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The Cost/Price of Pet Sitting.... [Archive] - Messageboard


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06-12-2007, 12:26 PM
I am getting into pet sitting and was wondering what is a good price to charge.

06-12-2007, 12:30 PM
Depends on the size of the pet. 10 dollars an hour for fish, 1,000 dollars an hour for an elephant.

06-12-2007, 12:32 PM
F_S Is In NJ And His Sitter Charges $19.50 Per Visit.

Each Visit Includes:

Feeding 6 (Cats)
Playing With Them
Bringing In Mail And Any Packages Left Out Front
Walking Around House To Make Sure Everything OK
Turning Lights On And Off
Writing A Note About The Visit (This Is Not Really Necessary, But She Does It)

Do You Think She Is Expensive Or Cheap Or About Right?

06-12-2007, 12:33 PM
When we went on vacation, the person we hired charged $20/day. They scooped the cat litter, refilled water/food, played with them, and fed the fish too. I thought that was pretty reasonable.

06-12-2007, 12:34 PM

I live in Queens and the last time I used a service for my two cats (about three years agao) it was about $15/visit. And I agree about the note. But it is funny to get home and find a note describing what the cats did while we were gone.

06-12-2007, 12:37 PM
F_S Is In NJ And His Sitter Charges $19.50 Per Visit.

Each Visit Includes:

Feeding 6 (Cats)
Playing With Them
Bringing In Mail And Any Packages Left Out Front
Walking Around House To Make Sure Everything OK
Turning Lights On And Off
Writing A Note About The Visit (This Is Not Really Necessary, But She Does It)

Do You Think She Is Expensive Or Cheap Or About Right?

Ohhh a note, what a good idea. :smile: :D

06-12-2007, 12:39 PM

I live in Queens and the last time I used a service for my two cats (about three years agao) it was about $15/visit. And I agree about the note. But it is funny to get home and find a note describing what the cats did while we were gone.

It Is!

The Notes Are Always Like This:

"Tuesday A.M. There was a throw-up on the couch and I cleaned it up. I couldn't find Squeaky, but Pete let me pet him. Peanut hissed at me and then hid under the bed. Everyone has been fed and I changed the water. No sign of Spike at all."

Well, At Least It Makes You Believe She Was Actually There!

06-12-2007, 12:40 PM
F_S Is In NJ And His Sitter Charges $19.50 Per Visit.

Each Visit Includes:

Feeding 6 (Cats)
Playing With Them
Bringing In Mail And Any Packages Left Out Front
Walking Around House To Make Sure Everything OK
Turning Lights On And Off
Writing A Note About The Visit (This Is Not Really Necessary, But She Does It)

Do You Think She Is Expensive Or Cheap Or About Right?

Does That Include Dropping Food And Lotion In A Basket To That Woman Fat Has Down In The Hole?

06-12-2007, 12:42 PM
Does That Include Dropping Food And Lotion In A Basket To That Woman Fat Has Down In The Hole?


06-12-2007, 01:52 PM
Does That Include Dropping Food And Lotion In A Basket To That Woman Fat Has Down In The Hole?

No, they can take care of that themselves.

I swear I'm not trying to turn this into a cat-pic thread. It just fits this time.

06-12-2007, 01:57 PM

Did the cat sitters come by for an interview before they took care of your cats? Mine did and it was hilarious as they were asking all these questions about the cats (where do they like to sit, how do they like to be pet, etc.) and I had no idea on any of them. Luckily my wife pays a little bit more attention to the cats than I do.

06-12-2007, 02:19 PM
Mine sent us an email every day about the cats, who came out, who got pets, etc. I am a crazy cat person who worries sick about them when I'm away, so it was nice to get the kitty updates.

King Hippos Bandaid
06-12-2007, 02:30 PM


On a Serious Note, a Cruise Client of mine, did not book a World Cruise (140 Day Cruise), because He couldnt find a Trust Worthy Cat Sitter. That lost me $1400 in my Pockets


06-12-2007, 03:10 PM
F_S Is In NJ And His Sitter Charges $19.50 Per Visit.

Each Visit Includes:

Feeding 6 (Cats)
Playing With Them
Bringing In Mail And Any Packages Left Out Front
Walking Around House To Make Sure Everything OK
Turning Lights On And Off
Writing A Note About The Visit (This Is Not Really Necessary, But She Does It)

Do You Think She Is Expensive Or Cheap Or About Right?

isn't that getting a little too involved? :smile:

06-12-2007, 03:21 PM


On a Serious Note, a Cruise Client of mine, did not book a World Cruise (140 Day Cruise), because He couldnt find a Trust Worthy Cat Sitter. That lost me $1400 in my Pockets


How much does a world cruise cost?

06-12-2007, 03:23 PM
Mine sent us an email every day about the cats, who came out, who got pets, etc. I am a crazy cat person who worries sick about them when I'm away, so it was nice to get the kitty updates.

Oh man, an email would have been great. I was freaking out so much when I was on my Honeymoon that the sitter never showed up and my cats were starving. But they did and they were awesome. I just didn't know until we returned.

Oh, and they charged $15 a visit.

King Hippos Bandaid
06-12-2007, 03:29 PM
How much does a world cruise cost?

For this Cruise in Particular, a Suite, about $63,000 pp


06-12-2007, 03:43 PM
we trade off with my cousin, watching each others cats.

06-12-2007, 04:14 PM
I pay the kid up the block $125.00 for the week. (I paid $75 for the damn dog!)
Come in in the A.M. Take her to the yard. Fill water and food.
Come by in the afternoon. Take her to the yard, check the water.
Come by 9-10 P.M. A walk around the block, scoop up the poop. Then chill with her for a while. Scratch her butt while playing XBox, or watching HBO.
The kid recently got his license, and a nice Trans Am. I'm guessing he won't be here this summer.

Anyone want a job? PM me.

06-12-2007, 04:21 PM
If you're lucky you can a rube like my mother for a client. The woman she has charges her 50 bucks a day. Her rationale for charging so much is that she comes to the house three times a day, and will not agree to take less money to come fewer times. I mean I like cats and all, but they don't really need to be checked on three times a day, Fill the food, fill the water, check the litter, give em some attention, it can easily be done once a day, twice if your generous. I give my mom a hard time every time she mentions how much she pays this woman.

06-12-2007, 04:48 PM
For this Cruise in Particular, a Suite, about $63,000 pp


all inclusive?

King Hippos Bandaid
06-12-2007, 04:56 PM
all inclusive?

nope Liquor is Not Included, also Spa Packages are not included, but you get to see the World and Eat 5 Star Food Everynight, also Have your Room Clean Twice a Day, amongst so much More usually People over 60 and Young CEOs are on this Cruise. Not my cup of Tea, but it is a nice Check to Receive


06-12-2007, 05:10 PM
Don't forget the casino. all out of pocket. The Mrs usually does OK there. Bingo, pay for it. Excursions, pay for it.
The Liquor is a killer. I usually go to the 1st port, grab a case o' beers and leave it in the cabin. When the steward comes for the 2nd cleaning, I've got a six pack on ice waiting for me. He always gets a nice tip (also not included)

Please don't forget the New Cruiser's Coctail Party, the veteran Crusier's Coctail Party (No, they dont check), the Wine and Cheese parties, the duty free shots while at sea, the "Sailaway Specials", and most important
The Captain's Gala!

Hippo knows cruises. I know booze.

You can also get 3 bottles of Cruzan Rum for $21, and keep it in the cabin for the whole cruise.

06-12-2007, 05:25 PM
I live in Queens, and I have a 45 lb. dog, and this is how it goes for us:

This is Sputnik:

We have a dog walker, and she costs us 12 bucks a walk. It's cheap for the 'hood, and I totally trust her with my house keys, which is important.

We're going away soon, and I found a chick from my vet's office who watches after dogs in her house in Bayside, and she's charging us 30 bucks a day, and I feel lucky for it. We WERE going to go with a kennel in Red Hook that was going to charge us 50 bucks a day, and I was going to have to bring her in for a half day "interview" to see how she got along with other dogs.

So, if that's any help...and if you're convenient to Queens and you're watching dogs, PM me your information. i'm always looking for someone good for ol' Sputnik.