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Tony Blair: Thanks for everything [Archive] - Messageboard


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05-10-2007, 03:39 PM
On the day Tony Blair set out a time table for him resigning I think it's a good time to look back on his Priemiership. Obviously at the moment Iraq will leave a big blot on his reputation I feel as an Englishman it's time to say,

Tony Blair. I salute you.

In the US, I quess the president would usually see out his full term but in England it's a little differant. The Prime minister has been in charge for 10 years, has seen his Labour party voted in on three successive terms which belive me, for the traditionally left of centre Labour party is a miracle

My abiding memory of Tony Blair will be after Sptember 11th 2001 the amazing speech he gave about "standing shoulder to shoulder with America" and The George W Bush's peach along the lines of "America Had no truer riend than Great Britain" that shit brought a tear to my eye.

Couple that with the strong economy over last 10 years in the UK and finally some what of a solution to the problems in Northern Ireland I think he's done a grat job

love him or loathe him. Tony Blair will be missed.

05-10-2007, 03:48 PM
he's a good egg

05-10-2007, 04:04 PM
One of my all time favorites. He still kicks alot of ass on the PM Question time, but not as much as he used to. He's been there a long time and anyone with that much of a track record will have some warts. But overall, a pivotal leader for Great Britain and hopefully he has delivered the Labor Party back to the political center for a generation. Big shoes to fill for whoever takes over.

My fondest memory of Tony Blair was when he handed over Hong Kong to Communist China. He was asked "Aren't you worried that Capitalist Hong Kong will get devoured by Communist China?" He responded (something like) "No, quite to the contrary. We think Hong Kong will be the one who influences China." And 10 years later, he couldn't have been more prescient.

05-10-2007, 04:08 PM
I've always refered to him as the first black PM! Heh, heh...

05-10-2007, 04:14 PM
Tony Blair rocks the fat ass!

05-10-2007, 04:27 PM
Tony Blair Was COURAGEOUS....An Attribute Almost Entirely Lacking In Politicians These Days. He Did What He Thought Was Right, Even In The Face Of Withering Criticism, Including From His Own Party. Even Bush Did Not Have To Endure That.

Hats Off To Tony Blair!

05-10-2007, 04:40 PM

In the US, I quess the president would usually see out his full term but in England it's a little differant. The Prime minister has been in charge for 10 years, has seen his Labour party voted in on three successive terms which belive me, for the traditionally left of centre Labour party is a miracle


why would he leave early ???

05-10-2007, 05:10 PM

why would he leave early ???


If Tony Blair left it until the Next General election the public wouldnt have had much faith in voting for a leader who they knew would be stepping down anytime soon. We don't have fixed terms over here so you need to leave a buffer of at least a year or so for the next leader to get his feet on the ground.

05-10-2007, 07:51 PM
I really grew to like Mr. Blair over the past few years. He seems like a good natured guy with a real sense of decency and purpose.

I'll miss him.

05-11-2007, 03:53 AM
"And I say, England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!"

05-11-2007, 07:12 AM
"And I say, England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!"


05-11-2007, 12:11 PM
i couldnt disagree more.

Blair was complicit in a massive crime against democracy... he ignored the largest demonstrations in British history against the occupation...totally disregarded the will of the majority and forced the nation to follow a lunatic into a doomed foreign adventure.

his dodgy dossier ( provided smoke cover for the lie of WMD and was directly responsible for the occupation of iraq.

HE PERSONALLY KNEW that the intelligence was inaccurate and ordered a cover-up ( which only came to light because the guy that refuted the evidence killed himself under the media pressure when they hung him out to dry in the most ruthless way possible.

he humiliated the british public in the eyes of the global community with the whole 'lap dog' image as Bush's yes man.

capitulated in the gelding of the United Nations at the same time destroying any notion of the UK as a cohesive, independent foreign policy maker.

totally backtracked on his initial stance on Palestine. allowed Bush to sideline his 'road map' in the middle east that had some potential. now hes happy to coalesce in the most recent occupation of the Lebenon. (despite the dissent in his own cabinet)

Reform of electoral system to proportional representation..didnt happen. Id Cards?...not yet. ASBO's = joke.

House Of Lords Reform was a complete fuck up. elected second chamber that was promised a decade ago didnt happen. what did we get? 'peoples peers' fuckin gary lineker and melvin fucking bragg?

'cash for honours (' scandal for selling peerages to wealthy businessmen in return for financial funding for the Labour Party?

Economy is doing ok because of Brown and Treasury Reform. plus poverty ..especially childhood poverty is through the roof. economy is buoyant due to inflated housing market driven by low interest rates (thanks to brown again)

His Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 is one of the vaguest laws in existence. it allows phone tapping, house arrest, trail without jury and other provisions which have been declared by the courts to be against the Human Rights Act.

Northern Ireland ill sorta give you ... but it was a process that started with Thatcher's departure and has more to do with internal politics

i really think he genuinely believed he could influence the Bush Doctrine post 9/11 but he was blindsided by Bush's contempt for the international community.. including the UK.

(i was looking for a pic of Phoney Tony beside the coffin of a british soldier to end this rant..but no..there wouldnt be one of those out there... he's waaaay to smart for that )

he may very well be a 'nice bloke' but he made a big mistake facilitating Bush's invasion and i dont think we should look back with rose tinted glasses.

i know this is long winded and your prob sadder than me if you read it but i ask you this hereintheuk..

what did WE get out of this guy supporting Bush for the last 7 years? from an internal perspective, what did it achieve for the people of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth? good sir?

05-11-2007, 12:27 PM
There were tons of British World War II veterans who were marching in protest of the Iraq War back in 2003. That their voices were ignored is beyond deplorable- it's sheer madness.

Keep in mind, most people, including myself, fully backed and thought highly of Bush in light of the 9-11 attacks and his swift assault on Afghanistan. Simple answer short: terrorists must be fought, sought out, and destroyed. Madrid and 9-11 are evident they must no longer be waved off and ignored, like what took place in Tanzania was.

When it became increasingly clear that the greatest terrorist threats Iraq posed were no more than hazy mirages however, I think that is when the world turned against this stupid, mindless war. And all allied with the mud-minded campaign have been smeared. Blaire included. In spite of any domestic successes and failures he may have had (which clearly are quite debatable), Iraq will be the thing that he will be best remembered for I am afraid. I wonder how fair that is. Once you are pot-committed it is quite difficult to get out of it. It is quite sad.

05-11-2007, 12:47 PM
it is sad.

the feeling here around the late 90s was amazing, he represented so much potential for change.

but youre right his legacy will be this pointless War

05-11-2007, 12:57 PM
it is sad.

the feeling here around the late 90s was amazing, he represented so much potential for change.

but youre right his legacy will be this pointless War

Reminds me of our country.... and other on his way out leader.

05-11-2007, 05:06 PM
There's no way I can be as trenchant as Mooch, so I'll just say that he was fourth favorite: after Tony Tootie, Tony Jo and Tony Natalie.

05-11-2007, 05:14 PM
so long and thanks for all the fish?

05-11-2007, 08:33 PM
PM Blair was a good friend to not just the govenment of America, but also to the people of America. That was clear after 9/11, when he dropped everything and came here to America to be with the President and making that "shoulder to shoulder" speech. It was like the whole country of Britain reaching across the Atlantic to pull us up and comfort us. I'll always remember that, and all my freinds in Britain I have made online have all been supporters of America as if we were brothers and sisters. Incredible.

05-11-2007, 08:42 PM
i couldnt disagree more.

Blair was complicit in a massive crime against democracy... he ignored the largest demonstrations in British history against the occupation...totally disregarded the will of the majority and forced the nation to follow a lunatic into a doomed foreign adventure.

his dodgy dossier ( provided smoke cover for the lie of WMD and was directly responsible for the occupation of iraq.

HE PERSONALLY KNEW that the intelligence was inaccurate and ordered a cover-up ( which only came to light because the guy that refuted the evidence killed himself under the media pressure when they hung him out to dry in the most ruthless way possible.

he humiliated the british public in the eyes of the global community with the whole 'lap dog' image as Bush's yes man.

capitulated in the gelding of the United Nations at the same time destroying any notion of the UK as a cohesive, independent foreign policy maker.

totally backtracked on his initial stance on Palestine. allowed Bush to sideline his 'road map' in the middle east that had some potential. now hes happy to coalesce in the most recent occupation of the Lebenon. (despite the dissent in his own cabinet)

Reform of electoral system to proportional representation..didnt happen. Id Cards?...not yet. ASBO's = joke.

House Of Lords Reform was a complete fuck up. elected second chamber that was promised a decade ago didnt happen. what did we get? 'peoples peers' fuckin gary lineker and melvin fucking bragg?

'cash for honours (' scandal for selling peerages to wealthy businessmen in return for financial funding for the Labour Party?

Economy is doing ok because of Brown and Treasury Reform. plus poverty ..especially childhood poverty is through the roof. economy is buoyant due to inflated housing market driven by low interest rates (thanks to brown again)

His Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 is one of the vaguest laws in existence. it allows phone tapping, house arrest, trail without jury and other provisions which have been declared by the courts to be against the Human Rights Act.

Northern Ireland ill sorta give you ... but it was a process that started with Thatcher's departure and has more to do with internal politics

i really think he genuinely believed he could influence the Bush Doctrine post 9/11 but he was blindsided by Bush's contempt for the international community.. including the UK.

(i was looking for a pic of Phoney Tony beside the coffin of a british soldier to end this rant..but no..there wouldnt be one of those out there... he's waaaay to smart for that )

he may very well be a 'nice bloke' but he made a big mistake facilitating Bush's invasion and i dont think we should look back with rose tinted glasses.

i know this is long winded and your prob sadder than me if you read it but i ask you this hereintheuk..

what did WE get out of this guy supporting Bush for the last 7 years? from an internal perspective, what did it achieve for the people of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth? good sir?

I'm quoting this because it sums up everything I think about blair, and it is better said than I could put it. Blair failed his people as Bush failed his. These two leaders essentially gave Bin Laden exactly what he wanted, a long, drawn-out war in the middle east where hatrated for the US and other Western countries could be bred like flies. I find the suggestion that we have not been attacked since 9/11, a ridiculuse and unsafe premise.

05-14-2007, 08:39 PM
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Benjamin Disraeli
A ture people's PM, he is truly the best and rocks the fatass

05-14-2007, 08:52 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

Benjamin Disraeli
A ture people's PM, he is truly the best and rocks the fatass

Yeah, And He Put Out A Hell Of A Good Cream Album !

05-15-2007, 04:45 AM
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

Benjamin Disraeli
A ture people's PM, he is truly the best and rocks the fatass

Disraeli was gear. (Apologies to F_S)