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Pedophile busted at DISNEYWORLD! [Archive] - Messageboard


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05-08-2007, 08:00 AM
Ok this made me SICK to watch this. The kid was absolutely a hero for not being afraid to look out for his sister and busting this guy.

What a sick fuck! I hope his balls AND his head gets cut off. How do you let people like that into Disneyworld? I know it is a huge place and all that, but there has to be SOME law they can pass. And why not share the info with Disney about who is a reg. sex offender.

05-08-2007, 08:09 AM
How do you let people like that into Disneyworld? I know it is a huge place and all that, but there has to be SOME law they can pass.

Do you mean a law prohibiting a sex offender from entering Disneyworld? I don't think that's do-able since it's a private business. Disney itself can make rules themselves about who can and can't come in, but the government can't decide that for them. How can they check who is a sex offender or not? Do we give Disney access to criminal records? Maybe you can encode something on a barcode on a driver's license or a state ID that can be scanned at the gate and if someone has been convicted of a sex offense it lets them know.

05-08-2007, 08:10 AM
Do you mean a law prohibiting a sex offender from entering Disneyworld? I don't think that's do-able since it's a private business. Disney itself can make rules themselves about who can and can't come in, but the government can't decide that for them. How can they check who is a sex offender or not? Do we give Disney access to criminal records? Maybe you can encode something on a barcode on a driver's license or a state ID that can be scanned at the gate and if someone has been convicted of a sex offense it lets them know.

ACLU would NEVER let that happen. what would stop liquor store owners or owners of bars from discriminating against him.

05-08-2007, 08:13 AM
It's not Disney's fault. What are they gonna do, run a background check on everyone who wants to stay there? Can't be done.

The dad said it all, there is something wrong with the system that this guy is walking around.

He has a 40 YEAR arrest record. He should be rotting in a cell somewhere.

Someone should give that kid a medal and should be the lead story everywhere. Smart kid whose story could teach others.

05-08-2007, 08:14 AM
ACLU would NEVER let that happen. what would stop liquor store owners or owners of bars from discriminating against him.

Well considering I think that pedophiles are the scum of the earth I say we make THEIR lives a living hell since they make kids life a hell anyway.

And yes I suggest we allow Disney and Six Flags and any place that caters to children and families the records of CONVICTED sex offenders. Not people whose cases were thrown out. The ones where the evidence was ovewhelming against the convicted.

05-08-2007, 08:15 AM
He has a 40 YEAR arrest record. He should be rotting in a grave somewhere.

Fixed that for you.

05-08-2007, 08:21 AM


05-08-2007, 08:21 AM
Well considering I think that pedophiles are the scum of the earth I say we make THEIR lives a living hell since they make kids life a hell anyway.

And yes I suggest we allow Disney and Six Flags and any place that caters to children and families the records of CONVICTED sex offenders. Not people whose cases were thrown out. The ones where the evidence was ovewhelming against the convicted.

I think that runs into an area of a slippery slope...should a private business have access to criminal records? How do you know they're not going to start denying entrance to other people who aren't sex offenders?

I'm not defending these kid touchers, but giving a company like Disney access to criminal records doesn't seem like a great idea. What are we really freaking out over here? These guys are scum, but how often does something like this happen at the major theme parks? I don't think we need to go overreactionary and give Disney the means to be even more totalitarian than they are now. The issue should be our legal system better dealing with these guys, not private businesses doing their job for them.

05-08-2007, 08:22 AM
Well considering I think that pedophiles are the scum of the earth I say we make THEIR lives a living hell since they make kids life a hell anyway.

And yes I suggest we allow Disney and Six Flags and any place that caters to children and families the records of CONVICTED sex offenders. Not people whose cases were thrown out. The ones where the evidence was ovewhelming against the convicted.

Do not take my statement above as me thinking that we should allow these people into Disney, I was just stating my opinion on what the courts would do.

For me, sex offenders are the worst of any criminal because I really do not feel like that they can rehabilitated. I think that a murderer has a way better chance of coming back into society and not commiting a crime.

I think trying to rehab a sex offender is like trying to rehab someone who is gay. It is just engrained in your body, and there is nothing you can do about it. Which also means that urge is always going to be there, and I am sure it is very hard not to act on it. It scares me that so many of them are out there, and I am sure there are so many unreported cases every year.

05-08-2007, 09:30 AM
This kid should be given a medal.

The pedophile should be chemically castrated, have "Child-Toucher" tatooed to his forehead and thrown into general population at a maximum security prison.

My family was just at Disney World. I'm sure the father got a few punches in that were never reported.

05-08-2007, 09:45 AM
I think that runs into an area of a slippery slope...should a private business have access to criminal records? How do you know they're not going to start denying entrance to other people who aren't sex offenders?

I'm not defending these kid touchers, but giving a company like Disney access to criminal records doesn't seem like a great idea. What are we really freaking out over here? These guys are scum, but how often does something like this happen at the major theme parks? I don't think we need to go overreactionary and give Disney the means to be even more totalitarian than they are now. The issue should be our legal system better dealing with these guys, not private businesses doing their job for them.

OK I do not know what happened to my OTHER post but let's take 2...

Mojo I would never think you are siding with the kid touchers, so don't worry

Yes it is a slippery slope, however I really do not see anything wrong with allowing all of the major theme parks (Disney, Six Flags, Etc) access to people who have been convicted of kid touching. I am not talking about the He was 21 and she was 17 situations, I mean the people who were convicted of doing that sick shit to children.
Yes, put a code on the back of their DL or something like that.

I have a friend who worked for Disney in FL and some of the shit he talked about surprised me.
For example: If a person has a heart attack while on one of the rides....the paramedics are informed to keep giving him CPR until he has left the Disney grounds so that if he does indeed die it is technically 'not on Disney property'.
They also have thefts from hotel rooms and such not reported to the police to keep the negative PR at a low.
Can you imagine what they might have also squashed information wise?
I am not saying they have had this before, but you really never know.

Which leads me up to JPMNICK
I think trying to rehab a sex offender is like trying to rehab someone who is gay. It is just engrained in your body, and there is nothing you can do about it. Which also means that urge is always going to be there, and I am sure it is very hard not to act on it. It scares me that so many of them are out there, and I am sure there are so many unreported cases every year.

I agree with you. And what is one of the best ways to keep them from ever doing it to anyone again? Do not allow them into areas where Children and families are.
So yea....I am for not allowing major theme parks and vacation areas from allowing these sick people into the parks.

After seeing that news clip it was painfully obvious he was there to find a kid to have fun with, plain and simple.

And even if this is the FIRST time it happens, we need to make it the first and LAST time this happens.

Oh yea...James....I bet this guy got a few shots to the ribs before the cops showed up.
I think they said like 4 or 6 lifeguards also held him in custody too. Bet they kept the public from seeing him getting his beat down.

And the WORST thing about all this they never mentioned...what about that poor little girl's family who was told about what happened to her. How horrified are they now? On vacation and thinking everything is great and all of a sudden they find out their little girl was moelsted? And chances are they might have to go to court now to re-live this shit? Along with the kid who reported it?
My heart goes out to that family like you would not believe.

King Hippos Bandaid
05-08-2007, 10:19 AM
god damn

Ill be in Disney in July for my Aniversary

Im sure this wasnt the furst time this perv was doing something like this. Maybe Co Workers could have noticed a pattern, They have like a Zillion people on the Payroll at Disney World


Death Metal Moe
05-08-2007, 10:45 AM
Ya know, it's not a perfect world out there. Watch your own fucking kids, stop trying to change the entire world around you.

I do not, in any way, want Disney or any other company having access to private criminal records. And don't try using the stale old "for the children" bullshit excuse that usually pushes through laws that take away more of our privacy and freedoms.

05-08-2007, 11:03 AM
If we're gonna do something "for the children", then let's put these fuckers away for life the first time they are convicted of child molestation. They had their chance to be civilized humans and they failed. I don't want private companies having access to criminal records because there is no point in it. Besides, look at how much private information gets out because companies can't secure it. The only thing Disney needs to know about me is that I can pay the admission price.


05-08-2007, 02:51 PM
After the pedophiles are locked up, maybe they should be forced to clean the toilets with their tongues! (

05-08-2007, 02:55 PM
aren't the lists of sex offenders public already, mojo?

05-08-2007, 03:04 PM
The link doesnt work, anyone have a better one?

05-08-2007, 03:06 PM
Well considering I think that pedophiles are the scum of the earth I say we make THEIR lives a living hell since they make kids life a hell anyway.

And yes I suggest we allow Disney and Six Flags and any place that caters to children and families the records of CONVICTED sex offenders. Not people whose cases were thrown out. The ones where the evidence was ovewhelming against the convicted.

Who is to say these companies want acess to sex offender records. They are not the police I'm sure they don't want more responsiblity of who enters the parks. This just opens them up to more lawsuits, its really not their problem.

05-08-2007, 03:08 PM
Who is to say these companies want acess to sex offender records. They are not the police I'm sure they don't want more responsiblity of who enters the parks. This just opens them up to more lawsuits, its really not their problem.

well, it is their problem, whether or not it's something they can or want to work on. i'm not saying they should do something, but if the parents start to not feel safe, it would definitely be their problem.

05-08-2007, 03:14 PM
well, it is their problem, whether or not it's something they can or want to work on. i'm not saying they should do something, but if the parents start to not feel safe, it would definitely be their problem.

I doubt unsafe parents will impact Disney's bottom line. Everyone gos there once in their life and many people multiple times a year. Like O&A say when something goes wrong at Disney they just hose it off and continue business as usual.

05-08-2007, 03:16 PM
I doubt unsafe parents will impact Disney's bottom line. Everyone gos there once in their life and many people multiple times a year. Like O&A say when something goes wrong at Disney they just hose it off and continue business as usual.

you never know what will set people off, tho.

05-08-2007, 03:23 PM
It should be part of a pedifiles "rehabilitation" that he/she be programed to avoid areas where children congregate. If they are drawn to these areas and were released and they commit further crimes, doesn't it stand to reason that they justice system failed? Why were they released if they no longer pose a threat? Clearly in this case, they guy was convicted, served time and still has his tendencies. The families should hold the justice system accountable for releasing someone who still poses a threat.

05-08-2007, 03:28 PM
It should be part of a pedifiles "rehabilitation" that he/she be programed to avoid areas where children congregate. If they are drawn to these areas and were released and they commit further crimes, doesn't it stand to reason that they justice system failed? Why were they released if they no longer pose a threat? Clearly in this case, they guy was convicted, served time and still has his tendencies. The families should hold the justice system accountable for releasing someone who still poses a threat.

did he serve his full sentence or was he paroled? if he was convicted and served his full sentence there wasn't much of anything above that the state could have done.

05-08-2007, 03:59 PM
can't we just blame canada?

05-08-2007, 05:01 PM
How do you let people like that into Disneyworld? I know it is a huge place and all that, but there has to be SOME law they can pass. And why not share the info with Disney about who is a reg. sex offender.

How about a law keeping them out of Chuck e Cheese? And candy stores, and Mr Frostee Ice Cream trucks, and Toys R Us, and McDonalds since they have a kids playground, and . . . .and . . . do you have any idea how impossible what you posted is, as a practical matter?
How about just dealing effectively with the ones we do catch? Which means BOTH treatment and incarceration. We do some of this already (not nearly enough), and I know its not perfect but its really the only intelligent way to deal with it.

And we also really need to think about this notion of "perpetual punishment" with these registries, which are a modern day scarlett letter. We dont have it for murderers, we dont have it for arsonists, but we have it for sex offenders? Who do you think we should be more worried about as a society? Murderers or kid touchers? And no, thats not an argument for MORE of these registries, its an argument for less. Preferably none. A person's criminal history should be available to a judge, for sentencing purposes. There it serves a purpose to society.

Statistically, your child has a far greater chance of being in a car accident than molested by some pervert. Why not make everyone's driving record available to everyone? How about a map with people who have the most accidents and tickets? Its a far greater threat, in terms of both probability and potential for serious injury. Wouldn't you want that info before your buddy gives you a ride home? Nah, hits too close to home for most folks. We all like grabbing the pitchforks and gathering the townsfolk when its an easy, distant target. Meanwhile, we grab our car keys, a six pack and our cell phone and say to ourselves "I'll fix my brakes next week".

Call me crazy, but I actually remember a time when we weren't so obsessed with this as a nation. I just dont get it at all. I've seen no evidence that this is an increasing problem, one requiring all these new laws and all this attention. If someone has some, please post it. Actually, I think politicians have simply figured out this is the latest way they can scare us into voting for them, promising to deliver us from this new evil in our midst.

I'll post this again. I hope someone out there takes this to heart.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
-H. L. Mencken

05-08-2007, 05:06 PM
Mojo I would never think you are siding with the kid touchers, so don't worry

You know, I hope people on this board are intelligent enough to distinguish between a discussion of civil liberties/public policy and someone who's defending the actions of kid touchers.

05-08-2007, 05:36 PM
First they came for the kid touchers....

I have two children and there's a few sex offenders in my neighborhood. One is only about 10 houses away if I remember correctly. While part of me is glad to know these guys live close, mostly it just freaks me out. If not for the registries, I wouldn't know the threat was so close, but I also wouldn't worry as much. It does narrow down the list of potential babysitters tho. Call me undecided I guess. I live on the corner so very close to the road which makes traffic my immediate concern for the kids safety. I'm just gonna fence the backyard and let the kids have fun. That will keep them out of traffic. If somebody climbs over the fence, I'll deal with them then.


05-08-2007, 07:10 PM
Plain and simple- laws have to be changed. CONVICTED sex offenders(esp Level 3) need to be locked up for life.

Places like Disney and waterparks and beaches must have tons of perverts there.

I shutter to think have many perverts were at the Jersey Shore arcades I hung out at on Vacation. Eventhough my parents were there, me and my bro wandered around the arcade alone as did most of the kids there, never mind a place like Wildwood, whose boardwalk was jammed packed in summer.

The thought of perverts and getting kidnapped/molested never crossed my mind.

05-08-2007, 07:14 PM
Anyone see the movie Little Children. there's a scene where a convicted sex offender hops right in the town swimming pool( with those under water goggles and breathing tube thingy) full of kids and parents on the grass on thier blankets. Its unsettling cuz you know it happens every summer at every pool.

My cousins(boys) are young enough that they can't go in water or bathroom alone..Its scary to think they will be allowed to in less than 5 years.

05-08-2007, 07:41 PM
How about a law keeping them out of Chuck e Cheese? And candy stores, and Mr Frostee Ice Cream trucks, and Toys R Us, and McDonalds since they have a kids playground, and . . . .and . . . do you have any idea how impossible what you posted is, as a practical matter? -A*
How about just dealing effectively with the ones we do catch? Which means BOTH treatment and incarceration. We do some of this already (not nearly enough), and I know its not perfect but its really the only intelligent way to deal with it. - B*

And we also really need to think about this notion of "perpetual punishment" with these registries, which are a modern day scarlett letter. We dont have it for murderers, we dont have it for arsonists, but we have it for sex offenders?-C*

Who do you think we should be more worried about as a society? Murderers or kid touchers? And no, thats not an argument for MORE of these registries, its an argument for less. Preferably none.- D* A person's criminal history should be available to a judge, for sentencing purposes. There it serves a purpose to society.

Statistically, your child has a far greater chance of being in a car accident than molested by some pervert. Why not make everyone's driving record available to everyone?-E* How about a map with people who have the most accidents and tickets? Its a far greater threat, in terms of both probability and potential for serious injury. Wouldn't you want that info before your buddy gives you a ride home? Nah, hits too close to home for most folks. We all like grabbing the pitchforks and gathering the townsfolk when its an easy, distant target. Meanwhile, we grab our car keys, a six pack and our cell phone and say to ourselves "I'll fix my brakes next week".

Call me crazy, but I actually remember a time when we weren't so obsessed with this as a nation. I just dont get it at all. I've seen no evidence that this is an increasing problem, one requiring all these new laws and all this attention-F*. If someone has some, please post it. Actually, I think politicians have simply figured out this is the latest way they can scare us into voting for them, promising to deliver us from this new evil in our midst.

I'll post this again. I hope someone out there takes this to heart.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
-H. L. Mencken

Wow BDC, I am sorry but I have to disagree with you on most of these arguments.
Let's take them in order

A-Yes...when a pedophile reaches a certain level of danger for the child I say keep them away from area's where the kids are. What is a 40 year old guy doing in a chuck-e-cheese when he can go for pizza at Bruno's down the street? You know why he is there...because he wants to cater to his sickness. It is called preventive measures. I know it sounds impracticle and impossible but overall I do not think it is a bad idea.

B-Some of these men and women have an UNTREATABLE sickness. Yes we ALL want to 'cure' them but JPMNick did make a good point earlier, he said that this is more like trying to 'cure' homosexuality. It is inside them. And there is NO cure. Unless you want to castrate them. Which, IMHO, is not such a bad idea. Serious incarceration is the best way to go. I think.

C + D-Yes Murderers are horrible people, depending on HOW the conviction was brought about. (just like some of the pedophiles) Some are by circumstance (such as self defense\ for the murder) and others are because they were just cruel and heartless. But pedophiles KILL a childs SOUL by doing this disgusting deed. They also kill some of that families soul also. Can you imagine the horror that little girl has to live with for the rest of her life. AND the family? I just hope this kid turns out alright. Both crimes are horrible but I see kid touchers are equally as horrible as a cold-blooded murderer. If you do the crime you must FACE the consequence. You act like once they get out of jail they have the right to disappear into the darkness of a private life again. Why not ask Megan Kanka's family how they feel about letting pedophiles blend into society so they might have the chance to strike another child down? Let me know what THEY say. Then get back to me.

E- Yes those statistics are correct but I would feel better knowing the odds of a pedophile getting MY and anyone else's kids were more reduced by more measure. And driving records ARE available, you just have to know where to look.

F- BDC I know where you are coming from and what you are trying to say here. Yes I also lived in that time where parents did not look over their shoulder every 5 minutes when I was outside with my friends. But because we were not as paranoid about such things did not mean it did not happen. Spousal abuse was the same back then also. We just taught people it was OK to tell someone what is happening to you. That is was NOT the woman/kids fault for what happened to them. Just because the problem was not as vocal back in the day does NOT mean it did not happen. People just kept it more 'hushed up' as the family dark secret.

BDC you really were coming across as someone who is in favor of NOT having these sex offenders register and just let them blend into society as if nothing happened.
NO the system is not foolproof and it is not perfect. YES I agree there should be certain levels of offense. I think a 21 year old guy who fucked a 17 or 16 year old girl should NOT be lumped into the same catagory as a 35 year old guy who rapes a 10 year old boy/girl. Various levels deserve various responses.

I am talking about these sick fucks who go after those truely innocent kids who are SO young they do not know what is going on. And also do not put up a fight. THOSE guys/gals need to be banned from places like Disney and YES Chuck-E-Cheese and other places. YOU DO THE CRIME YOU NEED TO SUFFER THE PENALTY.

That is how I feel. (Thanks Snacks, for giving me the ability to see the light on this argument)

Death Metal Moe
05-08-2007, 08:38 PM
Disney gets no records, period.

I'll stand behind stiffer penalties for kid touchers, fine.

But what are those people supposed to do the rest of their lives? Be locked up? Be put to death?

If they get no chance to serve time and get rehabilitated then just lock up everyone that has ever broken the law and throw away the key. I understand it's hard argure FOR these scumbags, but everyone should be allowed to be rehabilitated and move on with their lives.

05-08-2007, 08:43 PM
But Moe that is the point!
Some of these sick fucks are BEYOND rehabilitation!
That is what makes them repeat offenders!

05-08-2007, 10:23 PM
because pedophilia is often uncurable, it has a very high recidivism rate. "The preferential predator is highly motivated to commit child sex crimes and has a high recidivism rate." ( i've often had problems with these lists, but this is the reason they do have them, and don't have them for murderers. and moe, these records are public. no one would be giving disney records we ALL don't have access to. YOU can look up online people in your neighborhood (here's mine, by way of example ( have committed these crimes.

i think it's silly for a law to be made for this, but don't think it's out of the question for disney (or other private groups) to disallow admission to anyone they want.

05-09-2007, 12:33 AM
I for one am outraged! OUTRAGED! This is a contentious subject that people are taking opposing viewpoints on for 2 1/2 without anyone personally attacking anyone else? I will have nothing to do with this thread until it is rife with intolerance and venemous attacks on others for their personal views! Sickened I am! Sickened! Good day to you sirs!

05-09-2007, 04:15 AM
I'll stand behind stiffer penalties for kid touchers, fine.

I say we take away the kid touchers' stiffies: neuter 'em.

Death Metal Moe
05-09-2007, 04:44 AM
But Moe that is the point!
Some of these sick fucks are BEYOND rehabilitation!
That is what makes them repeat offenders!

Who decides that? You? I hope not.

Me? I really hope not.

Some huge company like Disney? Hell no.

05-09-2007, 05:34 AM
dearth maggot

Death Metal Moe
05-09-2007, 05:40 AM
I for one am outraged! OUTRAGED! This is a contentious subject that people are taking opposing viewpoints on for 2 1/2 without anyone personally attacking anyone else? I will have nothing to do with this thread until it is rife with intolerance and venemous attacks on others for their personal views! Sickened I am! Sickened! Good day to you sirs!

I gave your mom a "venomous attack" from behind last night.

05-09-2007, 06:08 AM
I've been to Disney a few times and the line to get in was long. Can you imagine how much longer it would take if they had to run a check on every adult who entered the park? It's impractical. Besides, don't you think a pedophile can get a fake ID so that he/she will still be allowed to enter the park?

05-09-2007, 10:53 AM
Places like Chuckie Cheese already take measures to protect somewhat. When I took my kids there, they gave us armbands I think. Then when we took the kids out, we had to show the armbands so they could verify that we were the parents that brought the kids in. I don't think a law is necessary. How does a law keep out the pedophiles that haven't acted yet and choose Disney for their first offense? What keeps somebody from snatchin your kid in the parking lot? It's funny that people are willing to submit to background checks to go into Disney, but are upset about wiretaps on terrorist suspects. They search your backpacks before they let you in too. No need for a law. If this was more than one of very few isolated incidents at Disney, they'd already have added more security measures. Maybe they'll add a child/parent identification system at the gate.

Oooh... we could just install RF chips in our kids so we can track them on gps and give them wireless cams on their foreheads so we can see exactly who they're with. Maybe some sort of sensors on their pants so we get alerted if they are removed or otherwise tampered with. Maybe we could get a giant plastic bubble that they can roll around in so nobody can get to them. If they hurry up with virtual reality technology, our kids can sit safely on the couch and experience every aspect of life (including Disney) through VR and never have to leave the safety of our homes, which will have gun turrets and motion sensors along the perimeter.

Nah... no need to overreact.


Death Metal Moe
05-09-2007, 11:02 AM
dearth maggot

Is this one of your half-drunken attempts to insult me again? I thought you were told to stop that, numerous times.

05-09-2007, 11:43 AM
He's just taking orders from Yerdaddy Moe. That instigator from the fortress nation of Taiwanland! Yes, I know I'm not funny. Wanna fight?

05-09-2007, 11:54 AM
Trying to "rehabilitate" sex offenders is about as easy as trying to fucking "rehabilitate" gay people into being straight. This applies to rapists, pedophiles, molestors, and other sexual deviants. I'm not talking about Joe Jerkmeoff on the train who gets a little of his love on your leg randomly...that guy's just a pervert. You could always wash the cumstain off or just throw the ruined pants into the incinerator.

I'm talking about people who take other people, and rape them or force them into sexual acts against their will. Alot of the worst murderers in this country (and other countries) were also extremely deviant sex fiends. I reference Ed Gein, upon whom Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs is based. The amount of damage these people inflict upon their victims (especially the surviving ones) has a spread-ripple effect, leading to a whole host of other problems psychologically that may manifest themselves in a violent physical manner that just continues a vicious cycle of victimization. It's like saying you'll let a guy who intentionally fucked 70 people after he found out he had AIDS go out cuz he learned his lesson. He's still diseased, both emotionally and physically.

So the notion that we'll take these people and fix them of their natural urges is absurd. That's been real successful in the Catholic Church. I dated a chick who was a prospective nun before getting with me..."saving myself for God" she would say. Surprise surprise, she was molested as a child. And was a fiend in the sack.

I'm not saying kill them, I'm not saying lock them up forever (depending on their crime), but do not for one instant think these people have a condition that can be cured in any way, mean, or shape. Again. You can't make someone who likes men to not like men. Just like you can't make a man who likes sheep or children to stop liking them. Their chemistry is fucked up by the standards of our "normal" chemical makeup, but it's still what occurs naturally to them.

And differentiations must always be made between each and every individual case of sexual assault and deviation. To lump all people who commit a "sex crime" or convicted of "rape" into jail and castrate them is retarded. Some, maybe most of these guys perhaps deserve it, but I'll reference two cases in which the woman LIED and the men were convicted anyway: Tuwana Brawly, and Patrice O'Neill. So chew on that when you make generalizations and realize that Freud got all his findings only from INDIVIDUAL CASE STUDIES...because you cannot generalize people. They're too unpredictable and unique for that weak-minded shit.

Death Metal Moe
05-09-2007, 12:10 PM
He's just taking orders from Yerdaddy Moe. That instigator from the fortress nation of Taiwanland! Yes, I know I'm not funny. Wanna fight?

I'd rather have Disney look at my arrest records then take orders from Yerdaddy.

05-09-2007, 12:38 PM
What a dirty bastard!

05-09-2007, 12:45 PM
I'll post this again. I hope someone out there takes this to heart.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
-H. L. Mencken

We get it. Some guy with a name that probably got him teased alot in school said this. And thus all politics are ultimately evil, cuz this dude has biblical authority - he was a superior human being after all, if you follow his arguments that tended towards narcissism and Social Darwinism.

And there is no such thing as sexual offenders...and murderers... and terrorists don't really exist either... they're hobgoblins from Mephistopheles hiding in a George Bush suit sent to give us Faustian ideals and self-deluded dreams to cheat ourselves of our God Given freedoms and the right to massacre a cherry pie without a fork... Pft. You have good arguments then you have to lump this weak-minded shit into it by itself with no back-up and expect people to just nod their head in furious agreement at the inherent absolute truth of this guy's words.

You know. Making happy lil statements like this and thinking they're correct on an absolutist level is just as ignorant as those who would have every person under the category of "convicted of a sex crime" shot indiscriminately. Hope you realize that. Just because problems are not as widespread as the media or government would have you believe does not mean they do not exist and should not be addressed in any meaningful way 'cuz it's just evil politics as usual.

Ignoring the problem and "sucking it up and stop being pussies and whining about it" is definitely the wrong way to go. So yeah. We have to try to not be ignorant about this thing...regardless of what side of the fence you're on. The crazy thing is I mostly agree with what you're saying, but this Mencken quote is too vague and easily dismantled for me to accept it, and I think it gives too much credence to the notion that problems should just be ignored and never dealt untended wound can oft turn to infection. There's my fucking quote.

Fuck Mencken. His arguments, while great to read, were circular vicious statements about pretty much everyone that just slashed. Kazin has a nice quote for Mencken's impotent arguments: "Every Babitt read him gleefully and pronounced his neighbor a Babitt". Babitt meaning idiot who doesn't realize he's an ignorant idiot. Mencken also was a huge proponent of natural 'elitism', meaning that certain individuals were automatically born superior than their common man...Mencken thought himself among that list. Not to disregard any of what he did for the African American community, but the man was also a snob who thought exceptionally highly of himself. He loved Kaiser Wilhelm's Germany too, and we know how great that was for the whole world. The existence of Israel has roots in Willy's Germany and how it fucked the whole world up. So he's not an absolute authority on politics. He had a controversial opinion, and stuck to it, much to his credit. He incidentally supported people who were downtrodden upon. Good for him. But I do not take all he says to be Gospel, especially some stupid generalization. That's all. Sorry.

05-09-2007, 01:17 PM
I gave your mom a "venomous attack" from behind last night.

You were lipsincing "Talk Dirty to Me" behind her at a traffic light, I know. She told me about it and asked me "Who listens to Poison anymore? That's even gayer than it was in 1987." She dissed you, dude.

And she said she can't get fucked from behind anymore by a hair band fan. Sorry Dad.

05-09-2007, 01:29 PM
I dated a chick who was a prospective nun before getting with me..."saving myself for God" she would say. Surprise surprise, she was molested as a child. And was a fiend in the sack.

CofyCrakCocaine you're my hero.

I'm not saying kill them, I'm not saying lock them up forever (depending on their crime), but do not for one instant think these people have a condition that can be cured in any way, mean, or shape. Again. You can't make someone who likes men to not like men. Just like you can't make a man who likes sheep or children to stop liking them. Their chemistry is fucked up by the standards of our "normal" chemical makeup, but it's still what occurs naturally to them.

And differentiations must always be made between each and every individual case of sexual assault and deviation. To lump all people who commit a "sex crime" or convicted of "rape" into jail and castrate them is retarded. Some, maybe most of these guys perhaps deserve it, but I'll reference two cases in which the woman LIED and the men were convicted anyway: Tuwana Brawly, and Patrice O'Neill. So chew on that when you make generalizations and realize that Freud got all his findings only from INDIVIDUAL CASE STUDIES...because you cannot generalize people. They're too unpredictable and unique for that weak-minded shit.

Well Said. I agree with you.

05-09-2007, 03:36 PM
We get it. Some guy with a name that probably got him teased alot in school said this. And thus all politics are ultimately evil, cuz this dude has biblical authority - he was a superior human being after all, if you follow his arguments that tended towards narcissism and Social Darwinism.

No, as usual you're over reacting to what was said. All that means is you should be wary of what politicians are selling you. They're trying to get you to vote for them, they'll say anything they think you want to hear. I know, crazy, radical stuff with God-like implications.

My overall point was more subtle, and you apparently missed it. Its that there are things out there that are far more dangerous, yet we are treating this like a small pox outbreak when its not. Is that a rational approach to problem solving? Giving lots of attention to smaller problems and less attention to bigger ones? If you can show me any evidence that this problem is growing rapidly, then it warrants the added attention and new laws. If not, its just another manufactured crisis of a ratings driven media and the vote whoring politicians. And you're falling for it. Thats not to say that its not a problem at all and doesn't deserve any attention, just not this much. Another subtle point, hope you didn't miss that one.

Also, the point that has been made over and over again about recidivism is simply statistically wrong. Whoever's been selling you that has been lying to you. First some facts from the Justice Dept (

* Of the 272,111 persons released from prisons in 15 States in 1994, an estimated 67.5% were rearrested for a felony or serious misdemeanor within 3 years, 46.9% were reconvicted, and 25.4% resentenced to prison for a new crime.
* The 272,111 offenders discharged in 1994 accounted for nearly 4,877,000 arrest charges over their recorded careers.
* Within 3 years of release, 2.5% of released rapists were rearrested for another rape, and 1.2% of those who had served time for homicide were arrested for a new homicide.
* Sex offenders were less likely than non-sex offenders to be rearrested for any offense –– 43 percent of sex offenders versus 68 percent of non-sex offenders.
* Sex offenders were about four times more likely than non-sex offenders to be arrested for another sex crime after their discharge from prison –– 5.3 percent of sex offenders versus 1.3 percent of non-sex offenders.

5.3 percent. Yes, its four times more likely than non sex offenders when it comes to sex crimes (DUH! one group are sex offenders and the other isn't) but 95% of them don't get arrested for another sex crime. Compare that with 67.5% of felons who are re-arrested for another crime within 3 years. You folks talk about recidivism as if MOST sex offenders grab the first kid they see the minute they get out of jail. Some do, 95% dont. and compared to other felons, they're choir boy. . . .well, let me find another way of saying that. How about they're the least of our worries, comparatively.

Also, not all sex offenders are equal, but all get posted on these websites. I doubt most of the people checking these websites are reading the fine print that the sex offender was a level 1 on their block. And they dont know if he was a 19 year old who had consensual sex with a girl that he didn't know was 16. No, there are no details of the case, no details of the trial, he's a sex offender. Thats all the townsfolk with their pitchforks need to know.

05-09-2007, 05:34 PM
I think trying to rehab a sex offender is like trying to rehab someone who is gay. It is just engrained in your body, and there is nothing you can do about it.

I know this is not reeeaaally what you meant, but that's a touchy thing to compare that to.

05-09-2007, 06:59 PM
I think places like Disney and waterparks, etc are powerless to stop perverts from coming in. Doing background checks is impossible and might not even be legal.

I think the best way to possibly prevent anything bad from happening in Parental Presence at all times. If these pervs see lots of parents around they will be less likely to approach a kid and talk to them.

Also, have police patrol public parks and school areas.

And yes, I support locking up Level 3 sex offenders for life.

Death Metal Moe
05-09-2007, 08:57 PM
You were lipsincing "Talk Dirty to Me" behind her at a traffic light, I know. She told me about it and asked me "Who listens to Poison anymore? That's even gayer than it was in 1987." She dissed you, dude.

And she said she can't get fucked from behind anymore by a hair band fan. Sorry Dad.

Hey, I gave you what you wanted man.

05-09-2007, 09:07 PM
No, I just don't like it when people post out-of-context quotations and act like they're all smart because of it. The quote says specifically that the "whole aim" of politics is to "menace (the populace) with hobgoblins, ALL OF THEM IMAGINARY." Sorry if you don't read the quotes you post. He's saying all hobgoblins (terrorists, rapists, etc by the context of our times and this argument) are imaginary. You may not believe that, but that quote sure says it. That's why I'm bashing on it.

And I agree with your argument. I just think your quote sucks and is mis-leading to Joe Schmoe who reads this thread and takes the stupid thing to heart. And I think it is basically generalizing the whole thing. The quote- not your contextual intention, I disagree with. Your arguments weren't the problem here. The quote itself sucked.

The end.

05-09-2007, 09:28 PM
Also, not all sex offenders are equal, but all get posted on these websites. I doubt most of the people checking these websites are reading the fine print that the sex offender was a level 1 on their block. And they dont know if he was a 19 year old who had consensual sex with a girl that he didn't know was 16. No, there are no details of the case, no details of the trial, he's a sex offender. Thats all the townsfolk with their pitchforks need to know.

I think we all have been agreeing on this one point.

I know this is not reeeaaally what you meant, but that's a touchy thing to compare that to.

Leticia yes it is a touchy subject also but I think that was the perfect way to drive that point home.

Well it seems as if this little new report has certainly opened up one hell of a can of worms here.

05-10-2007, 02:09 AM
No, I just don't like it when people post out-of-context quotations and act like they're all smart because of it. The quote says specifically that the "whole aim" of politics is to "menace (the populace) with hobgoblins, ALL OF THEM IMAGINARY." Sorry if you don't read the quotes you post. He's saying all hobgoblins (terrorists, rapists, etc by the context of our times and this argument) are imaginary. You may not believe that, but that quote sure says it. That's why I'm bashing on it.

I'll try one last time, using the situation were talking about (which is why I used it). If politicians are selling you that this is a new, growing problem in our community then they are lying to you. Therefore, the crisis is imaginary.

And you missed a key word there. It said the whole aim of PRACTICAL politics, meaning the business of running elections and campaigning for passing laws once elected. Thats where they're overstating problems and omitting key facts. Misleading you for the purpose of getting themselves elected or getting some law passed.

Nobody gets elected saying "everything is fine, and the other guy running will probably do just as good a job as I will". You have to give folks a reason to vote for you, and then get them motivated to go out of their way and head over to the polling place. Fear is a powerful motivator, and has been used by politicians forever. I think its a not only a fair quote, but an accurate one.

05-10-2007, 03:58 AM
I dated a chick who was a prospective nun before getting with me..."saving myself for God" she would say. Surprise surprise, she was molested as a child. And was a fiend in the sack.

Banging nuns is a bad habit.


05-10-2007, 06:06 AM
Whoops....wrong place. How in the hell did that happen?

05-10-2007, 06:19 AM
Whoops....wrong place. How in the hell did that happen?

You were probably thinking about breaking the neck of that kid toucher.

05-10-2007, 06:27 AM
You were probably thinking about breaking the neck of that kid toucher.

Ya know...that is not entirely a bad train of thought there!

05-10-2007, 07:12 AM
Banging nuns is a bad habit.


Oh, I don't know Yerdaddy, when I was younger I used to think about hitting this nun.

05-11-2007, 12:41 PM
I'll try one last time, using the situation were talking about (which is why I used it). If politicians are selling you that this is a new, growing problem in our community then they are lying to you. Therefore, the crisis is imaginary.

And you missed a key word there. It said the whole aim of PRACTICAL politics, meaning the business of running elections and campaigning for passing laws once elected. Thats where they're overstating problems and omitting key facts. Misleading you for the purpose of getting themselves elected or getting some law passed.

Nobody gets elected saying "everything is fine, and the other guy running will probably do just as good a job as I will". You have to give folks a reason to vote for you, and then get them motivated to go out of their way and head over to the polling place. Fear is a powerful motivator, and has been used by politicians forever. I think its a not only a fair quote, but an accurate one.

Fair enough sir. I respect your argument.

05-11-2007, 12:43 PM
Banging nuns is a bad habit.


Yeah. Tell me about it. The afterlife's gonna be fun times.