View Full Version : Transgendered 7 year old..
06-29-2007, 02:13 AM
Link to video story from CNN --- LINK (
It is a story of a family with all boy children, and the last boy starts to exhibit feminine traits, and the mother seems to encourage it, while the father seems to struggle with it.
What do you think?
06-29-2007, 03:10 AM
Let the kid be who they are. I would struggle with the situation if it was my kid, but that would be something for me to deal with, not the kid.
Dan 'Hampton
06-29-2007, 03:19 AM
If i'm the mother I don't encourage it. Kids that age can tend to be "gay", most of the time its a fad. I wouldn't be pushing it.
I think I'm glad that I don't have kids.
06-29-2007, 04:53 AM
I think the mother is trying to get a daughter out of her son
06-29-2007, 04:54 AM
I think the mother is trying to get a daughter out of her son
I watched the news clip, and didn't get this out of it at all. She even had her own reservations about the whole thing at first. All they are doing is letting the child be who they are. If acceptance is the same thing as encouragement, then I guess she did encourage her, but I didn't see anything else beyond that.
Dan 'Hampton
06-29-2007, 05:06 AM
What are they accepting? Giving credence to the ideas of a 7 year old is insane. About the only thing a 7 year old should be deciding is what kind of juice he wants. At that point they are incapable of deciding anything major.
06-29-2007, 05:37 AM
I agree.
I think it is nuts and irresponsible of a parent to start a child down the road to a lifestyle just because the child wants to do something.
I think it is sad.
06-29-2007, 05:42 AM
What are they accepting? Giving credence to the ideas of a 7 year old is insane. About the only thing a 7 year old should be deciding is what kind of juice he wants. At that point they are incapable of deciding anything major.
I agree. The parents should be locked up.
06-29-2007, 05:43 AM
You guys are assuming that gender identity is choice. This is not something that happened over night, they said their child started showing signs of a feminine identity at 18 months, and it has been strong ever since then. She started having trouble in school, became depressed, and even attempted to harm herself. You think its more dangerous to just let her be who she is?
06-29-2007, 05:50 AM
When I was a kid, and I first realized that I had a pee-pee, I ran to my mother and started crying. Saying, "I don't want it, cut it off." I wouldn't stop crying. My uncle had to take me aside and explain to me, that I will need it later in life.
I think I turned out fairly heterosexual. I think this psychopath mother is making a bigger deal over something that a bunch of kids go through.
06-29-2007, 05:56 AM
When I was a kid, and I first realized that I had a pee-pee, I ran to my mother and started crying. Saying, "I don't want it, cut it off." I wouldn't stop crying. My uncle had to take me aside and explain to me, that I will need it later in life.
I think I turned out fairly heterosexual. I think this psychopath mother is making a bigger deal over something that a bunch of kids go through.
The child's situation goes way beyond the realization that they have a 'pee-pee'. Its about who the child is, and how they identify themselves as a person.
Don Stugots
06-29-2007, 05:58 AM
I think I'm glad that I don't have kids.
AJ, i had to watch the story a second and force that out of my mind. so true. I do think you have to let the kid be who they are. If you instill it in them that you are ashamed of what they are it will lead to other problems as the kid gets older.
Blackbird, is this what your parents did to reef? it would explain alot.
06-29-2007, 05:59 AM
The child's situation goes way beyond the realization that they have a 'pee-pee'. Its about who the child is, and how they identify themselves as a person.
I've seen plenty of boys that like dressing as girls, and playing with dolls. And girls who are tom boys. I think it's a stretch at 7 years old to say that the kid is a girl trapped in a boys body. It may be the case, but at seven, I think it's very unhealthy to start sending your kid to school in drag.
06-29-2007, 06:09 AM
I've seen plenty of boys that like dressing as girls, and playing with dolls. And girls who are tom boys. I think it's a stretch at 7 years old to say that the kid is a girl trapped in a boys body. It may be the case, but at seven, I think it's very unhealthy to start sending your kid to school in drag.
Again, this more than just dress up, its about their identity. She didn't just put on a dress, she adopted a new identity that fits her, including a new name and hairstyle.
06-29-2007, 07:39 AM
I feel a parents roll is to steer the child in a direction that will best suit the best interest of the child. This will cause this boy to believe he is a girl, when he is not. If a kid throws a tantrum, you dont cater to it. I am not saying he throw a tantrum, but if you see a kid exhibiting behavior that is harmfull, you dont encourage it. What if the kid was torturing animals? Setting fires? Do you encourage it because it is "who he is", and later on he becomes a pyro, or a serial killer? Again, I am not saying that this is along the same lines, but it is kind of similar.
06-29-2007, 07:55 AM
I feel a parents roll is to steer the child in a direction that will best suit the best interest of the child. This will cause this boy to believe he is a girl, when he is not. If a kid throws a tantrum, you dont cater to it. I am not saying he throw a tantrum, but if you see a kid exhibiting behavior that is harmfull, you dont encourage it. What if the kid was torturing animals? Setting fires? Do you encourage it because it is "who he is", and later on he becomes a pyro, or a serial killer? Again, I am not saying that this is along the same lines, but it is kind of similar.
The most harmful thing to do in this situation is to force an identity on the child that they clearly do not posses. To make them feel ashamed of who they are will cause many problems for the child. If this is just a phase, then when they grow out of it, and they will be fine, but so far, this 'phase' has been going on almost as long as the child as been alive. Murders and pyromaniacs fall into the category of sociopaths, trans genders do not, and so this situation should be handled differently.
mildly amusing
06-29-2007, 08:00 AM
I feel a parents roll is to steer the child in a direction that will best suit the best interest of the child. This will cause this boy to believe he is a girl, when he is not. If a kid throws a tantrum, you dont cater to it. I am not saying he throw a tantrum, but if you see a kid exhibiting behavior that is harmfull, you dont encourage it. What if the kid was torturing animals? Setting fires? Do you encourage it because it is "who he is", and later on he becomes a pyro, or a serial killer? Again, I am not saying that this is along the same lines, but it is kind of similar.
You're conflating biological sex with gender identity...those two things are not mutually're also comparing a kid who is struggling with gender identity to one who tortures animals...they are not even in the same ballbark, let alone "similar"
06-29-2007, 08:25 AM
I think I'm glad that I don't have kids.
And Be Glad You Didn't Have Parents Like That!
And Be Glad You Didn't Have Parents Like That!
They emasculated me in other ways.
06-29-2007, 08:38 AM
They emasculated me in other ways.
Undoubtedly....But It Is All A Matter Of Degree!!
PS: Fat's Older Sister Used To Dress Him In Her Clothes Like He Was Some Kind Of A Living Doll, Just For Her Amusement. Fortunately, She Got Tired Of This Before It Did Any Permanent Damage. Or.....
06-29-2007, 08:40 AM
This is such a disturbing load of crap......This behavior is a mental disorder, plain and simple....It should be treated as such....before this 7yr old goes chopping off his cock....Simply put, do we extend treatments to alcoholics or set them up with an infinite tab at the local liquor store?? Its such bullshit....All of the sudden anything to do with sexuality is no longer a disorder, its just being born that way....Gimme a fucking break...I am waiting for the eventual moron to come out of the dumpster to claim "Well, animals do it"..Yeah, animals are gnawing off their cocks and putting on wigs and lipstick...and to that moron I also say this...are we not better than the animals??? What sets up apart? Just because an animal eats his own shit, do we forever more claim "ah, the dog can do it, why cant we? must be natural"..Ignorance at its finest..
Captain America
The last bastion of common sense in this ever increasing madhouse we call Planet Earth...Fighting the good fight for those ignorant drooling sheep to dumbed down to get up off the LazyBoy long enough to fight against their ever creeping demise!
06-29-2007, 08:43 AM
i agree with everything that cupcakelove has posted. let the kid become the person he/she wants to be. being forced into a gender identity by parents can lead to more confusion in the child and could turn into major psychological issues later on in life. the whole family needs to go to some type of counseling to determine the best situation for the child.
06-29-2007, 08:48 AM
This is such a disturbing load of crap......This behavior is a mental disorder, plain and simple....It should be treated as such....before this 7yr old goes chopping off his cock....Simply put, do we extend treatments to alcoholics or set them up with an infinite tab at the local liquor store?? Its such bullshit....All of the sudden anything to do with sexuality is no longer a disorder, its just being born that way....Gimme a fucking break...I am waiting for the eventual moron to come out of the dumpster to claim "Well, animals do it"..Yeah, animals are gnawing off their cocks and putting on wigs and lipstick...and to that moron I also say this...are we not better than the animals??? What sets up apart? Just because an animal eats his own shit, do we forever more claim "ah, the dog can do it, why cant we? must be natural"..Ignorance at its finest..
Captain America
The last bastion of common sense in this ever increasing madhouse we call Planet Earth...Fighting the good fight for those ignorant drooling sheep to dumbed down to get up off the LazyBoy long enough to fight against their ever creeping demise!
I knew it was only a matter of time before this thread turned into this. At least we had a little bit of discussion before you got here.
06-29-2007, 09:05 AM
This is such a disturbing load of crap......This behavior is a mental disorder, plain and simple....It should be treated as such....before this 7yr old goes chopping off his cock....Simply put, do we extend treatments to alcoholics or set them up with an infinite tab at the local liquor store?? Its such bullshit....All of the sudden anything to do with sexuality is no longer a disorder, its just being born that way....Gimme a fucking break...I am waiting for the eventual moron to come out of the dumpster to claim "Well, animals do it"..Yeah, animals are gnawing off their cocks and putting on wigs and lipstick...and to that moron I also say this...are we not better than the animals??? What sets up apart? Just because an animal eats his own shit, do we forever more claim "ah, the dog can do it, why cant we? must be natural"..Ignorance at its finest..
Captain America
The last bastion of common sense in this ever increasing madhouse we call Planet Earth...Fighting the good fight for those ignorant drooling sheep to dumbed down to get up off the LazyBoy long enough to fight against their ever creeping demise!
Absolutely disgusting. I'm sure you know more than medical professionals around the world, right?
06-29-2007, 09:11 AM
transgendered peoples have been around forever, just look at the history of virtually any native american tribe. almost of all of them consider 3rd and 4th genders legitimate and those people played a neccessary role in society.
anyways, back to shit eating dogs
06-29-2007, 09:21 AM
if the child were mine i wouldn;t encourage it as such an early age, what like many say it may be just a phase in the child's life? But if the event occured later in the child's life then maybe I could live with it and love the child for who he/she is.:wacko:
06-29-2007, 10:02 AM
This is a horrible story...made for good radio on O&A!
Captain America
06-29-2007, 10:28 AM
Cock Cutting Whackos be damned!! I didnt fight the Red Skull to the death so that some 6yrd old mental patient can take the hack and slash to his piss pump! American morals burning while you people fiddle, but not me,Peppy...Cap will flush these quacks that propagate this as some normal lifestyle that should be accepted just because some "American Indian" hacked a slit in his ass and stuck a feather in (savages)....
06-29-2007, 10:31 AM
Cock Cutting Whackos be damned!! I didnt fight the Red Skull to the death so that some 6yrd old mental patient can take the hack and slash to his piss pump! American morals burning while you people fiddle, but not me,Peppy...Cap will flush these quacks that propagate this as some normal lifestyle that should be accepted just because some "American Indian" hacked a slit in his ass and stuck a feather in (savages)....
Ummm so did you fight the "Red Skull," so close minded, intolerant, ignorant maroons could spread hate against people simply because they choose a lifestyle different from yours?
Captain America
06-29-2007, 10:45 AM
Commie....Obvious plant from the Serpent answer your insolence, when did it become ignorant to believe that chopping off your bait and tackle was whacky??? Are we "progressing" or "digressing" into animalistic savages more worried about our cocks and cunts than our brains? Hate speech??? HAAHHAHA...You simplistic snake, you know nothing of "hate speech"....When fighting the Skull in WWII, I saw real HATE SPEECH as in "Kill the jews"...sorry but the holocaust just does not add up to offending some kook who has delusions about removing his trouser snake with a SawZall...
Be gone, remnant of an evil empire....Real american stand and fight against this debauchery , this slippery slide into moral anarchy...STAND TALL...DONT BREAK THE LINE!
06-29-2007, 10:46 AM
Hey, dipshit. Your sig is waaaaay too big. Keep it to 300 X 100 so your inane posts are at least a little bit more tolerable.
02-08-2008, 06:04 AM
02-08-2008, 06:07 AM
So was the family of the boy
The family of the transgender student did not want to comment.
02-08-2008, 07:35 AM
"I don't think a 3rd grader does have the rationale to decide this life-altering choice"
First of all, the school should be shut down on principle just for bowing to this kid's obvious phase.
Second of all, he's gonna get the shit beat of him so much that he'll probably decide to say a boy until he can start dressing however he wants when he gets a job in 10 years or so.
02-08-2008, 07:41 AM
Old topic.
I've already said everything I had to say on this subject there.
02-08-2008, 07:54 AM
"I do think that there's going to be an acknowledgement that 'Why are you in a dress this year when you were in pants last year?'" said Dave M.
Ummmmmmmm probably because last years styles focused mainly on pants and capris while this seasons style is bringing back dresses and skirts
02-08-2008, 07:56 AM
"OK class everyone get in a circle and sit boy, girl, boy, tranny."
-talk about your bad lunch trades!!!
02-08-2008, 08:03 AM
This is GARBAGE....the parade of other students that will be suspended for not being sensitive to his situation will be astounding.
You are, BY definition, mentally ill, if you are born as one sex and wish to live as the other.
2 years ago some 55yo high school teacher decided to chop off his cock and balls for a vagina, students were threatened with suspension for making fun of him, many students actually were suspended.
This is a society out of control, the "Normal" people are expected to accomidate the devients in society.
02-08-2008, 08:04 AM
I dont see the problem. This is between the kid and his/hers parents. If other parents have a problem then thats their problem. I see nothing wrong with a school accepting a child for who the child is.
As for not be old enough to make a life changing decision. That naive, I think kids know at a young age what they like and dont like. I know when I was in 2nd,3rd ,4th grade I liked girls. I knew it was what I liked. Why is it that this kid cant feel like he was a little girl in a little boys body? Dont tell a kid, or anyone for that matter how they feel. I think they know themselves better then a stranger. All you can do as a parent is get the kid help and see if its really what the kid feels. If it is you can either support the kid or not. I have a few gay friends and a gay cousin. We knew from a early age that my cousin was gay. My gay friends said that their parents knew as well. In this case it is just being known earlier then normally happens. Im happy for the kid, now he can be who he is and not be afraid.
02-08-2008, 08:05 AM
This is GARBAGE....the parade of other students that will be suspended for not being sensitive to his situation will be astounding.
You are, BY definition, mentally ill, if you are born as one sex and wish to live as the other.
2 years ago some 55yo high school teacher decided to chop off his cock and balls for a vagina, students were threatened with suspension for making fun of him, many students actually were suspended.
This is a society out of control, the "Normal" people are expected to accomidate the devients in society.
I really hope this is a joke. No, you are not mentally ill if you identify yourself as something besides what is between your legs. Gender identity is not something that is black and white.
02-08-2008, 08:13 AM
You are, BY definition, mentally ill, if you are born as one sex and wish to live as the other.
And you, by definition, are uneducated. Ignorant too.
02-08-2008, 08:14 AM
I really hope this is a joke. No, you are not mentally ill if you identify yourself as something besides what is between your legs. Gender identity is not something that is black and white.
I read your post, then I read your mod quote.:lol:
02-08-2008, 08:16 AM
I read your post, then I read your mod quote.:lol:
Those things always get you in the end. :tongue:
Marc with a c
02-08-2008, 08:18 AM
Those things always get you in the end.
King Hippos Bandaid
02-08-2008, 08:19 AM
would I be going to hell if I said this thread is useless without pics
02-08-2008, 08:23 AM
This is between the kid and his/hers parents.
No. It is between the kid and his parents, the school, his classmates, their parents, the community and now, thanks to modern media, the entire country.
As for not be old enough to make a life changing decision. That naive, I think kids know at a young age what they like and dont like.
Come on, Snacks. This is a child. If you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he'll probably reply Wonder Woman. Should the school get him a golden lasso and flight lessons? How about a weight set and some green paint for little Johnny, who wants to be The Hulk? This child lacks the capacity to make this decision.
Heather 8
02-08-2008, 08:23 AM
would I be going to hell if I said this thread is useless without pics
Chris Hansen would like a word with you.
02-08-2008, 08:33 AM
I dont see the problem. This is between the kid and his/hers parents. If other parents have a problem then thats their problem. I see nothing wrong with a school accepting a child for who the child is.
As for not be old enough to make a life changing decision. That naive, I think kids know at a young age what they like and dont like. I know when I was in 2nd,3rd ,4th grade I liked girls. I knew it was what I liked. Why is it that this kid cant feel like he was a little girl in a little boys body? Dont tell a kid, or anyone for that matter how they feel. I think they know themselves better then a stranger. All you can do as a parent is get the kid help and see if its really what the kid feels. If it is you can either support the kid or not. I have a few gay friends and a gay cousin. We knew from a early age that my cousin was gay. My gay friends said that their parents knew as well. In this case it is just being known earlier then normally happens. Im happy for the kid, now he can be who he is and not be afraid.
You raise several good points and I don't think many of us are intolerant over the concept of transgenders. I think what's at issue here is the child's age. The child might know he's "different" or this might just be a phase, its tough to actually say because he's so little. Somebody raised this point before, when you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up he might say fireman or astronaut, yet the odds of him becomming that are extremely slim. This is a child who doesn't know what he wants out of life yet, so for him to immediately characterize himself as transgender is somewhat difficult to take at face value. Personally I couldn't care less if the kid wants to prance around in a dress and lose his cock, but his youth certainly clouds the judgement on this issue.
King Hippos Bandaid
02-08-2008, 08:37 AM
Chris Hansen would like a word with you.
not for a sexual matter, more for laughing at to see those pics
02-08-2008, 08:41 AM
You raise several good points and I don't think many of us are intolerant over the concept of transgenders. I think what's at issue here is the child's age. The child might know he's "different" or this might just be a phase, its tough to actually say because he's so little. Somebody raised this point before, when you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up he might say fireman or astronaut, yet the odds of him becomming that are extremely slim. This is a child who doesn't know what he wants out of life yet, so for him to immediately characterize himself as transgender is somewhat difficult to take at face value. Personally I couldn't care less if the kid wants to prance around in a dress and lose his cock, but his youth certainly clouds the judgement on this issue.
So what age should this child be allowed to be themselves? This isn't a question of profession, its how they identify themselves as a human being. It sounds like you're trying to simplify the problem while changing the definition of gender identity. Kids don't grow up being androgynous, and then at 18 all the sudden start wearing skirts or growing facial hair. If you try to suppress that or make them feel like they are wrong for being who they are, its pretty likely you are going to mess that kid up and make even more difficult for them to function in this society.
02-08-2008, 08:47 AM
So what age should this child be allowed to be themselves? This isn't a question of profession, its how they identify themselves as a human being. It sounds like you're trying to simplify the problem while changing the definition of gender identity. Kids don't grow up being androgynous, and then at 18 all the sudden start wearing skirts or growing facial hair. If you try to suppress that or make them feel like they are wrong for being who they are, its pretty likely you are going to mess that kid up and make even more difficult for them to function in this society.
youre absolutely right, there's no "right age" to all of a sudden say this child has credibility. What makes this thing so cloudy is his extreme youth. you have to understand that this child in a lot of ways is not fully mentally developed. All i'm saying is this is something that needs to be examined further by a doctor. this kid could be spot on, but it could also be a phase, and the reason we dont know for sure is because of his age.
02-08-2008, 09:14 AM
So what age should this child be allowed to be themselves? This isn't a question of profession, its how they identify themselves as a human being. It sounds like you're trying to simplify the problem while changing the definition of gender identity. Kids don't grow up being androgynous, and then at 18 all the sudden start wearing skirts or growing facial hair. If you try to suppress that or make them feel like they are wrong for being who they are, its pretty likely you are going to mess that kid up and make even more difficult for them to function in this society.
I'm all for the rights of transgendered folks, but if we're going to take an 8 year old seriously on this, then wouldn't that mean hormone therapy at the start of puberty as well? Where do you draw the line?
02-09-2008, 12:59 AM
I do think that there's going to be an acknowledgement that 'Why are you in a dress this year when you were in pants last year?'" said Dave M.
02-09-2008, 04:11 AM
It's the parents fault. They let him/her watch too many oldie time Bugs Bunny cartoons-you know the ones I'm talking about-where that homo bugs was always kissing Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, Marvin the Martian...........
02-09-2008, 04:36 AM
02-09-2008, 07:25 AM
that's kind of a tough one to wrap your head around. creating new bathrooms is over-the-top and 'he now dressed as a she' should be using the girls room.
he/she will get the fair shar eof ridicule and being made fun of that goes with growing up and being 'supposedly' different from the norm or 'cool' kids...
02-09-2008, 09:45 AM
And you, by definition, are uneducated. Ignorant too.
How do you is not normal to be homosexual or transgendered. It may be accepted as normal by some, however in the scheme of things, homosexuality and gender-misidentification are traits that deviate from the norm.
I dont think we should stone this kid to death, but the others in the class should not have to put up with his shenanigans, this is no different than if a child decided to dress in a dog costume every is not normal, and the parents are facilitating his abnormal behavior.
It is just another example of the 99.9% being railroaded by the .1%
Come on, Snacks. This is a child. If you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he'll probably reply Wonder Woman. Should the school get him a golden lasso and flight lessons? How about a weight set and some green paint for little Johnny, who wants to be The Hulk? This child lacks the capacity to make this decision.
Exactly, he is to young to decide and his stupid liberal parents are facilitating his misbehavior. Maybe he turns out to want this, but at this young age he has no clue what he wants.
How do you is not normal to be homosexual or transgendered. It may be accepted as normal by some, however in the scheme of things, homosexuality and gender-misidentification are traits that deviate from the norm.
I had to start my day reading this shit? No wonder Gvac left for lent.
Seriously dude, you must be the most bigoted ass I've ever seen on this board.
02-09-2008, 12:32 PM
I remember my little sister in 2nd grade wanted to be a boy because the boys got to play with their shirts off. I'm not sure you can take kids that seriously at 7.
02-09-2008, 02:05 PM
I had to start my day reading this shit? No wonder Gvac left for lent.
Seriously dude, you must be the most bigoted ass I've ever seen on this board.
Gvac's Gone? Who's gonna defend us from Mikeyboy?
02-09-2008, 02:20 PM
I had to start my day reading this shit? No wonder Gvac left for lent.
Seriously dude, you must be the most bigoted ass I've ever seen on this board.
not bigoted...just a realist.
The parents are committing child abuse by allowing him to misidentify himself.
not bigoted...just a realist.
The parents are committing child abuse by allowing him to misidentify himself.
No you are an incredible bigot. It's a theme in nearly all of your posts.
02-09-2008, 02:36 PM
No you are an incredible bigot. It's a theme in nearly all of your posts.
why, cause I dont like the perversion of culture being perpetrated lately?
Ok....some say rapists and molesters are born defective, with an impulse to do what they do....does that mean we should allow them to go about their compulsion?
I believe this case is PURELY manufactured by ideas the mother put in the sons head, it is no coincidence that the youngest of 6 sons would have this affliction....I almost guarantee that the mother made some comment that she wished he was a daughter and this deviation is a result of that.
Why you are a bigot, in your own words:
It's not normal to be homosexual (
"Funny racist photoshop of Senator Barack Obama" (
Your "funny" take on Mexican Tourism (
Your "prediction" of a race war when Obama is elected. (
America will not elect a black or a female (
Your call for a "shoot to kill" order for the US/Mexico border. (
These are just posts from 2008. Seriously, you are a fucking troll and a blight upon our society. Go listen to Michael Savage.
02-09-2008, 02:53 PM
1. Its not normal
2. It is funny.
3. Mexico is a plague on america, that video is 100% satire.
4. That was from O+A, where anthony was quoting white supremacist websites. I did my own looking, and seems white supremacists agree. My commment was purely an awful attempt at humor.
5. They wont, there is 200 years of the standard being white male.
6. I stand by that, the only way to curb the flood of illegals is to make it so dangerous it is not worth it for the thirdworlders to come here.
I'll repeat myself: Seriously, you are a fucking troll and a blight upon our society.
02-09-2008, 02:58 PM
I'll repeat myself: Seriously, you are a fucking troll and a blight upon our society.
That is your opinion, and I respect your right to it, but I think you are wrong.
That is your opinion, and I respect your right to it, but I think you are wrong.
Your track record of posts stand for themselves.
02-09-2008, 03:22 PM
Your track record of posts stand for themselves.
I think you are insensitive for having a messy disheveled black man as your avatar...
I think you are insensitive for having a messy disheveled black man as your avatar...
That's all you have?
You suck at this game.
02-09-2008, 03:45 PM
So according to earthbrown, being gay or transgendered is the same as being a rapist or a child molester.
I'll bet he's a big fan of the "gay marriage will lead to people marrying animals, etc." argument.
02-09-2008, 03:46 PM
6. I stand by that, the only way to curb the flood of illegals is to make it so dangerous it is not worth it for the thirdworlders to come here.
Wow, that bolded part is insanely telling. Your issue isn't with people coming here legally or ultimately just have a problem with "thirdworlders," period, legal or not.
02-09-2008, 03:52 PM
So according to earthbrown, being gay or transgendered is the same as being a rapist or a child molester.
I'll bet he's a big fan of the "gay marriage will lead to people marrying animals, etc." argument.
I dont care about gay marriage...
Wow, that bolded part is insanely telling. Your issue isn't with people coming here legally or ultimately just have a problem with "thirdworlders," period, legal or not.
I said 3rd worlders, because I did not have time to list all the different countries represented by the illegals that flow across our southern border.
02-09-2008, 03:55 PM
Wow, that bolded part is insanely telling. Your issue isn't with people coming here legally or ultimately just have a problem with "thirdworlders," period, legal or not.
Christ Mojo, give the guy a break. You too Epo. Obviously he's dealing with his own gender confusion and isn't sure what he wants and takes his hatred out on people who have the guts to go and live the life they were meant to live.
He also was dating a hispanic gal (though she looked white) and she told him how'd she'd rather be back in her tiny depleted village than stay with him.
Maybe if the two of you researched things you wouldn't be such biggoted fools.
And my mom is a pre school teacher. Most of the boys in her class always go and play with femminine toys and dress up as women. It's a phase. For this kid, maybe it's not. But one day he may look back at it and have a big silly laugh.
02-09-2008, 04:08 PM
I said 3rd worlders, because I did not have time to list all the different countries represented by the illegals that flow across our southern border.
That in no way explains why you used the term in the first place. Why not just say "illegals?" And don't try and dress it up like it's a flood of different nationalities coming over that border. Close to 90% of the illegals that come across are Mexican (almost all of the rest are just from Central America), so nice try.
02-09-2008, 04:09 PM
I dont care about gay marriage...
But don't disagree with my suggestion that you think homosexuals and transgenders are no better or different than rapists and child molesters?
02-09-2008, 07:00 PM
I remember my little sister in 2nd grade wanted to be a boy because the boys got to play with their shirts off. I'm not sure you can take kids that seriously at 7.
I think this happens all the time. A little girl wants to play and act like a boy. And everyone lets her. They let her play boy sports and dress like a boy. The only difference here is its a boy and dressing like a girl.
As for earthbrown. You are the biggest punk on this board. You use the internet to spew your hate and do it hidden behind your computer. I guarantee you are a pussy!
02-09-2008, 09:55 PM
Pop quiz: Who in this thread is most likely to have snorted crystal meth off a cock before?
02-10-2008, 04:39 AM
Pop quiz: Who in this thread is most likely to have snorted crystal meth off a cock before?
ooh, can't wait for your most recent travel update!
02-10-2008, 06:03 AM
Pop quiz: Who in this thread is most likely to have snorted crystal meth off a cock before?
Now just hold on a second. It was the 80's, I was young, and hanging out with a bad crowd at the time.
It don't make you a bad person.
02-10-2008, 07:29 AM
Link to video story from CNN --- LINK (
It is a story of a family with all boy children, and the last boy starts to exhibit feminine traits, and the mother seems to encourage it, while the father seems to struggle with it.
What do you think?
i want to say let te kid be who they want to be
but what if it was just a phase ???
i say if enough time and study is taken and theres no doubt its a phase, then i would be supportive
Now just hold on a second. It was the 80's, I was young, and hanging out with a bad crowd at the time.
It don't make you a bad person.
Boys have penises and girls have vaginas!
This is a very common thing to see in the Middle East. I think they're exchanging long protein strings or something.
02-10-2008, 09:40 AM
Boys have penises and girls have vaginas!
banana slugs have both
02-10-2008, 09:44 AM
banana slugs have both
Which is why a banana slug will never be president. It thinks with its dick and when it doesn't it's very irrational.
02-10-2008, 09:44 AM
banana slugs have both
pigs have corkscrew shaped penises.
02-10-2008, 10:45 AM
Pop quiz: Who in this thread is most likely to have snorted crystal meth off a cock before?
02-10-2008, 10:46 AM
i want to say let te kid be who they want to be
but what if it was just a phase ???
Then all that shopping at Old Navy was for nothing.
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