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Party or Alkey? [Archive] - Messageboard


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04-06-2007, 04:53 PM
At what point would you consider yourself a problem drinker?

I know there are periods where I go through "dry out" periods when I recognize its getting waaaaaaay outta control.

Just wondering what peoples opinions are when they would consider that its time to seek help. Is it the quantity of drinks? Or is it how often?

04-06-2007, 04:57 PM
I want to party with Alkey.


04-06-2007, 05:00 PM
I was a big time drinker through my teens and twenties and into my thirties. Then I slowed down a lot. A WHOLE lot. Now I don't drink at all.

It wasn't a conscious decision, really. I just discovered that I'd kind of lost my taste for it. I also started realizing that my free time was far too precious to be spent recovering from hangovers. Nothing worse than blowing an entire Saturday and/or Sunday on the couch because you feel like shit from the night before.

I've also discovered that I love being clear headed all the time, and my temper is much better.

I say give it up for 30 days. If you can't, you might have a problem. If you do, see if you really think you need booze that badly that you just have to go back to getting loaded.

04-06-2007, 05:49 PM
i'm alone inmy room drinking. i think might i have a problem

04-06-2007, 05:52 PM
i'm alone inmy room drinking. i think might i have a problem

See this is what Im interested in that really a problem? Cuz Im home polishing off some beers... to spin off Mr B's quote...does it make us bad people?

04-06-2007, 05:56 PM
i dont know
im drinking
and doing phil home work and i just started yelling at a book

"the form is the source of what limited reality as a beautiful thing the thing has"

thing the thing has.

"fuck that, you deal with me now!"

04-06-2007, 06:05 PM
See this is what Im interested in that really a problem? Cuz Im home polishing off some beers... to spin off Mr B's quote...does it make us bad people?

i don't know, i don't think so. if everyone wasn't home for easter i probably wouldn't be alone. though i do drink alone. in ten years, that might be another story

04-06-2007, 06:06 PM
[QUOTE=patsopinion;1262321]i dont know
im drinking
and doing phil home work and i just started yelling at a book

that requires weed

04-06-2007, 06:48 PM
I was drinking every night. I was drinking a large amount of wine and I found that I couldnt wait to get home to get a buzz on, and when I realized that, I came to the understanding I had the beginnings of a problem. I just stopped drinking and haven't looked back.

04-06-2007, 06:55 PM
i stink at qouteinf

04-06-2007, 06:58 PM
I was drinking every night. I was drinking a large amount of wine and I found that I couldnt wait to get home to get a buzz on, and when I realized that, I came to the understanding I had the beginnings of a problem. I just stopped drinking and haven't looked back.

Hmmm- this sounds familiar to what Im going through. I drink not cuz of the buzz but cuz i cannot sleep at all. I hope if I get loaded enough I will go to sleep. Recently Ive noticed it hasent been working Im still up to 4:00 am while I have to get up for work at 5:30.

My Ex-Gfriend was what you would call a functional alcoholic.. meaning she had a problem but didnt interfere with work etc.
She went to AA- I was one of her 12 steps.
But I fear I am falling into that trap/
Like I said when I recognixe its outta control I go through dry out periods just to reinforce to my self that I am noyt dependant.

04-06-2007, 07:06 PM
I know there are periods where I go through "dry out" periods when I recognize its getting waaaaaaay outta control.

Alkey usually drinks while Arelis is having her period, too.

04-06-2007, 11:25 PM
i drink pretty heavily every thursday night and friday night.........i dont know what to really call that. i love both nights of the week, i look forward to being able to go out and really get my booze on. however, there are also other nights in my week that i totally look forward to and are tons of fun without a drop of alcohol (namely my trivia nights on mondays and my handball nights on wednesday). what bothers me the most is the amount of alcohol i consume on those nights. im not going to go into detail because then it would seem like pretentious bragging, but take my word for it its a ton of booze. and the fact that i look so forward to that amount of booze is also bothersome. anybody got any advise for i a partyer or an alkey?

04-07-2007, 05:08 AM
Hmmm- this sounds familiar to what Im going through. I drink not cuz of the buzz but cuz i cannot sleep at all. I hope if I get loaded enough I will go to sleep. Recently Ive noticed it hasent been working Im still up to 4:00 am while I have to get up for work at 5:30.

ppanda, I was having trouble sleeping for over a year - it SUCKS. I finally told my doc and she gave me's an anti-anxiety med...just a small dose (like 25mg) puts me out like a light. Perhaps your problem is one of brain chemistry (anxiety, etc) and you know - there IS better living through chemicals!!!!

04-07-2007, 06:24 AM
I think its the lack of fun that determines when you need help. If you drink and don't have fun and are constantly getting depressed or in trouble, time to seek help.

04-07-2007, 06:51 AM
I came to a point in my life a few years ago where I just managed to have better control over my drinking. It used to be where I would seemingly go on binges and drink every night after work, or even during lunch at work I'd get the mad craving for a beer. I'd also over drink a lot leaving me slurring my words and making bad decisions like driving when I shouldn't be. Luckily I always made it home ok and never had accidents, though those experiences I think helped me to better discipline myself. I'm a lot more conscious of myself when I drink. I know for example when I get close to hitting a certain point where I may go to far that I step back. I'll switch to a soda or water for a little while to bring me back down. Usually after that I may have one or two drinks but that's it. I just get this feeling that tells me it's time to slow down or to stop completely. Especially if I know I'm driving. I still sometimes over do it, though for the most part I have a pretty good discipline with drinking.

I also find that I go through points in time where I can go weeks without drinking. Then other times I'll have some every night for a week, but then I'll stop. I know for one thing that I haven't drank nearly as much as I did when I was younger. I also find that I get a feeling at some point that I should stop the habit, which I think is a really good thing to have. It helps me to stay in check and has probably stopped me from going down a bad path.

04-07-2007, 07:44 AM
One quick and easy way to screen yourself for problem drinking is a simple set of 4 questions devised some time ago by Dr. J.A. Ewing and known as the CAGE test:

C: Have you ever felt you ought to CUT down on your drinking?
A: Do you get ANNOYED at criticism of your drinking?
G: Do you ever feel GUILTY about your drinking?
E: Do you ever take an EYEOPENER (early morning drinking)?

Typically, if you answer "yes" (including answering "sometimes," and "every now and then") to two or more of these questions, you should be evaluated by a professional regarding your drinking. Some professionals believe that even a single "yes" answer to one of the CAGE questions warrants a formal evaluation. However, it is important to note that the CAGE questions are intended to "check" your need for a professional evaluation, not to diagnose yourself as an alcoholic.

Learn to find your personal solutions!!

Beyond such questions, there are also other indications your drinking may be problematic and that a professional evaluation is warranted:

Awakening in the morning and finding you can't remember part of the previous evening
Having people who are close to you complain about your drinking
Having difficulty with stopping after one or two drinks
Getting into physical fights when you drink
Finding drinking causes problems between you and those close to you
Losing friends because of your drinking
Having a family member go to anyone for help about your drinking
Getting into trouble at work or school because of drinking
Losing a job because of drinking
Neglecting your school work, family, job or other obligations because of your drinking
Hearing voices, seeing things that aren't really there, or severe shaking after heavy drinking
Being arrested for drunk driving or other drinking related behavior.

If you have experienced any of these signs or have answered "yes" to two or more of the CAGE questions, the first step is to get a professional evaluation

04-07-2007, 08:44 AM
"I meet my responsibilities."

high fly
04-07-2007, 10:06 AM
At what point would you consider yourself a problem drinker?

I know there are periods where I go through "dry out" periods when I recognize its getting waaaaaaay outta control.

Just wondering what peoples opinions are when they would consider that its time to seek help. Is it the quantity of drinks? Or is it how often?

It's a problem when you get into fistfights with your friends.
It's a problem when you can't do without.
Then there's the drinking problem the pilot had in Airplane.....

04-07-2007, 11:03 PM
At what point would you consider yourself a problem drinker?

I know there are periods where I go through "dry out" periods when I recognize its getting waaaaaaay outta control.

Just wondering what peoples opinions are when they would consider that its time to seek help. Is it the quantity of drinks? Or is it how often?

For me it was a lot like yours. I could go months without touching anything (I should mention I'm not an alcoholic per say; it didn't matter if I was drinking, smoking, or snorting as long as I was fucked up), but once I did I would either be completely fucked 24 hours a day for days, or just party hard every night for weeks or months.

I never actually sought help; I was rescued by a woman, but it wasn't some fucking sob story. I dated her for like 3 months and then moved in with her. She was a raging alcoholic/druggie, and I began partying constantly without any of the old breaks. This went on for about two and a half years, and over time I could see alot of myself in her: the way I acted, how I treated people, etc. I really grew to hate the cunt, and thus hate myself. Eventually, I just grew tired of it all, and left her and quit using.

I did start drinking/smoking again around last July. I've been able to keep it under control, and only party maybe once every week or two. I'm not sure I'm really an addict or anything; I think I just went through a phase or two. Or maybe I'm just returning to my old patterns.

All I can tell you is, if you can party and it doesn't adversely affect your life, party on. If it does, then quit. If you can't quit on your own, seek help.

04-07-2007, 11:03 PM
At what point would you consider yourself a problem drinker?

I know there are periods where I go through "dry out" periods when I recognize its getting waaaaaaay outta control.

Just wondering what peoples opinions are when they would consider that its time to seek help. Is it the quantity of drinks? Or is it how often?

For me it was a lot like yours. I could go months without touching anything (I should mention I'm not an alcoholic per say; it didn't matter if I was drinking, smoking, or snorting as long as I was fucked up), but once I did I would either be completely fucked 24 hours a day for days, or just party hard every night for weeks or months.

I never actually sought help; I was rescued by a woman, but it wasn't some fucking sob story. I dated her for like 3 months and then moved in with her. She was a raging alcoholic/druggie, and I began partying constantly without any of the old breaks. This went on for about two and a half years, and over time I could see alot of myself in her: the way I acted, how I treated people, etc. I really grew to hate the cunt, and thus hate myself. Eventually, I just grew tired of it all, and left her and quit using.

I did start drinking/smoking again around last July. I've been able to keep it under control, and only party maybe once every week or two. I'm not sure I'm really an addict or anything; I think I just went through a phase or two. Or maybe I'm just returning to my old patterns.

All I can tell you is, if you can party and it doesn't adversely affect your life, party on. If it does, then quit. If you can't quit on your own, seek help.

Drunky McBetidont
04-08-2007, 07:24 AM
when at the end of the road... everybody has to say for themselves when enough is enough. as leeder said, "when it stops being fun" is a good time to look at it. or, you can continue the downward spiral until jail, death or institution. some people seek help when it stops being fun, some seek help when in jail, some go the road of john belushi. just a matter of personal choice. i stopped drinking (again) 26 days ago because i was puking blood in the morning. the time before that was 16 years ago when i was forced into rehab by a judge (that or jail was offered.) i prefer making the decision for myself now, but i could have waited to run someone over in a blackout or worse.