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What would you have done? [Archive] - Messageboard


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05-12-2007, 09:47 AM
I just got back from having lunch with my Grandpa, my Mom and the 14 year old cousin. At the table behind us there was a guy who is swearing every so often as he's having a conversation. Not horribly loud, but enough that we can hear him during the lulls in our own conversation. Considering the shows I listen to I'm obviously not offended, but my Mom is very conservative and I could tell it was bothering her. Not to mention the fact that while my cousin is in highschool and has heard worse, but I've watched her grow up so I still think of her as my 'little cousin' and I was very careful not to swear in front of her growing up.

Now, as the guy is leaving he seems to get in to an argument with the woman he's with, loudly telling her to "shut her fucking mouth" and to go. My Mom turns around to tell him to please quiet down because she finds it offensive. He then tells her something along the lines of "Shut the fuck up, bitch. Eat your fucking food and mind your own fucking business." before storming off a few seconds later. The woman he was with apologized on his behalf and left.

I was furious but I held my tongue. I don't get in to public confrontations but I was fucking fuming that this guy for talking to my mom like that. I was a half second away from calling the guy a cunt and threatening to take his eye out with my fork. However I held back because I kinew my Mom would be far more offended by seeing me Bennington-ized than anything that guy said.

At the time I thought I did the right thing but as I'm typing this out I can't help but think I should have said something. Maybe not a vulgar rant but something. This is the kind of thing that's going to bug me as I go to sleep wondering 'what if...'

05-12-2007, 09:50 AM
It would have taken 5 guys to pull me off him. Nobody talks to my mother like that.

05-12-2007, 09:52 AM
Admirable job, holding your temper.

I honestly would have jumped up, caught him with a right hook, a swift uppercut and a head butt to the nose.
When he was lying on the ground I'd look over him and say "You deal with me now".

Why would I have done this? cause I don't wanna hear swearing when I'm out eating and moreso because no one tells my mom to shut the fuck up or throws any curse her way.

King Hippos Bandaid
05-12-2007, 09:58 AM
Rule # 1 Dont Fuck with Someones MOM, I would have verbally came back at the Guy, Hoping it would become phsyical


05-12-2007, 10:00 AM
Admirable job, holding your temper.

I honestly would have jumped up, caught him with a right hook, a swift uppercut and a head butt to the nose.
When he was lying on the ground I'd look over him and say "You deal with me now".

Why would I have done this? cause I don't wanna hear swearing when I'm out eating and moreso because no one tells my mom to shut the fuck up or throws any curse her way.

Agreed but truly you did right.

05-12-2007, 10:49 AM
I would have done nothing at mother would have punched the guy shit!!!!!!

05-12-2007, 10:58 AM
Now, as the guy is leaving he seems to get in to an argument with the woman he's with, loudly telling her to "shut her fucking mouth" and to go. My Mom turns around to tell him to please quiet down because she finds it offensive. He then tells her something along the lines of "Shut the fuck up, bitch. Eat your fucking food and mind your own fucking business." before storming off a few seconds later. The woman he was with apologized on his behalf and left.

I would have thanked the woman and told her that I looked forward to seeing her domestic violence call on "COPS".

05-12-2007, 03:44 PM
In all honesty I would have followed him outside and said something like "Do you wanna talk to me the way you just talked to your girl and my mother, or are you such a pussy that you can only bully women?"

I've been in situations like this before, and 99.999% of the time the guy really is that big of a pussy and he'll be terrified that he's being confronted by a man. They usually apologize profusely and ask for forgiveness.

05-12-2007, 03:55 PM
eh, what are ya gonna do, stab him and get blood all over your women-folk?

05-12-2007, 04:00 PM
It would have taken 5 guys to pull me off him. Nobody talks to my mother like that.

i am the same way. but my mom is crazy tough, she would have cursed him out better than i could

05-12-2007, 04:08 PM
In all honesty I would have followed him outside and said something like "Do you wanna talk to me the way you just talked to your girl and my mother, or are you such a pussy that you can only bully women?"

I've been in situations like this before, and 99.999% of the time the guy really is that big of a pussy and he'll be terrified that he's being confronted by a man. They usually apologize profusely and ask for forgiveness.

That's the best way to handle it. It may end up in a physical confrontation (but probably not, like Gvac said), but you can't let some shmuck talk to your mom like that. That guy needs someone to kick his ass in public. By the way, was he a very big fella named Harvey?.. 'Cause that could change everything.

05-12-2007, 07:50 PM
He then tells her something along the lines of "Shut the fuck up, bitch. Eat your fucking food and mind your own fucking business." before storming off a few seconds later.

and you did nothing? sorry dude, I hate my mother, but he never would have finished his sentence before I was on him, and I'm just a lil' fella

05-12-2007, 07:56 PM
Annoyed Grunt Is From Ontario. In Canada, Behavior And Speech Like This Is Considered Quite Normal, And No Response Was Necessary.

05-12-2007, 07:58 PM
In all honesty I would have followed him outside and said something like "Do you wanna talk to me the way you just talked to your girl and my mother, or are you such a pussy that you can only bully women?"

I've been in situations like this before, and 99.999% of the time the guy really is that big of a pussy and he'll be terrified that he's being confronted by a man. They usually apologize profusely and ask for forgiveness.

Gvac couldnt be more on target, guys like this are nothing but pussies when confronted. It is even funnier when they get arrested for a D.V. incident and they cry like little girls. I wouldnt have done it in front of my mom either, but he would have been dealt with.

05-12-2007, 10:38 PM
i would have just stabbed him in the eye with my fork.

05-12-2007, 11:01 PM
My natural impulse would have had me wanting to kick his ass. However, doing so would have upset my mom more than the vulgarities. Tough choice.

Don Stugots
05-13-2007, 04:41 AM
It would have taken 5 guys to pull me off him. Nobody talks to my mother like that.

i am the same way. but my mom is crazy tough, she would have cursed him out better than i could

while i agree with Booney, my mom is like Nick's, only she would be the one to get pulled off of the guy. I seen her beat the piss out of a woman in Ceasar's Bay Parking lot because the women called her a "C".

05-13-2007, 05:56 AM
When I was a senior in high school, my family and I went on a trip to Salt Lake to see Ringling Bros and my girlfriend was invited along. She was a very light eater and my father would always tease her when she didn't finish a meal at a restaurant or took very small portions at family dinners.

We were eating at a Wendy's and my girlfriend ate her whole burger and pointed it out to my dad. My dad being the construction worker he was said, "I'll be God-Damned, she ate the whole fuckin' thing!"

A lady at the next table turned around and said "Would you mind not using that language?"

Well my girlfreind and I totally busted up and Dad got totally embarrassed and walked out.

It gave my girlfriend a little ammo for the rest of the trip and I don't think my dad ever said another word about her eating.

05-13-2007, 06:05 AM
Man, that's a tough one. You did the right thing, letting it go, and in the end everyone who counts will recognize that you did. Getting up and pounding the shit out of the guy - satisfying as that would be - would only escalate the situation, and open you up to stupid trouble.

You never know when you're going to end up as one of those stories where a guy like that lips off to someone's mother, someone gets up and socks him, and the asshole sues for damages and wins.

I hate stories like that.

05-13-2007, 06:50 AM
I would've gotten into his face and told him to be like fonzie, and then asked him repeatedly what fonzie is like.

05-13-2007, 06:51 AM
AnnoyedGrunt, In situations like these you have to have faith that the karma police will catch up with the person in fault. You absolutely did the right thing; it only would have upset your mother and cousin more had you pursued a confrontation. It must have been hard to walk away but you made the right decision.

05-13-2007, 07:02 AM
My only choice would have been hitting him on the head with my chair, slapping him in the face and turning his table over, or shoving my plate of food in his face. I wouldn't care if he was 80 years old or twice my size.

The appropriate response would be the plate of food. But it would be the slap if I was feeling pissy at the time, and the chair if he was twice my size.

You did the wrong thing. On Mother's day for crying out loud.

05-13-2007, 07:07 AM
My only choice would have been hitting him on the head with my chair, slapping him in the face and turning his table over, or shoving my plate of food in his face. I wouldn't care if he was 80 years old or twice my size.

The appropriate response would be the plate of food. But it would be the slap if I was feeling pissy at the time, and the chair if he was twice my size.

You did the wrong thing. On Mother's day for crying out loud.

I think we would have been bailing Cakes out this morning had this happened to him.