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Anyone have any disgusting food service stories? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Anyone have any disgusting food service stories?

Judge Smails
03-22-2007, 07:56 PM
<p>I'm starting a Spring diet and one of my major downfalls is eating out.&nbsp; I know that if you can gross me out enough it will help me to stay away from these places and stick to my diet.</p><p>I'll start with one myself:</p><p>My first job in highschool was working at a Blimpie.&nbsp; We had one of those old type Ice Tea / Juice machines that would sit on the counter.&nbsp; The kind with the plastic, see-through tub on top.&nbsp; The machine would suck up the ice tea through a hose to the top and shoot it out&nbsp;where it would drip down the inside of the tub.&nbsp; Anyway,&nbsp; the constant churning would create foam on the top which would eventually stick to the side of the tub.&nbsp; We had a brush, that we hung in the kitchen, that we used to clean the sides of the tub.&nbsp; The thing is is that the brush was&nbsp;a toilet brush (I know you can see where this is going.)</p><p>We also had a&nbsp;NASTY one person bathroom&nbsp;which served as both the ladie's and men's room.&nbsp; It was lucky to be cleaned once a week because no one wanted to do it.&nbsp; We had this new girl start and we told her it was the new person's job to clean the bathroom.&nbsp; She fell for it and would&nbsp;do it everyday.&nbsp; One day, I see her walking towards the bathroom carrying the ice tea machine brush.&nbsp; I run to stop her and ask her where she's going with the brush.&nbsp; She says she's going to clean the toilet.&nbsp; When I tell her that she's got the ice tea brush she says she's been using it on the toilet for about two weeks.</p>

03-23-2007, 05:10 AM
If you've ever cleaned up the kitchen after the grease trap overflows, that's all you ever need.

03-23-2007, 05:14 AM
Watching a chef figure out how to use leftover in the next days specials?&nbsp; AWEFUL.&nbsp; Never eat at the buffet for a Sunday brunch.

03-23-2007, 03:31 PM
<div class="resulttitle"> <a href=";esrc=sr1&amp;ev=v&amp;q=rats+taco+bell &amp;vidurl=;usg=AL29H22PSqFq26ySoiD41A a4yvU2bf5CjQ" onclick="setSessionCookie('GoogleVideoPlaylist', '-5553759814309988597,-6128621640041634702,-7813636049327539516,-2068662389277491048,-6685661479157328008,5926383509741361067,6320672525 781751184,-5632513132013183196,-6329778727001488260,3111994648655579864,', ''); setSessionCookie('GoogleVideoPlaylistIndex', '-1', ''); setSessionCookie('GoogleVideoPlaylistParameters', '1', ''); setSessionCookie('ResultPageClick', 'RmMERrOfBIqkrwKFp5GNAw*xpQ-2ZsX0nEqHzMPhLDhYQ', ''); "> <strong>Rats</strong> Take Over KFC/<strong>Taco</strong> <strong>Bell</strong></a></div><div class="resulttitle">&nbsp;</div><div class="resulttitle">&nbsp;</div>

03-23-2007, 03:32 PM
In the restaurant kitchen, I've seen worms, parasites, and growths removed from fish before the filleting process.

03-23-2007, 03:52 PM
<p>i uesto wash dishes</p><p>and i made a point to spit shine every one that came out</p><p>gave it a nice shine</p>