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ratings [Archive] - Messageboard


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Marc with a c
11-20-2001, 08:47 PM
king, i know ron & fez aren't big on talking about ratings, and i know im late to ask about it, but whats the deal? how good are they really doing? thanks

"i don't question our existence, i just question our modern needs."

This message was edited by evedder on 11-21-01 @ 2:16 AM

11-22-2001, 09:44 PM
I found this link which places WNEW 22nd in the NY market as of November 9, 2001 with a rating of just 1.4 (Yikes!) But that rating appears to be an average over the entire day and does not specify Ron and Fez's ratings. I expect it to be substantially higher than that based on their broad appeal, wit and audience participation. And of course, they are also the best show around.