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06-16-2007, 07:06 PM

Great rundown on the NHL's problems and needs with some being painfully obvious. Yet I disagree with number 5 and 9 bigtime (underlined). Anything I made bold, needs to be done and probably should have years ago or at least after the strike.

Items underlined I totally disagree with.

#5 Why get rid of composite sticks to help passing (I'm not a believer of this myth) and hurt shooting? If you're goal is to raise scoring in this league, then helping one area and hurting another doesn't do shit. Why not just let the player decide on what they like better? If it's clearly to their advantage, I believe we'd see a lot more old fashion sticks out there on the ice. Not just the older players and D who like a stronger stick.

#9 As for increasing the size of the net I couldn't disagree more. The only thing they should increase is the size of the rink. That way there wouldn't have to be an asterix next to records (in my mind) due to a major change in the game. I know you might say rink size does just that, but the players would still have to score the same way on the same net. Another option is to regulate goalie equipment like they were supposed to. All too often I see this rule and laugh when I see the likes of the majority of the goalies in the league.

Finally I felt neutral on three of the ten options listed.

#4 The officiating wasn't a huge problem over the last few years and the league has done what it could to crack down on the holding. My qualm comes in the form of the refs taking this rule too literal and removing the hitting aspect from the game. I can't tell you how many times I've seen them call a penalty on a good clean hit. If a guy goes down on a clean hit, it doesn't make it illegal! And the instigator rule applies somewhat here too, but they covered that correctly.

#6 The ice can surely be a problem throughout the league at any point of the season due to other events. They do in fact need to protect the game more here, along with a better ending time for it's season. However, in terms of rank I just don't think this is a huge issue. I'd rather the league work on the important issues first as they seem to drag their feet everywhere.

#8 Wow here's a touchy subject indeed. I surely see this as a big op, but they need to tread lightly. If they play it up on and work out better fantasy games as it's lead in it can help, but working a gambling angle on purpose just can't happen anywhere. The NFL is unique due to it's schedule and routine. They don't really push gambling, it happens on it's own. Betting on hockey isn't the easiest either so I'm not sure what they might propose to help it along.

Ten ways to fix the NHL Al Strachan
Special to, Updated 1 day ago STORY TOOLS:

Ten ways to fix the NHL:

1. Fire Gary Bettman
Most of the problems that plague the game are the result of decisions — or non-decisions — made by Bettman. His lack of imagination in labor conflicts caused two devastating lockouts. The first, in 1994, destroyed the promising future that awaited the NHL as a byproduct of the New York Rangers' Stanley Cup victory. The second, 10 years later, destroyed most remaining American interest in the league. Bettman has done an excellent job for a dozen or so investors, but for the rest of the league and for the game itself, he has been a disaster.

2. Get back on TV
Even if it takes buying out the remaining year of the Versus deal, the NHL has to get itself onto a major network as soon as possible. Because of the insipid game that Bettman had foisted upon the fans — low-scoring, restraint-dominated affairs — the NHL was going to have its product relegated to ESPN2 after the lockout. But even that had to be better than Versus which is simply not available in most venues. Furthermore, hockey highlights would have been shown on ESPN and at the moment, with very rare exceptions, that's not the case.

3. Restructure the season
Training camps are a throwback to the days when players spent the summer delivering beer — or drinking it. Nowadays, they come to camp in excellent condition. As a result, training camps could be shortened and the season could start earlier, which would in turn allow an earlier finish. Most people don't want to be watching hockey in June. In the playoffs, force teams to either make their building available when the results call for it or lose the home-ice advantage, thereby putting an end to these week-long delays between series.

4. Continue the officiating fine-tuning
For some reason, the NHL doesn't like to make moves. Far too many league officials say, "We don't want to be constantly changing the game. It's pretty good as it is." Sure it is. That's why the Stanley Cup final produced the lowest prime-time ratings in NBC's history. It is crucial to the sport that the great players be allowed to show their skills, and although many moves have been made in this direction, the officiating decisions — mandated from above — still leave a lot to be desired. It's a long path but stay the course.

5. Get rid of composite sticks
The NHL got itself into this mess in its usual fashion when it took a lackadaisical approach to the arrival of aluminum sticks. Now, most players are using the composite sticks and coaches hate them. Although they produce a wicked shot, they're not so good when it comes to receiving passes. Pucks that should be under control are bouncing around somewhere near the blade and the extra split second required to calm the puck often prevents the next pass. It's one of the reasons there are so many blocked shots.

6. Fix the ice
This one is difficult to impose, but it's crucial. The skills that today's players possess is phenomenal, but too often, they are negated by bad ice. The problem tends to be at its worst at the most important time of the season — in the playoffs when the warm weather is arriving. The league should be funding university research that can discover ways to keep the ice hard and chip-free; it should demand top quality ice plants in every building; and it should penalize teams which stage various ice-destroying shows hours before Stanley Cup games.

7. Get rid of the instigator rule
For one thing, there would be a reduction in cheap shots if a player knows he has to answer for his indiscretions. It might result in more fights, which wouldn't do any harm to hockey's popularity, but more likely, it would result in fewer injuries to key players. As a corollary, the league should not be quite so stringent in the area of excusing players from fighting majors. In other words, if a player takes a cheap shot, then decides to turtle when retaliation comes, give him a fighting major anyway.

8. Recognize the impact of gambling
Bettman abhors gambling and does everything he can to distance the game from it. But would the NFL have the popularity it enjoys if it weren't for gambling? Bettman doesn't realize that people in hockey pools, or people who have bet even small amounts on games, are much more likely to add to TV ratings than those who don't have a financial stake in the outcome. The league should do everything it can to encourage pools as well as making sure that gamblers get accurate, up-to-date injury information.

9. Increase the net size
This one is sure to encounter serious opposition, but the league has to do something about the lack of scoring. Don't change the shape. That's too radical. But a slightly larger net with the same configuration would make goalies do what they used to do before they and their pads became so much larger. They'll have to move post to post. They'll no longer be able to block the entire lower quarter of the net simply by dropping to their knees. To attract a larger audience, scoring has to increase, and this is the easiest way to do it.

10. Market the players
These guys are the most articulate, entertaining and accessible athletes in pro sports yet as soon as one of them says something remotely controversial, Bettman and his minions rush to silence them. Build some commercials around them. Increase their image. The league knows how much the players can sell the game, but too many owners feel that if they market the player, then his salary demands would increase accordingly. That's probably true but it's time to stop worrying about such matters.

Marc with a c
06-16-2007, 07:07 PM
way to early

06-16-2007, 07:17 PM
Hey Spoony.. What is your on what he on the TV thing?? Because you totally blasted me for bringing up that same point, a while ago..Almost to the point also..

06-16-2007, 07:22 PM
I stated there were pros and cons based on how the NHL proceeded with the deal. And due to the fact that they didn't work with Versus to setup a nightly NHL program, ads throughout other sports channels and simply expansion of its network I have issues now two years out. I always felt they had an opp to be the premier sport on a lesser network and if worked right they could make something out of it. Instead, the league all but fell off the planet and espn almost ignored it. ESPN 2 would have been a much better move in the end, but they offered a bag to hold pucks for the contract. Versus and the NHL made this deal worse and it could have been made better.

06-16-2007, 07:24 PM
I don't like the make the net bigger suggestion. It's a cheap and easy way to increase scoring while barely changing the game. Just make the fucking ice bigger already.

06-16-2007, 07:27 PM
NHL's biggest problem that was missed in this article... Stop listening to critics about changing the game.

Figure out what the rules should be, stick with them, don't change them them every single year.

Every year the NHL has changed the rules it has made all previous statistical comparisons to the past irrelevant. This league has become the equivalent of slam ball.

They think that there's some magic combo that's gonna make it surpass the NBA. Never gonna happen. 90% of America has never seen snow before. Why should they care about hockey if they didn't grow up with it.

I'd much rather go with Don Cherry's suggestion of goin back to 70's style mashup hockey. Fans show up for UFC would show up for an icecapade brawl/hockey game.

Just swallow your pride, lose Bettman and accept your actual place as America's 12th favorite sport.

06-16-2007, 07:32 PM
The NHL, in its infinite wisdom, has fucked up the game more than I would have thought possible. I wholeheartedly agree with the assertion to fire Bettman, but it's just about the only thing in the article that I agree with.

The STUPIDEST thing they've done recently is reconfiguring the dimensions of an NHL rink. Somehow, they thought there would be more offense if you shrunk the neutral zone and increased the offensive zones and the area behind the net. Ludicrous.

Go back to the old 60ft for the defensive, neutral, and attacking zones with 10 feet behind each net.

Get rid of the second ref. There's not enough space out there on the ice for 14 skaters!

06-16-2007, 07:32 PM
I don't like the make the net bigger suggestion. It's a cheap and easy way to increase scoring while barely changing the game. Just make the fucking ice bigger already.

The question I raise, Is there a problem with scoring in the NHL? I say no, but perhaps more room could be the answer for a quicker, less start and stop game. Even without whistles the game can grind to a halt when a team plays all out d. By expanding the ice, those teams that sit back on D or get lazy will get toasted. However, I'm not one to bitch about a 2-1 or 1-0 game. As long as it's played well and the goalies get tested I'm down. In fact, these are often the best games to see.

Sometimes I feel the US fringe fan won't watch unless we make each goal worth 7 points with resulting scores in the range of 28-35. The game is fine in that sense to me, I'd just like to see more speed overall.

06-16-2007, 07:36 PM
NHL's biggest problem that was missed in this article... Stop listening to critics about changing the game.

Figure out what the rules should be, stick with them, don't change them them every single year.

Every year the NHL has changed the rules it has made all previous statistical comparisons to the past irrelevant. This league has become the equivalent of slam ball.

They think that there's some magic combo that's gonna make it surpass the NBA. Never gonna happen. 90% of America has never seen snow before. Why should they care about hockey if they didn't grow up with it.

I'd much rather go with Don Cherry's suggestion of goin back to 70's style mashup hockey. Fans show up for UFC would show up for an icecapade brawl/hockey game.

Just swallow your pride, lose Bettman and accept your actual place as America's 12th favorite sport.

12th, that's just stupid and I could care less where it really ranks. I simply want to protect the game for the core fans and keep it financially sound.

Also, I think Gvac is on to something but in terms of the olympic ice. Players are too big and fast compared to just a few decades back and the rink is just too small. The Olympic ice is much better suited to the NHL speed and size, but will it ever happen? I doubt it.

06-16-2007, 07:56 PM
12th, that's just stupid and I could care less where it really ranks. I simply want to protect the game for the core fans and keep it financially sound.

Also, I think Gvac is on to something but in terms of the olympic ice. Players are too big and fast compared to just a few decades back and the rink is just too small. The Olympic ice is much better suited to the NHL speed and size, but will it ever happen? I doubt it.

Hey don't get me wrong, I'm from Canada therefore an automatic "core" fan. I too want to see the game preserved without the need to sensationalize it with flashy shootout-esque changes.

The one and only change I ever wanted to see to the game make was, as GVAC noted, was the international size rink. It opens up the game to no end. It would force a nice melding of the quick paced European game combined with the gritty N/A style. It would be beautiful. Only problem is that the new arenas have been built to accommodate the small rink. They'd be knocking out their most profitable first 3 rows. Owners would never vote for it.

But as for the 12th rank status as far as revenue/popularity, off the top of my head, tell me I'm wrong:

1: NFL
2: NCAA football
3: Nascar
4: MLB
5: PGA
6: NBA
7: NCAA Basketball
9: Horse Racing
10: Boxing
11: High School Football
12: NHL
13: Arena Football

Sorry Lacrosse, no dice. But I think This ranking is worthy of being debated in it's own thread.

PS - I'm iffy on NHL vs Arena football. Arena may have the edge there.

06-16-2007, 08:05 PM
I agree that the NHL will probably never go to the Olympic sized rink Spoon, but they should at least go back to the old dimensions for the 200 ft. length.

Getting rid of the 2 line pass infraction was a good thing, but when you shrink the neutral zone by 10 feet like they did it doesn't really create more breakaways or explosive breakouts.

Make the neutral zone 60 feet like it used to be, not 50, and you'll see some exciting scoring opportunities.

El Mudo
06-16-2007, 08:09 PM
What's up with suggestion number 10?

They spent all last year marketing the players....that was the main focus of their marketing campaigns, and what they really wanted to much more does he expect them to market them?

I do agree with the suggestion that they need to get back on mainstream TV...its a shame that we've become slaves to ESPN to the point where if it doesn't cover something, it gets no play. And ESPN does not cover what it doesnt feature on its own TV networks. We really need serious competition in the sports news world (sorry Fox, but youre not getting it done)

06-16-2007, 08:21 PM
The question I raise, Is there a problem with scoring in the NHL? I say no, but perhaps more room could be the answer for a quicker, less start and stop game. Even without whistles the game can grind to a halt when a team plays all out d. By expanding the ice, those teams that sit back on D or get lazy will get toasted. However, I'm not one to bitch about a 2-1 or 1-0 game. As long as it's played well and the goalies get tested I'm down. In fact, these are often the best games to see.

Sometimes I feel the US fringe fan won't watch unless we make each goal worth 7 points with resulting scores in the range of 28-35. The game is fine in that sense to me, I'd just like to see more speed overall.

No matter what happens to scoring having a bigger ice surface will allow for a more exciting game. That's all I want. Those Olympic games are so much more exciting than most NHL games, even the ones between the crappy teams.

It's so frustrating. They could do so much to improve by doing one simple thing and they won't even consider it.

06-17-2007, 08:48 AM
Just make the fucking ice bigger already.

Damn global warming!

06-17-2007, 08:51 AM
no nashville team by 2010

06-17-2007, 08:54 AM
i'd cut down on pad size long before making the goal larger. also, if composite sticks are so bad i can't see players sticking with them. if a player received an advantage by switching to a different stick, why would they NOT?

06-17-2007, 10:14 AM
yeah, #9 get to me too. They can't make such a radical change

06-17-2007, 10:58 AM
One unrelated thing I noticed in the fox sports article:

10. Market the players
These guys are the most articulate, entertaining and accessible athletes in pro sports

One might call that statement racist. Hmm... Hockey players are all white, while the other leagues are mainly black or hispanic.

Also if education was his reasoning behind that statement, most NHL players come from minor leagues and do not go through college where Football and Basketball players all get at least a bachelor's degree before they get to the big leagues.

06-17-2007, 07:09 PM
Stop expanding to places like Hawaii or Oklahoma. If your going to add teams look North of the border. Heck, Alaska needs a NHL team.

06-18-2007, 05:20 PM
Stop expanding to places like Hawaii or Oklahoma. If your going to add teams look North of the border. Heck, Alaska needs a NHL team.

well they guy who's trying to buy the nash preds is a canadian and is rumored to want to bring them up there

06-18-2007, 05:22 PM
what is true for hockey and most sports actually is the expansion of the game dilutes the quality of individual teams and makes for a far much worse product

06-18-2007, 05:28 PM
well they guy who's trying to buy the nash preds is a canadian and is rumored to want to bring them up there

not just rumored, wants to. copps coliseum in hamilton are already taking deposits on tickets for the 08-09 season.

06-18-2007, 05:31 PM
not just rumored, wants to. copps coliseum in hamilton are already taking deposits on tickets for the 08-09 season.

and bettman knows this and may actually let it happen ???


06-18-2007, 05:35 PM
the only way for basilie to get out of the lease in nashville is if their avg. attendance breaks 14,000. they haven't done that in their history and didn't even do it last year when they were one of the best teams in the league. i read an article the other day about how the nashville board of commerce or whatever they call it are trying to get rich business men in the area to start buying more tickets to save the team. if they don't get an average of 14,000 for next year, you will be seeing the hamilton predators for the 08-09 season.

06-18-2007, 05:45 PM
the only way for basilie to get out of the lease in nashville is if their avg. attendance breaks 14,000. they haven't done that in their history and didn't even do it last year when they were one of the best teams in the league. i read an article the other day about how the nashville board of commerce or whatever they call it are trying to get rich business men in the area to start buying more tickets to save the team. if they don't get an average of 14,000 for next year, you will be seeing the hamilton predators for the 08-09 season.

they're going to keep the name predators ??? or you're just saying that b/c no one knows what basille will do

06-18-2007, 05:50 PM
they're going to keep the name predators ??? or you're just saying that b/c no one knows what basille will do

that's what they called them in the tsn article i read, but who knows.

06-18-2007, 10:14 PM
I can't see them letting another team move into that smaller market area when there are many other big Canadian markets open. Quebec not having a team in the NHL is a fucking joke in itself when we have two in Florida alone. Time to replace the Jets in Winni?