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NEWSFLASH: German Military Is Racist!!! [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : NEWSFLASH: German Military Is Racist!!!

Judge Smails
04-14-2007, 08:19 AM
Waddle-Doodle. Appologiiiiiiiiiizzzzzeeee, Mein Herr (

HERE is the video. ( You need to scroll down to the bottom of the page. I don't speak German, but I made out Bronx, schwartza (sp?) and of course Motherfucker.

A video showing a German army instructor telling one of his soldiers to envision African-Americans in the Bronx while firing his machine gun was broadcast Saturday on national television.

The video, coming after scandals involving photos of German soldiers posing with skulls in Afghanistan and the abuse of recruits by instructors, seemed likely to raise more questions about training practices in Germany's conscript army.

"We can no longer talk about an isolated case," said Lt. Juergen Rose of the Darmstaedter Signal, a group of current and former army officers and sergeants who independently review military procedures


The instructor tells the soldier, "You are in the Bronx. A black van is stopping in front of you. Three African-Americans are getting out and they are insulting your mother in the worst ways ... Act."

The soldier fires his machine gun several times and yells an obscenity several times in English. The instructor then tells the soldier to curse even louder.

What the fuck is this PC world coming to when a German miltary officer can't make a racially insensitive remark without everyone coming down on him?

04-14-2007, 08:26 AM
Because PC Only Applies When You Want To Use It To Diss The USA!

Fat's Business Takes Him To Germany Often And He Has Interracted With Many Germans. Fat Will Express This As A Personal Opinion Only, So That Nobody Will Get In Trouble. It Is Fat's Personal Opinion That Under The Veneer Of Being "Green" And "Tolerant" That The People Of Germany Are Still Basically Nazi's, And That It Wouldn't Take Too Much To Unleash That, And Make It Completely Visible Again. IFHO.

04-14-2007, 08:32 AM
Germany still scares the fuck out of me... They have been a little too quiet lately.. And i think they all have the same mentality of., we are the Superior race... Ands still harbor animosity toward the world and Jews for WWII... While the world is concentrating on the middle East... I am afraid they could be doing some shit to sneak up on everyone... There are still ALOT of Nazi sympathizers there..

04-14-2007, 08:32 AM
If they were racist would they have used the term African-American?

04-14-2007, 08:40 AM
If they were racist would they have used the term African-American?

Yes! It Is All Part Of The Facade! You Should See How They Treat The Turks And Afghans Who Live In Germany. They SHUN Them. The US Is A Paradise Of Tolerance Compared To Germany.

Judge Smails
04-14-2007, 08:55 AM
If they were racist would they have used the term African-American?

That's our PC media reporting it as "African-American". If you look at the video he says "shwartza". I don't know any German so I'm not sure if shwartza is meant to be derogatory or if that's just how you say black.

04-14-2007, 09:01 AM
That's our PC media reporting it as "African-American". If you look at the video he says "shwartza". I don't know any German so I'm not sure if shwartza is meant to be derogatory or if that's just how you say black.

"May the Shwartza be with you!"

04-14-2007, 09:04 AM
An hour after this video aired, France surrendered peacefully.

(All right, you knew somebody was going to post this).

04-14-2007, 10:17 AM
That's our PC media reporting it as "African-American". If you look at the video he says "shwartza". I don't know any German so I'm not sure if shwartza is meant to be derogatory or if that's just how you say black.

Schwarzen is german for black people
Schwarzenegger is german for black plowman

04-14-2007, 10:35 AM
New World Order, my friends. New World Order.

04-14-2007, 10:39 AM
well to be fair, have you been to the Bronx lately?

04-14-2007, 02:11 PM
well to be fair, have you been to the Bronx lately?


i say fuck it

whatever ya gotta do to get ur ass hyped up to fight

04-14-2007, 03:11 PM
well to be fair, have you been to the Bronx lately?

HEY!! There are some very good area's in the Bronx..

04-14-2007, 03:27 PM
That's our PC media reporting it as "African-American". If you look at the video he says "shwartza". I don't know any German so I'm not sure if shwartza is meant to be derogatory or if that's just how you say black.

Isn't that the most hilarious racist part of the story, that the media is too PC to even translate it correctly. How the fuck do they have the balls to put that in quotes, if it's not even translated correctly.