View Full Version : I hate Ron and Fez
Circus Boy
11-27-2001, 08:28 PM
Ron and Fez lost a fan and a friend tonight....i love them and the show but they went too far....its different when the make fun of callers they never meet...but they've met lora on numerous occasions and she's even bought fezzie a drink...what they said about her tonight was horrible reducing a friend of the show to tears just for ratings...lora is my best friend and i love her with all my heart, but at her wishes i didnt call to defend her..I hope they're all happy...i wont leave you guys but i am through with them.
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Compliments of WWFallon.
11-27-2001, 08:33 PM
harsh words cb
Carrot Man to Big Apple: I Miss my baby carrot.
Pro-War NYU Student. We're not all peace fags.
Eric Shun
11-27-2001, 08:40 PM
I missed it circus boy. For those who fell asleep durring the show, can u explain what happend???
poo poo platter...always funny =)
Circus Boy
11-27-2001, 08:44 PM
i said my peace you can catch it on the whatley radio flipside tomorrow
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Compliments of WWFallon.
11-27-2001, 08:44 PM
as much as I lvoe R & F... Circus Boy dose have a point. I mean this is a great person and what they did do to her was wrong. I think they should apologize on the air
*allways singing*
happy shining freaks posting things
Eric Shun
11-27-2001, 09:36 PM
ok, I just heard it. well, they were rough. HOWEVER,
she drew first blood by saying "u guys just dont seem nice" at the point, i felt the tide turn. sorry your friend was hurt. BUT, she did bring it on herself,,she was asking for it.
poo poo platter...always funny =)
11-27-2001, 09:39 PM
Wow, I think I missed this. This seems like a pretty big deal to CB. If she was such a good friend, why would they do such a thing? Was it a bit or no?
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11-27-2001, 10:05 PM
Ron went Nut because she said she doesn't listen and hates the show... that's all.
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"Yeah, I've got a Tattoo..."
11-27-2001, 11:58 PM
I must admit, I did a double take at that as well. Lora's a sweetie, and I didn't even think she drifted into "bad caller" territory, either. I thought she said, "You guys aren't being nice." not "...don't seem nice." but who knows... I think CB might be in the barrel tomorrow, though. :-)
Now, TooCute... she deserves whatever she gets!
j/k, love! ;-)
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She has balls, too.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
girl germs
11-28-2001, 12:22 AM
i listened to the show and i thought ron was being completely inappropriate, but whatever.
gossip gossip creates more drama drama
<p align="center" font face="arial"><embed src="" quality=high width="280" height="80"><br>walk right, talk right, strong jaw and strong diction.</p>
You all have good points but dude she wasn't even having fun. It could have been a good stint if she hadn't had the personality of a dish rag today. What her and Al (fish eye or not) do on there time is their's, but when it starts to get aired the topic becomes fair game and if you don't take a stand you'll get hammered.
Believe and it will release you. Fart and it will wake you.
11-28-2001, 03:14 AM
Alright I am going to end this before it goes any further. First I would like to say that I don't regularly listen to the show, as some people do, because I work at night or I have night classes. On the nights that I do have free, I will turn on the show and was becoming a fan of the Ron and Fez show.I thought she said, "You guys aren't being nice." not "...don't seem nice." but who knows.. CC, I have no clue exactly what I said either..however I didn't mean to attack either of them in anyway. They weren't being nice, but I do realize that it just a show and getting the people on it going makes for good radio since the listeners enjoy it..and the great listeners are a huge part of the show. I will say that I am going to continue to listen to the show, because I realize that that is exactly what it is..CB, i love you too and thank you for your support but I don't think this is a reason to stop listening. Yes I was pissed but I'm over it now...Come on, think about it, you would have thought it was funny if it wasn't me. :)
Okay now I would like to apologize to Al and Jeff for being brought into this whole ordeal. Al is not and was never my boyfriend. He is a great guy and somehow people just assumed they saw something between us that just wasn't there. As for Jeff, I have talked to him on a few occasions at bar crawls and on the messageboard...however this is the same with Gvac and CruelCircus, and I'm not supposedly dating them. Oh, no did I just start another rumor?? :) Anywho, Jeff seems to be a really nice guy however I have yet to hang out with him outside of show related events.
I'm sorry for making this post so long but I just wanted to get all that out..Okay last thing I promise...I don't know who sent in the message to the show or where they are getting their information from, however next time before bringing in an innocent by-stander they should get their facts straight.
BTW, I never rode the bus to school with Kenny Allen...however he did seem to be in most of my classes :) Seeya
The Blowhard
11-28-2001, 04:44 AM
I just wanted to add "my two cents":
I think this is all a bit melodramatic. Remember, its a RADIO SHOW, and the guys were having fun. If you can't take being "in the barrel", simply stay away and stop calling.
This is a message board for fans of Ron and Fez, and all of a sudden it's "The Young and The Restless". Please, get off the cross, we need the wood! Just roll with it, take it for what it's worth and relax. It's not life or death, is it? ;)
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11-28-2001, 05:14 AM
man did heckler nail that one. let's go back to being immature idiots. i'll start. don't you hate when you're in a bar in the city and you have to take a dump. and you're just like, man life would be better if i didn't have to take this dump. it's the worst!
it's true,
it's damn true!
french bread pizza
11-28-2001, 05:39 AM
just wanted to add my insignificant opinion
get a life..if you cried over what happened last night then maybe you need to take some lessons in self esteem
you said you guys don't seem're always mean...did you really think they were going to try to prove you wrong? and i think it's amusing that here you say you listen to the show when you don't have classes or whatever but last night you point blank said i don't listen to the show.
i'm sure she's nice..and sweet, cause that's how she sounded on the phone, but don't be all have enough of this baby mamma drama in our lives already...
11-28-2001, 05:49 AM
deal w/ it. you said something stupid and you got ranked on, it happens, it's called life.
11-28-2001, 06:09 AM
true true
mah bad...... i will go hide under rock again
*allways singing*
happy shining freaks posting things
ice cream girl
11-28-2001, 06:17 AM
Couldn't have said it better myself Heckler... It's a RADIO SHOW...
god put me on this earth to do a certain number of things right... now i'm so far behind, i'll never die.
Circus Boy, you're a good friend indeed for being upset that Not_circusgirl was on the receiving end of the "cruel circus" last night. She has acknowledged that it's just a show and that she has moved on, however.
I suggest everyone else does, too. It's a wee bit disconcerting how eager everyone is to pick up the torches and form a lynch mob.
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Special thanks to Lt. Rooster for this masterpiece!
Circus Boy
11-28-2001, 06:56 AM
yeah well everyone has valid points...but i do really feel they went too far...and if they did this to your best friend you all would feel the same way...i will still listen to the show...because like CCircus said i'll probably be in the barrel tonight..but hey al's got my work phone # i can dish it out as well as i can take it
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Somebody finally got Photoshop!
11-28-2001, 07:02 AM
Hey Heckler -- you are right, it's a radio show but Lora is a sweet girl & the guys want the radio show to have the controversy. It makes for a good show - But someone did start a rumor & I guess she tried to squash it. Remember Heckler, you did come to the defense of Mira & her actions with Perrynoid & we all know Perrynoid is not a stalker. So chill out with Lora because if you ever met her, she is one of the sweetest & quietest girls you could ever meet. I'm sure she didn't mean to start all this because she didn't - Anyway -let's just all have fun & enjoy the show - Sooner or later, everyone gets it from Ron & Fez - that's what they do !!!! That's my 2 cents & I'm sticking with it.
11-28-2001, 07:10 AM
Obviously, I know it's a show, and once you're on the air it's fair game. I didn't say it wasn't funny.... ;-) But as Opie likes to call it, "Cringe Radio" at its finest. But it sounds like Lora's a good sport about it all, and that's what counts.
I have talked to him on a few occasions at bar crawls and on the messageboard...however this is the same with Gvac and CruelCircus, and I'm not supposedly dating them.
What?!?! We're not?!
Why is the guy always the last to know...? :-(
See if you get those cookies I baked you then...
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She has balls, too.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
The Blowhard
11-28-2001, 07:35 AM
Remember Heckler, you did come to the defense of Mira & her actions with Perrynoid & we all know Perrynoid is not a stalker. So chill out with Lora because if you ever met her, she is one of the sweetest & quietest girls you could ever meet.
I have no clue to what you are saying here.
I never said Perry was a stalker. I never said anything bad about "Lora".
As for Mira, she was getting IM's that were freaking her out, and she contacted Ron and Fez.
Leave me out of the melodrama, OK?
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11-28-2001, 07:42 AM
Not_circusgirl, I'm glad that you are getting over this - I absolutely know how you feel though I'm sure not on the same level - I was super super mad when they brought up Matty but it will pass... but I know what it feels like when something that you thought was supposed to be 'secret' and told in confidence to someone is suddenly blabbed on the air to thousands of people, many of whom you know... It WASN'T me, and I am pretty mad that someone is trying to set me up as a trouble maker here... but really - if it wasn't me, and it wasn't people I know... it WOULD be funny. So you gotta roll with it, radio bit or not!
Circus boy... it is so cool that yo uare jumping to lora's defense... but be cool... you know you are still going to listen to the boys.
11-28-2001, 07:53 AM
If you can't take being "in the barrel", simply stay away and stop calling.
So then why do the moderators on this board delete posts or threads that say anything negative about anyone that goes on the air? I've seen posts like "so and so is a fat pig" or "I hate so and so, he sucks"...but shortly after they are posted they magically disappear. I understand that you want a nice happy board were everyone always gets a long and loves each other but do you think people can't handle a little criticism? You go on the air and you put yourself out there, you have to be able to take the bad with the good. By deleting the negative posts, you are making the people look like pussies, like they can't handle negative criticism so you have to hurry up and delete threads so noone's feelings get hurt. Well boo fucking hoo. This is real life, not everyone will always have something nice to say about with it or don't put yourself out there.
11-28-2001, 08:02 AM
Heckler - please, I'm not trying to get you involved in the "melodrama" - I'm actually agreeing with you. I just thought Lora was getting abit hammered on the board - please, no offense.
11-28-2001, 08:08 AM
ummm... guess I missed some stuff last night...
maybe someone can meet me at my locker between 3rd and 4th period to fill me in on the drama
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The Blowhard
11-28-2001, 08:09 AM
It's Dan's fault. ;)
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11-28-2001, 08:52 AM
Could someone please explain to me what the hell is going on? I'm way from the computer and radio for 12 hours and everything goes to hell.
Jeff Shain
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11-28-2001, 08:57 AM
the point of my original post was to end all of I said earlier, it is just a show. FBP, I have a life, no I don't have low self-esteem and I totally agree with you on dropping this whole thing. I was a bit pissed and I got over it..that's life and you deal with it. I also agree with Heckler and the rest of you that say that this is getting over dramatic. It's a show.
CB--if I can let it go why are you still anti Ron and Fez??..I think you are just pissed that they weren't talking about you :)
CC--Shhh we are suppopse to be a secret remember??? I love oatmeal raisin cookies ;)
11-28-2001, 09:02 AM
so back to what i said earlier in the thread about taking a dump in the city, it's like the bathrooms are so small and disgusting and there's never any door to the stall. and the more you drink the more you have to go. it just sucks. that's why i take amodium AD everytime i go out. it's just safer
it's true,
it's damn true!
11-28-2001, 09:20 AM
Fatty--nice change of topic, however there is probably a thread all of its own that discussion that same exact thing...I will say that I do agree with you though, try being a girl and using public bathrooms...we always got to 'hoover'. you will have to let me know about this Amodium AD trick though :)
11-28-2001, 09:37 AM
i know this wasn't the right place to start that thought NCG but i figured i'd lighten everyone up a tad. I deal with enough shit at work and school without going to the message board and seeing my R and F buddies fighting. hey it was good radio, leave it at that. no one's feelings were hurt and that's what matters. and speaking of amodium, i went to cancun and had runs like you wouldn't believe but amodium made me party hard the whole week with no runs. it's a godsend.
girls bathrooms are defintely worse than guys though
it's true,
it's damn true!
11-28-2001, 10:37 AM
i dont know about girl bathrooms being worse then boys. when ever i'm at a bar and there are single occupancy bathrooms and the boys is taken i go for the girls room on the assumtion that is cleaner.
and who doesnt love oatmeal raisin cookies?
05-19-2003, 06:30 PM
Shudder....this was one of his last posts....this was the kind of guy he was...sticking up for his friends...even against the show he loved...
<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.</center>
This message was edited by FMJeff on 5-19-03 @ 10:37 PM
05-19-2003, 06:43 PM
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I don't remember ever seeing this sig (It's what is currently shown in his profile), and I've been tied to this board with a chain for like two years now.
It's weird, thinking about how this board would ever find out if I died...sure, all of my "real life" friends would know, and my family...but I don't "know" anyone here, so if I just up and vanished...would that be it? It's not like it's an important thing or anything, just wondering out loud...weird, random thoughts...
On a twisted kind of upside, this thread is "proof" to anyone who thinks this board "jumped the shark" recently because of "drama" is's always been here! Cycles, dammit, cycles...
Seeyuh, Circus Boy.
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2% << December boys got it BAD. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
05-19-2003, 06:51 PM
It is eery to read this thread. In one of the posts
someone stated "is this really a matter of life or
death?" Just reading that, it's like well that certainly
wouldn't be said if they knew then what we know
now. It's all about just not knowing what each day
brings you. Unfortunately that's how life goes. Live
it up fellas. CB certainly had a zest for life and if you
were fortunate enough to chat with him from time to
time you would have beared witness to this. Take
care CB, you're always on my mind.
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05-19-2003, 07:07 PM
Wow, I remember this topic when it came up. I wasn't really an active poster at the time, but I remember the show and when it happened and then reading Circus Boy's message.
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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
05-19-2003, 07:24 PM
It is strange to re-read this post after hearing about what happened to cb, makes you think your next post could be your last.
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thank czn
Mel Karmazin
President and Chief Operating Officer C/O Viacom 1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
(212) 258-6000
05-19-2003, 08:26 PM
Rich, if you don't want these pics up, feel free to take them down, but I appreciated you sharing them.
<img src=,circus.jpg>
<img src=""width=450>
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2% << December boys got it BAD. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
05-20-2003, 05:42 PM
Usually I dont hear a silence in my head when I'm reading posts. This is a really fucked up moment.
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Thanks Toddster!
<A HREF=>>>RnF Site: Bit and Drop archive</A>
05-20-2003, 06:08 PM
wow, i forgot i posted in this thread. man, those were some old school names there, i miss the old days (and of course cb)
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Def Dave in SC
05-20-2003, 06:15 PM
I came too late to the board to really get to "know" him. I do remember him a bit from when R+F were here on tape delay. Just reading this really makes me feel bad. He seems like he was a great guy.
Abba Zabba, you my only friend
<img src="">
Much Love to my Homies dcpete, Todd EVF, PanterA, and Tall_James
05-20-2003, 06:21 PM
I just spoke with a friend who spoke with Circus Boys brother Jayson. Jayson is in the United States Air Force and was stationed in London England when he received the news of his brothers passing on Saturday. He wasn't scheduled back until October but was granted a leave for the funeral.
"They always win in the end."
05-20-2003, 08:42 PM
I remember when he was blowing that fire. He was so full of himself ("I'm THE stunt guy for Ron and Fez!") but he was so loyal to his friends. He was SO UPSET about the whole Lora - Al - on the air thing.
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!! 2% !!<font color=FBF2F7>
05-21-2003, 09:32 PM
This is one of the pics I have of him. Always had his
arms around people like we were good ol' pals.
Always smiling and just having the best time.
EDIT: I cant seem to get the pic up and running.
This message was edited by EffMeBoobs on 5-22-03 @ 1:51 AM
05-21-2003, 09:58 PM
This should work for ya EffMe
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<marquee behavior=scroll direction="left">I want to be stereotyped/I want to be classified/I want to be asked into your cliques for acceptance/I want to sell my soul/I wish I were an elistist Statistics say, chances of being gay are what, one in ten? That means there is a 40 percent chance that one of the guys in Pantera likes men. - "Hats Off To Halford" - Atom</marquee>
This message was edited by fluffernutter on 5-22-03 @ 2:00 AM
05-22-2003, 05:41 PM
I'm locking this thread and putting it to rest. If you have any further need to post pictures, do it in the other thread "A very very sad day" or email them to dan's dad at
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It made my heart sing.</center>
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