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RFW: Zero has some unfinished business with the O.I.C.!!! [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : RFW: Zero has some unfinished business with the O.I.C.!!!

11-26-2001, 04:22 PM
:: The lights dim in the arena as upon the Fez-o-tron a single number appears - a silver zero upon a black background. Ominous music begins to play through the loud speakers..The zero begins to flash like a strobe light, and suddenly it explodes upon the screen as pyros erupt, lighting the arena!

Zero storms from the back and enters the ring with a microphone. He holds it up close to his face.::

Zero: Last week I came out to this ring and I left two men lying in a pool of blood. I'm not proud of those actions, but they were necessary. You see, I need to teach my fellow wrestlers what it means to have respect. Not just respect for one another, but respect for this business. Respect for their abilities in the ring. Respect for every single individual who has come before us and has put on a show for you fans. But some of my fellow wrestlers...they're a bit difficult to get through to. They want to come out here and put on a silly little act for you people.

Well, it's a DISGRACE! I introduce myself to you people, and I talk about how I'm going to change this federation - and this business - for the better. Then I ask for only one thing in return - to prove myself and others in the glory of battle in this squared circle. But what do I get in return? A damn COMEDY act! A man who calls himself "The Noid"! THIS is what I am faced with? This is what I have to compete against in the RFW? I came to this league to make a difference, true, but I also expected some true competition. The Noid..well, he wasn't it, was he? So I had to give him a lesson in respect. It came in the form of a few chair shots to his head.and while I'm not proud of having to use such extreme measures, it got my point across. You don't quite see the Noid running around here making a fool of himself and this business anymore, do you?

::The crowd boos loudly. Apparently, the Noid is more popular amongst the fans than Zero!::

But there's someone else in the back who I have an issue with. As you all know, this upcoming weekend, the RFW will begin its quest to crown a new heavyweight championship. I will prove to you all my excellence by winning that belt, thus bringing glory to myself and prestige to this federation..but first, I must face one man. The other man I left bleeding in this ring - the O.I.C.!

::The crowd cheers wildly at the mention of O.I.C.'s name!::

Now.I know a little about this man. He IS a man of honor. He's a man worthy of my respect for his accomplishments. He's served his country admirably, and he's truly a skilled competitor.

So why does he paint his face like a child? Why does he shame himself and his country by dressing and acting the way he does? He's making this federation lose face, and I'm disgraced by his actions. Now he wants to join a faction like The Legacy! Is he afraid to stand upon his own? Is he afraid to face me alone? We'll see about that, won't we?

Because I'm calling him out here RIGHT NOW. O.I.C.!!!

::Zero leans over the ropes, and stares down the ramp way.::

O.I.C.!!! I know you're back there listening to me! Do you want revenge? Do you want to reclaim the honor you lost at my hands last week? NOW is your chance to reclaim it! We will face each other in battle in the tournament this Sunday, but I am offering you a chance to prove your worth to me right this minute! If you have any pride, accept my challenge! FACE ME NOW! PROVE YOURSELF IN BATTLE!

::Zero throws the mike down, and stares at the ramp way, a determined look upon his face.

..and the crowd begins to go wild as the sound of machine gun fire fills the arena!!!::

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Thank you, WWFallon! You are my Olympic Hero!

"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

Captain Rooster
11-26-2001, 05:32 PM
PAIN BEGINS....NOW!!!!! (blares over the loud speakers in the arena)

Lights fade to black.... *machine gun fire begins to crackle


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OIC - Tonight....I have come for payback....

A are a coward...

- OIC begins to walk down towards the ring with blue jeans and a brown T-shirt that has a simple O I C written on the front in black. His hair is cropped short...with no face paint.

OIC - No theatrics tonight smoke. Just REVENGE!

The ZERO walks backwards to the opposite end of the ring while OIC jumps into the ring over the top rope.

- OIC turns his back to zero and saltutes the crowd!!!


- OIC turns an about face and faces the ZERO

OIC - There has been enough cowardly attacks this year without cowards in our own RFW!!!

NOW!! Prepare for a full frontal assault..

- OIC bends at the waist and charges to spear the ZERO...

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11-27-2001, 11:56 AM
*Zero hops over OIC. OIC's momentum sends him slamming into the ring post. Zero helps up OIC by the head and body slams him. Zero quickly climbs the ropes...*
Appears on the Fezzie Tron

*Blaze comes running out with a mic.*

Blaze: "HEY HEY HEY!! Zero if you make contact with OIC you'll be packing you bags!!"

*OIC starts to get up*

Blaze: "OIC the same goes to you!! This match is scheduled for Sunday Bloody Sunday!"

::Crowd cheers::

Blaze: "It's obvious that it's going to be a miracle to keep you guys from attacking each other so I'm going to add a clause to this match!"

*Blaze enters the ring. He's still in an arm brace. He gets in-between the 2 men who are just staring each other down.*

Blaze: "Neither of you are to make physical contact with each other or BOTH of you are out of tournament for the belts! Plus, your match this Sunday is going to be RFW's very first all out, no rules HARD-CORE MATCH!! AND THAT'S FINAL!!!!!!!"

::Crowd goes crazy::

*Blaze throws the mic over his shoulder and exits the arena. Zero and OIC are left nose to nose throbbing in anger spitting curses back and forth as RFW goes into commercials.* crush the rush. I rule you fool.

This message was edited by PanterA on 11-27-01 @ 4:12 PM

11-27-2001, 04:52 PM
::As RFW comes back from commercials, a recap of what has just happened between the O.I.C., Zero, and Blaze is shown. The Fez-o-Tron immediately cuts to the backstage area, where Zero is stalking around, clearly angry over the events of the past few moments.

Erik Newberg approaches him with a microphone in hand. ::

Erik: Zero! If I could just get a word with you.what do you think of Commissioner Blaze's decision?

Zero (angrily): What do I think? This is a perfect example of the kind of behavior in this business that I want to correct! The two of us were about to meet each other in battle, and Blaze, with all due respect, sticks his nose into something that didn't concern him! Now he wants to change my match with O.I.C. into a hardcore match..garbage wrestling! Normally, that would be a waste of my skill, but this Sunday, I will overcome this ridiculous stipulation and emerge victorious.

Erik: And what about his clause that you and O.I.C. can't have physical contact with one another until this Sunday, otherwise you're both out of the tournament?

Zero: If I was a paranoid man, I'd suspect a conspiracy against me..but even with that clause, O.I.C. had better watch his back this week.

Erik: What do you mean?

Zero (smiling): You'll see soon enough.

::With that cryptic message, Zero walks away, leaving Erik with a puzzled look on his face..::

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Thank you, WWFallon! You are my Olympic Hero!

"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

This message was edited by Se7en on 11-29-01 @ 8:45 PM

12-01-2001, 04:36 PM
Caught on camera at a RFW house show......

::In the backstage area, we see the O.I.C. walking through the parking lot, dressed in civilian clothing.::

::Suddenly, Zero appears from out of nowhere, standing several feet away from the O.I.C.::

O.I.C.: What the hell.....

Zero: Hello, Officer. Normally, at this point, I'd challenge you to a fight, right here and now. Unfortunately, as you know, neither of us is allowed to lay a hand on the other. I can't touch you, but another may.

O.I.C.: What the hell is this? What kind of a game are you playing?

Zero: Oh, this is no game, I assure you.

O.I.C.: You know what? Screw the stipulation. Your ass is going down, right NOW.

::Suddenly, a mysterious figure wearing a black mask attacks O.I.C. from behind, hitting him across the back with a lead pipe! He immediately falls to his knees, his face contorted in pain. The masked man moves in to strike another blow, but Zero calls him off.

He then moves to stand over O.I.C.::

Zero: This was but a lesson for you. No one in this company is safe from me! I regret that I have had to resort to such actions, but then again, it's fitting isn't it? A little taste of what is to come tomorrow!

::Zero motioned to the masked man, who gives O.I.C. a stiff kick to the ribs. With a grunt of pain, the O.I.C. falls onto his side. He stares up at both men with intense hatred in his eyes.::

Zero: Lick your wounds while you can. Tomorrow, you'll have quite a few of them.

::And with that, Zero motions to the masked man, and the two depart, leaving O.I.C. to clutch his wounded side.....::

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Thank you, WWFallon! You are my Olympic Hero!

"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

Captain Rooster
12-01-2001, 04:56 PM
Back from commercial.

Erik Newberg is pacing back and forth outside a black dressing room door that has a green OIC letters on the outside.

The crowd watches the Tron and begins their chant..


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The door opens and OIC wlks out with blood streaming down his face.and into the wrinkles that line his leathered face..

Erik - OIC, we all witnessed the brutal attack from the mystery man tonight .what are your thoughts.

OIC - The gaunlet has truly been enemies are aligned against me.yet I will be ready. I have tried to fight as an honorable member of the RFW..I have tried to look all my opponents in the eye before I destroy them.

Erik - OIC, we know that you have stood up to the best that the Federation has to are you going to deal with this extreme new challenge?

OIC - I may have been fooled by ZERO in the past.but his cowardly way of assault will not be forgotten..ZERO!!!.remember this.the crowd loved the smell of Napalm!!.and O I C WANTS>>YOOOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will meet your challenge.but you better have more than just some punk to attck me from behind.because I have been in the game a while ..and I will be ready!!!!!!

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This message was edited by LTRooster on 12-1-01 @ 9:01 PM