03-09-2007, 11:07 AM
Mo. man shares golf cart with bobcat <!-- END HEADLINE --><div id="ynmain"><!-- BEGIN STORY BODY --><div id="storybody"><div class="storyhdr"><p>Fri Mar 9, 7:54 AM ET </p></div><p>It's best not to get between a predator and its prey — especially when they're in the passenger seat of your golf cart.</p><p>Water plant worker Mitch Walter would offer that bit of advice and bears the scratches of one who speaks from experience.</p><p>As Walter was inspecting the Cape Rock Water Treatment Plant property Tuesday night, a rabbit leaped into his golf cart — followed by a 25-pound bobcat. The rabbit then jumped back out, leaving Walter alone with a large, frightened feline.</p><p>"The cat went from a sleek predator after fast food to a ball of fur trying to jump through the windshield of the golf cart," Walter said.</p><p>Walter received scratches on his neck while shoving the bobcat out, necessitating a round of rabies shots, but was otherwise unhurt.</p><p><a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070309/ap_on_fe_st/startled_bobcat;_ylt=AmrZ6Am37NU7eRN73.ik.V_tiBIF">http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070309/ap_on_fe_st/startled_bobcat;_ylt=AmrZ6Am37NU7eRN73.ik.V_tiBIF</a></p><p> </p></div></div>