View Full Version : Ron & Fez Night at the Theater - January 5th
11-27-2007, 04:44 PM
"Atoms, Motion & the Void" the play will have a very special "Ron & Fez Night at the Theater" performance on Saturday, January 5, 2008. I am really excited about doing the play, but I'm especially looking forward to this.
After the performance, there will be party in the theater itself (beer, wine, assorted smokes on the terrace). :drunk:
There will also be some "high quality" filming going on as orchestrated by my good friend Lawson and as made possible by the awesome support of the fans of the Ron & Fez show. :clap: (Thank you so much!) Lawson will be filming the play AND also will be filming the party and doing some interview kinds of things off to the side to be included in the planned DVD.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP ( by PM, or by email at If you would like a SPECIAL INVITATION ( postcard with all the details, please include your real name and address in your PM or Email.
What: "Atoms, Motion & the Void (" - a one man show that mixes Stories, Music & Mystery.
When: January 5, 2008
Where: Players Ring Theater (, 105 Marcy Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 436-8123
The Players Ring Theater ( is a 70 seat "theater in the round" that resides inside a beautiful and ancient brick building on the edge of the Sea.
The Players Ring on Google Maps. (,+Portsmouth,+NH&sll=43.8804,-71.61769&sspn=0.008708,0.017338&ie=UTF8&z=16&om=1)
Hotel Information (
More Info on my site at
11-27-2007, 05:46 PM
I would love to attend this!! How exciting!
11-27-2007, 06:12 PM
11-27-2007, 06:16 PM
Im sooooooo there. sheepy's called shotgun in the rental car.
Marc with a c
11-27-2007, 06:21 PM
somebody organize a way to get there please.
11-27-2007, 06:22 PM
somebody organize a way to get there please.
reilly= car.
Don Stugots
11-27-2007, 06:26 PM
somebody organize a way to get there please.
if you can read a map while i drive and regina sleeps, you can ride with us.
11-27-2007, 06:36 PM
if you can read a map while i drive and regina sleeps, you can ride with us.
can i sleep in the back, with regina???
Marc with a c
11-27-2007, 06:37 PM
reilly= cunt.
if you can read a map while i drive and regina sleeps, you can ride with us.
im in. bj's in the fj with aj
Don Stugots
11-27-2007, 06:42 PM
can i sleep in the back, with regina???
im in. bj's in the fj with aj
11-27-2007, 07:07 PM
im in. bj's in the fj with aj
all this bjs in the pjs stops at 8:00 when the show starts and then of course can start up again right at the end...
I'm starting to not understand sex initial talk...
11-27-2007, 07:18 PM
if you can read a map while i drive and regina sleeps, you can ride with us.
Can someone pick me up, it's practically on the way and I'll bring chips.
11-27-2007, 07:27 PM
Way to go Sleeves! If anything deserves to succeed in this land of haphazard entertainment and double-stomached pap, it is AM&tV.
Let me know if there's a carpool from N. California.
11-27-2007, 09:03 PM
this is so great... congrats, Sleeves!
I will share the info with TonyBagels and see if we might make this our first weekend venture.... depending on the kids of course... they are the most important factor. :)
If not... we will be thinking of you in spirit.
Your CD lives in both of our cars... and we look forward to seeing you live at an event soon!
11-27-2007, 09:45 PM
This is awesome. I hope it goes well. I wont know till mid december if I can make it!
11-27-2007, 11:58 PM
so close. yet so far.
If youre just a car ride away youd be insane not to go to this.
break a hip budday
11-28-2007, 09:37 AM
Awesome, sleeves. Although I possess an automotive vehicle, could you recommend a hotel to pass out in after all the partying that night?
11-28-2007, 09:47 AM
Awesome, sleeves. Although I possess an automotive vehicle, could you recommend a hotel to pass out in after all the partying that night?
Portsmouth is pretty tiny and there's a ton of hotels in the general area.
Portsmouth Area Hotels (
11-28-2007, 01:16 PM
I would gladly chip in for a rental car or gas or whatever for a ride there. I dont know if Lou is going but I would def say yes for me. I can make this my birthday present from Lou, then he would HAVE to go, hahaha.
11-28-2007, 01:18 PM
The holidays are always kind of crazy, but I am going to try to make it.
11-28-2007, 02:00 PM
I plan to attend
11-28-2007, 02:31 PM
Ok so after a discussion with Lou, we have decided for sure that we will be going. It's going to be my birthday present, yay!!!! Lou is just thrilled about it but I'm sure he'll have a great time. Sheeps you can car pool with us if you want. We'll def be staying the night, so we'll get a room with double beds and you can sleep with Lou.
11-28-2007, 04:04 PM
New Hempshire!!! Can,t you just do it at Bar 9? Its got a stage.
Gvac will attend and eat meat productz.
I plan on attending also.
11-28-2007, 04:25 PM
The Theater suggests that reservations be made - it's very simple and there's no credit card stuff. Just call (603) 436-8123 and leave your name, the title of the play (AMV) and the date of the performance (Jan 5). That just gets you on their list and ensures a seat...
I'll be buying up some seats just in case...
I'm really excited to meet (or see again) all of ya!
Meat productz for Gvac! Like what...slim jim? Jerky?
You name it, we'll throw in the shoppy bag and bring it along...
And I hope to see you there Shark!
11-28-2007, 05:02 PM
Awesome, sleeves. Although I possess an automotive vehicle, could you recommend a hotel to pass out in after all the partying that night?
I think I'll be staying at the Fairfield Inn ( - 2 miles from the Theater and 89 bucks a night.
Also - I'm looking into Group Discount Rates. January is not at all Peak if booking 10 rooms brings the price down considerably I'll see if we can figure out a group booking. (My name is Julie and I'll be your Cruise Director.)
There are 2 cool close places:
1. Inn at Strawberry Banke ( of a B&B Inn and not too expensive (100 bucks)
2. Bow Street Inn ( bucks
Both of the above are walking distance to the theater
11-28-2007, 05:12 PM
As I mentioned in my PM, I always support local theatre and state-run liquor stores so count me in.
11-28-2007, 05:14 PM
wish i could make it. sounds like a blast!
11-28-2007, 07:51 PM
lemme know when AMV hits Vegas, baby...
Oh & break a leg, ya old fossil!!!
I DO have a few suggestions regarding the marketing aspects of the show tho...
11-29-2007, 04:25 AM
As I mentioned in my PM, I always support local theatre and state-run liquor stores so count me in.
And local theater will be happy to accommodate your liquor needs following the local theater.
11-29-2007, 05:50 PM
I will be making the call tomorrow to the theater.
How does Anchorage Inns sound? I did a hotel search and there was a reasonable rate for this hotel and the reviews were good. Otherwise we'll be staying at the Fairfield Inn as well!
11-29-2007, 06:02 PM
And local theater will be happy to accommodate your liquor needs following the local theater.
In that case, I'm going to treat myself like a king this trip. I have some hotel reward points saved up from when I was working and will be redeeming them for an ocean view room at a high-end hotel/spa in Portsmouth. I will treat myself to a steak, a nice cigar and a vigorous swedish massage before attending the festivities.
Oh, and for anyone interested, I'll be taping the show like Rerun did at that Doobie Brothers concert. I hope Sleeves doesn't get me dancing or else the jig will be up.
No pun intended.
Don Stugots
11-29-2007, 06:47 PM
I will be making the call tomorrow to the theater.
How does Anchorage Inns sound? I did a hotel search and there was a reasonable rate for this hotel and the reviews were good. Otherwise we'll be staying at the Fairfield Inn as well!
hey, let me know so that we can get our hotel there too. Regina and I cannot wait for this.
Marc with a c
11-29-2007, 06:50 PM
hey, let me know so that we can get our hotel there too. Regina and I cannot wait for this.
ah hum?
11-29-2007, 06:50 PM
ah hum?
Marc with a c
11-29-2007, 06:52 PM
yes. thank you
at least somebody is thinking of me around here.
11-29-2007, 06:56 PM
ah hum?
Don't worry Lou wont cheat on you with Stugots.
11-30-2007, 09:54 AM
In that case, I'm going to treat myself like a king this trip. I have some hotel reward points saved up from when I was working and will be redeeming them for an ocean view room at a high-end hotel/spa in Portsmouth. I will treat myself to a steak, a nice cigar and a vigorous swedish massage before attending the festivities.
happy ending???
Now THAT'S Friendly!!! :bye:
I will be making the call tomorrow to the theater.
How does Anchorage Inns sound? I did a hotel search and there was a reasonable rate for this hotel and the reviews were good. Otherwise we'll be staying at the Fairfield Inn as well! I've stayed there a few times. It's right on the water, and the sunsets are spectacular..rooms are very clean, and they have wifi now finally. Ask for a room on the 2nd floor facing the ocean. They also have weekend packages with a dinner included if you wish, the restaurant is pretty good.
12-01-2007, 08:16 AM
Sound like a great time. Count me in.
12-05-2007, 11:57 AM
I just made my ticket reservation. Have you?
12-12-2007, 07:17 PM
I just got my postcard from Sleeves!!!!!!!! :clap: im going to be there...who's with me????
Mafialife Chris
12-12-2007, 07:55 PM
I just got my postcard from Sleeves!!!!!!!! :clap: im going to be there...who's with me????
Im at about 70%. if french can get a baby sitter. Were driving down!
12-12-2007, 07:58 PM
Im at about 70%. if french can get a baby sitter. Were driving down!
nice! hit me up if you are. Ive got something for ya. :wink:
12-18-2007, 03:57 PM
I didnt get a Sleeves postcard!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget about me Sleeves!!! We're def coming!
12-19-2007, 09:13 AM
I received my postcard confirmation the same day I received my Songs from the Ron and Fez Show cd (yeah, I ordered it late) last week. Too much awesome in the mail in one day.
12-26-2007, 04:57 AM
break a leg sleevesybaby
12-27-2007, 06:22 AM
Got my postcard, called the theater about a month ago to reserve our seats, and just made hotel reservations from 1/4 to 1/6. Can't wait!!
12-27-2007, 06:46 AM
I bet this play will blow. Im gonna go and and disrupt the performance by throwing rocks & tomatos at him. :wink:
Seriously, congrats on all the great material and success pal.
12-27-2007, 10:40 AM
Im at about 70%. if french can get a baby sitter. Were driving down!
Driving down from the NY area to New Hampshire? Expect a very long ride through Santiago Chile.
12-27-2007, 10:42 AM
To all those attending, please be sure to introduce yourselves to me. I'll be the tall guy.
Bob Impact
12-27-2007, 11:44 AM
Fairly sure we are going.
Bob Impact
12-28-2007, 04:13 PM
Now Im positive we're going... driving up Saturday morning, staying at whatever the fuck the name of the inn was that lisa texted me today. See you all there, and Sleeves... Im making you use the voice... in bed.
12-30-2007, 02:45 PM
hey looking forward to eeting you all this will me my first "ron fez" event i live bout 20 minutes from portsmouth if anyone needs any thing or any help let me know bill
12-30-2007, 03:06 PM
i live bout 20 minutes from portsmouth if anyone needs any thing or any help let me know
Since you're offering be sure to bring French-Canadian hookers and state-sold bourbon. There is an after-party you know.
12-30-2007, 03:12 PM
james im not sure if i can get that specific type of hookers but the drinks and some pre op tranny hookers will be there waiting for you
12-30-2007, 04:04 PM
james im not sure if i can get that specific type of hookers but the drinks and some pre op tranny hookers will be there waiting for you
Don't say that too loudly... Jim Norton will show up.... shhhh
12-30-2007, 04:16 PM
It's confirmed. I cannot make it. I will be in Boston visiting my newborn niece that night. Have fun, everybody.
12-31-2007, 04:35 AM
It's confirmed. I cannot make it. I will be in Boston visiting my newborn niece that night. Have fun, everybody.
The play will now be held in Boston, at Mikeyboy's newborn nieces bedside.
Seriously - no worries to anyone who can't make it. I really really appreciate all the support I've gotten here - but this is a tough time of year. I have no expectations - so please come if you want - but if you can't make it, don't sweat it!
The first weekend went really well. Reviews should be coming out in a couple papers this week. I don't want to read these reviews yet, but I'll try to get em posted...(so people can have a good reason not to come!! instead of some "I have a newborn niece...")
Happy New Year my friends!!
12-31-2007, 07:56 AM
It's confirmed. I cannot make it. I will be in Boston visiting my newborn niece that night.
Coincidence that I'll be out of the Boston area that night to see the show? That tears it - I'm waiting in the bushes outside of my house to see if you come sniffing around my house while I'm gone!!!
01-05-2008, 11:36 AM
Sleeves, (I hate calling you that) Have a great show. :thumbup:
To all of you who will be attending, I'm absolutly sure you will be blown away!
Please post your reviews. I will be reading it one more time tonight.
01-05-2008, 01:50 PM
Break a leg tonite. Unfortunately, I knew it would be up in the air for me the closer the date got (hence the lack of reservation), but I really needed to be in NY this weekend for certain things, and couldn't afford to be that far away.
01-05-2008, 03:24 PM
im sitting in the parking lot ready to go in it should be great so ill see you all in there
01-05-2008, 06:24 PM
loved the show sleeves it was great the end was especially inspirational im in the parking lot and couldnt wait to get home to give an awesome review got the mighty horse cd love it thank you for the night of entertainment sleeves bill
01-05-2008, 08:39 PM
What a great show! We drove to New Hampshire with no idea of what we were going to see and were both blown away. I can't wait to see what you do next!
Bostonronandfezfan, I'm sorry we didn't meet!!
01-05-2008, 09:05 PM
How tall is tall james exactly?
Mafialife Chris
01-05-2008, 09:36 PM
Sleeves, was this filmed, and of so, is there somewhere we can get it?
I got my invite, but i am sorry i couldnt make it.
Bummer. I want my copy, i bet this show was off the hook! Congrats on making it happen!
01-06-2008, 07:36 AM
First - thank you so much everyone who came out!! It was very meaningful to me. Even all the best wishes and intentions from all those who live out in the distances but couldn't make it - deeply appreciated.
I hope the next time we all meet it's in some more casual setting - just hanging out, watching some crazy Big Ass Something or other - you were all so cool and kind - just great people.
(insider aside/Obama!...or Ron Paul...? hmmm/end of insider aside)
By the way - Tall James is tall (and funny and larger than life!). I'm almost 6 feet tall and I had to take a step back so my stupid neck could make the necessary crick to look up into deep space to see his happy self...
And yes! A film was made! Lawson and his crew of 3 showed up on Friday and filmed Friday and Saturday. I was overwhelmed by the INSANE amount of equipment they brought - enormous caskets full of recording decks, hundreds of pounds of cable, suitcases full of shiny adapters.
They worked like crazy to get everything set up in the rickety old building and I was so stunned...they were all brilliant and kind and I am forever indebted to them.
What else? Just a lot of warm feelings.
Doing this play was THE single hardest thing I've ever done. In terms of work - in terms of facing all my fears of standing up in front of people. Just really big for me.
The Ron & Fez world is really one of the best little worlds there is. I can't wait to stop doing this crazy play and just start listening to the show again without a care in the world.
warm warming warmth to you all!
01-06-2008, 08:10 AM
I can't begin to detail how much I enjoyed this show. Thank you Sleeves for sharing your gift and providing us with such a wonderful night of entertainment.
Sucks for all of you who couldn't make it because you missed something really special.
01-06-2008, 10:33 AM
The Ron & Fez world is really one of the best little worlds there is. I can't wait to stop doing this crazy play and just start listening to the show again without a care in the world.
warm warming warmth to you all!
welcome back to the sesspool old chap...the waters fiiiiiiiiiiiine
01-06-2008, 03:54 PM
And yes! A film was made! Lawson and his crew of 3 showed up on Friday and filmed Friday and Saturday. I was overwhelmed by the INSANE amount of equipment they brought - enormous caskets full of recording decks, hundreds of pounds of cable, suitcases full of shiny adapters.
filming?... oh right, filming, ....right...
Great to meet EffMe and very tall Tall_James, even if just for a few minutes.
There was some kind of magic in the theater on Saturday night.
Bob Impact
01-06-2008, 04:07 PM
filming?... oh right, filming, ....right...
Great to meet EffMe and very tall Tall_James, even if just for a few minutes.
There was some kind of magic in the theater on Saturday night.
I'm glad me and sarah are chopped liver ;D
Just kidding, the play was great, I'll write up a longer review about the actual brilliance of the performance later. As it stands now, I'm pretty sure those New Hampshirian BBQ people tried to poison me because I didn't come for Obama.
01-06-2008, 04:39 PM
I'm glad me and sarah are chopped liver ;D
Just kidding, the play was great, I'll write up a longer review about the actual brilliance of the performance later. As it stands now, I'm pretty sure those New Hampshirian BBQ people tried to poison me because I didn't come for Obama.
Sorry I missed you, and bostonronandfezfan. I was in "clean-up" mode after the play and didn't (but should have) taken a few minutes to actually talk to all the R&Fers.
Just curious, was that the Muddy River Smokehouse? I almost had breakfast there.
Bob Impact
01-06-2008, 05:06 PM
Sorry I missed you, and bostonronandfezfan. I was in "clean-up" mode after the play and didn't (but should have) taken a few minutes to actually talk to all the R&Fers.
Just curious, was that the Muddy River Smokehouse? I almost had breakfast there.
Why yes it was, but I'm fairly certain the problem lies more in my sub par gastro intestinal track than the food.
01-06-2008, 05:19 PM
Just curious, was that the Muddy River Smokehouse? I almost had breakfast there.
Why yes it was, but I'm fairly certain the problem lies more in my sub par gastro intestinal track than the food.
So the Muddy River they refer to is not only a scenic attraction but an after-effect of eating there?
Bob Impact
01-06-2008, 07:08 PM
Ok so I think I'm ready, here's my review. For those who want to hear about the theater and show only skip the next paragraph.
First of all it needs to be said that New Hampshire is a very odd place. The stores are gigantic, the road system would need to be signifigantly more logical to be considered a lunatic design, and people are very polite. We saw a CVS there that was the size of a small aircraft hangar, sitting next to a highway roundabout with two exits that I counted. We saw democratic primary rallies that seemed to move in shifts. There were Hillary supporters as the morning crew, John Edwards people came out at night. The hotel room was a great big floorspace with a 7 foot ceiling. Due to my arthritis I take an inordinate amount of baths, which means I bathe in hotels often, a dicey proposition at best. I must say, outside of my own home, New Hampshire bath water was the best I have encountered in quite some time. The highlight of Portsmouth for us may have been a visit to the mall, which appears to have been designed by a man the felt that the best purpose of malls was to create as many blind corners as possible, presumably to facilitate customer interaction.
Now for the show. The playhouse was intimate shall we say, an old building with a door that refused to open unless one could determine the exact sequence of jiggiling and push-pulling required to operate it. The foyer was a small L shape, with a counter and a small hallway with a full coffee and tea setup. Oddly this coffee and tea appeared not only to be free, but was also served in porcelin and glass mugs, a very nice touch.
The show, itself, I don't really know if there are words to describe exactly how well the show was written, performed, and executed. As has been said, the stage was surrounded on three sides by seats, and was close enough, that if he wished, Sleeves could have easily started grabbing people out of the audience like some type of strange magic act without leaving the stage. The only negative I could find in the set up is that if one were to arrive late the only option would be to hideously interrupt the show. The most interesting part, to me at least, was that the intimacy of the space lent itself to a shared experience. For myself, having been a fan of the podcasts, I was lost in the retelling of some of my favorite parts of the story, but I began to notice that the people who nothing of the story would gasp a little, or half laugh at some revelation or another throughout the retelling. The set itself was not designed to attempt to show each place the story took us to, rather it looked almost like a small apartment, with a bed, several chairs, a piano and a small desk. There was an old time radio in the corner, as well as many dilappidated pieces throughout. If Sleeves lived somewhere, I could imagine this being what it would look like.
Sean performed the part brilliantly. I remarked to Sarah on our ride home that I had never seen an actor so thoroughly entrenched in a role before, to the end that during the show it was very difficult to determine where Sleeves stopped and Sean began. The writing, tone and pacing were perfect, true to an old man telling you a very intimate and personal story from memory, and speaking in his own fashion, a mixture of vocabulary, diction, and grand, sweeping metaphors.
I will not give away the plot of the play, I will only say that it does indeed partially follow the AMV story, only, and for good and obvious reasons, is a shorter version. The play is also setup much like the podcast, where Sleeves is recounting the story to you, almost as a spoken word piece, with the scenes broken up by songs, often songs you would know, including a rewrite (although I don't know which song actually came first) of It Takes a Rube, which made all of us rf.netters feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Sleeves wore a mic for the performance, which was not needed for the small room, but was a great choice for the fact that he used it well. It allowed whispers to be heard, and allowed for freedom from the over emphasized projecting that often takes away from a performance, and would have ruined the illusion. The one instance where the mic caused a problem was dealt with by Sean better than most actors, experienced or not could have dealt with it. In my eyes it even appeared to be a very "Sleeves" moment, with a touch of annoyed grunt, and swift resumption of his tale afterward. The ending of the piece was brilliantly paced, lit, and acted. Again I will not ruin it, but it truely is something to see, I feel bad for those who wanted to come and could not make it for one reason or another. This was something to see.
After the performance we stood and talked, and made Sleeves sign things. Sleeves for his part, was very humble, and appreciative of everyone's time and care to come out. I must say that I am personally very tentative to meet the people behind the things that I enjoy, as I often find that they ruin the illusion by not being able to live up to their own work. This was not the case with Sleeves, although I do honestly feel that the man does not give himself enough credit for how much better his work is than most artistic pieces out there. I honestly did not expect to hear his real voice, it almost came as a shock to me when it came out. We also did meet Mrs. Sleeves, although no one was quite sure what this charming and lovely woman sees in this gravel voiced weirdo (I'm kidding of course). We drank wine and talked nonsense, protested this, and cheered that, a good time was had by all. At the end of the day we learned that Atoms beat Motion, Motion beat Void, and Void beats Atoms, a small rock paper scissor type game that Pootertoot and I came up with near the end of the night that I'm reasonably certain even confused Sleeves himself. I also determined that the type of folks who enjoy theatre is New Hampshire probably aren't "There for Ron Paul."
Fantastic show 10/10 Sleeves wins theater forever.
Bob Impact
01-06-2008, 07:10 PM
How tall is tall james exactly?
I would say the claims of James height have been exaggerated, the man is only 3 foot 4.
I would actually guess somewhere in the neighborhood of 6'10.
01-08-2008, 01:20 PM
Ok so I think I'm ready, here's my review.
Fantastic show 10/10 Sleeves wins theater forever.
Great review Bob, I couldn't have said it better myself.
I think we all have learned that it's Obama in 09!
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