View Full Version : High School Reunions. What's Your Opinion? We'd like to know.
Judge Smails
05-16-2007, 07:53 PM
My twentieth high school reunion is coming up in September. Holy Shit! Did I say twentieth? Somebody, please shoot me now! I DO NOT want to go to this thing in the worst way.
For one thing, it's just going to make me feel old. Also, I hate going to things where I have to make small talk with what, at this point, are essentially strangers. I have a close group of friends from high school that I still hang out with regularly. I have no need to spend a night with the rest of the rabble that I didn't care enough about to bother to keep in touch with. Furthermore, I loath phony-ness. Based on what I remember from my tenth reunion, I have an evening of listenting to everyone try to outdo each other in terms of job, house, car, kids, etc., to look forward to. And, in case you're wondering: I'm doing OK for myself, so I can hang in there with the best of them. I just don't want to.
So, you may be asking: What's the problem fuckface? Just don't go. Well, you see, I happen to be in the unfortunate situation (in this matter anyway) of having a wife who is also my high school sweetheart. So, it is her reunion as much as it is mine, and she's actually REALLY looking forward to going for whatever reason. We have had more than a few arguments over this and tonight was a big one. Neither one of us seems to be willing to bend on this.
What are you're feelings on reunions? Should I give in on this? I'm not fooling myself, by the way. I'm 99.9% certain that I'll eventually give in and go to this thing. But, Christ I really don't want to!
Don Stugots
05-16-2007, 07:57 PM
already a thread (
twice yet (
Double PHACE.
i will never go to one.
05-16-2007, 07:59 PM
You Should Smile And Go, For Your Wife's Sake.
For High School, Fat Graduated In A Class Of Just 29 Kids, And We Have Never Had A Reunion.
For College, Fat Enjoys Them, And They Get More Fun When You Get Past The 25th Reunion, Because People Stop Trying To Impress. Fat's Already Had His 30th College Reunion (Eek), And It Was Much More Enjoyable Than The Ones When We Were All Younger.
So The Judge Has Something To Look Forward To!
05-16-2007, 08:18 PM
I think high school reunions use to be more important. They were a good way to get in contact with old friends and see what was going on in their lives. Now with the internet and sites like myspace and facebook it is a lot easier to see what your former friends are up too.
05-16-2007, 08:32 PM
I hated high school, and almost everybody there.
I'm not going.
But this guy is stuck, I guess.
05-17-2007, 09:47 AM
Skipped the high school reunion. Don't talk to anyone from high school. Don't care.
You gotta go Smails.
I fully understand why you don't want to; I skipped my 20 year reunion for the same reasons as you stated. It will make your wife happy, though, and I bet you see someone there you haven't thought of in years and you'll probably wind up having a halfway decent time yourself.
Let us know how it went.
Uncle Inky
05-17-2007, 10:05 AM
Reunions are rediculous and would never go to one..... UNLESS I had a wife who really wanted to go, then you just gotta suck it up and go.
And don't do the go but be miserable thing all night. You have to go and be pleasent so she has a good time.
It sucks, but fact is there's a lot worse things in life than the occasional bad party
05-17-2007, 10:17 AM
my fifteenth is this fall and i'm not going ... i didn't go to five, ten or any other homecoming event
i loved my high school years, but i have no need to revisist the old days (most i can barely recall)
my cirlce of friends consist of mainly guys i graduated high school from and girls from a 'sister' school ... and most of their friend fall into the same critiera ... most parties/get togethers are mini-reunions unto themselves
outside of that, i have no real need to catch-up and make small talk in the cafeteria
Judge Smails
05-17-2007, 10:24 AM
I realize there really is not going to be any way for me to avoid it. I'm eventually going to have to give in and go to this thing. However, I do intend to make my wife sweat it out for a couple of more months. Hopefully when I do give in it will look like I'm making some kind of big sacrifice that she'll have to owe me for.
My 20th high school is next year and I no desire whatsoever to go. I haven't seen anyone from high school in 20 years anyway and I haven't missed any of them.
My college 15th is this October and I may go just to see some old friends. I went to my 10th and it sucked because everyone was now married with children. It may be fun to see how much more life has beaten these people down!
05-17-2007, 10:36 AM
[QUOTE=A.J.;1317125] I haven't seen anyone from high school in 20 years anyway and I haven't missed any of them.[QUOTE]
My 20th is this summer and those are my thought exactly.
If I wanted to see any of them I would have tried over the last 20 yrs through or something.
You should proably go for your wife. Like GVAC said you just might run into one person worth talking to and having an ok time.
05-17-2007, 10:36 AM
Once a reunion comes up for me, I'm not going. I hated the high school and I hated the people in it. Not worth it in my opinion.
Uncle Inky
05-17-2007, 12:54 PM
However, I do intend to make my wife sweat it out for a couple of more months. Hopefully when I do give in it will look like I'm making some kind of big sacrifice that she'll have to owe me for.
Haha, Be careful, I've seen that kind of power play blow up in peoples faces MANY times!
05-17-2007, 12:55 PM
And, in case you're wondering: I'm doing OK for myself, so I can hang in there with the best of them. I just don't want to.
Marc with a c
05-17-2007, 12:59 PM
i plan on attending my 10th if they have one.
05-17-2007, 01:23 PM
i missed my 5 year & my 10 year
eh. most of my friends hated high school & then they all sold out at the last minute & decided to go (but those are the ones i can still see or talk to regularly anyway). i actually liked high school, but figured all the people i would want to see wouldnt have gone anyway.
luckily they didn't so i didn't miss much.
05-17-2007, 03:53 PM
never went to any of mine
to be honest i dont remember recieving any correspondence to any potential reunions
05-17-2007, 03:54 PM
my 10 yr is in September. Im not looking forward to it.
Don Stugots
05-17-2007, 03:56 PM
my 10 yr is in September. Im not looking forward to it.
my 16th is in November. i will not be attending. i hated those people then, so why would i want to see them now?
05-17-2007, 03:59 PM
i skipped my reunion. i didn't like those people while i was there. i can't imagine time would change that.
05-17-2007, 04:03 PM
wasn't too crazy about my 20th either, and everyone was in town, so the friends of mine threw a party, it was like a reunion, but everyone there were my good friends, it was cool.
Death Metal Moe
05-17-2007, 04:18 PM
I was an anti-social asshole in high school.
But suddenly last year, I really started to get interested in talking to a few of my old schoolmates through MySpace.
I attended an organizational meeting with a few other people to plan the event. But I didn't get to go because my company Christmas Party was the same day. I was actually disappointed.
I'd say sit down and think about it, then go with your gut. I decided I had finally worked though a lot of my own problems and wanted to go.
05-17-2007, 05:26 PM
I was an anti-social asshole in high school.
That's weird, I remember all the death metal kids that I went to school with to be quite the social butterflies:wink:
05-17-2007, 05:28 PM
i went to my 10 year H.S. reunion this past March and it sucked.
but i notice the 20 year reunion alumni were having a blast.
Heather 8
05-17-2007, 06:08 PM
Didn't go to my 10th; I was living halfway across the country and couldn't be bothered to make the trip back to act like I enjoyed being around those snobs and assholes again.
Why, yes, I was the socially-awkward drama geek who didn't go to prom, why do you ask?
I really hope you wind up going. I (unfortunately) missed one, but I attended another. It was surprisingly great fun! We had an entire weekend of events -so you could choose to attend all or stay for a short time the first night. The second day was a BBQ at the beach so all the spouses and kids could go, and feel included. The first night was an informal get-together, followed by a dinner. Some teachers also showed up, too.
I was as nervous as everyone else said they were, but that fell away the instant we saw a name tag and began chatting. It was a blast. The reminiscing and crazy stories started to flood back immediately.
Most everyone I spoke with admitted to an initial dread when the invite arrived in the mail, and a reluctance to attend. That seems to be a common denominator for people everywhere, with every reunion. ( even for those who had their "great" success stories, or whatever..)
I've always found my H.S. reunions and get-togethers to be more intimate and nostalgic than any University or alumni events. I suppose, there's something bittersweet about that time - high school- and remembering that everybody is experiencing the same angst about going, and the same feelings about 'what do I have to prove to these people'...
It could be as simple as 'I hated him/her', or the guy with great hair is now bald--he thinks people will obsess about his image. Or the cheerleader who had had her third child, and is worried about her substantial weight gain. Well, No one cared about that stuff!
My favourite moments were the storytelling..but I loved things like the lonely, brilliant little guy ('the science nerd'- who should remain nameless) who was picked on daily..and now basically OWNS Silicon Valley. Or who won an Emmy for a TV show..or who couldn't attend because they are a Tibetan Monk.... The sweetest stories? Those who stayed there, married the person they went to Prom with..and are managing a vineyard or horse farm.
No matter. They are ALL great stories.
So, unless H.S. was a complete and thoroughly ugly experience, I would recommend going to this. I do know that after some people saw pics and heard about the reunion, they felt sorry they didn't go- kind of like missing an RF event, and seeing the photos after.
05-17-2007, 07:08 PM
I would go, because you wont get any action if you don't. But, if you want to make this your last one... flirt with the old high school girls when you are there and your wife will get jealous and not want to go next time!
05-17-2007, 07:23 PM
I have never gone to any of mine. I was always on a trip somewhere whenever they were going on. It would be interesting to see what happened to some people I suppose.
05-17-2007, 07:33 PM
This thread is full of apathy.
05-18-2007, 03:40 AM
My five year one never happened. All the teachers warned us if we voted for the guy with the mohawk this would happen.
05-18-2007, 12:57 PM
My 10 year HS reunion is taking place in July. It's actually 11 years, but who's counting :) In the beginning and up until I got the email saying where it was going to be, I wanted to go. But now that I think about it, I don't. Why do I want to go to dinner with a bunch of people who are only going to show off what they've accomplished when I really didn't like much of them to begin with?
The people I really would want to see aren't going anyway.
05-19-2007, 08:00 PM
didnt want to go to mine because the one person i want to see, i cant. and it makes me sad.
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