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wii/xbox360/ps3 [Archive] - Messageboard


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09-09-2007, 10:17 PM
i didnt get the internship

so i will be buying a new system and tv
any suggestions?
im into rpgs and seems like xobx wins that
but does anyone have any suggestions on what system i should go with?

09-10-2007, 12:21 AM
I love my wii!!! No good rpg's yet though :(

My bro has a 360 and i love it for rainbow 6 vegas and XBOX live is unreal.

I am gonna wait till FF13 comes out before I decide if I will get a PS3 or just rent a system and FF13 and MGS4

BTW if your into RPG's eternal sonata comes out for 360 on sept 17... game looks great and is getting GREAT reviews.

09-10-2007, 03:53 AM
I say get a Wii or a 360. Both are equal in my book though it depends on what your gaming preference is.

Also, shouldn't this be in the geeky basement forum?

09-10-2007, 04:27 AM
i didnt get the internship

so i will be buying a new system and tv
any suggestions?
im into rpgs and seems like xobx wins that
but does anyone have any suggestions on what system i should go with?

Sorry Pat! I was rooting for ya...thought you were a shoe-in.

09-10-2007, 04:43 AM
I have the Wii, and my bro has the 360. I think it really is a matter of whats important to you. If you want insano graphics and shit, 360. If you want interactive/innovative game play, then go the wii.

I think once Wii gets an rpg game, I have a feeling they will do some wild things with it - similar to how the newer FF games have the actions wehre you need to push a button as fast as you can, or wiggle the joystick, I could see Wii having a similar thing where you have to do some motion in order to cast the spell/action.

MaD DocTa
09-10-2007, 09:59 AM
The wii is a great gaming system. But the 360 has got a lot more than good games. HD content. If you have an HD tv get the 360 and enjoy the HD movies and such. If not go with the Wii and its soild games. Not that its games are better or anything but why buy a system and only enjoy half of what it offers.

09-10-2007, 10:23 AM
between roommates and myself we've got all 3 in the house. wiis great for socializing, not as many games you'd want to play by yourself, but its popular at parties. xbox360 is nice, mostly gets used for sports games here, and its got the best current library of games out of all the next-gen systems. im still preferential to my ps3 which i use for all sorts of gaming and movies and media storage, hi-def is gorgeous on my 720p, and online shit is free opposed to xbox live. ive been really impressed with the games coming out lately and many titles due out this winter look awesome.

09-10-2007, 03:49 PM
if ur into rpgs like me you really only have one option: ps3. just think final fantasy xiii and xiii versus..... 360 has blue dragon but the anime style animations piss me off.

09-10-2007, 04:17 PM
if ur into rpgs like me you really only have one option: ps3. just think final fantasy xiii and xiii versus..... 360 has blue dragon but the anime style animations piss me off.

Thats why I am waiting for xiii and vs, which I hear may be 09 soon :(

The last remnant is squares first next gen multi platform game... and it looks great!!!!

Da Fish
09-10-2007, 06:18 PM
PSWii is the way to go. I don't play wii much anymore(waiting for smash bros.) I play PS3 all the time. Resistance and Warhark are awesome games.

Coming Soon: Killzone 2, Haze, Home, FFXIII, MGS

09-10-2007, 06:24 PM
I'm very happy with my Wii, but keep in mind that I'm only a casual gamer and probably spend as much time playing games like Mario Party with my 6 year old daughter as I do playing solo.

09-10-2007, 07:10 PM
If you have a wii you MUST get resident evil 4! The game is great, plus the wii controls really add a whole new aspect to the re games

09-10-2007, 07:51 PM
microsoft has finally updated the 360's, BUT they didn't remove the old stock (red ring of death) xbox's

most people are trying to hold out on purchasing one till they're sure the old design is off of shelves.... (though last month only 11,000 360's were sold so who knows how many of the old design is left)

anyway, if you can i say wait, these original 360's are just ticking time bombs.

Ay Kay Forty2
09-10-2007, 08:13 PM
If you have a wii you MUST get resident evil 4! The game is great, plus the wii controls really add a whole new aspect to the re games

arent' they having this attachment accessory that's a gun and you put your wii-mote in it. I forget what it's called. but, would that work for Resident Evil 4. Or, that Umbrella Chronicles (shoot'em up like Time Crisis).

I have RE4 for the PS2 and i'm happy with it.

09-10-2007, 10:29 PM
arent' they having this attachment accessory that's a gun and you put your wii-mote in it. I forget what it's called. but, would that work for Resident Evil 4. Or, that Umbrella Chronicles (shoot'em up like Time Crisis).

I have RE4 for the PS2 and i'm happy with it.

yes for 20 bucks you can buy a gun cradle that your wiimote that works for re4 and will work for games like UC... if you wait till november i think they are including a zelda crossbow shooter game with the gun... its not a full game more like a zelda minigame.

The Wii version of re4 has assignment ada and separate ways which werent included with the original GC version, like i said before the big improvement is the use of the wiimote with the game.. slash the wiimote like its a knife to cut boxes, shake the mote up and down to reload, and POINT it at the screen and splatter some plagas all over the place.

I ran through RE4 for GC three times and it is sooooo much more enjoyable playing it on the Wii

09-11-2007, 04:12 AM
I'm happy wth the Wii.. Resident Evil 4 is a great solo player, and a great way to waste 11 hours at a shot.

09-11-2007, 06:50 AM
The Wii version of re4 has assignment ada and separate ways which werent included with the original GC version, like i said before the big improvement is the use of the wiimote with the game.. slash the wiimote like its a knife to cut boxes, shake the mote up and down to reload, and POINT it at the screen and splatter some plagas all over the place.

I played thru RE4 on the Cube and Assignment Ada was on there. But ultimately, I really don't need to play it again.

For the record, I have a Wii and a 360 and use each for different types of games. Bioshock was great on my 360. Zelda was great on the Wii.

09-11-2007, 07:17 AM
sorry bud!!

09-11-2007, 01:55 PM
I played thru RE4 on the Cube and Assignment Ada was on there. But ultimately, I really don't need to play it again.

For the record, I have a Wii and a 360 and use each for different types of games. Bioshock was great on my 360. Zelda was great on the Wii.

your right Ada was included but separate ways was not, that was later included on the PS2 version.

09-11-2007, 08:23 PM
I'd have to say Wii or Xbox 360. If you're into solo gaming, you're better off with the 360. If you're into playing games with friends (or have friends who are interested in playing anyway), Wii is great for that... but so is Xbox with its selection of sports games.

PS3 still has no business expecting my business. Reminds me of when those crate-sized phones were first on sale in the late 80's going for hundreds of bucks and more... how much you pay for a cell phone these days?

p.s. Sorry you didn't make internship this time Pat- give it a shot next semester.

Ay Kay Forty2
09-15-2007, 08:03 PM
I don't know, I kinda wanta a 360 for Bioshock and then pick up some of the games that i've kinda wanted to play like Oblivion and Condemned (a real underrated game, was actually one of the launch titles and it was kinda half-life ish)

09-15-2007, 08:28 PM
I've had a 360 for 6 months, and of those 6 months, its been in texas 6 weeks being repaired because of microsofts shition.

09-15-2007, 09:59 PM
Away from the gaming aspect.....

Bought an old used computer and dropped a terabyte of hard drive space into it so I could use it as a video server for my tivo. Tivo was way too slow and I lost interest in the project. Started figuring out the video streaming feature of my 360, and it works a lot better. You don't have to download the file from your computer first, it streams the video from the PC right to the xbox plus it's faster and supports longer filenames. Only downside is converting all my video to wmv, but I found a great batch video converter. So far I have all 10 seasons of south park, both seasons of spaced all five seasons of curb, and some more downloading. Also streams music great too.. Hour of good quality video in wmv format is about 1/2 gig

09-17-2007, 10:40 PM
yes for 20 bucks you can buy a gun cradle that your wiimote that works for re4

Is it the Chicago Typewriter? Still my favorite game. Evar!

09-19-2007, 03:38 AM
Do you have a PS2?

If not and you are calling yourself an RPG fan then you should be ashamed.

09-19-2007, 06:32 PM
Well I just got the 3 blinking red light ring of death message. Customer support is fucking horrible. When trying to set up a repair online, all states were listed in the drop down menu except Florida, which is where I live. So I had to call in. Of course I get some fucking Indian, can't understand a god damn thing he says because of his accent, coupled with the background noise that made it sound like he was working from a night club. So im hoping in the next few weeks I might get the shipping box delivered here from UPS so I can ship it out, no idea if he actually got any of my information correct however.

Da Fish
09-19-2007, 07:05 PM
The less glamorous side of being a 360 owner.

09-20-2007, 05:49 AM
Well I just got the 3 blinking red light ring of death message. Customer support is fucking horrible. When trying to set up a repair online, all states were listed in the drop down menu except Florida, which is where I live. So I had to call in. Of course I get some fucking Indian, can't understand a god damn thing he says because of his accent, coupled with the background noise that made it sound like he was working from a night club. So im hoping in the next few weeks I might get the shipping box delivered here from UPS so I can ship it out, no idea if he actually got any of my information correct however.

Yeah I got a one ring of death last week, E 74. I actually thought this was all anti-microsoft hype until it happened to me. I've been depressed ever since, SKATE, MOH, Oblivion GOTY. NHL 08 and 2K8 have all come out since, i've been waiting forever for those. And of course due to my unethical nature I'm not covered by warranty. I'm lookin around to get an HDMI core edition.

09-20-2007, 12:13 PM
Yeah I got a one ring of death last week, E 74. I actually thought this was all anti-microsoft hype until it happened to me. I've been depressed ever since, SKATE, MOH, Oblivion GOTY. NHL 08 and 2K8 have all come out since, i've been waiting forever for those. And of course due to my unethical nature I'm not covered by warranty. I'm lookin around to get an HDMI core edition.

Why aren't you covered by warranty? They just extended the warranty to 3 years for all consoles. I don't even think the 360 has been around 3 years yet.

09-20-2007, 12:21 PM
Why aren't you covered by warranty? They just extended the warranty to 3 years for all consoles. I don't even think the 360 has been around 3 years yet.

uuum xbox scene . org

09-20-2007, 12:36 PM
Why aren't you covered by warranty? They just extended the warranty to 3 years for all consoles. I don't even think the 360 has been around 3 years yet.

I bought a chrome case and broke the seal after warranty was expired but before the warranty extensions were announced. Thats it...

Kilgores Feet
09-29-2007, 12:21 PM
I own a Wii and 360 and consider myself an RPG fan. But since FF13 isn't coming out soon and it the only PS title I'm looking toward purchasing, I didn't bother. The PS3 is too expensive right but if you like JRPGs, Sony will probably once again destroy the platform/exclusive powerhouse that is Nintendo and the sports/FPS console that Microsoft has become.
Although, with titles like Katamari and Viva Pinata being popular on the 360, there could get a lot more unique titles this generation. Right now the only 360 RPG I hear good things about is Enternal Sonata and the Wii doesn't have any RPGs (does it? not counting VC games)