Kathleen From The Bronx
09-18-2007, 11:41 PM
Dear Ron and Fez Shooow....
You guys were talking about famous recluses today...that got me thinkin.... I'm pretty sure that I could easily go that route... I mean, not famous....not that anyone would be lookin for me...C'mon, my delusions of grandeur have not escalated so intensely! It's not that I believe that anyone would immediately call all their friends and family members, "Can you believe it!? I saw her! She's left the house!" after spotting me in a supermarket or something like that.... where I have just had some kind of freak-out tantrum...hurling bottles of grape juice off the shelves, one after another, sending glass and purple nectar smashing to the ground while howling, "What!!! What do you all want from me???! Stay away!!! Back damn you, BACK!!! I write a blog!!! Am I not entitled to some privacy???!!! Damn you!!! Damn your eyes!!!" Eventually collapsing into a sobbing heap on the linoleum, sputtering, "The eyes...all the eyes....judging me....judging me....."
Hmmm... that lil routine might actually make leaving headquarters worth it... I dunno...I mean, at this point.... as I write to you from my humble hermitage here, I have not ventured to the outside world in just about five days, other than sittin on my back deck... That's cause I had the flu or something gross whatever the hell it is... but I'm tellin you, I could easily keep it goin....
I know that's not the way to be... To get well, it's not wise to stay cooped up in the stuffy indoors... It's like I'm some kinda turn-of-the-century feeb dyin of consumption over here....Perhaps I shall finally instruct my dear nurse to bundle me up in plaid, woolen blankets and roll me out to the seashore in a rickety, old wooden wheelchair where my diseased, wheezing lungs finally can fill up once again like healthy pink balloons.... Some fresh sea air....Yes that's the ticket, the sea air will have me feeling healthier....It will feel like the tale of a sickly recluse who makes a recovery and sees the ocean for the first time....I dunno, or something creepy and Victorian like that... What the hell am I talking about here? Ahhh yes... recluses....
I mean, the term recluse, at least to me, seems to suggest a person who was once in the public eye, who now shuns attention and fame.... Maybe the caption I'll looking for to properly define me would more accurately be a, "shut-in," or one, "teetering dangerously on the edge of agoraphobia," something like that..... I mean, like I said... It's been five days.... I could easily stretch it yo....I have done it... I could do it again, no sweat....I am not feelin any cabin fever..... I don't know Ron and Fez Show, I didn't used to be like this!
Up in NYC I was out walkin the streets all the time..... Heeey, you know what I mean.... I mean, taking walks and just all over the city night and day.... Hmmm.... usually this is the part where I would normally begin to rant about the suburbs here, and there's no where to walk.... and blah, blah, blah......but the fact of the matter is that I do believe I have become a, "comfort junkie"... I learned that reference from Ronnie B. a whiles back... I think that most accurately applies.... I love my gigantic couch, or, "pit-group," some might call it.... I love all my music and all the weird shit I've collected, all of that stuff...... Hmmm... It's possible that one huge reason I've become a comfort junkie is based on outfits alone.....I mean,"scary old gypsy," doesn't really fly in the outside world..... Inside, ragamuffin is fine by me.... It occurred to me, as someone who is stuck in my head a lot of the time, staying in the house ceaselessly could be like an extension of that.......like, you're so into your own shit, surrounded by all the stuff that interests you...never leaving the house is like rattling around a much larger replica of your mind...... Eeesh... I really should get outta here! That sounds just crazy......
Besides, I could be out there searching for another muse....You know, besides What About Bob's Bob Wiley, and The Ron and Fez Show (wink!) Yeah.....You definitely have the right to be weirded out by that wink there pals, errrr.... sorry! I haven't been around people in a while..... I don't know how to behave!!
Yeah, you guys were talking about muses today.... Ya had Pattie Boyd on the phone wit yez....the inspiration to George Harrison and Eric Clapton.... Harrison writing The Beatles, Something, about her....... and Clapton creating Layla and Wonderful Tonight..... It's like Ronnie said, old love letters might be some of the cringiest things ever.... like you wouldn't want anyone else to read them....I mean, those are good songs you know, but I couldn't help thinking as well, that it must feel nutty to be out in the world and hear one of em, knowing that you have lived it.... Crazy! I loved it how she used one of my favorite words: zeitgeist, "the spirit of the time." Just wanted to mention that....but I loved even more how after the interview had ended Ronnie announced, "Honestly, this might sound crazy......but I'm gonna write a song for her! I am desperately in love with Pattie Boyd!!!" Haah..... dudes, that made me laugh.....
I also dug the following conversation about other famous rock muses.....Rosanna Arquette was one example as she has been said to be the motivation behind Peter Gabriel's, In Your Eyes...and of course, Toto's Rosanna is fer her.... The latter of the two songs has been in my head all day, I hate to admit! I really fuckin cackled when Ron stated that he too had a song he had written for Rosanna.... He called it, "I'd Like To Tittie-fuck You!" Awwww.... that's beautiful!!! Sweeet..... Then he proclaimed that his song for Pattie Boyd would be titled, "Hey! Not So Fast Old Lady! I'll Tittie-Fuck You Too!!" That had me just rollin......"not so fast"... hahhahaha.... Good shit man...I loved that!
Oh yeah, but back to the whole muse thing.... That's always been really interesting to me... who inspired this song or that... When songs are amorous and favorable that's impressive to me, but even more than those kinds of songs, I'm always really curious as to who or what motivates songs of anger, resentment and bitterness..... You guys know I love Bob Dylan.... and you know he has some great, great songs of that nature! Just one example I might site is his, Positively 4th Street..... People, I have read that it may be based on a few different human beings, so I won't pretend to know.... but if you thought those lyrics were about YOU....?? Wow... I wonder what that would feel like....
"I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes, and just for that one moment I could be you..... Yes, I wish that for just one time, you could stand inside my shoes... You'd know what a drag it is to see you...."
I could easily bring up another example of a pissed Dylan song here too...like, Idiot Wind ..... I dunno, I'm just ramblin now.... but shit... I just imagine goin in some place to get a coffee of something.... Well, i don't even really drink coffee... but you know what I mean.... Better chance of hearing Dylan played in a coffee shop than say hearin his tunes in Wawa picking up whatever poison..... Anyway, to hear one of those songs and to picture pissed off Bob Dylan scratching down those lyrics bout you...... Forget it! Muh feelers would be endlessly hurt.... and I wouldn't even be able to drink my Boone's Farm or whatever.....In fact just that association in that very moment might destroy my ability to chug it forever...
OK.... So ya wanna keep talking about music?? Are you people tellin me that Dane Cook song, Forward, was for really??? Has this actually happened??? Has the day finally come when I have laughed at Dane Cook!? Sure it was out of scorn and ridicule, but still! It might count.... Yeah... I'm a hater like that...
I was pondering.... Did HE have a muse for such a song?? I concluded that he just may have...but.... I have this theory....I kind of believe that he wrote that song of his about, "The OTHER Dane Cook...the one that none of us know man...." Ew, I just retched a tad...... I don't think that this was some chick of the past that he was crooning to.... I believe he was trying to invoke this, "other side. " Maybe he thought, "This is for YOU! This is for you, 'the other side of Dane Cook!' Sure..sure, I jump around and yell on stage, but this is for you vulnerable Dane!!!" Man...what fresh hell!!? Some kinda drippy, tears of a clown kinda bullshit! EWWWWWWW!!!! With a pocket full of other peoples jokes and a tender under-belly, he will take over the world....and our hearts, and our hearts my friends......
Icky!!! Icky!!!!Those lyrics were like some fourteen year old's poem... Man, and it would be an insult to angst-filled fourteen-year-olds everywhere if I said that.... As you guys played it again, and again, and again...... I was laughing in disbelief, while yelling, "STOP!!! STOP!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!" and hiding under a blanket...... Wow..... AND THEN it's just like set to the same tune as Chicago's, "Hard to Say I'm Sorry......" Holy Jeez...... I cracked up so bad when Ronnie said, "Yet MORE feminine than Chicago!" and when someone brought up them suing....he yelled, "Get your tuba! We're BACK!!" HAHAHAHHAHAH......
Ron was like, "Well, there was a little taste," and Fez responded, "If I had a big taste, I'd prolly puke it back up!!!" I cackled at that.... I also cackled one more when Fezzie said that it was from Dane's new album, "Turdgasm." UHHH HUH! Holy shit, I should really stop talking about this... but oh dude...... please, if you can stomach it, picture that Dane Cook with his headphones on in the recording studio heart-wrenchingly belting out such sentiments like, "I'm the only thing that doesn't fit in this place, " and, "Who'm I s'posed to beeeee????" Maybe he squirted out a tear or two..... Oooooh it's just a whirlwind of emotions over here! I just want to laugh and scream and cry at the badness and break shit in horror....yet, it's mostly funny....... Isn't this the type of song a supposed comic would normally mock?? Ohhhh...fast-forward a little... I can SO see him singing it on Oprah, all tryin to be inspirational to teens who are up in their rooms shattering mirrors and shit....... He could be like comedy's Josh Grobin (seriously, I hate myself for even knowing who this cat is. He's the one always singin about his soul being weary)..... "Forward....Forward......" Euuuugh!!!! Amazing!
As Ronnie made fun of a response that Earl gave unrelated to something later in the show.... I will say quote the same to reflesct my feelings about Dane Cook's new single, "That was great! I hated it!" I'm tellin you, I suddenly have respect for Eddie Murphy singin about how his girl likes to party all the time..... At least Rick James had a hand in that one..... I'd listen to Eddie Murphy sing all the live long day over this shit......... Hmmm..... sorry to ramble..... This was some groundbreakingly bad shit...... Stop talking about it k-daaawg, stop.........Stop talking about this before you remember that he is a person with feelings and start to feel guilty ....... Man...he's, "Pushing from within, everything’s not fine....." Damn.. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
Anyway, Ron and Fez Show... as I always say, I know that I'm leaving out a lot.... Thanks for a great show... You guys are the best :0) Signed,
kathleen fromthe bronx :):):)
All Love to Bronx Johnny, we're thinkin of you...
You guys were talking about famous recluses today...that got me thinkin.... I'm pretty sure that I could easily go that route... I mean, not famous....not that anyone would be lookin for me...C'mon, my delusions of grandeur have not escalated so intensely! It's not that I believe that anyone would immediately call all their friends and family members, "Can you believe it!? I saw her! She's left the house!" after spotting me in a supermarket or something like that.... where I have just had some kind of freak-out tantrum...hurling bottles of grape juice off the shelves, one after another, sending glass and purple nectar smashing to the ground while howling, "What!!! What do you all want from me???! Stay away!!! Back damn you, BACK!!! I write a blog!!! Am I not entitled to some privacy???!!! Damn you!!! Damn your eyes!!!" Eventually collapsing into a sobbing heap on the linoleum, sputtering, "The eyes...all the eyes....judging me....judging me....."
Hmmm... that lil routine might actually make leaving headquarters worth it... I dunno...I mean, at this point.... as I write to you from my humble hermitage here, I have not ventured to the outside world in just about five days, other than sittin on my back deck... That's cause I had the flu or something gross whatever the hell it is... but I'm tellin you, I could easily keep it goin....
I know that's not the way to be... To get well, it's not wise to stay cooped up in the stuffy indoors... It's like I'm some kinda turn-of-the-century feeb dyin of consumption over here....Perhaps I shall finally instruct my dear nurse to bundle me up in plaid, woolen blankets and roll me out to the seashore in a rickety, old wooden wheelchair where my diseased, wheezing lungs finally can fill up once again like healthy pink balloons.... Some fresh sea air....Yes that's the ticket, the sea air will have me feeling healthier....It will feel like the tale of a sickly recluse who makes a recovery and sees the ocean for the first time....I dunno, or something creepy and Victorian like that... What the hell am I talking about here? Ahhh yes... recluses....
I mean, the term recluse, at least to me, seems to suggest a person who was once in the public eye, who now shuns attention and fame.... Maybe the caption I'll looking for to properly define me would more accurately be a, "shut-in," or one, "teetering dangerously on the edge of agoraphobia," something like that..... I mean, like I said... It's been five days.... I could easily stretch it yo....I have done it... I could do it again, no sweat....I am not feelin any cabin fever..... I don't know Ron and Fez Show, I didn't used to be like this!
Up in NYC I was out walkin the streets all the time..... Heeey, you know what I mean.... I mean, taking walks and just all over the city night and day.... Hmmm.... usually this is the part where I would normally begin to rant about the suburbs here, and there's no where to walk.... and blah, blah, blah......but the fact of the matter is that I do believe I have become a, "comfort junkie"... I learned that reference from Ronnie B. a whiles back... I think that most accurately applies.... I love my gigantic couch, or, "pit-group," some might call it.... I love all my music and all the weird shit I've collected, all of that stuff...... Hmmm... It's possible that one huge reason I've become a comfort junkie is based on outfits alone.....I mean,"scary old gypsy," doesn't really fly in the outside world..... Inside, ragamuffin is fine by me.... It occurred to me, as someone who is stuck in my head a lot of the time, staying in the house ceaselessly could be like an extension of that.......like, you're so into your own shit, surrounded by all the stuff that interests you...never leaving the house is like rattling around a much larger replica of your mind...... Eeesh... I really should get outta here! That sounds just crazy......
Besides, I could be out there searching for another muse....You know, besides What About Bob's Bob Wiley, and The Ron and Fez Show (wink!) Yeah.....You definitely have the right to be weirded out by that wink there pals, errrr.... sorry! I haven't been around people in a while..... I don't know how to behave!!
Yeah, you guys were talking about muses today.... Ya had Pattie Boyd on the phone wit yez....the inspiration to George Harrison and Eric Clapton.... Harrison writing The Beatles, Something, about her....... and Clapton creating Layla and Wonderful Tonight..... It's like Ronnie said, old love letters might be some of the cringiest things ever.... like you wouldn't want anyone else to read them....I mean, those are good songs you know, but I couldn't help thinking as well, that it must feel nutty to be out in the world and hear one of em, knowing that you have lived it.... Crazy! I loved it how she used one of my favorite words: zeitgeist, "the spirit of the time." Just wanted to mention that....but I loved even more how after the interview had ended Ronnie announced, "Honestly, this might sound crazy......but I'm gonna write a song for her! I am desperately in love with Pattie Boyd!!!" Haah..... dudes, that made me laugh.....
I also dug the following conversation about other famous rock muses.....Rosanna Arquette was one example as she has been said to be the motivation behind Peter Gabriel's, In Your Eyes...and of course, Toto's Rosanna is fer her.... The latter of the two songs has been in my head all day, I hate to admit! I really fuckin cackled when Ron stated that he too had a song he had written for Rosanna.... He called it, "I'd Like To Tittie-fuck You!" Awwww.... that's beautiful!!! Sweeet..... Then he proclaimed that his song for Pattie Boyd would be titled, "Hey! Not So Fast Old Lady! I'll Tittie-Fuck You Too!!" That had me just rollin......"not so fast"... hahhahaha.... Good shit man...I loved that!
Oh yeah, but back to the whole muse thing.... That's always been really interesting to me... who inspired this song or that... When songs are amorous and favorable that's impressive to me, but even more than those kinds of songs, I'm always really curious as to who or what motivates songs of anger, resentment and bitterness..... You guys know I love Bob Dylan.... and you know he has some great, great songs of that nature! Just one example I might site is his, Positively 4th Street..... People, I have read that it may be based on a few different human beings, so I won't pretend to know.... but if you thought those lyrics were about YOU....?? Wow... I wonder what that would feel like....
"I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes, and just for that one moment I could be you..... Yes, I wish that for just one time, you could stand inside my shoes... You'd know what a drag it is to see you...."
I could easily bring up another example of a pissed Dylan song here too...like, Idiot Wind ..... I dunno, I'm just ramblin now.... but shit... I just imagine goin in some place to get a coffee of something.... Well, i don't even really drink coffee... but you know what I mean.... Better chance of hearing Dylan played in a coffee shop than say hearin his tunes in Wawa picking up whatever poison..... Anyway, to hear one of those songs and to picture pissed off Bob Dylan scratching down those lyrics bout you...... Forget it! Muh feelers would be endlessly hurt.... and I wouldn't even be able to drink my Boone's Farm or whatever.....In fact just that association in that very moment might destroy my ability to chug it forever...
OK.... So ya wanna keep talking about music?? Are you people tellin me that Dane Cook song, Forward, was for really??? Has this actually happened??? Has the day finally come when I have laughed at Dane Cook!? Sure it was out of scorn and ridicule, but still! It might count.... Yeah... I'm a hater like that...
I was pondering.... Did HE have a muse for such a song?? I concluded that he just may have...but.... I have this theory....I kind of believe that he wrote that song of his about, "The OTHER Dane Cook...the one that none of us know man...." Ew, I just retched a tad...... I don't think that this was some chick of the past that he was crooning to.... I believe he was trying to invoke this, "other side. " Maybe he thought, "This is for YOU! This is for you, 'the other side of Dane Cook!' Sure..sure, I jump around and yell on stage, but this is for you vulnerable Dane!!!" Man...what fresh hell!!? Some kinda drippy, tears of a clown kinda bullshit! EWWWWWWW!!!! With a pocket full of other peoples jokes and a tender under-belly, he will take over the world....and our hearts, and our hearts my friends......
Icky!!! Icky!!!!Those lyrics were like some fourteen year old's poem... Man, and it would be an insult to angst-filled fourteen-year-olds everywhere if I said that.... As you guys played it again, and again, and again...... I was laughing in disbelief, while yelling, "STOP!!! STOP!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!" and hiding under a blanket...... Wow..... AND THEN it's just like set to the same tune as Chicago's, "Hard to Say I'm Sorry......" Holy Jeez...... I cracked up so bad when Ronnie said, "Yet MORE feminine than Chicago!" and when someone brought up them suing....he yelled, "Get your tuba! We're BACK!!" HAHAHAHHAHAH......
Ron was like, "Well, there was a little taste," and Fez responded, "If I had a big taste, I'd prolly puke it back up!!!" I cackled at that.... I also cackled one more when Fezzie said that it was from Dane's new album, "Turdgasm." UHHH HUH! Holy shit, I should really stop talking about this... but oh dude...... please, if you can stomach it, picture that Dane Cook with his headphones on in the recording studio heart-wrenchingly belting out such sentiments like, "I'm the only thing that doesn't fit in this place, " and, "Who'm I s'posed to beeeee????" Maybe he squirted out a tear or two..... Oooooh it's just a whirlwind of emotions over here! I just want to laugh and scream and cry at the badness and break shit in horror....yet, it's mostly funny....... Isn't this the type of song a supposed comic would normally mock?? Ohhhh...fast-forward a little... I can SO see him singing it on Oprah, all tryin to be inspirational to teens who are up in their rooms shattering mirrors and shit....... He could be like comedy's Josh Grobin (seriously, I hate myself for even knowing who this cat is. He's the one always singin about his soul being weary)..... "Forward....Forward......" Euuuugh!!!! Amazing!
As Ronnie made fun of a response that Earl gave unrelated to something later in the show.... I will say quote the same to reflesct my feelings about Dane Cook's new single, "That was great! I hated it!" I'm tellin you, I suddenly have respect for Eddie Murphy singin about how his girl likes to party all the time..... At least Rick James had a hand in that one..... I'd listen to Eddie Murphy sing all the live long day over this shit......... Hmmm..... sorry to ramble..... This was some groundbreakingly bad shit...... Stop talking about it k-daaawg, stop.........Stop talking about this before you remember that he is a person with feelings and start to feel guilty ....... Man...he's, "Pushing from within, everything’s not fine....." Damn.. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
Anyway, Ron and Fez Show... as I always say, I know that I'm leaving out a lot.... Thanks for a great show... You guys are the best :0) Signed,
kathleen fromthe bronx :):):)
All Love to Bronx Johnny, we're thinkin of you...