View Full Version : This is getting out of hand
09-27-2007, 03:11 PM
Anyone with any sort of celebrity gets their ass kissed when they do the O&A show. Most of it I can take, because its worth it to get some of the guest in.
BUT CARROT TOP?! Really? They constantly trash this guy (and rightfully so). But today he comes in and they kiss his ass. The even talk about how other acts are "hacking up" the art of prop acts. THAT IS BECAUSE PROP ACTS ARE HACKY! God, it was fucking sickening listening to them kiss Carrot Top's ass.
And Opie, please stop trying to "radio guy" the show. When Jimmy and Ant are on a roll, stop stepping on them by trying to move the show along. They are on a roll and fucking hilarious, let them go. Especially on the XM side. On the FM side, I get it, you need to break. But the XM side is different. Let them riff on and on. Its phenomenal when they do.
In the end, please don't kiss Carrot Top's ass. Its bad enough when you do it with that fake Larry The Cable Guy. Next thing we know, John Pinnette will be in and all we'll hear is how great of a comic he is.
09-27-2007, 03:18 PM
I did feel that their views on race relation were slightly different when DL Hughley was on as well. Ah well, I still listen so whatever I guess
09-27-2007, 03:22 PM
I did feel that their views on race relation were slightly different when any black guy was on as well.
Fixed it.
Ah well, I still listen so whatever I guess
Yeah, I probably won't ever stop listening. I love the show. Its just a really annoying thing that I noticed.
09-27-2007, 03:24 PM
oh, its especially bad on regular radio. One of my favorites was when Larry the Cable Guy was on. They always shit on his humor. And I wouldn't mind it as much if Op didnt always say how the are real and don't lie
Judge Smails
09-27-2007, 03:25 PM
Number One Reason To Be Nice To Carrot Top: 'Roid Rage
09-27-2007, 03:26 PM
oh, its especially bad on regular radio. One of my favorites was when Larry the Cable Guy was on. They always shit on his humor. And I wouldn't mind it as much if Op didnt always say how the are real and don't lie
Yeah. I've just come to realize that you can't believe anyone in radio. They're all lying.
Also, "Morning Zoo bits are dumb. They're so dumb, we're going to do them."
09-27-2007, 03:32 PM
Number One Reason To Be Nice To Carrot Top: 'Roid Rage
I guess the roids didn't work on his lower body. He looks like a muscle-bound half midget. I can't believe he's 42.
I know they sometimes have to be nice to certain celebs, but why book Carrot top? The only reason to have someone like him on would be to bash him.
09-27-2007, 03:34 PM
09-27-2007, 03:35 PM
I rack it up to Opie being really desperate for celebrity friends. Only reason they call Bob Saget an amazing comic
09-27-2007, 03:36 PM
I guess the roids didn't work on his lower body. He looks like a muscle-bound half midget. I can't believe he's 42.
I know they sometimes have to be nice to certain celebs, but why book Carrot top? The only reason to have someone like him on would be to bash him.
Because you have to take him in order to get somebody else down the road.
09-27-2007, 03:51 PM
can't we all just get along?
09-27-2007, 04:27 PM
I actually noticed this a while ago when they had other guests on the show.
It was when the Rocky Balboa came out. They trashed talked the movie for the longest time and then they had the guy who played Paulie on and they said they were looking forward to seeing the movie.
I remember saying to someone that I thought that was so hypocritical since they were literally lying to this guys face.
I'm sure they've done it to a lot of other people.
But maybe they're nice to them in a sarcastic way, since the listeners know who they don't like...
09-27-2007, 04:29 PM
I actually noticed this a while ago when they had other guests on the show.
It was when the Rocky Balboa came out. They trashed talked the movie for the longest time and then they had the guy who played Paulie on and they said they were looking forward to seeing the movie.
I remember saying to someone that I thought that was so hypocritical since they were literally lying to this guys face.
I'm sure they've done it to a lot of other people.
But maybe they're nice to them in a sarcastic way, since the listeners know who they don't like...
I would love to think that, but we have all heard Opie at his worst whith guys that he knows the listner hates
...In the end, please don't kiss Carrot Top's ass...
good enough for a mod quote?
09-27-2007, 05:55 PM
I personally don't get very excited about the big celebrity guests anyway. It just forces them to put on the fake Tonight Show act, grinning their way through plugs and whatnot. I can't really blame them. They can't book big guests by treating them like shit, but kinda wish they'd just forgo the whole gimmick. I'll take Louis CK or Bill Burr over Ozzy any day of the week. Oh, and Kevin Smith was fucking hysterical on the show the other day.
09-27-2007, 06:12 PM
I personally don't get very excited about the big celebrity guests anyway. It just forces them to put on the fake Tonight Show act, grinning their way through plugs and whatnot. I can't really blame them. They can't book big guests by treating them like shit, but kinda wish they'd just forgo the whole gimmick. I'll take Louis CK or Bill Burr over Ozzy any day of the week. Oh, and Kevin Smith was fucking hysterical on the show the other day.
i agree 100%. I have always found celeb guests to be SOOO boring. they never share anything good. you can tell all they want to do is plug and get the hell out, and any show (not only O&A) have to put on the nice guy act and pretend they care (no one pretends better than Mr. B).
I think it is a part of the business, and it is something they have to do. And i am sure there are fans who like to hear whoever on the show. those are the same people who listen to Jay Leno at night and read Perez Hilton
Arch Stanton
09-27-2007, 06:14 PM
How about Dane Cook? Did you guys catch that syndrome?
Honest Radio....
09-27-2007, 06:23 PM
I was thrown off by Carlos Mencia being on the Virus Tour. I was surprised when they didn't bother to ask Dane Cook about his new song. Carrot Top? Ehhh, what?
That said, i fucking laughed soooo hard a couple different times this week. The old porno audio, coach Jimmy, and one other bit that i can't remember.
Every time i start to lose interest, they suck me back in. Carnies and Rubes...
09-27-2007, 06:27 PM
I honestly love O and A without guests. I didnt hear the Dane interview, but I knew it would be bullshit. You can't have Louis Ck proving him to be a fraud than have him on and be his friend. Such horseshit
09-27-2007, 06:46 PM
I really don't like when they have a guest in to plug some movie or something, but when guys like Kevin Smith come in to hang out and plug their stuff is great.
09-27-2007, 07:12 PM
That said, i fucking laughed soooo hard a couple different times this week. The old porno audio, coach Jimmy, and one other bit that i can't remember.
The porno audio was fucking KILLER, yet Opie kept annoying me because he kept trying to push it along to the next thing, even thought Jimmy and Ant were on an absolute roll. Luckily, they just sort of drowned him out and kept ripping E-Rock apart.
09-27-2007, 07:50 PM
You can't have Louis Ck proving him to be a fraud than have him on and be his friend. Such horseshit
From what I've heard, Louis CK doesn't really care about all the Dane Cook thievery. I think the quote I read was something along the lines of "I'm not going to court over a bit called 'Itchy Asshole.'" He seems to have a pretty easygoing attitude about it.
As for the O&A, I find it pretty funny most of the time. Sure, it's a little hit and miss. They occasionally rely a little too much on the whole shock value thing and sometimes think that being really annoying is funny (mostly thanks to Opie), but more often than not, they're really funny. I could think of far worse things to listen to while I wait for my favorite radio show to come on.
09-27-2007, 08:13 PM
O and A can't go around being dicks to everyone. Yes, they are wishy-washy at times, and rightfully so. They might have nothing against Carrot Top but because he is an easy target they go after him... for a laugh. But if there's no animousity there then why be confrontational?
They do what they have to do to be successful... which they are.
And while Carrot Top isn't Prior, he's still the most famous prop comic there is, I'm not headlining in Vegas so I won't complain about him...
09-27-2007, 08:21 PM
O and A can't go around being dicks to everyone. Yes, they are wishy-washy at times, and rightfully so. They might have nothing against Carrot Top but because he is an easy target they go after him... for a laugh. But if there's no animousity there then why be confrontational?
They do what they have to do to be successful... which they are.
And while Carrot Top isn't Prior, he's still the most famous prop comic there is, I'm not headlining in Vegas so I won't complain about him...
What animosity did they have against the various no-name authors that have been Ramoned and Steve from Yellowstoned?
No one is blaming them for doing what they have to do, just acknowledging that it kind of sucks. And i know, change the channel. It's not about hating on them. just saying.
I've never sold millions of records but i'll go out on a limb and say that Nickleback sucks. Fame doesn't equal quality.
09-27-2007, 09:10 PM
opie is like a giant boat anchor dragging Anthony down
09-27-2007, 09:40 PM
O and A can't go around being dicks to everyone. Yes, they are wishy-washy at times, and rightfully so. They might have nothing against Carrot Top but because he is an easy target they go after him... for a laugh. But if there's no animousity there then why be confrontational?
They do what they have to do to be successful... which they are.
And while Carrot Top isn't Prior, he's still the most famous prop comic there is, I'm not headlining in Vegas so I won't complain about him...
I think Opie and Anthony have admitted their hypocrisy many times. I don't know the specific dates and times, but I am sure I've heard them on more than one occasion say they treat people differently when they do the show.
09-27-2007, 09:57 PM
the boys goofed on themselves after they attacked Whoopie and than backeddown when she showed up in the studio. It was very funny stuff. C-Ya:huh:
09-27-2007, 10:27 PM
Maybe it was just me, but I felt like the entire Carrot Top interview was done with tongue firmly in cheek. They relied on the audience knowing how much they usually bash Carrot Top.
"Gee, Carrot Top, that Greg Giraldo was just so awful to you! And now let's play this convenient clip and hear all the awful things he said to you right to your face!"
"Gee, Carrot Top, so many people call you a hack. Don't you just hate that? Never mind that we're turning the screw just by asking about it."
09-27-2007, 10:33 PM
Maybe it was just me, but I felt like the entire Carrot Top interview was done with tongue firmly in cheek. They relied on the audience knowing how much they usually bash Carrot Top.
"Gee, Carrot Top, that Greg Giraldo was just so awful to you! And now let's play this convenient clip and hear all the awful things he said to you right to your face!"
"Gee, Carrot Top, so many people call you a hack. Don't you just hate that? Never mind that we're turning the screw just by asking about it."
You may have a point there, sir. Well played. Well played indeed. He did squirm a little right before they played the clip. Hmmmm.
09-27-2007, 10:41 PM
Maybe it was just me, but I felt like the entire Carrot Top interview was done with tongue firmly in cheek. They relied on the audience knowing how much they usually bash Carrot Top.
"Gee, Carrot Top, that Greg Giraldo was just so awful to you! And now let's play this convenient clip and hear all the awful things he said to you right to your face!"
"Gee, Carrot Top, so many people call you a hack. Don't you just hate that? Never mind that we're turning the screw just by asking about it."
I think your giving them too much credit. They have gone for the throat on people before, its all just an act because when everything is said and done they are not "the boss".
unless its someone that I want to hear from I usually tune out during that time (which is the ultimate choice). Listening to them lick B-List ass is sad though.
09-27-2007, 11:39 PM
opie is like a giant boat anchor dragging Anthony down
O&A love celebs more than a house wife that buys US weekly. It seems like everytime they have someone on (to paraphrase), "You going to remember us?" "We going to be friends"
Notice how Rogan hasnt been on a whole lot since he called out Jamie form the laugh factory about Dane Cook. O&A sounded so uncomfortable that Dane Cook was being trashed.
O&A just want to be big celebs. Why else do they bow to Mencia, Cook, Saget, Carot Top, and Larry the Cable Guy. They trashed Carot Top from the Flav rost yet they have him on. What could Carot Top actually bring to the show. And do give me the BS that they say, "We have to take some guests to get others" cause they have Rolin on all the time and turn down guests on the air. They turned down the woman that plays Suzie Green on curb yet they think Bob Saget will be better radio.
Oh wait, us people that listen to the radio know nothing about radio. We have to hear that twice a show. Either stop just reading the negative instant feedbacks (which I think some are fake just to get on the air and stupid Opie cant realize it) or decide where there is smoke there is fire and start changing the show some.
That is my favorite sig. O&A can't nor do not want to pull off satire at long periods of time (one reason Opie has to tell us how great of broadcasters they are). It isnt satire when you get excited about guys waking up their girls on air. Nor is it when you look for the best "rock scream."
On a some what related note. Did anyone feel the cringe when Ron said to Melinda when talking about her not being able to touch a bible, "You can't with the horrible things you have done in the past."
09-28-2007, 12:13 AM
O&A love celebs more than a house wife that buys US weekly. It seems like everytime they have someone on (to paraphrase), "You going to remember us?" "We going to be friends"
Oh wait, us people that listen to the radio know nothing about radio. We have to hear that twice a show. Either stop just reading the negative instant feedbacks (which I think some are fake just to get on the air and stupid Opie cant realize it) or decide where there is smoke there is fire and start changing the show some.
On a some what related note. Did anyone feel the cringe when Ron said to Melinda when talking about her not being able to touch a bible, "You can't with the horrible things you have done in the past."
Point 1- TRUE
Point 2- I add to it: Do the best players make the best coaches?
Point 3- Isn't this a "forbidden" topic.
09-28-2007, 12:14 AM
And also.....
Could it go back to the on again off again topic of Jimmy bringing negativity to the show?? Do they trash people just to "agree with Jimmy"?
09-28-2007, 12:16 AM
I think your giving them too much credit. They have gone for the throat on people before, its all just an act because when everything is said and done they are not "the boss".
Maybe. But do you really think they'd bring in Sandy Kane to do the bit she did if they had a celebrity they cared about in the studio? Like a James Gandolfini or Dave Grohl or something? Do you think they'd give Vinny from the Stress Factory an open mike for a star like that?
"Hey Carrot Top, tape something to Twatto and make a joke about it." That doesn't sound like a great amount of respect to me.
09-28-2007, 02:54 AM
I actually noticed this a while ago when they had other guests on the show.
It was when the Rocky Balboa came out. They trashed talked the movie for the longest time and then they had the guy who played Paulie on and they said they were looking forward to seeing the movie.
I remember saying to someone that I thought that was so hypocritical since they were literally lying to this guys face.
I'm sure they've done it to a lot of other people.
But maybe they're nice to them in a sarcastic way, since the listeners know who they don't like...
are you still interning at the station? i hope no one there reads this; it could get awkward.
09-28-2007, 04:58 AM
09-28-2007, 06:02 AM
Hey, could you stick to your cat thread or something? We're having a semi-reasonable fucking discussion here. Stop trying so hard.
09-28-2007, 06:03 AM
And also.....
Could it go back to the on again off again topic of Jimmy bringing negativity to the show?? Do they trash people just to "agree with Jimmy"?
Just yesterday, Ant was trashing Hillary Clinton and Jimmy was pretty much standing up for her.
I love Jimmy on the show.
09-28-2007, 06:27 AM
Just yesterday, Ant was trashing Hillary Clinton and Jimmy was pretty much standing up for her.
I love Jimmy on the show.
Yeah, I've also noticed that Jimmy sometimes gets really quiet when they start bashing certain celebrities, particularly when it comes to the radio war stuff. I guess he doesn't want to get involved with trashing people who haven't personally offended him.
09-28-2007, 06:57 AM
Anyone with any sort of celebrity gets their ass kissed when they do the O&A show. Most of it I can take, because its worth it to get some of the guest in.
The first thing Opie did was play the Giraldo roast that we all know Carrot Top hated. He even mentioned on the show that it pissed him off. Opie plays it, Carrot Top took it well and was cool about it. So Op didn't push it past that.
Some people are so fucking stupid it's mind boggling.
09-28-2007, 06:58 AM
Anyone with any sort of celebrity gets their ass kissed when they do the O&A show. Most of it I can take, because its worth it to get some of the guest in.
BUT CARROT TOP?! Really? They constantly trash this guy (and rightfully so). But today he comes in and they kiss his ass. The even talk about how other acts are "hacking up" the art of prop acts. THAT IS BECAUSE PROP ACTS ARE HACKY! God, it was fucking sickening listening to them kiss Carrot Top's ass.
And Opie, please stop trying to "radio guy" the show. When Jimmy and Ant are on a roll, stop stepping on them by trying to move the show along. They are on a roll and fucking hilarious, let them go. Especially on the XM side. On the FM side, I get it, you need to break. But the XM side is different. Let them riff on and on. Its phenomenal when they do.
In the end, please don't kiss Carrot Top's ass. Its bad enough when you do it with that fake Larry The Cable Guy. Next thing we know, John Pinnette will be in and all we'll hear is how great of a comic he is.
If you want to blame anyone blame Mr Ron Bennington. When O & A aren't doing their "shock jock" schtick and have to do "real" interviews with celebrities, for whatever reason, you got to know they are thinking about Ronnie B and Unmasked in the back of their minds. Besides Unmasked, Ronnie B does the best interviews period. O & A know this, are in awe of Ronnies skills, and want to try and be as good. We all know this will never happen but c'est la vie.
09-28-2007, 09:37 AM
The first thing Opie did was play the Giraldo roast that we all know Carrot Top hated. He even mentioned on the show that it pissed him off. Opie plays it, Carrot Top took it well and was cool about it. So Op didn't push it past that.
But why have him on the show?
And it wasn't the first fucking thing. It was at least 10 minutes into the awful interview, where they talked about how it sucks that hacks ruin certain parts of comedy, and if it bothered Carrot Top that hacky prop comics had ruined his great prop comic act.
Some people are so fucking stupid it's mind boggling.
Was that a shot at me, Mr. Miss The Point By A Mile?
09-28-2007, 11:26 AM
yeah this shit ain't right. we gotta start putting the fear of god into these heathen scums...
09-28-2007, 12:32 PM
Hey, could you stick to your cat thread or something? We're having a semi-reasonable fucking discussion here. Stop trying so hard.
You call whining like a crib full of babies a "reasonable discussion????:huh:
And I actually found that one funny, soooo........
09-28-2007, 01:29 PM
You call whining like a crib full of babies a "reasonable discussion????:huh:
We're whining?
And I realize we're being a bunch of douche bags, that's why I put SEMI-reasonable, you unwilling to read full sentences guy.
09-28-2007, 01:35 PM
opie is like a giant boat anchor dragging Anthony down
Wow you should write a blog:thumbdown:
09-28-2007, 02:33 PM
Hey, could you stick to your cat thread or something? We're having a semi-reasonable fucking discussion here. Stop trying so hard.
I pull out the cats for negative whiny threads.
Here's one just for you:
09-28-2007, 02:35 PM
I pull out the cats for negative whiny threads.
Here's one just for you:
You know what I like about you? You're so clever and funny and original.
And you don't fall for made up board girls.
09-28-2007, 02:40 PM
And you don't fall for made up board girls.
I AM one of the made-up board girls!
ONA can interview people without roasting them.
09-28-2007, 03:14 PM
ONA can interview people without roasting them.
I understand this. But why would they WANT to interview Carrot Top? Especially since he's such a hacky "comic" and they constantly trash him.
I just don't get it. Bringing Carrot Top on the show and being nice to him does NOTHING for them. It doesn't bring in new listeners, and he didn't particularly contribute to the show.
09-28-2007, 03:16 PM
I understand this. But why would they WANT to interview Carrot Top? Especially since he's such a hacky "comic" and they constantly trash him.
I just don't get it. Bringing Carrot Top on the show and being nice to him does NOTHING for them. It doesn't bring in new listeners, and he didn't particularly contribute to the show.
Yeah but the people booking Carrot Top say, "Hey, take Carrot Top this month and then next month we'll get you (blank)." It's just how it works.
09-28-2007, 03:22 PM
mmmmmm....roasted carrots
09-28-2007, 03:29 PM
Next thing we know, John Pinnette will be in and all we'll hear is how great of a comic he is.
C'mon, the all you can eat Chinese buffet bit he does ain't so bad.
09-28-2007, 04:58 PM
Then I listen this morning when I get home and the first 20 mins of the show was dedicated to talking about how "Great" Carrot Top was on the show. Yeah they brought up the obvious Steroid Use but Op even said "i wasn't gonna say it too his face". Yeah cause that might have made the interveiw interesting.
09-28-2007, 09:13 PM
Then I listen this morning when I get home and the first 20 mins of the show was dedicated to talking about how "Great" Carrot Top was on the show. Yeah they brought up the obvious Steroid Use but Op even said "i wasn't gonna say it too his face". Yeah cause that might have made the interveiw interesting.
But then Jimmy, Ant, and Bill Burr DESTROYED with the 8-trac porno audio at the end. Fucking KILLED.
The XM show this week was better than it has been since they went back to FM.
09-28-2007, 09:14 PM
C'mon, the all you can eat Chinese buffet bit he does ain't so bad.
09-28-2007, 09:21 PM
But then Jimmy, Ant, and Bill Burr DESTROYED with the 8-trac porno audio at the end. Fucking KILLED.
Corse it did, but THAT has to do with the whole not walkin on eggshells at XM thing.
I don't think there image is so bad that they can't get decent guests on at least once a week. it might not be an on-air issue, it could be they need to be more proactive or get more proactive people off air.
09-28-2007, 09:24 PM
I was checking my Youtube videos. A while back, I posted one of Norton's gig on Letterman. Yesterday, some guy left this comment...
Norton you and O&A are neo-con war mongering scumbags. You bitch about your 1rst amendment rights,but support the politicians that are destroying are Constitution.Also you like police tasering Women&KIDS? Your a stupid Fuck!BTW you look like a child predator you insecure DEUCHE BAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooooo... He said "neo-con". Fancy.
09-28-2007, 09:47 PM
damn thats a mad cat
09-28-2007, 10:20 PM
Yeah but the people booking Carrot Top say, "Hey, take Carrot Top this month and then next month we'll get you (blank)." It's just how it works.
BS. Like I said they turn down more respectable people (but less mainstream) than carrot top on air all the time. Don't believe everything Opie tells you.
All the hacky morning show bits come from the suspension. When it happened Opie kept saying be patient and that they are reinvinted themselves. I guess they decided to do a morning zoo.
09-29-2007, 09:01 AM
Yes, Opie and Anthony should bash every guest who comes on.
Stop it.
I actually enjoyed hearing Carrot Top talk about all the hurdles he was faced with because he was a prop comic. Its a side you don't hear very often because most people would just rather bash him than actually talk to successful comic (prop or not...he's still a comic).
09-29-2007, 10:02 AM
Yes, Opie and Anthony should bash every guest who comes on.
Stop it.
I actually enjoyed hearing Carrot Top talk about all the hurdles he was faced with because he was a prop comic. Its a side you don't hear very often because most people would just rather bash him than actually talk to successful comic (prop or not...he's still a comic).
How are there so many people that completely miss the point?
They bash Carrot Top. CONSTANTLY (and rightfully so, he sucks). Then he comes in, and they are nice to him and treat him like he's a real comic. Maybe they're trying to get him for the Traveling Virus next year.
I don't want them to bash every guest that comes in. But at least be fucking honest and not treat Carrot Top like he's some great fucking comic.
09-29-2007, 11:36 AM
09-29-2007, 11:44 AM
Yes, Opie and Anthony should bash every guest who comes on.
Stop it.
I actually enjoyed hearing Carrot Top talk about all the hurdles he was faced with because he was a prop comic. Its a side you don't hear very often because most people would just rather bash him than actually talk to successful comic (prop or not...he's still a comic).
Very well put Zep!!!..Jimmy once said they were doing a remote and got word Opie might be real late..Jimmy said he freaked at the thought of Opie not being there and was really worried about doing the show without Opie... He said Ant and himself really need Opie to steer the show..I thought that said alot....And Jimmy was dead serious...
09-29-2007, 12:54 PM
Yeah but the people booking Carrot Top say, "Hey, take Carrot Top this month and then next month we'll get you (blank)." It's just how it works.
The only problem is the bookers lie so they usually end up with blank.
09-29-2007, 12:58 PM
O&A just want to be big celebs. Why else do they bow to Mencia, Cook, Saget, Carot Top, and Larry the Cable Guy.
Those guys aren't exactly Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Matt Damon.
09-29-2007, 01:47 PM
O&A just want to be big celebs. Why else do they bow to Mencia, Cook, Saget, Carot Top, and Larry the Cable Guy.
Those guys aren't exactly Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Matt Damon.
standups vs film strars
it's a caste system
09-29-2007, 01:53 PM
standups vs film strars
it's a caste system
Yeah I guess those strars are big in their field. Just like the other strars are strars in their own strar way. Strars are strars.
09-29-2007, 08:58 PM
09-30-2007, 06:05 PM
Yeah I guess those strars are big in their field. Just like the other strars are strars in their own strar way. Strars are strars.
damn funny post.
09-30-2007, 06:31 PM
Again, I wouldn't mind them being fake to guests if Opie didn't constantly say how honest and true they are. If you have to be fake at points, don't say you never lie. Be who you say you are Op.
10-01-2007, 07:38 AM
But why have him on the show?
Probably to see if they could get a rise out of him and push him to break. This obviously wasn't going to happen and he turned out to be a cool guy. Should O and A just keep pushing and make fake radio with guys that are cool to them? I say they should not. You seem to think they should just smash the fuck out of everyone. They put people on the spot and if they can handle it they back off and move the interview to different interesting/funny spots. You notice they weren't getting much out of him and just moved on like he wasn't there. If he wanted to jump in, great if not, then they were done with him.
And, yes, it was shot at you and other people LIKE you. What was your fucking point if I missed it so badly?
10-01-2007, 10:01 AM
10-01-2007, 10:39 AM
What's with the cat pictures? What is this
What's next fucking hacky lame ass Fail pics?
10-01-2007, 11:09 AM
we have a thread here for cats pics. in here people are discussing the O&A show and their interviews. lets not pollute it with those cat pics and try to keep it on topic
10-01-2007, 12:27 PM
What's with the cat pictures? What is this
What's next fucking hacky lame ass Fail pics?
And you, JPMNICK, are either a traitor or you have recurring amnesia. The topic of this thread is some n00b cunt being negative, just like this thread here. ( Thus, as you know, the cat pics come out.
10-01-2007, 03:44 PM
Probably to see if they could get a rise out of him and push him to break. This obviously wasn't going to happen and he turned out to be a cool guy. Should O and A just keep pushing and make fake radio with guys that are cool to them? I say they should not. You seem to think they should just smash the fuck out of everyone. They put people on the spot and if they can handle it they back off and move the interview to different interesting/funny spots. You notice they weren't getting much out of him and just moved on like he wasn't there. If he wanted to jump in, great if not, then they were done with him.
And, yes, it was shot at you and other people LIKE you. What was your fucking point if I missed it so badly?
No wonder Detroit and Pittsburgh dropped them.
Marc with a c
10-01-2007, 03:46 PM
No wonder Detroit and Pittsburgh dropped them.
ouch really?
10-01-2007, 04:25 PM
And you, JPMNICK, are either a traitor or you have recurring amnesia. The topic of this thread is some n00b cunt being negative, just like this thread here. ( Thus, as you know, the cat pics come out.
The "n00b" you speak of has been on the board 9 months longer than you have. Cat pics are WAY over done.
10-01-2007, 05:01 PM
Cat pics are WAY over done.
Thats what makes them so damn funny. Nothing derails a silly little thread like a cat with poor grammar.
10-01-2007, 05:39 PM
In my opinion, a negative nancy is a n00b, no matter how long they've been around.
Thats what makes them so damn funny. Nothing derails a silly little thread like a cat with poor grammar.
Thank you! There's nothing better than derailing a suck thread with some stupid cat pics. Indeed!
10-01-2007, 05:48 PM
Opie sounded pissed when Ant kept bringing up pal talks audio not working in the middle of conversations. He always seems to do that when the audio for paltalk isnt working. Even opie could see how ant was worrying about the dozens of people on pal talk instead of the millions on the radio.
Midkiff's just been at ichc a bit too much.
I'd post zippocat but I don't want to get banned or make Justjon or Mikeyboy cry.
10-01-2007, 07:51 PM
I was checking my Youtube videos. A while back, I posted one of Norton's gig on Letterman. Yesterday, some guy left this comment...
Oooooo... He said "neo-con". Fancy.
He also spelled Douche wrong. I wish people would speel chek there swaar wurds.
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