11-14-2001, 09:02 PM
I am kinda bummed out that Mark McGwire has retired. He was one of the few joys of the game. He was one of the few who let his playing do the talking on the field.
It's a shame that someone who had the most dominant four year stretch had to go out following two injury plagued seasons. It's especially sad when you consider that he probably would have had two more sixty home run seasons if he was healthy.
I was really looking foward to seeing him get to 600 home-runs. Now I gotta watch Barry "24-1" Bonds do it.
Good luck Mark. Enjoy your retirement, and thank you for playing the game the way you did :)
...I tell you what I'd do man, two chicks at the same time man. Damn straight, I always wanted to do that, and I think if I was a millionaire I could hook that up too, 'cuz chicks dig a dude with money...well, the type a chick that'll double up on a dude like me do.
It's a shame that someone who had the most dominant four year stretch had to go out following two injury plagued seasons. It's especially sad when you consider that he probably would have had two more sixty home run seasons if he was healthy.
I was really looking foward to seeing him get to 600 home-runs. Now I gotta watch Barry "24-1" Bonds do it.
Good luck Mark. Enjoy your retirement, and thank you for playing the game the way you did :)
...I tell you what I'd do man, two chicks at the same time man. Damn straight, I always wanted to do that, and I think if I was a millionaire I could hook that up too, 'cuz chicks dig a dude with money...well, the type a chick that'll double up on a dude like me do.