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Woman claims she was raped by Halliburton employees in Iraq. [Archive] - Messageboard


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12-10-2007, 04:51 PM
And she's a fellow American (

ABC News has the story, on 20/20.

Finally, Jones says, she convinced a sympathetic guard to loan her a cell phone so she could call her father in Texas.

"I said, 'Dad, I've been raped. I don't know what to do. I'm in this container, and I'm not able to leave,'" she said. Her father called their congressman, Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas.

"We contacted the State Department first," Poe told, "and told them of the urgency of rescuing an American citizen" -- from her American employer.

Poe says his office contacted the State Department, which quickly dispatched agents from the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad to Jones' camp, where they rescued her from the container

The congressman and the State Department seem to back up her story.

12-10-2007, 05:04 PM
well, better than being beheaded by muslims....

I am always skeptical in cases of rape, was she actually drugged? Or were they partying and having a good time till the next morning?


12-10-2007, 05:08 PM
well, better than being beheaded by muslims....

I am always skeptical in cases of rape, was she actually drugged? Or were they partying and having a good time till the next morning?


You have got to be a board character.

12-10-2007, 05:09 PM
rape is horrible no matter where it happens... if they're guilty cut their dicks off

12-10-2007, 05:20 PM
I am always skeptical in cases of rape....

So am I, but it seems that there is a congressman and the State Department involved. And according to the story, the State Department sent security to the site to get her out of the container she was being held in.

12-10-2007, 05:35 PM
So am I, but it seems that there is a congressman and the State Department involved. And according to the story, the State Department sent security to the site to get her out of the container she was being held in.

congressmen, community leaders, and the public were involved in duke, we saw how that turned out.

I am simply saying, we need to wait it out.

This is seemingly "Date-rape", atleast by the story.

And my statement about being skeptical about rape refers to accusations of rape by know persons, not a guy raping a jogger.

12-10-2007, 05:36 PM
So am I, but it seems that there is a congressman and the State Department involved. And according to the story, the State Department sent security to the site to get her out of the container she was being held in.

I'm with you on this one. Part of her story, being held under guard in a container, is confirmed by the Embassy staff. And a doctor confirms the rape.

The government better handle this quickly and decisively, preferably over there. This has been on Drudge for a couple of days and his site gets millions of hits; it's not going to go away quietly.

12-10-2007, 05:41 PM
congressmen, community leaders, and the public were involved in duke, we saw how that turned out.

I am simply saying, we need to wait it out.

This is seemingly "Date-rape", atleast by the story.

And my statement about being skeptical about rape refers to accusations of rape by know persons, not a guy raping a jogger.

I'm with you on this one. Part of her story, being held under guard in a container, is confirmed by the Embassy staff. And a doctor confirms the rape.

The government better handle this quickly and decisively, preferably over there. This has been on Drudge for a couple of days and his site gets millions of hits; it's not going to go away quietly.

I agree with both of those posts. We need a wait and see attitude especially because of the ramifications of a guilty verdict of rape, but the government had better not sweep this under the table and get an investigation done toot-sweet.

12-10-2007, 05:43 PM
Earthbound needs to have his tiny dick cut off for such a comment.

12-10-2007, 05:59 PM
well, better than being beheaded by muslims....

I am always skeptical in cases of rape, was she actually drugged? Or were they partying and having a good time till the next morning?


The U.S. Embassy had to send people to free her from a storage container where she was being held against her will by armed guard. Hopefully Mojo's right about the board character thing. Sometimes your "conservative views" look an awful lot like extreme exaggerations of conservative stereotypes through the blurry eyes of stoned hippies.

12-10-2007, 06:17 PM
Earthbound needs to have his tiny dick cut off for such a comment.

Post one, and this is where you go? I expect at least a "waka waka" or an :innocent: or maybe a :tongue: if you are kidding around. We need more specificity of your posting intentions while we get to know you.

12-10-2007, 06:33 PM
Earthbound needs to have his tiny dick cut off for such a comment.

for what?

Wanting to know the truth, or inserting a joke about a beheading?


12-10-2007, 06:35 PM
for what?

Wanting to know the truth, or inserting a joke about a beheading?

She was being held against her will by an armed guard. Why the fuck would she make up a fake rape?

12-10-2007, 06:41 PM
Legal experts say Jones' alleged assailants will likely never face a judge and jury, due to an enormous loophole that has effectively left contractors in Iraq beyond the reach of United States law.

here's a little US law fer ya

fuck Halliburton

12-10-2007, 07:42 PM
Earthbound needs to have his tiny dick cut off for such a comment.

OK, this is your only warning...this kind of response is unacceptable on this board.

12-10-2007, 07:43 PM
accusations of rape by know persons

I keep reading this, but I have no idea what it means.

12-10-2007, 07:47 PM
Didn't Halliburton rape the the american public, why should we be concerned about just this one?

12-10-2007, 07:47 PM
I keep reading this, but I have no idea what it means.
You know.... KNOW PEOPLE

12-10-2007, 07:48 PM
Didn't Halliburton rape the the american public, why should we be concerned about just this one?

whatever the circumstances you know there is a dick and bush involved

12-10-2007, 07:49 PM
whatever the circumstances you know there is a dick and bush involved

and a buncha assholes

12-10-2007, 07:50 PM
well, better than being beheaded by muslims....

I am always skeptical in cases of rape, was she actually drugged? Or were they partying and having a good time till the next morning?


Is it? I seriously have no time for people with skepticism about rape in the face of evidence. For the record in the article:

Jones told that an examination by Army doctors showed she had been raped "both vaginally and anally," but that the rape kit disappeared after it was handed over to KBR security officers

That is not that act of a man or men. That is the act of a gutless fucker(s).

I'm seriously done with you and this thread for now, otherwise I'll earn myself a vacation.

12-10-2007, 07:55 PM
Jones told that an examination by Army doctors showed she had been raped "both vaginally and anally," but that the rape kit disappeared after it was handed over to KBR security officers

Rape kit, I think I saw one of those on ebay, chloroform and rag. They tried to charge me 30 bucks shipping, for what? 30 bucks for shipping less than 1 pound? gimme a break, bad EBAYER FFF-----

12-11-2007, 02:22 AM

Rape kit, I think I saw one of those on ebay, chloroform and rag. They tried to charge me 30 bucks shipping, for what? 30 bucks for shipping less than 1 pound? gimme a break, bad EBAYER FFF-----

thats why I just made my own, some heavy zipties, a burlap sac, and some bleach in a sport bottle.


12-11-2007, 05:07 AM
for what?

Wanting to know the truth, or inserting a joke about a beheading?


Question: What does that that You Tube clip have to do with a citizen of the United States getting raped?

Answer: Nothing. You are trying to justify being an asshole with a non-sequitor.

12-11-2007, 05:17 AM
well, better than being beheaded by muslims....

I am always skeptical in cases of rape, was she actually drugged? Or were they partying and having a good time till the next morning?


whats the "K" mean?

12-11-2007, 07:11 AM
whats the "K" mean?

Know People.

12-11-2007, 07:38 AM
I'm gonna make up a stat, but i would say that 99% of all rapes are true. Lets not let the Duke case create an precendent and believe that rapes are false.

12-11-2007, 08:33 PM
whats the "K" mean?

K or Que...?

12-15-2007, 01:14 PM
I ran across a story on digg about this case. From the article ( he claim is that she was drugged with a special drink and came back to after the rape. The killer quote from this story:

After a US Army medic confirmed that she had been raped by multiple men, Jones says she was placed under armed guard in a metal shipping container -- outfitted with a bed and a sink -- and told to keep quiet about the rape or lose her job.

It's unbelieveable to me that the government allows Haliburton to work in this type of a lawless manner. Actually it's a fucking disgrace.

12-15-2007, 01:53 PM
It's unbelieveable to me that the government allows Haliburton to work in this type of a lawless manner. Actually it's a fucking disgrace.

Forget Haliburton or any subsidiary they say they're not involved with anymore.

These men (I believe they were described as firemen in another article) need to be held accountable for their actions. Period.

12-15-2007, 06:50 PM
Forget Haliburton or any subsidiary they say they're not involved with anymore.

These men (I believe they were described as firemen in another article) need to be held accountable for their actions. Period.

Why would you say "forget Haliburton" when there's allegations that her superiors at the company threatened to fire her, locked her in a shipping container and concealed the rape kit with the medical evidence that she was raped?

12-15-2007, 07:05 PM
Why would you say "forget Haliburton" when there's allegations that her superiors at the company threatened to fire her, locked her in a shipping container and concealed the rape kit with the medical evidence that she was raped?

Because I'm tired of people hiding behind corporations. Individuals need to be held accountable, including those involved in the cover-up. Fining a multi-billion dollar, multi-national corporation does nothing.

12-15-2007, 08:23 PM
Fining a multi-billion dollar, multi-national corporation does nothing.

Depends on how high the fine is. Make it big enough, and those who were involved in a "look the other way" fashion will pay for it, and if it goes high enough, the stockholders will vote to fire the CEO and the board.

12-15-2007, 08:56 PM
Because I'm tired of people hiding behind corporations. Individuals need to be held accountable, including those involved in the cover-up. Fining a multi-billion dollar, multi-national corporation does nothing.

Well I agree with you that laws enable individuals to hide behind corporations to elude accountability for their actions. However, I think the only way to prevent that is to hold both accountable because of the many different strategies that can get people and companies off the hook:

An individual can escape prosecution by claiming he was acting on orders from the company.

A company can escape prosecution by claiming the individual was not acting on orders from the company.

If it's easier to go after individuals than their companies then companies will be less likely to enact measures that prevent or discourage their employees from criminal acts, (especially in a legal Twilight Zone like Iraq where there are no laws that can hold either responsible).

If it's easier to go after companies than individuals then companies will have an incentive to cover-up the actions of their employees, as appears to be the case here.

Further, in this case in particular, once a crime is known by more employees than the original participants the company is then officially responsible for its actions from then on out and must be held liable for the actions of its employees. If not, then the corporation will become a shield for its employees. In this case the company appears to have attempted to do just that by hiding or destroying the rape kit.

You have to go after both or neither will be accountable.

12-15-2007, 09:01 PM
Well I agree with you that laws enable individuals to hide behind corporations to elude accountability for their actions. However, I think the only way to prevent that is to hold both accountable because of the many different strategies that can get people and companies off the hook:

An individual can escape prosecution by claiming he was acting on orders from the company.

A company can escape prosecution by claiming the individual was not acting on orders from the company.

If it's easier to go after individuals than their companies then companies will be less likely to enact measures that prevent or discourage their employees from criminal acts, (especially in a legal Twilight Zone like Iraq where there are no laws that can hold either responsible).

If it's easier to go after companies than individuals then companies will have an incentive to cover-up the actions of their employees, as appears to be the case here.

Further, in this case in particular, once a crime is known by more employees than the original participants the company is then officially responsible for its actions from then on out and must be held liable for the actions of its employees. If not, then the corporation will become a shield for its employees. In this case the company appears to have attempted to do just that by hiding or destroying the rape kit.

You have to go after both or neither will be accountable.

You pretty much summed up my point using more and fancier words. Showoff. :tongue:

01-10-2008, 04:36 PM
From the news of a couple of days ago:

Pentagon won't probe KBR rape charges. (

The Defense Department's top watchdog has declined to investigate allegations that an American woman working under an Army contract in Iraq was raped by her co-workers.

It's this kinda shit that makes me think about one man:

01-10-2008, 04:43 PM
I was just thinking about this case today. Thanks for the update Epo, I'm calling the White House tomorrow morning. I'm sick of this obfuscation, and there is enough evidence to allow this lady to have her day in court.

Just because it's more "bad news" for the Administrations' policies in Iraq, that is no excuse for an American citizen to have justice denied.

01-10-2008, 04:45 PM

That is one beautiful handgun as well. I've never had the chance to fire it, but I did have the chance to see a demonstration of it one day on the range, and it truly is an argument solver, to say the least. Big holes. More gooder.