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Best Malls in Jersey... [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Best Malls in Jersey...

11-29-2001, 01:46 PM
Here's my opinion of the best malls, feel free to add in yours...

NICEST mall overall - Short Hills

Best Mall for bargains and good shoppin - Jersey Gardens

Fun "Hang-Out" Mall - Menlo Park

Which do you like?


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The Belcher
11-29-2001, 01:52 PM
I would like directions.

If a bear shits in the woods and there's nobody there to hear it, does he wash his hands afterward?

11-29-2001, 01:53 PM
i like rockaway mall, because it is right by my house. Willowbrook mall has too many minorities.

11-29-2001, 01:58 PM
i just go to the nearest mall with the most stores

i hate the mall its all crap i i just need a music store a movie store and at least 3 game stores

why dont chicks where cloth that fit anymore really larg girls with tiny shirts makes me sick i cant take it and peopel are always looking at me or so i think

number 333 its the way to be

11-29-2001, 02:04 PM
Ok, we all know that the best overall mall is "The Mall at Short Hills" (They are too upscale to refer to it as simply the Short Hills Mall). It has all the stores one could imagine, and it is probably the biggest mall in Jersey. However, the mall I frequent the most and hold dear to my heart is the Willowbrook mall. Yes it is filled with minorities, but so what? It has all the stores I need, and I have been going there since the age of like 2. Willowbrook Mall will forever be my favorite mall in NJ.


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11-29-2001, 02:11 PM
when i am in nj for work i will drive out of my way to goto willowbrook just for the air hockey table


11-29-2001, 02:16 PM
im right near rockaway so i have to be loyal cause that was my teenage hang out.. but for BEST i like the one in paramus cause it have a carosel... bet still not the best.. i think menlo has them all beat.

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Special thanks to WWFallon for the sig pic

11-29-2001, 02:30 PM
Garden State Plaza is Paramus... hot girls up in that place
worked there for 2 years


deal wid da matter

french bread pizza
11-29-2001, 02:45 PM
i like woodbridge...

i like cherry hill mall as well, only cause it's the "upper class" mall that i grew up around i guess....


11-29-2001, 02:55 PM
I usually shop at Menlo, since I think it is the closest to my house, plus they have Abercrombie however I would have to say that my favorite would be Garden State Plaza up in North Jersey, it is so huge. But you can usually get the best bargains at Jersey Gardens in Elizabeth.

11-29-2001, 03:51 PM
i live in rockaway borough so im 3 minutes away from the rockaway mall and yeah willowbrook is the mall for the minorities and short hills is the rich people mall how i love my middle class rockaway mall

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Alice S. Fuzzybutt
11-29-2001, 04:54 PM
Nicest Mall: Short Hills

Biggest Mall where You Are
Most Likely to Have a Panic
Attack: Jersey Gardens

Most Ghetto: Newport Mall (I
can say that, I have to walk
through it everyday to get to
the PATH)

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11-29-2001, 05:04 PM
Newport mall is the ghetoest mall of em all... me and my friends call it da hoodie mall


deal wid da matter

Alice S. Fuzzybutt
11-29-2001, 05:10 PM
me and my friends call
it da hoodie mall

Actually, you want to know
what mall is even worse? The
"Mall" on Rt. 440. I think I
got fleas there once.

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11-29-2001, 05:20 PM
I gotta go with Garden State Plaza especially since I was close to being a Mallrat when I was younger there. Riverside Square Mall is up there also for being the most snooty along with Short Hills.

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11-29-2001, 06:06 PM
Freehold. Cause it was designed after the Danbury Fair Mall and I used to go to the Danbury Fair every year before it was a Mall.

But, enough about me.

Freehold is tops, but I miss Seaview Square.

Menlo Park is ok too.
Check out my <font color=red>New</font> Column ("King of Pop My Ass") on

11-29-2001, 07:07 PM
Garden State Plaza for sure.

15-20 years ago I was
definitely a regular at the
Riverside Square Mall, but
ever since Bamburgers became
Macys, the Alexanders closed
and they dug out that lower
level in the Garden State
Plaza (never mind adding the
Lord and Taylors wing) I've
been going there. I'm glad
they finally added all the
on/off ramps from rte 4/17.

Riverside used to have a great
ice cream shop right near the
Sharper Image that had the
best banana ice cream and tuna
fish pita sandwiches. I real

11-29-2001, 07:14 PM
Now Riverside Square has the Cheesecake Factory which is about the only reason why I would go there really.

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french bread pizza
11-29-2001, 07:20 PM
Mmm..cheesecake factory

now i'm starving

the most ghetto mall i've ever been too, don't even get mall names

burlington center

brunswick square


11-29-2001, 07:34 PM
I like woodbridge, myself. I've ever seen Warhammer played in any other mall, pluss it's pretty middle of the road, not too stuck up, or too low class. There're a lot of "techie" stores, too! :-)

I take hearts,
I take souls,
I take milk and 3 sugars

11-29-2001, 07:52 PM
Dan - I completely forgot about Freehold - very nice mall, good combination of stores and eye candy. Carousel is a nice touch, but WTF are you coming all the way down from Freehold to shop?

Then again, the same thing could be said about me going to Short Hills or Jersey Gardens.

French Bread Pizza - watch your mouth with Brunswick Square, young lady. Posters on this board grew up in that fine mall, and even worked in several of the establishments there.

It's the reason why I have "Robin Hood, Prince of Theives" and "Point Break" memorized... remember the days when theatres only had TWO screens?

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11-29-2001, 08:06 PM
I do like Freehold Raceway Mall, but isn't Jersey just one big ugly strip mall altogether?

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11-29-2001, 08:07 PM
Willowbrook mall has too many minorities.

What's wrong with us..white people are so scared of..nah too easy. :)

I frequentend willowbrook during my years in NJ.

Roosevelt Field on LI blows every mall in NJ out of the water. Even Short Hills!

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french bread pizza
11-29-2001, 09:46 PM
hey i ain't knocking them...just saying they are ghetto..THEY ARE GHETTO..

the burlington center (south jersey where i was born and raised) is sooo ghetto, but it's the first place i go when i'm home..hehe


Godzilla of NJ
11-29-2001, 10:20 PM
Newport Center. It's the mall i've frequented the most, and stolen the most merchandise (with a lil help from my frineds, of course). But those days are long behind me. Willowbrook, Mill Creek, and Clifton Commons ain't to shabby either.

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Big Jim
11-29-2001, 10:41 PM
Growing up in Wall TWP, I had 4 malls to choose from::Ocean County, Seaview Square, Monmouth, and Freehold. I definately have to go with Freehold as being the nicest. They have ABERCROMBIE there woohoo. Does anyone else remember Seaview Square in Asbury Park. It was the most ghetto thing up until its death 3 years ago, but I liked it cuz I got my hair cut cheap there, and you could smoke inside.

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11-30-2001, 09:20 AM
mill creek..... that mall was cool.... maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad long ago

Freehold is a preety dope mall but it is not no Garden State Plaze.... int got the mami's taht they have in there. the stores are phat as hell and well dammit I still lknow people that work there and can hook me up with discounts. wich reminds me I need to go shoping


deal wid da matter

11-30-2001, 10:22 AM
I dont like malls, too many people. But little ol'Paramus Park holds a special place in my heart. They have this little sitting area with some kind of giant bird - a turkey i think- & back in the day you were alowed to smoke there. Well as security used to be lax there a friend & i decided to have a "smoke" there, but it wasnt exactly Kosher stuff we was inhaling, cough cough.
ahhh, the good ol'days.

11-30-2001, 10:35 AM
gs plaza in the hizouse

11-30-2001, 11:26 AM
PAramus Park? What a dump!! I
mean it's a god damned SEARS
mall for chrissake. But they
DO have a carousel.

You wan a real ghetto mall?
That one on Rte 4, across the
highway from Kids R Us (is
that still there?) and across
the street from shoprite, the
STERNS mall.. that is TOTAL
ghetto... they had those red
and orange tiled silver globe
fountains... but there is a
gap outlet there. I got my
ears pierced in that mall
(first holes. the subsequent
16 ear piercings I did

Anyone who isn't saying that
the GS Plaza is the best mall
out there obviously has not
been there recently!

11-30-2001, 11:30 AM
i guess me and big jim are the only southern jersey folks around here, all you kids and your fancy north jersey malls...BAH!

Freehold mall does have just about everything, but like my namesake "THE" mall for me is Monmouth (Eatentown) Mall, it's the closest to me and has everything i need, space to walk in.

i go to the mall once a week (atleast) and i hardly ever buy anything (except at the food court ofcourse)

too bad this topic is best malls in jersey, cause THE best mall is this mall in Canada my friend went to once, it stays open till Midnight!!!! :-D

--Insert sig pic here--
All hail the mighty K-car!

11-30-2001, 11:33 AM
ok this may be too west for you all but the worst mall in my area is hackettstown.. its a fucking Kmart mall for christ sakes.. but thats a real white trash neighborhood, so its suiting.. but god it sucks.. theyve had the same spam security officer for decades and we all call him spooky tooth.. we arent even sure if he can still see.. but thats the mall for ya

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Special thanks to WWFallon for the sig pic

11-30-2001, 11:34 AM
PAramus Park? What a dump!! I
mean it's a god damned SEARS
mall for chrissake. But they
DO have a carousel.

I didnt say it was the best, but that it held a "special" place in my heart for the reason i listed. Also its quite & there aint alot of fools running through there. Also Garden state Plaza has a carousel too. just wanted to clear up my last post, stay safe.
yeah & that Mall on Rt. 4 is like some old 70's style, its called the Bergen Mall.

This message was edited by Cheebahawk on 11-30-01 @ 3:54 PM

11-30-2001, 11:45 AM
Does anyone else remember Seaview Square in Asbury ParkI practically grew up there!!!!

The best part was the Mural by the "Care on the Square" with the two little kids buttfucking.

Now they are building a Target on the site...
Check out my <font color=red>New</font> Column ("King of Pop My Ass") on

11-30-2001, 12:35 PM
I grew up at the Seaview mall too...I once got thrown out of the movies there in 8th grade for drinking a bottle of Jack and puking all over the theatre...Monmouth mall is the place to be nowadays

11-30-2001, 12:57 PM
1. Nicest -Riverside square
Yes it's nicer than the mall at short hills
2.Worst two malls rockaway and willobrook they are full of teenie boppers i couldn't see anyone still likeing it after they get older than 17 unless they like 14 year old girls.
3.great malls Garden state plaza that is the nice part and paramus park

I am the walrus koo koo ka choo
"Remember Iris Loves you"