View Full Version : HD-DVD vs Bluray
08-03-2007, 09:38 AM
So what are your opinions on HD-DVD vs Bluray?
I don't own either. I'm sure they look lovely on an hd tv, but I really think both are overrated and almost want to just wait until whatever surpasses these two technologies.
Doctor Z
08-03-2007, 09:52 AM
BluRay winz.
08-03-2007, 10:01 AM
Damn, Jon you thief, i need to start copyrighting my ideas,
I am hoping that HDD wins out just because i can play them on my XBOX 360, where if Blu-Ray wins then i need to get a PS3 and shell out $600 more for that
viva la HDD
08-03-2007, 10:04 AM
On paper, Blu-ray was always the superior format. HD-DVD got industry support due to the compatibility with existing DVD fabs. Initially, there were more differences in the copy protection schemes, but now the primary difference lies in the implementation of interactive content (BD-Java, and HD-DVDs XML scheme).
Both support the three HD codecs: MPEG-2, VC-1, and H.264, and they both have support for lossless, high-fidelity multichannel audio. Blu-ray has larger capacity discs (25 GB and 50GB vs. 15 GB and 30 GB), but for now, as demonstrated by this week's 300 release, movies that are released on both formats are likely to be identical.
HD-DVD is region-free, so any disc will play on any player anywhere in the world. Blu-ray has a region encoding scheme. Up until now, HD-DVD was the preferred format for porn, but it was announced this week that Blu-ray porn is on the way.
My dad has a 56" 1080p DLP set with a PS3 and a 7.1 speaker setup. The picture quality is astounding, but you need a set large enough to see it. Also, the difference in audio quality is noticeable. Larger dynamic range, more clarity.
Honestly, there should not be two formats. Capacity is the only real difference between the two. However, I think Sony might just win this format war.
08-03-2007, 10:31 AM
I am with Jon on this. I am not jumping onto this train for a while. I am not looking forward to repurchasing movies in a new format. and I think these new formats might become the laser disks of the industry. I think DVD (regular) are so ingrained in people right now, it will be a while before they are willing to upgrade. also, you really need the 1080 screen to make the most of it, and most people do not have it. also, anyone who bought plasma or lcd in the last few years is not going to be happy about trying to buying all new equipment.
08-03-2007, 10:35 AM
I just purchased a Toshiba HD-DVD player yesterday. I started watching 300 in HD, on my 56" 1080p DLP TV, and it was amazing. Absolutely fucking amazing.
The things that swayed me towards HD-DVD over bluray were, first, Sony has a fucking horrendous track record of technologies, and second, I plan on buying a PS3 soon anyway, so having two BluRay dvd players would be useless.
If you have a very large screen television, there is quite a difference between high definition movies and regular DVDs.
08-03-2007, 10:36 AM
On paper, Blu-ray was always the superior format. HD-DVD got industry support due to the compatibility with existing DVD fabs. Initially, there were more differences in the copy protection schemes, but now the primary difference lies in the implementation of interactive content (BD-Java, and HD-DVDs XML scheme).
Both support the three HD codecs: MPEG-2, VC-1, and H.264, and they both have support for lossless, high-fidelity multichannel audio. Blu-ray has larger capacity discs (25 GB and 50GB vs. 15 GB and 30 GB), but for now, as demonstrated by this week's 300 release, movies that are released on both formats are likely to be identical.
HD-DVD is region-free, so any disc will play on any player anywhere in the world. Blu-ray has a region encoding scheme. Up until now, HD-DVD was the preferred format for porn, but it was announced this week that Blu-ray porn is on the way.
My dad has a 56" 1080p DLP set with a PS3 and a 7.1 speaker setup. The picture quality is astounding, but you need a set large enough to see it. Also, the difference in audio quality is noticeable. Larger dynamic range, more clarity.
Honestly, there should not be two formats. Capacity is the only real difference between the two. However, I think Sony might just win this format war.
Zen thanks so much for all the info! i think this will come in to use a lot around here!
08-03-2007, 10:41 AM
but for now, as demonstrated by this week's 300 release, movies that are released on both formats are likely to be identical.
Its funny because I was originally awaiting the release of 300 to decide which format I bought. Which ever one it came out on, I was buying. And then it was released on both.
08-03-2007, 10:43 AM
i don't understand why anyone cares.
online distribution is obviously the future
the same people with HD tv's and a HD player, will move on to online distribution when its a reality.
sure there will always be a market for owning an actual copy, but by then the winner between these two will have long been decided.
i still hate the "CD/DVD" format itself, i really wish mini disc would've caught on here just so i could buy a decent MD burner, i've had some of my MD's for close to 8 years...and somehow none of them have scratched or grown weird mold.....
08-03-2007, 10:55 AM
online distribution is obviously the future
the same people with HD tv's and a HD player, will move on to online distribution when its a reality.
My new Hd-dvd player is connected to the internet and can download certain things. So I'm sure they'll be adding hard drives and setting up these players so they'll be able to download whole movies.
i still hate the "CD/DVD" format itself, i really wish mini disc would've caught on here just so i could buy a decent MD burner, i've had some of my MD's for close to 8 years...and somehow none of them have scratched or grown weird mold.....
Mini disk (actually atrac) is another Sony thing that failed, all because of Sony being stubborn.
08-03-2007, 11:01 AM
i don't understand why anyone cares.
online distribution is obviously the future
the same people with HD tv's and a HD player, will move on to online distribution when its a reality.
sure there will always be a market for owning an actual copy, but by then the winner between these two will have long been decided.
i still hate the "CD/DVD" format itself, i really wish mini disc would've caught on here just so i could buy a decent MD burner, i've had some of my MD's for close to 8 years...and somehow none of them have scratched or grown weird mold.....
it might be the future, but the FAR future. the amount of bandwidth needed to stream an HD movie in lossless compression is HUGE HUGE HUGE. if people would settle for shitty quality, then you can do the streaming. but who wants to pay 4,000 for a TV to basically watch XVID on it
08-03-2007, 12:27 PM
I'm very happy with Blu-Ray and my PS3 but I don't begrudge anyone why buys the disks in the red boxes. I recall a slashdot story (link to come, hopefully) that talked about a universal player that would read both types. I know the lasers differ so it would probably have to incorporate two read heads and at present that sounds very pricey.
They both have tie-ins to game systems, great quality A/V, and similar releases so whichever group of backers can out-price the other without losing too much will probably win.
I hate it when people feel like they belong to a side in the Sony vs. Microsoft corporate struggle. Unless you work for one of those companies you are not a soldier on their side. At most you amount to a single bullet fired into the rump of one of these giants. Get a clue.
08-03-2007, 12:44 PM
I hate it when people feel like they belong to a side in the Sony vs. Microsoft corporate struggle. Unless you work for one of those companies you are not a soldier on their side. At most you amount to a single bullet fired into the rump of one of these giants. Get a clue.
Amen, but that's the nature of fanboyism.
It also annoys me when people shun Sony because of broken promises and questionable business tactics, then proceed to back Microsoft, a company that's been the subject of numerous anticompetitive lawsuits from the US D.O.J. I've yet to purchase a next-gen system, but when I do it will be the one that's the best bang for my buck, period. These corporations are all equally shady and I refuse to become an evangelist for either side.
One more thing: not to nitpick, but it's HD DVD (no hypen).
On paper, Blu-ray was always the superior format. HD-DVD got industry support due to the compatibility with existing DVD fabs. Initially, there were more differences in the copy protection schemes, but now the primary difference lies in the implementation of interactive content (BD-Java, and HD-DVDs XML scheme).
Both support the three HD codecs: MPEG-2, VC-1, and H.264, and they both have support for lossless, high-fidelity multichannel audio. Blu-ray has larger capacity discs (25 GB and 50GB vs. 15 GB and 30 GB), but for now, as demonstrated by this week's 300 release, movies that are released on both formats are likely to be identical.
HD-DVD is region-free, so any disc will play on any player anywhere in the world. Blu-ray has a region encoding scheme. Up until now, HD-DVD was the preferred format for porn, but it was announced this week that Blu-ray porn is on the way.
My dad has a 56" 1080p DLP set with a PS3 and a 7.1 speaker setup. The picture quality is astounding, but you need a set large enough to see it. Also, the difference in audio quality is noticeable. Larger dynamic range, more clarity.
Honestly, there should not be two formats. Capacity is the only real difference between the two. However, I think Sony might just win this format war.
Just a couple things to add. First that it's actually Blu-Ray that has more industry support. Sony, Disney, Fox and lions Gate exclusively support Blu-Ray. Universal exclusively supports HD-DVD. Everyone else supports both.
The main reason Blu-Ray gets more support despite it's extra costs in manufacturing discs is that it has extra copy protection. (For now though HD-DVD discs and Blu-Ray discs cost the same. They aren't passing those costs on to consumers yet.)
There are also some minor differences too that over time will resolve themselves. the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray versions of 300 are not identical. the HD-DVD version has extra features like Picture-in-Picture features and interactive content. The Blu-Ray release does not. The reason is that Sony still hasn't finalized the specs for such content in its players. In the future each format will have equal capabilities in this category but for now HD-DVD has an advantage.
If you are aren't really into this there's no reason to jump in yet. The libraries on each format aren't very big yet. They are both hovering somewhere 250 titles. And most of it is quite frankly filler.
08-03-2007, 01:08 PM
The libraries on each format aren't very big yet. They are both hovering somewhere 250 titles. And most of it is quite frankly filler.[/color][/size]
Yeah, I realized that last night when I was looking for other movies to buy, other than 300.
08-20-2007, 01:36 PM
Paramount and DreamWorks to go exclusive to HD DVD (
08-20-2007, 01:40 PM
There will soon be DVD players that will be able to play both formats, so that's the only hardware I'm waiting for.
I wrote a long reply that somehow got lost. So here's the short of it: I don't like this announcement, this format war is shit, I was going to buy HD movies when I got a PS3 but now I'm not, and I wouldn't be surprised if this substantially prolongs the format war and send HD formats the way of the laserdisc. Boo. Fuck you Paramount.
08-20-2007, 02:25 PM
I wrote a long reply that somehow got lost. So here's the short of it: I don't like this announcement, this format war is shit, I was going to buy HD movies when I got a PS3 but now I'm not, and I wouldn't be surprised if this substantially prolongs the format war and send HD formats the way of the laserdisc. Boo. Fuck you Paramount.
One of them needs to win, so I actually like this move. The format war needs to end.
08-20-2007, 02:25 PM
There will soon be DVD players that will be able to play both formats, so that's the only hardware I'm waiting for.
I think LG makes one. It costs like $1000.
One of them needs to win, so I actually like this move. The format war needs to end.
Except that Blu-Ray was pretty close to winning. If they had a huge holiday season sales advantage over HD-DVD it was probably over. And that was a possibility with Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean and Live Free and Die Hard all being exclusive to Blu-Ray. Now HD-DVD will have Shrek 3, The Bourne Ultimatum and Transformers exclusive. And anyone who wants all of them, on one HD player, is shit out of luck.
This just prolongs the whole thing. If HD-DVD wins it's going to take a long time, they are already in a deep hole.
08-20-2007, 02:57 PM
Except that Blu-Ray was pretty close to winning. If they had a huge holiday season sales advantage over HD-DVD it was probably over. And that was a possibility with Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean and Live Free and Die Hard all being exclusive to Blu-Ray. Now HD-DVD will have Shrek 3, The Bourne Ultimatum and Transformers exclusive. And anyone who wants all of them, on one HD player, is shit out of luck.
This just prolongs the whole thing. If HD-DVD wins it's going to take a long time, they are already in a deep hole.
This is in the article :
Any speculation that Blu-ray had gained market momentum had been immature, says Kelley Avery, worldwide president of Paramount Home Entertainment. "This business is in its infancy. At this stage, there has only been about three million high definition discs sold combined (between HD DVD and Blu-ray, compared to about 1 billion DVDs sold annually)," she says.
I know its from Paramount, but why would two large movie companies abandon a winning format?
This is in the article :
I know its from Paramount, but why would two large movie companies abandon a winning format?
Because they were paid $150 million dollars. (
Sales this year have been consistently 66-34 in favor of Blu Ray. 300 sold twice as many titles on Blu-Ray as it did on HD-DVD. The one area where HD-DVD was doing well was sales in standalone players, but even that has been erased in the last few weeks despite Blu-Ray players being more expensive.
The thing that pisses me off is that just last night I was watching Die Hard on my parents HD set and I was thinking, "Man, it would be awesome to watch this on Blu-Ray" and just today Fox announces that in November they will release all 4 films on Blu-Ray. But I don't want to waste my money on 30 dollar discs that might be useless once my PS3 is gone. This format was fucking blows.
I could understand if one of the of the Blu-Ray exclusive studios went neutral and released movies on both formats. It would still extend the war but at least it would make sense to them. They would have a larger market to sell to. But for a studio to voluntarily exclude itself from two thirds of the market doesn't make any sense to me at all. Just a cynical money grab that could ultimately destroy the whole high definition movie disc market.
And I don't buy that digital downloads will be able to replace them. How many HD movies could I fit on a 250GB HD? 7 or 8, maybe? Or do I have pay some motherfucking company every time I want to watch a movie? Is broadband penetration high enough to make it a big enough market? What device is coming soon that will make it easy for the average guy out there who knows little about electronics to hook it up to his TV? I just think it's not happening anytime soon.
08-20-2007, 03:21 PM
Personally both look great but I needed the extra storage of Blue-Ray with my high-def vid cam so you know which way I went. Everyone seems to be up on the ins and outs of both formats more than I would think, but I don't believe you'll see a new HD version to take their place as JJohn and Jpmnick are waiting for.
The thing that pisses me off the most about the whole thing is that the formats are so incredibly similar. Compression technology is more then enough to ensure a great picture on either format. Blu-Ray's extra storage gives it an advantage as far as including more extras or less discs for TV sets or data storage for computers but that's it. They are both capable of the same stuff. And yet this stupid shit drags the fuck on.
08-21-2007, 07:45 AM
The thing that pisses me off the most about the whole thing is that the formats are so incredibly similar. Compression technology is more then enough to ensure a great picture on either format. Blu-Ray's extra storage gives it an advantage as far as including more extras or less discs for TV sets or data storage for computers but that's it. They are both capable of the same stuff. And yet this stupid shit drags the fuck on.
i wish someone could hack the PS3 to enable the xbox hd-dvd drive. i'd buy one tomorrow. computer blu-ray drives are still too expensive to build a system with both, but i'll probably go that route with my next desktop.
08-21-2007, 08:04 AM
I want people to see my movies in the best formats possible. For them to deny people who have Blu-ray sucks! They were progressive by having two formats. No Transformers 2 for me!
From Michael Bay's official blog
08-23-2007, 04:08 PM
The day after, from Michael Bay's blog :
Last night at dinner I was having dinner with three Blu-Ray owners, they were pissed about no Transformers Blu-Ray and I drank the kool aid hook line and sinker. So at 1:30 in the morning I posted - nothing good ever comes out of early am posts mind you - I over reacted. I heard where Paramount is coming from and the future of HD and players that will be close to the $200 mark which is the magic number. I like what I heard.
As a director, I'm all about people seeing films in the best quality possible, and I saw and heard firsthand people upset about a corporate decision.
So today I saw 300 on HD-DVD, it rocks!
So I think I might be back on to do Transformers 2!
Michael Bay
The day after, from Michael Bay's blog :
I think they showed him the big check and he said "You can have some of this if you shut your damn mouth." Or he didn't feel like passing many guaranteed millions from a sequel for such a trivial statement.
11-01-2007, 06:40 AM
If anyone has been holding out on the format wars : Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player $98 ( on Friday at Walmart.
11-01-2007, 07:01 AM
Can someone let me know when a good HD DVD/Blu-Ray combo player comes out? I heard the current one that it is out blows.
11-01-2007, 07:12 AM
Can someone let me know when a good HD DVD/Blu-Ray combo player comes out? I heard the current one that it is out blows.
You're better off buying the HD-A2 and a Playstation3. Combined, they're cheaper than the cheapest combo player.
11-01-2007, 07:13 AM
You're better off buying the HD-A2 and a Playstation3. Combined, they're cheaper than the cheapest combo player.
Well, that's not going to happen.
I guess I'll be waiting for a little while then.
11-01-2007, 07:58 AM
3 months later, and I still don't care about this format war.
11-01-2007, 09:28 AM
The computer BD/HD-DVD combo drive is down to $299 at newegg. Still have about $100 to go.
My dad has a PS3 already. I'm gonna try to pick up one of these $100 HD-DVD players for him tomorrow.
11-01-2007, 12:21 PM
More HD DVD deals (
The A2 is also $100 at Best Buy. The new A3 is $169 plus 2 DVDs at Sears.
11-01-2007, 12:50 PM
i just moved and have not even hooked a DVD player up to my TV yet. I have my computer hooked up to the TV and just play movies through that. I have seen both Blue Ray and HD in person, and they are amazing. but until there is one formatt, or the next format comes out, I am not rushing to go pick one of these up.
i just moved and have not even hooked a DVD player up to my TV yet. I have my computer hooked up to the TV and just play movies through that. I have seen both Blue Ray and HD in person, and they are amazing. but until there is one formatt, or the next format comes out, I am not rushing to go pick one of these up.
That's probably the best idea. So far the competition is driving down prices. There's no way that player prices would be this low if there was one format. But if you choose now there's a pretty good chance that the money you spend will be wasted on a dead format in a year or two.
11-01-2007, 01:06 PM
That's probably the best idea. So far the competition is driving down prices. There's no way that player prices would be this low if there was one format. But if you choose now there's a pretty good chance that the money you spend will be wasted on a dead format in a year or two.
the problem is, the more people buy them the more chance we have of this happening again. if companies can show profit from a format war, they will have no reason in the future to compromise on a single format
the problem is, the more people buy them the more chance we have of this happening again. if companies can show profit from a format war, they will have no reason in the future to compromise on a single format
I don't think anyone is profiting from this war yet. It's a war for future royalties. Sony and Toshiba are losing money selling players at these prices. They are doing this because if they win they will reap royalties on every Blu-Ray or HD-DVD sold for however long the format lasts. Nobody is happy with the current situation, not Sony, Toshiba or the Hollywood studios.
When Toshiba was developing DVD Sony and Phillips were also developing a competing video disc format. When it became clear that most support was behind DVD Sony and Phillips abandoned their format and gave support to DVD. Sony lost out on a shitload of royalties and Toshiba raked in the cash. This time around Sony had more support behind Blu-Ray and Toshiba still went ahead with their format. Toshiba is really fighting and might take the whole HD movie disc industry down with it. Of course if that happens they'll still have DVD.
11-01-2007, 01:32 PM
I don't think anyone is profiting from this war yet. It's a war for future royalties. Sony and Toshiba are losing money selling players at these prices. They are doing this because if they win they will reap royalties on every Blu-Ray or HD-DVD sold for however long the format lasts. Nobody is happy with the current situation, not Sony, Toshiba or the Hollywood studios.
When Toshiba was developing DVD Sony and Phillips were also developing a competing video disc format. When it became clear that most support was behind DVD Sony and Phillips abandoned their format and gave support to DVD. Sony lost out on a shitload of royalties and Toshiba raked in the cash. This time around Sony had more support behind Blu-Ray and Toshiba still went ahead with their format. Toshiba is really fighting and might take the whole HD movie disc industry down with it. Of course if that happens they'll still have DVD.
i agree 100%, no one is winning, but if consumers decide to spring for 2 DVD players, one of each format, and then as movies come out they will get them in whatever format, both sides win and shows the corporations that a format war is not the big deal it was back in the day.
this is the worst possible time for this to be happening. if this was 3 years ago, it might have been OK. but with housing taking a shit and consumer spending about to tighten up, no one is going to be rushing out to buy a 300$ DVD player when they do not even understand what the difference is.
and normal people are going to be PISSED when they pick one, and realize 3 months later when the summer blockbuster they want to see is not available to be played in their player.
11-01-2007, 01:44 PM
I think I'm the most stubborn guy in the world when it comes to format upgrades. I have absolutely zero interest in HD-DVD or Blueray. I'm hanging on to my regular DVDs for as long as I can. I don't have an HD TV, and I don't intend on getting one until my old TV dies. My problem with HD TV is that unless you're watching HD programming, everything looks like a low-quality You Tube video to my eyes.
Then again, I also don't download music and almost exclusively buy vinyl. Being a snob is fun.
11-01-2007, 01:46 PM
also I am sure people will love the fact that to get the best picture they need a 90$ cable to hook it up.
well you can get the cable for 6 bucks online, but one one will do that and spend all the money get it at best buy
11-01-2007, 01:51 PM
no one is going to be rushing out to buy a 300$ DVD player when they do not even understand what the difference is.
But people will buy $100 players. If Toshiba sells $100 HD DVD players through Christmas, its going to be a cheap gift for a lot of people. Its brilliant marketing, if they keep it at this price for 2 months.
11-01-2007, 01:53 PM
I'm hanging on to my regular DVDs for as long as I can. I don't have an HD TV, and I don't intend on getting one until my old TV dies. My problem with HD TV is that unless you're watching HD programming, everything looks like a low-quality You Tube video to my eyes.
What?! The quality of the programming wouldn't be worse on a high definition television. That doesn't even make sense.
And you can still play DVDs on the HD DVD players.
also I am sure people will love the fact that to get the best picture they need a 90$ cable to hook it up.
well you can get the cable for 6 bucks online, but one one will do that and spend all the money get it at best buy
Yeah, but people spend way too much on all cables for their homes. I love how much Monster marks stuff up.
11-01-2007, 02:03 PM
What?! The quality of the programming wouldn't be worse on a high definition television. That doesn't even make sense.
I'm talking about regular non-HD cable programming, which yes, I think looks like shit on HD televisions. Regular tube TVs have a softer presentation which makes the lower resolution of regular programming easy on the eyes. Watching the same thing on an HD TV accentuates the lower resolution and makes everything look blocky and pixilated like a bad You Tube clip.
11-01-2007, 02:04 PM
I'm talking about regular non-HD cable programming, which yes, I think looks like shit on HD televisions. Regular tube TVs have a softer presentation which makes the lower resolution of regular programming easy on the eyes. Watching the same thing on an HD TV accentuates the lower resolution and makes everything look blocky and pixilated like a bad You Tube clip.
regular TV on my 32" LCD looks like SHIT compared to the tube TV it replaced. my computer hooked up to the TV and the HD content from the cable both look amazing.
11-01-2007, 02:17 PM
regular TV on my 32" LCD looks like SHIT compared to the tube TV it replaced. my computer hooked up to the TV and the HD content from the cable both look amazing.
Yeah, I can't deny that HD stuff looks great on HD TVs. It's just that right now I watch so little TV that I can barely justify what I already pay for regular cable. Making the move to an HD TV would force me to pay even more per month just to have programming that doesn't look fuckin' fugly on my TV. I like HD, but I'm just not super-enthusiastic about it. I have friends who will watch really shitty stuff just because it's in HD.
"Hey, isn't The Simpsons on? We could be watching that instead of CSI: Miami."
"No, it's not in HD. Fuck that."
11-01-2007, 03:28 PM
i just moved and have not even hooked a DVD player up to my TV yet. I have my computer hooked up to the TV and just play movies through that. I have seen both Blue Ray and HD in person, and they are amazing. but until there is one formatt, or the next format comes out, I am not rushing to go pick one of these up.
how do you hook a computer up to your tv? I wanted to do that but have no idea how. What do I need and whats the steps?
Thanks in advance.
11-01-2007, 03:30 PM
how do you hook a computer up to your tv? I wanted to do that but have no idea how. What do I need and whats the steps?
Thanks in advance.
you need a TV with either an HDMI or PC input.
and you need a video card with a DVI output for the best results. then you pick up a DVI-HDMI cable and set your video card resolution to as close as possible to the native resolution of your TV. it looks great.
you can also hook it up to a regular TV if all you want to do is watch movies. you can not read text on a normal TV. in that case, use an S-video out on your video card to S-video in on the TV. depending on the quality of the TV, you can get a decent pic.
11-01-2007, 08:43 PM
HD-DVD for under 100 bucks at good ole walmart
11-01-2007, 08:53 PM
HD-DVD for under 100 bucks at good ole walmart
Yeah, I beat you by like 14 hours.
*flexes muscles*
11-01-2007, 08:58 PM
Yeah, I beat you by like 14 hours.
*flexes muscles*
nice, i totally missed it. that is what re-sparked this thread.
11-01-2007, 09:05 PM
nice, i totally missed it. that is what re-sparked this thread.
But seriously, I've told about 50 people today about the $100 HD DVD player. You know how many of them cared?
It makes me realize that this war isn't going anywhere because there's no one to battle over yet. I thought everyone cared as much as me, but it seems I may be the only person in the country who bought the Toshiba HD-A20.
11-01-2007, 09:11 PM
But seriously, I've told about 50 people today about the $100 HD DVD player. You know how many of them cared?
It makes me realize that this war isn't going anywhere because there's no one to battle over yet. I thought everyone cared as much as me, but it seems I may be the only person in the country who bought the Toshiba HD-A20.
i actually thought about buying my dad one for Christmas because i never know what to get him, but i care so little about this whole thing that there is no reason to even waste the money, i will just give him cash
11-02-2007, 06:29 AM
i actually thought about buying my dad one for Christmas because i never know what to get him, but i care so little about this whole thing that there is no reason to even waste the money, i will just give him cash
I bought my dad a DVD player last christmas with a bunch of movies he likes. I think only one has been opened. I'm done trying to buy my parents any sort of technology.
11-02-2007, 08:46 AM
I bought my dad a DVD player last christmas with a bunch of movies he likes. I think only one has been opened. I'm done trying to buy my parents any sort of technology.
My dad sits in his recliner directly in front of his 56" set blabbering on his bluetooth headset all evening/night. I think he watches more movies than I do now.
I picked up the HD-DVD player at Wal-Mart this morning and a copy of Transformers. I'm just gonna call it an early Christmas gift. His home theater is now officially HD agnostic.
11-02-2007, 09:39 AM
I picked up the HD-DVD player at Wal-Mart this morning and a copy of Transformers. I'm just gonna call it an early Christmas gift. His home theater is now officially HD agnostic.
I'm heading up there in a bit to see what they have left for HD DVD movies. My selection so far is just 300 and Hot Fuzz. I need some more.
11-02-2007, 10:13 AM
I'm heading up there in a bit to see what they have left for HD DVD movies. My selection so far is just 300 and Hot Fuzz. I need some more.
I bought a few Blu-ray titles (Casino Royale, 300, Apocalypto, and Planet Earth), but I'm gonna tell him to just sign up for Netflix.
11-02-2007, 11:06 AM
I bought a few Blu-ray titles (Casino Royale, 300, Apocalypto, and Planet Earth), but I'm gonna tell him to just sign up for Netflix.
I got up there and the only one worth anything was The Big Lebowski. Everything else was either shit or gone.
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