Mars face. And "garbage island" was a real disapointment when all the scientists could come up with for video was them scooping random garbage out of the water. I have to now go do some research on the McGuyver squirrels.
Love the show.
01-15-2008, 11:03 AM
Where is the link for the Phantom menace commenrary? I cant wait to check it out.
CT will you email it?
01-16-2008, 09:08 AM
. I cant sit through more of this "we are the only people who know about music" talk.
First you are the last fuckers on earth who should comment on anyone's content.... Your show blows and is full of nothing but ripped off material and shallow, pointless, poor quailty audio.
Second, I have never heard CT or Jivin force their music taste on the listeners. They bring up their love of music and the lack of quality new music but it ends there. What the fuck are you talking about?
Why not post this shit in your section, noone here or at the hideout listens to your shit.... It sucks, noone likes it, and spamming the popular podcast sites will not bring you new listeners. A quality show will.
Someone ban this fucking clown.
01-16-2008, 05:26 PM
I agree with Mark. They have actually talked about how wife their music tastes are. They both I think said they have the 80GB ipod, and they both have it full. They also said maybe 10% of it is the same content. So that to me means they have a wide range of music taste, so how is that forcing their stuff on people?
01-18-2008, 03:44 AM
I gotta be honest, this new show might be a decider for me. I cant sit through more of this "we are the only people who know about music" talk.
I'd actually like them to get into talking about music a little more... They talk about movies every show, and nobody complains. I wouldn't mind a segment where they recommend an album they're currently into, or discussed music the same way they do movies.
Brandon From Ohio.
01-18-2008, 01:47 PM
OK, the Alien War talk was brilliant.
01-18-2008, 03:57 PM
I'd actually like them to get into talking about music a little more... They talk about movies every show, and nobody complains. I wouldn't mind a segment where they recommend an album they're currently into, or discussed music the same way they do movies.
They are only allowed to talk about country music now :D
01-19-2008, 06:51 PM
I'm going to spend the month of february working on ct and jivin : the last stand...and the cover will be ct with a cigar and head band with his shotgun down the gullet of an insectoid alien and jivin covered in blood with his stupid fishing rod on his back jamming a knife into the top of the head of an alien. I loved that last part of the show and your utter insanity has inspired me and will keep my skills sharp when its done I'll hook up a site and send so u guys can read and enjoy. And the very end to your story is also known as a little diddy for xbox named mass effect
01-19-2008, 09:23 PM
OK, the Alien War talk was brilliant.
Agreed and I hope BlackFan does come up with something out of that madness.
01-20-2008, 03:20 AM
By the way that is a comic I'll be doing I just realized I was speaking very vaguely about what exactly I'll be doing.
01-20-2008, 09:37 AM
By the way that is a comic I'll be doing I just realized I was speaking very vaguely about what exactly I'll be doing.
this sounds god damn amazing.
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