11-26-2001, 04:22 PM
:: The lights dim in the arena as upon the Fez-o-tron a single number appears - a silver zero upon a black background. Ominous music begins to play through the loud speakers..The zero begins to flash like a strobe light, and suddenly it explodes upon the screen as pyros erupt, lighting the arena!
Zero storms from the back and enters the ring with a microphone. He holds it up close to his face.::
Zero: Last week I came out to this ring and I left two men lying in a pool of blood. I'm not proud of those actions, but they were necessary. You see, I need to teach my fellow wrestlers what it means to have respect. Not just respect for one another, but respect for this business. Respect for their abilities in the ring. Respect for every single individual who has come before us and has put on a show for you fans. But some of my fellow wrestlers...they're a bit difficult to get through to. They want to come out here and put on a silly little act for you people.
Well, it's a DISGRACE! I introduce myself to you people, and I talk about how I'm going to change this federation - and this business - for the better. Then I ask for only one thing in return - to prove myself and others in the glory of battle in this squared circle. But what do I get in return? A damn COMEDY act! A man who calls himself "The Noid"! THIS is what I am faced with? This is what I have to compete against in the RFW? I came to this league to make a difference, true, but I also expected some true competition. The Noid..well, he wasn't it, was he? So I had to give him a lesson in respect. It came in the form of a few chair shots to his head.and while I'm not proud of having to use such extreme measures, it got my point across. You don't quite see the Noid running around here making a fool of himself and this business anymore, do you?
::The crowd boos loudly. Apparently, the Noid is more popular amongst the fans than Zero!::
But there's someone else in the back who I have an issue with. As you all know, this upcoming weekend, the RFW will begin its quest to crown a new heavyweight championship. I will prove to you all my excellence by winning that belt, thus bringing glory to myself and prestige to this federation..but first, I must face one man. The other man I left bleeding in this ring - the O.I.C.!
::The crowd cheers wildly at the mention of O.I.C.'s name!::
Now.I know a little about this man. He IS a man of honor. He's a man worthy of my respect for his accomplishments. He's served his country admirably, and he's truly a skilled competitor.
So why does he paint his face like a child? Why does he shame himself and his country by dressing and acting the way he does? He's making this federation lose face, and I'm disgraced by his actions. Now he wants to join a faction like The Legacy! Is he afraid to stand upon his own? Is he afraid to face me alone? We'll see about that, won't we?
Because I'm calling him out here RIGHT NOW. O.I.C.!!!
::Zero leans over the ropes, and stares down the ramp way.::
O.I.C.!!! I know you're back there listening to me! Do you want revenge? Do you want to reclaim the honor you lost at my hands last week? NOW is your chance to reclaim it! We will face each other in battle in the tournament this Sunday, but I am offering you a chance to prove your worth to me right this minute! If you have any pride, accept my challenge! FACE ME NOW! PROVE YOURSELF IN BATTLE!
::Zero throws the mike down, and stares at the ramp way, a determined look upon his face.
..and the crowd begins to go wild as the sound of machine gun fire fills the arena!!!::
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Thank you, WWFallon! You are my Olympic Hero!
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
Zero storms from the back and enters the ring with a microphone. He holds it up close to his face.::
Zero: Last week I came out to this ring and I left two men lying in a pool of blood. I'm not proud of those actions, but they were necessary. You see, I need to teach my fellow wrestlers what it means to have respect. Not just respect for one another, but respect for this business. Respect for their abilities in the ring. Respect for every single individual who has come before us and has put on a show for you fans. But some of my fellow wrestlers...they're a bit difficult to get through to. They want to come out here and put on a silly little act for you people.
Well, it's a DISGRACE! I introduce myself to you people, and I talk about how I'm going to change this federation - and this business - for the better. Then I ask for only one thing in return - to prove myself and others in the glory of battle in this squared circle. But what do I get in return? A damn COMEDY act! A man who calls himself "The Noid"! THIS is what I am faced with? This is what I have to compete against in the RFW? I came to this league to make a difference, true, but I also expected some true competition. The Noid..well, he wasn't it, was he? So I had to give him a lesson in respect. It came in the form of a few chair shots to his head.and while I'm not proud of having to use such extreme measures, it got my point across. You don't quite see the Noid running around here making a fool of himself and this business anymore, do you?
::The crowd boos loudly. Apparently, the Noid is more popular amongst the fans than Zero!::
But there's someone else in the back who I have an issue with. As you all know, this upcoming weekend, the RFW will begin its quest to crown a new heavyweight championship. I will prove to you all my excellence by winning that belt, thus bringing glory to myself and prestige to this federation..but first, I must face one man. The other man I left bleeding in this ring - the O.I.C.!
::The crowd cheers wildly at the mention of O.I.C.'s name!::
Now.I know a little about this man. He IS a man of honor. He's a man worthy of my respect for his accomplishments. He's served his country admirably, and he's truly a skilled competitor.
So why does he paint his face like a child? Why does he shame himself and his country by dressing and acting the way he does? He's making this federation lose face, and I'm disgraced by his actions. Now he wants to join a faction like The Legacy! Is he afraid to stand upon his own? Is he afraid to face me alone? We'll see about that, won't we?
Because I'm calling him out here RIGHT NOW. O.I.C.!!!
::Zero leans over the ropes, and stares down the ramp way.::
O.I.C.!!! I know you're back there listening to me! Do you want revenge? Do you want to reclaim the honor you lost at my hands last week? NOW is your chance to reclaim it! We will face each other in battle in the tournament this Sunday, but I am offering you a chance to prove your worth to me right this minute! If you have any pride, accept my challenge! FACE ME NOW! PROVE YOURSELF IN BATTLE!
::Zero throws the mike down, and stares at the ramp way, a determined look upon his face.
..and the crowd begins to go wild as the sound of machine gun fire fills the arena!!!::
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Thank you, WWFallon! You are my Olympic Hero!
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem