View Full Version : Max Silk vs. S.S. Byrd
11-26-2001, 07:23 PM
::A Lincoln Town Car is shown arriving in the back. The car screeches to a halt. The driver's door opens, and S.S. Byrd rises out of the car. As he slams the door, he sticks his fist through the window::
JR: "Oh my God. Byrd just punched out the window of his own car."
PH: "I don't think I would want to be in his way tonight. I think his feud with Commissioner Washington and Santiago Sandiego is far from over."
Byrd (Yelling out at no one in particular): "Washington, you're a dead man."
JR: "Were is he going. We'll find out after this commercial break."
::Commercials run::
::Byrd is walking through the ring entrance as "Sad But True" begins to play. Byrd grabs a microphone from the ring announcer and shoves him to the floor. Byrd makes his way into the ring.::
JR: "This man is sick."
Byrd: "Last night, I suffered the worst injustice of my life. That piece of crap commissioner hit me in the freakin' head with a 2x4, and his little bitch pinned me. Lets take a look at some footage of how he did it."
::Footage shows of Sandiego entering the ring behind Byrd, and hitting him from behind. The footage skips to Washington hitting Byrd in the head with the 2x4.::
Byrd: "The only way these assholes can beat me is to attack from behind. What kind of real man attacks from behind?"
JR: "That's all Byrd does."
PH: "Shut up JR. The Man is talking."
Byrd: "So Sandiego, Washington. I am putting you both on notice. This is not over. It ain't over until I say its over. I will haunt you every movement. Washington, next time it may be a broken leg, or maybe a broken neck. Because boy, I haven't introduced you to the Screwdriver yet. But it's coming, it's coming."
JR: "The Screwdriver? What the hell is he talking about?"
Byrd: "Sandiego, you have my word that your career will go nowhere. In fact, you will be lucky if you even see your tournament match. You are a dead man."
::Byrd licks some blood off of his hand::
JR: "This is one deranged person."
::Crowd booing loudly::
Byrd: "Shut up."
::More boos::
Byrd: "Speaking of the title tournament, lets see who they picked for my first victim. Max Silk? Who the hell is Max Silk? Oh, yea. The curtain jerker from Sunday Bloody Sunday. You got to be kidding me. Your entrance music is by Rod Stewart? Can you be a bigger fruit?"
JR: "Well, Silk did win that match."
PH: "But he did work the opening match, JR."
Byrd: "I heard Silk out here last night, saying that if he didn't start getting respect, he would leave the RFW. Well, it won't be a lack of respect that makes you leave. It will be the injuries you sustain if you don't decide to forfeit that match against me. I have no intention of stopping until I destroy each and every RFW star. Because Washington, you are looking at the next RFW champion, and there is nothing that you, Sandiego, or any of these piss-ant fans, can do about it. Now hit my music."
::Byrd steps over the top rope and makes his way up the ramp::
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Thanks To WWFallon
This message was edited by Tazz1376 on 11-30-01 @ 12:45 PM
Silly Puddy
11-27-2001, 10:19 AM
Scene: The Whatley Memorial Auditorium. JR and Paul Heyman return from commercial.
JR: Welcome back ladies and gentleman. Well earlier tonight, the brackets were set up fro the RFW tournament, and
"Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" blares over the speakers. "The Smooth Operator", Max Silk, is heading to ringside with his best girl, Sally Diamond. Sally is carrying a rather small rock with her.
JR: well, that music can only me one thing.
PH: That's right, Hoss. The sexiest man in the RFW is on his way to the ring to make the ladies dreams' coem true.
JR: Don't confuse the dreams of the great fans here in Pinellis Park, FL with your own, Paul.
PH: What did I tell you about trying to do humor? You suck at it, Hoss.
JR: Stop calling me that. I've never claimed to be a Hoss. I reserve that term for the true wrestling studs her in the RFW.
PH: Well let's here what the sexiest, best wrestling Hoss of them all has to say.
JR: Your fascination with this guy disturbs me.
Max gets a microphone, while Sally places the rock in the center of the ring.
MS: While the answer is obvious, laides, I'll ask you anyway. Do ya think I'm..........Sexxxx-ay?
(The crowd jeers, except for some laughter among the bleacher bums).
MS: At SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY, I proved why they call me "The Smooth Operator". Despite the fact that the idiots in the RFW ivory towers stuck me in the first match, it was ME who blew the roof off the building. And guys, thanks to me, maybe you got something blown that night as well. (Max actually gets some cheers for that line). Yet despite my mastery of The Alkinator, the disses just keep on coming. For the RFW tournament brackets have been announced, and in the first round, I have to face a LOSER! That's right, Bryd, we all saw you LOSE this past Sunday. So why is a WINNER, me, facing a LOSER, S.S. Byrd, in the first round? It looks to me as though the suits thought my beating The Alkinator was a FLUKE! Why else would they insist I waste my time with a LOSER like S.S. Byrd. Well, Byrd-man, it's a good thing you learned about stareing up at the lights this past Sunday. Because you'll be doing the EXACT same thing this Sunday in the First round of the tournament. And in order to make things simple enough for you and these morons to understand (the boos are back), I've brought this little stone with me. To make things even clearer, this stone has a name. Hey fatty, yeah you with the camera, get a close-up of this stone.
The camera gets a close-up,revealing the name "S.S. Byrd" on it.
MS: You see, Byrd, this little stone, is you. And now watch me Step on this little stone. Do you get it yet? That's right, Byrd, you're nothing more than a LITTLE STEPPING STONE toward my ultimate destiny of winning the RFW championship. This Sunday, Byrd, it'll be just this easy for me (Max steps and squishes the stone as the crowd boos). Because YOU are a LOSER, and I am a WINNER. Byrd, you'll find out what that stupid drunk finally sobered up can't BE me, and you can't BEAT me.
Music cues, Max preens some more for the irate crowd, and we head to commercial......
I think, therefore I am..............a moron.
11-27-2001, 05:25 PM
JR: "Welcome back to RFW Tuesday. We have learned that S.S. Byrd is scheduled to reply to the statements of Max Silk here tonight."
PH: "This is going to be the greatest match ever. Two hard bodies rubbing togeth. I mean, its going to be a hard hitting slugfest."
::"Sad But True" echoes through the RFW Arena::
JR: "Here comes Byrd."
::S.S. Byrd makes his way down the ramp. The large cut in his hand is held closed by a bandaid, as he refused to get stitches. He makes his way into the ring, and picks up the microphone.::
Byrd: "So I sitting in the back last night, dreaming of the day I finally get to destroy Bobby Washington and Santiego Sandiego. Then I got to thinking, maybe I should be grateful to the commish. Maybe I should be honored. Cause you see, besides the owner of this company, I am the only person in the title tournament that has a bye to the second round."
JR: "He's facing Max Silk. What the hell is he talking about."
PH: "Maybe he is confused."
Byrd: "But even though my first tournament match is almost two weeks away, don't think for one second that I will be taking it easy. No no. Because I plan to spend each and every second between now and then hunting and destroying Bobby Washington. You want to come out here and hit me in the head with a board. You want to make dead people call me a loser? You want dead people to call me a stepping-stone? I'd watch myself if I was you, Bobby. You can keep Sandiego with you 24/7 if you want. But I already proved that he provides no protection to you what so ever. If I can put my own fist through a car window, what am I capable of doing to you? Trust me, from now on, the things I have done to you already will look like child's play."
JR: "I think it may be a mistake to overlook Silk."
Byrd: "And I hope to God, that when they hand me the World Heavyweight Title belt, I am standing over the beaten bloody corpses of Santiego Sandiego and Bobby Washington."
JR: "He's sick."
Byrd: "I coming for you Bobby, you won't know where, you won't know when. But at some point, you will feel the wrath of the next RFW world champion. Now hit my music."
::"Sad But True" plays as Byrd makes his way out of the ring and towards the back.::
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Thanks To WWFallon
Silly Puddy
11-27-2001, 09:54 PM
Scene: The locker room of the Whatley Memorial Auditorium. Max Silk is in his dressing room. Sally Diamond appears to be in the dressing room with him, though not on camera.
Jim Ross: Once again, ladies and gentlemen, the RFW tournamet starts this...
The FezzieTron suddenly comes on..
JR: What the hell...
Max Silk: (on the FezzieTron) How do I look, baby.
Sally Diamond: (off screen) As handsome as ever, sweetie.
MS: When make sure that camera is getting me on my good side.....
JR: What the hell does he want?
PH: He wants to be filmed from his good side. Didn't you hear him?
MS: So, it looks like I was actually a little slow on the uptake. Since there's usually only one place I'm ever working slow (he winks for the ladies), I'm not too happy I didn't figure this out before. You see, I thought it was just the office idiots that were disrespecting me. Well, obviously, this goes much deeper thatn that. I can now see, thanks to that LOSER, S.S. Byrd, that there is a CONSPIRACY against me. I kept wondering why nobody talks about the GREATEST WRESTLER ever to grace this stinkin' promotion, yours truly, The Smooth Operator. Well, it looks like everybody here is trying to shut me out. First, I get shoved into a curtain-jerker match with the enibriated moron, The Alkinator. Then I get stuck having to carry S.S. Byrd this Sunday to the match of his life. NOW, it seems everyone here is pretending I don't exist. You stupid jackasses think that by ignoring me, I'll just go away and leave all of you alone. Well, guess what? I'm gonna pull a Glenn Close on your asses........I WILL NOT BE IGNORED! Byrd-man, I promise you, by this time next week, you'll do more than not ignore'll be apologizing for your ignorance from a hospital bed. You might want to think about changing your name to S.O.S. Byrd, because you're gonna need all the help you can get to survive what I'm gonna do to you, bitch. Turn that camera off, baby, we've got work to do....
JR: Good Lord, Paul, that is one angry man.
PH: You said it. I think S.S. Byrd is making a BIG mistake ignoring The Smooth Operator. Just because he's stunningly handsome doesn't mean he can't bring it as good as anybody in the RFW.
JR: Well, once again, your infatuation with his looks aside, this match on Sunday has all the makings of an old-fashioned slobberknocker. Folks, we'll be right back, don't you dare go away...
fade to commercial.
I think, therefore I am..............a moron.
11-28-2001, 09:20 PM
Appears on the Fezzie Tron
::Crowd explodes::
*The Blaze enters the arena, still in an arm brace and makes his way to the ring*
Blaze: "Well I'm out here to talk about RFW. You see RFW is filled with psychopaths, but there is this one sick...sick individual."
::An unexpected miner pop::
Blaze: "SS.Byrd I'm here to say, that I just got back from the doctor. He told me my arm is going to 100% this Sunday. So I want to announce that THIS SUNDAY...THE BLAZE IS BACK! I'M COMING OUT OF RETIREMENT!"
*The entire audience chimes in*
Blaze & Audience: "IS FINAL!!!"
*Blaze exits the ring and shakes peoples hands as he leaves the arena* crush the rush. I rule you fool.
This message was edited by PanterA on 11-29-01 @ 1:24 AM
Silly Puddy
11-28-2001, 10:12 PM
Scene: The Ron and Fez show in New York. The hosts are up to their usual hijinks when they get an unexpected phone call.
Ron: Fezzie, apparently on the line with us is the famous wrestler from the RFW, Max Silk.
Fez: Oh, I like him. He's a cutie.
Ron: Isn't he too old for you, Fez?
Fez: That's true. And besides, I'm already engaged to be married to my HOT LITTLE MINX in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Ron: Can we call her and see what she thinks of Max Silk?
Fez: She doesn't like wrestling, Ronnie.
Dead air for about 10 seconds.
Ron: Well, let's get Max Silk on the line and see what he has to say. Max, are you there?
Max Silk: Listen, you 2 blubberbutts, just shut up and let me talk. I called in because I know the entire RFW "braintrust", how's that for an oxymoron, listens to your show. And I'm getting SICK AND TIRED of people showed aside like a used rubber. And believe me, I've showed aside more rubbers in a day than any of you pansies have in your entire lives.
Ron: Now Max, we've been following the RFW, and we've noticed that people don't seem to take you very seriously.
Max: Did I ask for your opinion? No, I didn't. So just shut your trap so I can talk. This Sunday, I THOUGHT I was having a nice easy match with that waste of life S.O.S Byrd.
Ron: You mean S.S Byrd.
Max: LET ME FINISH! So the week gors by and this moron keeps yapping about "the Commishioner screwed me, boo hoo hoo", and ignores me. Well like I said before, NOBODY IGNORES The Smooth Operator. NOW, that washed-up Never-Was Blaze turns this into a 3-Way, putting his old beat-up ass in the match. Then to top it all off, HE doesn't bother to get my name right in his promo. Well Blaze, the only thing that'll be bazing on Sunday is the Ambulance towards the Emergency Room with your decrepate piss-ass excuse of a body. You chumnps wanna have your little wuss-fight, save it for another night. How DARE you 2 scumbags act like I'm not even there. Trust me, come Sunday, I'm making the 2 of you my bitches. I WILL be the RFW champ, no matter how much these bastards blow me off. So go ahead and try to ignore me. You'll see the can't BE me, and you can't BEAT me. This call is over.
(Max hangs up)
Ron: Ya know, Fez? After that call, I realize how much I miss Bunny.
Fez: Me, too.
(the Ron and Fez show continues, but since this is all about Max Silk, this promo is over.....
I think, therefore I am..............a moron.
11-29-2001, 04:16 PM
JR: "Welcome to RFW Thursday. Just last night, we got the huge announcement that Bobby "The Blaze" Washington has come out of retirement and booked himself into the Max Silk vs. S.S. Byrd match this Sunday at The Tournament For The Belts."
PH: "That's right JR. It's now going to be a three-way, no DQ match between S.S. Byrd, Max Silk, and Bobby Washington. I think Washington may be finally showing his age. He may have forgotten how old he is. Hasn't he had enough of S.S. Byrd?"
JR: "I think Bobby has a hell of a lot of fight left in him. I wouldn't want to be Silk or Byrd about now."
::"Sad But True" hits and S.S. Byrd makes his way out::
JR: "And here he comes now. This man is nothing but a school yard bully, Paul."
::Byrd has a piece of paper in his hand, and he looks very upset::
Byrd (Very somber): "You know. Over the past couple of weeks, I have attacked Bobby Washington many times, both physically and mentally."
::Crowd boos::
Byrd: "Please, please. I want to be serious. I never stopped to realize how my actions may be affecting the people who witness them."
JR: "What is he talking about?"
Byrd: "I received a letter from a young fan, and I would like to read it to you. It starts off: 'Dear Mr. Byrd. I don't know if you realize it, but Bobby Washington is a very nice guy. He is a hero to us children. He teaches us that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. It would really mean a lot to me if you could stop beating him up.'"
::Byrd looks at the crowd. He appears visibly upset::
Byrd: "It continues. 'Mr. Byrd, even though I have never met Bobby, he is my hero. I consider him my friend. And if you don't stop beating him up, you will not be able to be my friend."
::Byrd drops the letter::
Byrd (Completely enraged): "Well, I really don't give a damn, cause you see, if you are a friend of Bobby Washington's you will NEVER be a friend of mine."
JR: "This man is sick."
::Crowd is chanting for Bobby::
Byrd: "You can chant all you want. That pussy has shown that he has no intention of approaching me face to face. He is a back fighter."
JR: "You can bet that this Sunday, that Byrd will see a whole hell of a lot more of "The Blaze" than I think he wants to."
Byrd: "Bobby Washington. (Laughs) I told you that this thing between us would not end until I decide its time. Well, this Sunday, it's the future (points at himself) vs. the distant pass. I said that I would plow through every RFW star on my way to the top of this company. And it starts with you. This Sunday, Byrd and Washington, one on one in a no- DQ match. You thought I hurt you before? Well, Bob, in the immortal words of BTO, you ain't seen nothin' yet."
::Crowd boos::
JR: "Will someone please tell him that Max Silk is in that match? I don't like the guy, but I think he may be able to take advantage of the hatred between Byrd and Washington."
Byrd: "Washington, one more thing. You have my word, that between now and Sunday, I will not lay one hand on you. I want you at 100 percent for this match. I want to prove to the world that I am the best of all time. It's no DQ Bobby. It's all legal. You and me, one on one. Last time, you left on a stretcher. This time, it may be a hearse. Its time Bobby. This Sunday. The world gets introduced to the single most devastating finishing hold in wrestling history. The screwdriver is coming. Its coming Bobby, just for you. (Laughs to himself psychotically) Its coming, its coming, its coming. You can't avoid it."
JR: "Byrd is losing it. He is really losing it."
::Byrd drops the mic and slides under the bottom rope. He laughs to himself all the way to the back::
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Thanks To WWFallon
Silly Puddy
11-29-2001, 10:52 PM
Scene: The Whatley Memorial Auditorium. The usualk cast of characters abound...
Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, Eric Newburg is backstage and I think he's trying to get a word from the "forgotten man" if you will in this tournament, Max Silk. Eric, are you there?
Eric Newberg: Yes, Jim. I'm hear waiting for Max Silk to arrive. I'd like to...wait, I think that's him.
Max Silk arrives backstage, walking with a purpose. Sally is beside herself behind him. She seems to be trying to stop him.
EN: Max, can I get a wrod with you about...
Max Silk: Shut up and get out of my way, dough-boy.
Max shoves Eric Newberg to the ground and proceeds towards the ring, Sally in hot pursuit. The cameraman and boom mike operator are following them ,sensing something big is about to happen, and so we're able to hear their conversation...
Sally Diamond: Maxd, stop this. Please, don't do what I think you're about to do.
MS: What the hell else am I SUPPOSED to do, Sally?
SD: But Maxd, this isn't you. This isn't your way. You're better than this.
MS: Better than what? There's an old fart and a loser who don't bother to ackowledge my existence. The scumbags who run this dump treat me like crap. So what kind of guy does that make me? I'll tell ou what that makes me. That makess me look like a STUPID CHUMP!
SD: (trying to reason with him) Max, they're playing mind games with you, and the more act like this, the more you let them win.
MS: Let them win? Are you calling me a LOSER?
SD: No, Max, of course not. I'm just saying..
MS: Well what you're saying sure sounds like you're implying that I'm a LOSER! You see, those assholes (bleeped for television) even have YOU believing I'm not worthy!
SD: Maxd, that's crazy. You're talking madness...
MS: You're GOD_DAMN right I'm talking madness. I'm PISSED OFF! I'm getting treated like garbage here, and being ignored like the new loser kid on the block. Well, that crap ends right here, right now....
Max heads for ringside, Sally beseeching him to reconsider.
Jim Ross: Max Silk is headed our way. What's he gonna do now?
fade to commercial
I think, therefore I am..............a moron.
Silly Puddy
12-01-2001, 11:07 AM
Back from commercial, the sounds of "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" play ovee the speakers, but Max is not walking with his usual preening.
JR: Well here comes Max Silk, and something tells me we'll at least be spared his silly ramblings about how handsome he is.
PH: But JR, even as angry as he looks right now, he's STILL the best-looking man in the entire RFW. But you're right, he's got that look in his eyes, he's mad as hell, and he's not gonna take it anymore....
As Max enters the ring, Sally runs in after him, and appears to be trying to make Max stop what he's about to do. Max gives her a look, and he walks to a corner looking very concerned. Max grabs a microphone.
Max Silk: CUT MY MUSIC! Nobody DESERVES to see me make the women swoon right now. (crowd boos, but only because of Max's ego, not for disappointment). This crap ends TONIGHT! We're not waiting for the tournament for these guys to respect me. BOBBY WASHINGTON, GET YOUR OLD, UGLY, BEAT-UP ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!
The Blaze's music starts to play. As we await the Commishioner's arrival, Max suddenly developes a sneaky grin on his face. Soon, we see why.
Down the aisle comes an old man with a cane. He's wearing a tank-top undershirt that says "BLAZE", has a headband and wristbands, and is wearing biker shorts. Basically, he's an embarrassing-looking old man. Max and Sally are smirking deviously in the ring..
JR: What the HELL is this? That's not our beloved commishioner! That's just some poor old guy.
PH: Looks like The Blaze to me. See, he even wrote it on his shirt so he'd remember his own name.
JR: Stop that. And look at Max and Sally. TIt's obvious that the whole thing in the locker-room was a big game they're playing.
"The Blaze" has finally made it to the ring. He tries to climb in through the middle rope, but has to instead use the lower rope, and still manages to fall as he gets in the ring. He slowly walks past Max, ignoring him as he tries to play to the crowd. The crowd, in turn, is half chuckling and half waiting to see what's next.
Max Silk: Nice to see you, commishioner. ("The Blaze" ignores him, and is staring up towards the ramp). HELLO! Fine, you wanna ignore me, go ahead. Let's bring your little play-pal out here. Come on, Byrd-man, get your stinkin ass out here.
As "Sad But True" starts to play...
JR: Oh great, did he find ANOTHER poor old man to come out here to pretend he's S.S Byrd............Oh, for heaven's sake...
Out comes "Big Bird" from Sesame Street. He walks down the aisle, the whole time his eyes fixed on "The Blaze"...
JR: Oh come on, what the hell is this? This is a WRESTLING show, not some side-show circus. What the hell is Max Silk doing?
PH: (after getting past his laughing fit) What do you mean? The Smooth Operator called out The Blaze and S.S Byrd. Hey, you should give them credit for answering his challenge.
JR: You're just as moronic as this guy is. What's he up to, anyway.
As "S.S. Byrd" enters the ring, he goes right up to "The Blaze", and now they're beak-to-nose in a staredown.
Max Silk: I give you credit, Byrd. I didn't think you'd show up, seeing how YELLOW you are. (Sally and Paul E. laugh, the crowd and JR groans, while "The Blaze" and "S.S. Byrd" re too wrapped up in their stare-down). Now that we're all here, let's get this over with. Ring the bell, numb-nuts. (Max stares menacingly at the time-keeper, who finally rings the bell. Of course, they're no ref....or is there).
JR: What the hell....
After a few seconds of trying unsuccessfully to get the attention of the other 2 "wrestlers", Max cracks their heads together, and starts beating the hell out of both of them.
JR: On God, Max has lost his mind. Somebody get out here and stop this. This is disgusting.
(Even Paul E. is left speechless at this carnage. Suddenly, Sally takes off her shirt, revealing a cut-off Ref shirt. The beating of both "S.S. Byrd" and "The Blaze" goes on for a a couple of minutes, until finally,
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