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Do We Major In The Minors? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Do We Major In The Minors?

06-17-2007, 07:50 AM
The "we" I am referring to in the thread title is mankind as a whole, and I'm wondering if our pursuit of knowledge in our daily lives causes us to lose sight of what's truly important. Many of us are intent on specific areas of learning, such as mastering whatever field you happen to be employed in, while others are "learning junkies" and study anything and everything they can get their hands on just for knowledge's sake.

I'm wondering if our lust for intelligence has made us a less spiritual, more unfeeling and uncaring species.


06-17-2007, 08:04 AM
very deep thinking gvac. throughout my course of becoming an educated person i feel that i have indeed become less spiritual, not that i ever was that i can remember. but not less caring or unfeeling. i feel that the more i learn and understand certain aspects of this world the more opprotunity (man i suck at spelling) to be able to relate to others around me, thus creating a person who is more open to caring and feeling for others.

06-17-2007, 08:15 AM
Not me, I'm ignorant and unfeeling.

06-17-2007, 08:23 AM
I think people just always make the mistake of looking things in big picture mode.. If you do that, then everything seems daunting, and you will always be too scared to do anything.. I take it as writing a book.. If you go into it saying OH MY GOD!!! How am i going write a huge book.. What do i say?? How do i say it.. How do i get a plot, work it and then connect it at the end.. Most people just get scared.. What you should do is take it step by step, chapter by chapter, and before you know it.. You have written a book.. Same with life.. Slow shit down, and you can do anything you want..

06-17-2007, 08:29 AM
very deep thinking gvac. throughout my course of becoming an educated person i feel that i have indeed become less spiritual, not that i ever was that i can remember. but not less caring or unfeeling. i feel that the more i learn and understand certain aspects of this world the more opprotunity (man i suck at spelling) to be able to relate to others around me, thus creating a person who is more open to caring and feeling for others.

I agree with both of you here and that may sound wrong but I'll explain. As I grow older, I don't grow less spiritual, but less religious. This in itself to me is a good thing as I distance myself from the only thing I knew and was taught as a kid which is tainted by the greed and desire of man over centuries. Sure the main point of the Bible is genuine, but it has been twisted for man's needs for ages none-the-less. Even so, as I grow less religious, I grow more spiritual. And in doing so I've become really adept at seeing people for who they are. This poses me with instant issues as I'm a very upfront and still loyal person/friend. I'll always have your back, but also speak up when needed, perhaps too often. So this in turns show the caring aspect, but also the conflicting nature of how it comes about due to seeing things more clearly for what they are.

06-17-2007, 08:50 AM
I sometimes switch from playing a major chord to a D minor...the saddest of all the keys.

06-17-2007, 08:55 AM
I sometimes switch from playing a major chord to a D minor...the saddest of all the keys.

Lick My Love Pump

06-17-2007, 08:59 AM
Lick My Love Pump

link (

06-17-2007, 09:01 AM
i can't imagine quest for knowledge making people less compassionate.

06-17-2007, 09:14 AM
i can't imagine quest for knowledge making people less compassionate.

Oh I couldn't disagree more. I deal with plenty of brillant people in my daily life and they are so far removed from emotional response and put themselves up on a pedestal compared to "ham and eggers"/regular people. They truly feel as though they are better bc they are smarter and were born into money and convenience which allows them to pursue their goals without any financial issues.

06-17-2007, 09:18 AM
Oh I couldn't disagree more. I deal with plenty of brillant people in my daily life and they are so far removed from emotional response and put themselves up on a pedestal compared to "ham and eggers"/regular people. They truly feel as though they are better bc they are smarter and were born into money and convenience which allows them to pursue their goals without any financial issues.

no, a singular focus on any matter can lead you to withdraw, i agree with you there. i was talking aboot a renaissance man type thirst for general knowledge of many fields. broad/shallow knowledge of the world around you, to me, would just inspire you to care more for the world and peeps around you.

06-17-2007, 09:23 AM

06-17-2007, 09:25 AM

this would go great in gvac's other thread (

06-17-2007, 09:55 AM
i can't imagine quest for knowledge making people less compassionate.

I agree with you. In my opinion, a large component of compassion is seeing ourselves in another person. If you think you have nothing in common with a tribesman in Africa, for instance, then their oppression will probably mean very little to you. When faced with someone else's suffering, we often use rationalization (for lack of a better word) to deal with it. It's not unusual for us to think that something won't happen to us because we're smarter/wealthier/whiter/have better personal habits than the person who is suffering. As we learn more about science, other cultures, and life in general, we have a harder time making that rationalization and are faced to deal with the reality of it. Once we realize that the only thing that seperates us from someone else is the luck of the draw, we tend to be more symapthetic. That's where knowledge comes in.

Mike Teacher
06-17-2007, 04:16 PM
The "we" I am referring to in the thread title is mankind as a whole, and I'm wondering if our pursuit of knowledge in our daily lives causes us to lose sight of what's truly important. Many of us are intent on specific areas of learning, such as mastering whatever field you happen to be employed in, while others are "learning junkies" and study anything and everything they can get their hands on just for knowledge's sake.

I'm wondering if our lust for intelligence has made us a less spiritual, more unfeeling and uncaring species.

G, next time we see each other we gotta do some serious talking on This Universe.

I'll take that last one first. If it wasnt for that lust for intelligence, we wouldnt exist. Without that soaring passionate curiousity about the world around them, perhaps the hallmark of only This species, our brains never would have become these trillion cell things that can contemplate whether or not there is a downside to the pursuit of fact...

As opposed to say, the pursuit of a buddhist monk seeking a life of inner peace. For me they are equally noble, and can equally fill a life with real purpose and meaning.

My view: Science is a liberation [Einstein]; a candle in the dark of ignorance [Sagan].

Humanity has a soraing spirituality too. I don't see them as seperate at all; just diff manifestations of the same brain doing diff things. I dont see spirituality as seeking something different, just a different part of the same thing. Different angles from which to approach the riddle of the universe, and what we are, and our purpose, if any.

More to say but im starving and wordy, not in that order.

06-17-2007, 05:17 PM
can't say I personally have a lust for intelligence but I acknowledge you do need those people around. otherwise you wouldn't have the medicines and technology that make our lives as lengthy and as comfortable as they are now. or the arts, the deep understanding of music.

it is a passion for some people to learn and continue learning and it is what makes them happy. some are snobs, some are down-to-earth just like the dumb shmucks, some are snobs and some are down-to -earth. it's pretty balanced i think in that area

i think it is greed for wealth that is causing less people to be spiritual or humane or give a fuck about anyone else

06-17-2007, 05:20 PM
Mike Teacher wrote:

G, next time we see each other we gotta do some serious talking on This Universe.

Mike, I'd love nothing better than to sit and chat about this over a cup of coffee or three.

I think a lot of what I was trying to say was misconstrued, probably due to my belief that brevity is not only the soul of wit but also necessary if you want anyone to read what you've posted!

I guess the question I'm really asking is do we fritter away a large portion of our lives seeking answers to life's many mini-mysteries without ever contemplating the main one? Perhaps we shouldn't even contemplate it at all.

I'm asserting nothing; merely raising some questions.

06-17-2007, 05:39 PM
i think it is greed for wealth that is causing less people to be spiritual or humane or give a fuck about anyone else

Amen, Funk.

I think that's been the case since the dawn of civilization, and it's not likely to change any time soon.

06-17-2007, 05:45 PM
I think this is why I have chosen to seperate my self from many. I just want to learn more and more about music every day. I draw to expand my visions of objects, and I read as much as possible just to understand how others feel. As a whole though, I do what I wish and don't worry about what others think of me.

06-17-2007, 06:19 PM
GVAC- I want some of what you are smoking...
Does this have anyting to do with Chad Johnson outrunning the racing horse?
Before you fire back- I'm kidding- Im a huge Bengals fan- (check my profile).

But seriously its funny that you mention this because I have decided to go back to school and "major" in what I am interested in rather than being a sprocket in the corporate machine. I feel my interests in biology and life on earth and beyond the everyday grind is sort of spirtual. And I am pursuing it.

06-17-2007, 06:24 PM
My chick went back to school and I have been reading her Philosophy books like crazy

06-17-2007, 06:32 PM
It's cool to see the depth of character of some of the members here from time to time, even though I know that this thread will invariably be derailed.

Thanks for the input, gang.

06-17-2007, 06:35 PM
It's cool to see the depth of character of some of the members here from time to time, even though I know that this thread will invariably be derailed.

Thanks for the input, gang.

As long as genious types like us post here it wont.

06-17-2007, 06:42 PM
Mike the Teacher is too smart for the whole lot of us. Its like talking with Yoda

Don Stugots
06-17-2007, 06:43 PM
G, next time we see each other we gotta do some serious talking on This Universe.

I'll take that last one first. If it wasnt for that lust for intelligence, we wouldnt exist. Without that soaring passionate curiousity about the world around them, perhaps the hallmark of only This species, our brains never would have become these trillion cell things that can contemplate whether or not there is a downside to the pursuit of fact...

As opposed to say, the pursuit of a buddhist monk seeking a life of inner peace. For me they are equally noble, and can equally fill a life with real purpose and meaning.

My view: Science is a liberation [Einstein]; a candle in the dark of ignorance [Sagan].

Humanity has a soraing spirituality too. I don't see them as seperate at all; just diff manifestations of the same brain doing diff things. I dont see spirituality as seeking something different, just a different part of the same thing. Different angles from which to approach the riddle of the universe, and what we are, and our purpose, if any.

More to say but im starving and wordy, not in that order.

i need to witness that conversation, not to add to it (since i couldnt possibly) but i listen and learn. where oh where can you two have it? (

06-17-2007, 06:47 PM
i need to witness that conversation, not to add to it (since i couldnt possibly) but i listen and learn. where oh where can you two have it? (

Over chocolate cake and coffee at Bossanova's :smoke:

06-17-2007, 06:52 PM
I would like to be a part of this convo. I love waxing philosophical with people and I love taking away with other peoples aspects whether they reinforce my mind set or are of opposing opinion.

06-17-2007, 07:06 PM
I would honestly love to do this gentlemen.

I think one of the main reasons I don't drink or hang out in bars anymore is that I enjoy intelligent conversations like these, and you're less likely to engage in them when one or more of the parties is shitfaced.

Set up an alcohol-free evening and I'll be there with bells on.

And let me say I'm glad to see you posting here again ppanda. I always thought you were an interesting guy with a lot going in that head of yours.

06-17-2007, 07:12 PM
I would honestly love to do this gentlemen.


And let me say I'm glad to see you posting here again ppanda. I always thought you were an interesting guy with a lot going in that head of yours.

Thanks budday- I want to make it out to a next event. I have been outta the loop since the FreeFm show was taken off because that was the only time I was able to post- Next event You, Mike the teacher, Stugots and I can have O'douls and talk intelligently and baffle everyones mind- LOL
Talk to ya soon.

**edit- PS- go Bengal nation- just had to say that since its like less than 40 days til training camp.

06-17-2007, 07:28 PM
I would honestly love to do this gentlemen.

I think one of the main reasons I don't drink or hang out in bars anymore is that I enjoy intelligent conversations like these, and you're less likely to engage in them when one or more of the parties is shitfaced.
Set up an alcohol-free evening and I'll be there with bells on.


So I take it Lleeder wont be a part of these discussions...LOL
Sorry Lleeder- I had to do it.

06-17-2007, 07:31 PM
I would honestly love to do this gentlemen.

I think one of the main reasons I don't drink or hang out in bars anymore is that I enjoy intelligent conversations like these, and you're less likely to engage in them when one or more of the parties is shitfaced.

Set up an alcohol-free evening and I'll be there with bells on.

And let me say I'm glad to see you posting here again ppanda. I always thought you were an interesting guy with a lot going in that head of yours.

all he needs is a little caffeine and a marb red to get the juices flowing

Don Stugots
06-17-2007, 07:35 PM
So I take it Lleeder wont be a part of these discussions...LOL
Sorry Lleeder- I had to do it.

hahaha. bravo mr. panda.

06-17-2007, 07:36 PM
I would honestly love to do this gentlemen.

I think one of the main reasons I don't drink or hang out in bars anymore is that I enjoy intelligent conversations like these, and you're less likely to engage in them when one or more of the parties is shitfaced.

Set up an alcohol-free evening and I'll be there with bells on.

And let me say I'm glad to see you posting here again ppanda. I always thought you were an interesting guy with a lot going in that head of yours.

Are you saying any event I would be involved with would include drinking?

06-17-2007, 07:39 PM
Are you saying any event I would be involved with would include drinking?

G was saying that he would not want drinking involved- I just happened to mention a show event cuz thats the probably the only time I would run into everyone together- people get stupid when they drink and think they know what the hell they are talking about (myself included) I agree with GVAC I like having a clear head when having these convos.

**edit ignore my comment -sorry- Bossanova- I just reread what you typed- and took it a different way.

Don Stugots
06-17-2007, 07:43 PM
we dont need an event to get together.

06-17-2007, 07:51 PM
It's cool to see the depth of character of some of the members here from time to time, even though I know that this thread will invariably be derailed.

Thanks for the input, gang.

06-17-2007, 07:53 PM
I would honestly love to do this gentlemen.

I think one of the main reasons I don't drink or hang out in bars anymore is that I enjoy intelligent conversations like these, and you're less likely to engage in them when one or more of the parties is shitfaced.

Set up an alcohol-free evening and I'll be there with bells on.

And let me say I'm glad to see you posting here again ppanda. I always thought you were an interesting guy with a lot going in that head of yours.

I am so in.. Make it somewhere in the middle of everyone and lets do it!

06-17-2007, 07:55 PM
I am so in.. Make it somewhere in the middle of everyone and lets do it!

Lets do it- I can do the City- its an easy train ride for me.

06-17-2007, 07:56 PM
Lets do it- I can do the City- its an easy train ride for me.


Mike Teacher
06-18-2007, 04:03 AM
Sometimes Ron reads threads...


Were coming in after the Wedding and taking over and doing a science round table. It will be great. If we shit the bed, no problem, we can blame Gvac or Stugots.

Name a date and we're there. Dave may speak but we exercise the option to duct tape his mouth shut. Earl too.

06-18-2007, 03:31 PM
Sometimes Ron reads threads...


Were coming in after the Wedding and taking over and doing a science round table. It will be great. If we shit the bed, no problem, we can blame Gvac or Stugots.

Name a date and we're there. Dave may speak but we exercise the option to duct tape his mouth shut. Earl too.

Fuck that...let's do it while they're on vacation!

What would people rather hear - a Ron and Fez rerun or a bunch of messageboard members bloviating?

I think the answer is obvious.

06-18-2007, 09:43 PM
i think it is greed for wealth that is causing less people to be spiritual or humane or give a fuck about anyone else

Me thinks someone nailed it.

06-18-2007, 09:49 PM
I would honestly love to do this gentlemen.

I think one of the main reasons I don't drink or hang out in bars anymore is that I enjoy intelligent conversations like these, and you're less likely to engage in them when one or more of the parties is shitfaced.

Set up an alcohol-free evening and I'll be there with bells on.

And let me say I'm glad to see you posting here again ppanda. I always thought you were an interesting guy with a lot going in that head of yours.

Wait just a minute there Gvac! So you're telling me you weren't inspired by our Bar 9 discussion on taxes bc we were slamming beers? How dare you!?

Just kidding of course, but let's keep the beer open as an option for those of us who like the grease our thoughts as well. Beer, the lubricant of my mind.

06-18-2007, 09:53 PM
we dont need an event to get together.

I think stugots is hitting on Gvac!

Don Stugots
06-18-2007, 10:45 PM
Fuck that...let's do it while they're on vacation!

What would people rather hear - a Ron and Fez rerun or a bunch of messageboard members bloviating?

I think the answer is obvious.

July 1st, my house, both of you. i will have coffee and chocolate cake.

06-18-2007, 11:04 PM
I will bring my physics and engineering skillz... finally put some use to these college degrees

Don Stugots
06-18-2007, 11:05 PM
I will bring my physics and engineering skillz... finally put some use to these college degrees

you can be there that day?

06-18-2007, 11:06 PM
you can be there that day?

what day, July 1st? I was going to go to Monmouth to watch the ponies with Hippo. maybe if we go in the afternoon i will come in for the show.

Don Stugots
06-18-2007, 11:07 PM
what day, July 1st? I was going to go to Monmouth to watch the ponies with Hippo. maybe if we go in the afternoon i will come in for the show.

thats the day.