View Full Version : Week of 12/24 Podcast
The Week of 12/24 podcast is now available through the RSS feed (iTunes for most) or the website:
listener feedback
sex talk
christmas complaints both general and specific
lack of critical thought
movies (CT reviews Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story)
call to action: topic of dicussion for next week (post, email, or call us!)
...and more
Interact with the show! Call the CT & Jivin Suicide Prevention Hotline at 718-312-8492 and leave us any feedback on topics we discussed, suggestions for future segments, or anything else!
12-23-2007, 04:11 AM
Its f***ing 8am on a sunday morning I haven't slept yet and I gotta be up for work at 3pm latest....I just wanna say before I even hear the podcast thanks for not being lazy schleps and using christmas as a means to not do work. Also thanks for giving me a solid listenable show for my mundane awful supermarket job.
Forever fan---correction forever BlackFan of jivin and "the"ct show
I downloaded this through my subscription fine, but for some reason its not showing up in the actual itunes store. I suppose I can do some investigation tonight, but from all appearances this is an itunes issue.
Don't know if this is actually impacting anyone, but I thought i'd mention it in case anyone goes into the itunes store and downloads it that way.
12-23-2007, 04:41 PM
Jivin......Batman doesn't put a fuckin humpty dumpty(the classic rapper)nose on and cheap eyeliner. He looks like a totally different person,to the other people in the comic atleast.its professional make up the shit of movies Jiv.
And the reason he goes all dark and gravely with the voice is beacause batman's entire deal is fear. He gets his enemies scared to fight him. That's half the battle. If u saw a 6'5" chizzled man in a bat suit stalking toward u even though u had a gun in your hand u'd shit yourself.
Jivin please read batman you have no clue what you're missing.
Those old batman movies wrecked my did street fighter the movie.......I hate hollywood......
12-24-2007, 06:39 AM
Great show boys. I'm an accountant in Calgary, where all the oil company head quarters are based. I don't work for them but I unlike the other Canadian who thinks that Fort McMurray is the 'Paris of the North' I read newspapers and understand long term consequences. I took some headlines from a national newspaper to back up my claims with facts, outlining the overheated economy at Fort McMurray and environmental damage caused by the oil sands. I found out that they even discriminate against blind women! Fucking animals.
A dozen people hurt in truck-bus collision
Katherine O'Neill
Print Edition 14/12/07 Page A15
A dozen people were injured, two of them critically, when a bus and a tanker truck crashed on Wednesday night south of Fort McMurray. The RCMP say road conditions were poor at the time.
Syncrude cuts output after fire
Print Edition 06/12/07 Page B10
A fire at Syncrude Canada Ltd.'s new coker unit has forced the company to cut production at the Fort McMurray, Alta., facility, creating yet another setback for the troubled plant.
Taxis refuse blind woman accompanied by guide dog
Print Edition 05/12/07 Page A13
The co-ordinator of an Alberta council representing the disabled says she was left with a sour taste in her mouth after being refused a ride by a line of taxis in Fort McMurray because she was accompanied by her guide dog.
Alberta's boomtown braces for more newcomers: census
On-line 04/12/07 12:29 PM
Fort McMurray among the top destinations as Canadians move from around the country to work in the booming oilsands
Hospital sees increase of aggressive patients
Print Edition 01/12/07 Page A17
A rise in the number of aggressive patients seeking treatment at the hospital in Fort McMurray has medical staff wondering if they need RCMP protection.Brian Dufresne, chief of emergency medicine, said in the past week four people were removed by security and one security guard was assaulted.
CNQ declares end to era of massive projects
Print Edition 28/11/07 Page B1
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. is slowing down its oil sands developments - declaring the era of ''megaprojects'' over for the company - as it hopes to tame the cost of labour in the overheated construction market around Fort McMurray, Alta.
Alberta housing market loses some steam
Print Edition 26/11/07 Page A8
Alberta's hot housing market is no longer on a roiling boil, but it can still be scalding for first-time buyers in a province that demands $400,000-plus for a mobile home in Fort McMurray.
Oil sands pollutes water?
David Ebner, November 8, 2007 at 10:55 AM EST
The water and fish around the village of Fort Chipewyan is not safe, according to a new study commissioned by the town’s health authority—and local groups want rapid and uncontrolled oil sands development halted.
Skyrocketing rents squeeze tenants
Print Edition 03/11/07 Page A11
Tenants in one of the largest apartment complexes in Alberta's oil sands city are facing a rent increase of as much as $1,150 a month.The owners of River Park Glen, known for many years in Fort McMurray as the Syncrude Towers, gave renters the notice on Halloween.
12-25-2007, 07:07 AM
just playing catch up and this weeks show was really good.
I was so happy you guys cheered the kids death...i always felt the same way
12-26-2007, 09:43 AM
just playing catch up and this weeks show was really good.
I was so happy you guys cheered the kids death...i always felt the same way
You just liked it because they mentioned you by name :tongue:
12-26-2007, 01:23 PM
You just liked it because they mentioned you by name :tongue:
haha well that was the best segment (right around the 25 minute mar for those of you who missed it).
However the part about the kid dying was the second best part.
Also I can't remember if it was this week or last that you guys talked about sweeny todd. I have heard from a lot of people it was really good and really bloody. I will be seeing it tomorrow so I hope its good :)
Dan 'Hampton
12-26-2007, 03:23 PM
2nd-rate entertainment loving fag
12-27-2007, 06:08 AM
So this Canuck sees Sasquach. Didn't they say there's rampant drug use up there? Duh!!!:thumbdown:
12-27-2007, 06:10 AM
haha well that was the best segment (right around the 25 minute mar for those of you who missed it).
However the part about the kid dying was the second best part.
Also I can't remember if it was this week or last that you guys talked about sweeny todd. I have heard from a lot of people it was really good and really bloody. I will be seeing it tomorrow so I hope its good :)
Last week. They were dodging it because it was a musical.
12-28-2007, 12:03 PM
Last week. They were dodging it because it was a musical.
I saw the movie last night, and I would recommend seeing it, even though it is a musical. It was a really great movie. Very very well done, and a large portion of the movie is not sung, so don't that it keep you away.
Plus it is EXTREMELY bloody, so if you don't like blood than too bad :)
12-28-2007, 12:30 PM
:wub: Dont look at my butthole!!
Dan 'Hampton
12-28-2007, 12:59 PM
That movie (from the clips) seems like "rhymy" singing. The worst of all.
12-28-2007, 01:10 PM
That movie (from the clips) seems like "rhymy" singing. The worst of all.
Actually its Sondheim which is some of the hardest music
12-29-2007, 08:22 AM
I HATE HATE HATE message boards. I'd rather be circumsized in Yankee stadium than have to be part of these. no offence to those who are into it, I'm just not a big fan. Now I read Debits little news stories. Now Debit you are probably a great person. nothing I'm saying here pertains to your personal life in any way. But you douche bags in Calgary are the cause for most of that shit. Your in accounting so I doubt you have anything to do with planning. But everyone in Calgary in those offices need to get up here more often. You guys build a lease for a fuckin rig and we can barely move the fuckin thing and you guys in your offices say "Oh its big enough" mean while peopel are getting hurt and fuckin killed in some cases because of such tight congested areas. your bringing up stories of the disabled woman not getting a ride cause her dog was with her. What does that have to do with anything? A lot of that stuff. You say how rent is $1100 well think about it bonehead. Most of these people make 6 if not 7 figures a year. THEY CAN AFFORD IT!!!! Your talking about that accident. Well Believe it or not, its a lot warmer in Calgary usually. And when its 40 below here and it just snowed a foot, yeah accidents are bound to happen. And its the idiot that passes you flying liek a bat out of hell who causes most of these accidents, not the hard working father of 3 who is using his head to get home to see his wife and kids. Debit you piss me off. I guess New york if full of a bunch of dicks and murderers and racists and thats all it is, nothing good is in new york cause theirs always murders there and peopel getting beat and shit. So yeah I guess new york is a shit hole. Stay in your fuckin office and shut your mouth until you get out in the field and see how much every single person out there hates you dicks who are making an immense amount of money to make all these safety rules and stupid shit. Why don't you tell them about how When we are moving a rig, we don't go over 5 km/h at all. if you hit somethign you wouldn;t even feel it, and we are in and out of the truck 400 times a day and you dicks in the offices said "hey, lets make it mandatory for them to wear their seat belts on the lease" How about you tell them How you guys are fighting with every other company on who takes care of these lease roads and how they are in shit shape and are the reason for a lot of people in the ditch. How about the politics that takes place? Nothing is common sense with you air heads, you look at the book and go "derrr it says I get a gold star" you fuckin idiots. Again your personal life you could be the best person in the world, but just like when Telus pisses me off I'll tell you the same thing I tell them, By workign for that company, your choosing to represent them. And you want to make it sound liek us in the field make it the way it is? Look how pissed I got when you said your in Calgary offices. And you wonder why we drink, and fuckin use the fuckin word FUCK SO FUCKIN MUCH! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK
I wanted to add more here. The things Debit says about how it affects the environment is true. On the cold lake air weapons range, the building of pipelines have had a problem with the migration of caribu and their is the problem of run off into rivers and such. and liek I said in the one email, when you roll into Fort Mac its a thick cloud of smog and the air is disgusting. only been there once and its not a nice place for what you pay, but like I said, you make enough money and if you don't, you can go to numerous places in the province and find more than affordable housing or rent. But I could pull up 15 news stories about any city and make someone believe thats how it is all over. its not. Debit your still a douche. Not personally but in the business sense :P
12-29-2007, 09:50 AM
I HATE HATE HATE message boards. I'd rather be circumsized in Yankee stadium than have to be part of these. no offence to those who are into it, I'm just not a big fan. Now I read Debits little news stories. Now Debit you are probably a great person. nothing I'm saying here pertains to your personal life in any way. But you douche bags in Calgary are the cause for most of that shit. Your in accounting so I doubt you have anything to do with planning. But everyone in Calgary in those offices need to get up here more often. You guys build a lease for a fuckin rig and we can barely move the fuckin thing and you guys in your offices say "Oh its big enough" mean while peopel are getting hurt and fuckin killed in some cases because of such tight congested areas. your bringing up stories of the disabled woman not getting a ride cause her dog was with her. What does that have to do with anything? A lot of that stuff. You say how rent is $1100 well think about it bonehead. Most of these people make 6 if not 7 figures a year. THEY CAN AFFORD IT!!!! Your talking about that accident. Well Believe it or not, its a lot warmer in Calgary usually. And when its 40 below here and it just snowed a foot, yeah accidents are bound to happen. And its the idiot that passes you flying liek a bat out of hell who causes most of these accidents, not the hard working father of 3 who is using his head to get home to see his wife and kids. Debit you piss me off. I guess New york if full of a bunch of dicks and murderers and racists and thats all it is, nothing good is in new york cause theirs always murders there and peopel getting beat and shit. So yeah I guess new york is a shit hole. Stay in your fuckin office and shut your mouth until you get out in the field and see how much every single person out there hates you dicks who are making an immense amount of money to make all these safety rules and stupid shit. Why don't you tell them about how When we are moving a rig, we don't go over 5 km/h at all. if you hit somethign you wouldn;t even feel it, and we are in and out of the truck 400 times a day and you dicks in the offices said "hey, lets make it mandatory for them to wear their seat belts on the lease" How about you tell them How you guys are fighting with every other company on who takes care of these lease roads and how they are in shit shape and are the reason for a lot of people in the ditch. How about the politics that takes place? Nothing is common sense with you air heads, you look at the book and go "derrr it says I get a gold star" you fuckin idiots. Again your personal life you could be the best person in the world, but just like when Telus pisses me off I'll tell you the same thing I tell them, By workign for that company, your choosing to represent them. And you want to make it sound liek us in the field make it the way it is? Look how pissed I got when you said your in Calgary offices. And you wonder why we drink, and fuckin use the fuckin word FUCK SO FUCKIN MUCH! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK
I wanted to add more here. The things Debit says about how it affects the environment is true. On the cold lake air weapons range, the building of pipelines have had a problem with the migration of caribu and their is the problem of run off into rivers and such. and liek I said in the one email, when you roll into Fort Mac its a thick cloud of smog and the air is disgusting. only been there once and its not a nice place for what you pay, but like I said, you make enough money and if you don't, you can go to numerous places in the province and find more than affordable housing or rent. But I could pull up 15 news stories about any city and make someone believe thats how it is all over. its not. Debit your still a douche. Not personally but in the business sense :P
Holy crap...can someone give the cliff notes???
01-07-2008, 10:53 AM
I HATE HATE HATE message boards. I'd rather be circumsized in Yankee stadium than have to be part of these. no offence to those who are into it, I'm just not a big fan. Now I read Debits little news stories. Now Debit you are probably a great person. nothing I'm saying here pertains to your personal life in any way. But you douche bags in Calgary are the cause for most of that shit. Your in accounting so I doubt you have anything to do with planning. But everyone in Calgary in those offices need to get up here more often. You guys build a lease for a fuckin rig and we can barely move the fuckin thing and you guys in your offices say "Oh its big enough" mean while peopel are getting hurt and fuckin killed in some cases because of such tight congested areas. your bringing up stories of the disabled woman not getting a ride cause her dog was with her. What does that have to do with anything? A lot of that stuff. You say how rent is $1100 well think about it bonehead. Most of these people make 6 if not 7 figures a year. THEY CAN AFFORD IT!!!! Your talking about that accident. Well Believe it or not, its a lot warmer in Calgary usually. And when its 40 below here and it just snowed a foot, yeah accidents are bound to happen. And its the idiot that passes you flying liek a bat out of hell who causes most of these accidents, not the hard working father of 3 who is using his head to get home to see his wife and kids. Debit you piss me off. I guess New york if full of a bunch of dicks and murderers and racists and thats all it is, nothing good is in new york cause theirs always murders there and peopel getting beat and shit. So yeah I guess new york is a shit hole. Stay in your fuckin office and shut your mouth until you get out in the field and see how much every single person out there hates you dicks who are making an immense amount of money to make all these safety rules and stupid shit. Why don't you tell them about how When we are moving a rig, we don't go over 5 km/h at all. if you hit somethign you wouldn;t even feel it, and we are in and out of the truck 400 times a day and you dicks in the offices said "hey, lets make it mandatory for them to wear their seat belts on the lease" How about you tell them How you guys are fighting with every other company on who takes care of these lease roads and how they are in shit shape and are the reason for a lot of people in the ditch. How about the politics that takes place? Nothing is common sense with you air heads, you look at the book and go "derrr it says I get a gold star" you fuckin idiots. Again your personal life you could be the best person in the world, but just like when Telus pisses me off I'll tell you the same thing I tell them, By workign for that company, your choosing to represent them. And you want to make it sound liek us in the field make it the way it is? Look how pissed I got when you said your in Calgary offices. And you wonder why we drink, and fuckin use the fuckin word FUCK SO FUCKIN MUCH! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK
I wanted to add more here. The things Debit says about how it affects the environment is true. On the cold lake air weapons range, the building of pipelines have had a problem with the migration of caribu and their is the problem of run off into rivers and such. and liek I said in the one email, when you roll into Fort Mac its a thick cloud of smog and the air is disgusting. only been there once and its not a nice place for what you pay, but like I said, you make enough money and if you don't, you can go to numerous places in the province and find more than affordable housing or rent. But I could pull up 15 news stories about any city and make someone believe thats how it is all over. its not. Debit your still a douche. Not personally but in the business sense :P
Trevor, a couple of things
1. Accounting is not for the weak, so let's get that out of the way
2. I was trying to educate CT and Jivin as to the oil sands in a humorous way. I am sure they know nothing about that and most Americans no nothing about the outside world unless they are invading that country. 75% of Americans couldn't locate Afganistan on a map or name the capital or name the leader of the country. I was in the States on business and I mentioned I was from Canada and some lady I was sitting beside asked if I knew Tim from Toronto. Stupid broad!
3. If you have a problem with safety call Worker's Compensation or I don't know, quit and work some place safer. Take resposibility for your own life. You sound like you are ready to go postal. If not at least invest your money so you aren't broke when you are to old to work there.
4. What have I got to do with the 'suits' in Calgary? Maybe if you tried in school you could be one of them and make a difference.
5. I agree that Telus (the phone company) are dicks.
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