View Full Version : I Quit Smoking!!!!
03-07-2007, 12:43 PM
<p>Since last friday,,,,when I had my chestpains.....I quit the old butt!!!</p><p> </p><p>I feel like shit.....I want a cigarette all the time,.......but I haven't smoked yet....And I breathe better....</p><p> </p><p>Anyone else have succiss with quitting???</p><p> </p><p>Give me some love and support!!!! </p>
03-07-2007, 12:46 PM
<p>Good for you. They are a disgusting habit.</p><p>Are you going to take your doctor's advice on the antidepressants as well?</p><p> </p>
03-07-2007, 12:48 PM
Hey asshole......get off my back.prick!!!!!
03-07-2007, 12:52 PM
Great reeshy Keep it up!! I wish i could but I have no will power...Im 51 now been smoking for a long time..Its gonna get me I just know it...GOOD JOB BUDDDDYYYYY!!!!Peace..
03-07-2007, 12:53 PM
Matty, cut the shit!
03-07-2007, 12:55 PM
<strong>Hottub</strong> wrote:<br />Matty, cut the shit! <p>What shit? There is a specific med that is used to treat smoking cessation. It starts with B and I can't think of it for the life of me.</p><p> </p>
03-07-2007, 12:56 PM
<p><font size="3">Nice work keep it up budday.</font></p><p><font size="3">I can't believe jughead is 51. Thought you were younger.</font></p>
03-07-2007, 12:57 PM
<strong>Tenbatsuzen</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Hottub</strong> wrote:<br />Matty, cut the shit! <p>What shit? There is a specific med that is used to treat smoking cessation. It starts with B and I can't think of it for the life of me.</p><p> </p><p>Buopropin. Sold as Zyban or Welbutrin.</p><p> </p>
03-07-2007, 12:58 PM
Fuck you , know exactly what you said....nothing but an insult....I have ignored you til now....asshole......don't post in my threads anymore.....that's NOT a requested, homo!!!!
03-07-2007, 12:59 PM
Congratulations!! In a month, you'll have 80% of your lung capacity back! Food will start tasting even better than ever. Welcome to the club! Soon you'll hate being around anyone smoking too!
03-07-2007, 01:00 PM
<strong>reeshy</strong> wrote:<br />Fuck you , know exactly what you said....nothing but an insult....I have ignored you til now....asshole......don't post in my threads anymore.....that's NOT a requested, homo!!!! <p>I was actually going to give you some advice, since you were seeking it. And I was offering it legitimately. So calm down.</p><p> </p>
<p>I pretty much quit almost two years ago. I still have a few on rare weekends when I'm really tying one on, but that's only been a handful of times.</p><p>I ain't gonna lie to you, it aint easy. I quit because I really started to feel shitty, out of breath and stuff, so I thought it would be a piece of cake to give it up. It's like you forget all about the pain in your chest so you get a pack, and halfway through the first smoke you feel like shit again and wish you hadn't bought 'em. Of course, because they're $5 you feel like you HAVE to finish them, and then you really feel like crap.</p><p>In a few days you'll start to recognize that you're feeling healthier. Try to REMEMBER that feeling. Don't forget how bad smoking makes you feel, don't try to lie to yourself that it makes you feel good. It doesn't. It's fucking smoke from burning paper and dried up leaves, and you put that shit in your lungs and it makes you sick. It makes your breath smell bad, it makes your car dirty and stinky, you have to stand out in the cold, it costs $5 per day (almost $2000 per year) if you smoke a pack a day. It supports a corporation that loves to take your money away and give you a shitty product because they think you're too weak to stop. Fuck them. Fuck that little plant. You're a fucking man, you're stronger than a plant.</p><p>I'm not bitter.</p>
03-07-2007, 01:02 PM
Good for you budday!! I had a budday just get a pnumonia and he was in the hospital for a week and he used that to quit. You'll be ok budday!! Just beat the bishop everytime you want a butt.
Don Stugots
03-07-2007, 01:04 PM
good for you reeshy. Matty is right, there is a drug to take to help you with smoking and it helps with nerves.
03-07-2007, 01:04 PM
<p> you think that anyone on this board thinks that you care about me??? Please....stop being the pathological liar that you are........just say that you hate me.....I could give a shit!!!!!</p><p> </p><p>And please stop posting in this thread.....liar!!!! </p>
03-07-2007, 01:05 PM
<strong>Don Stugots</strong> wrote:<br />good for you reeshy. Matty is right, there is a drug to take to help you with smoking and it helps with nerves. <p>they actually talked about it on the show, Billy Staples was on it, and so was cigar sid</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by JPMNICK on 3-7-07 @ 5:12 PM</span>
03-07-2007, 01:09 PM
This is the last time I will say this.....Matty.....stop busting my know that I don't like are pathological liar and you think that everyone likes're an asshole.....stay off the board
03-07-2007, 01:13 PM
OK. We get it. Stop shitting on your own thread.
<strong>reeshy</strong> wrote:<br />This is the last time I will say this.....Matty.....stop busting my know that I don't like are pathological liar and you think that everyone likes're an asshole.....stay off the board <p>Maybe Welbutrin isn't a bad idea.</p>
03-07-2007, 01:16 PM
Congrats man. It will get better.
03-07-2007, 01:19 PM
GOOD work reeshy! My parents started smoking and drinking about 3 years ago and it scares the crap out me. I think your better for it. Never mind those who don't like you, i think your a good person!!!
03-07-2007, 01:19 PM
PM hottub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-07-2007, 01:20 PM
<strong>johnniewalker</strong> wrote:<br />GOOD work reeshy! My parents started smoking and drinking about 3 years ago and it scares the crap out me. I think your better for it. Never mind those who don't like you, i think your a good person!!! <p>wait they just started smoking? why, knowing all the bad stuff, would anyone start smoking</p>
03-07-2007, 01:20 PM
PM me hottub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't insult me on the board!!!
03-07-2007, 01:21 PM
<strong>reeshy</strong> wrote:<br />PM me hottub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't insult me on the board!!! <p>it is his BIRTHDAY, cut him an ounce of slack</p>
03-07-2007, 01:22 PM
<strong>JPMNICK</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>johnniewalker</strong> wrote:<br />GOOD work reeshy! My parents started smoking and drinking about 3 years ago and it scares the crap out me. I think your better for it. Never mind those who don't like you, i think your a good person!!! <p>wait they just started smoking? why, knowing all the bad stuff, would anyone start smoking</p><p> There was a serious death in the family, but im still not 100 % sure why. Midlife crisis? They are 46. </p>
<strong>reeshy</strong> wrote:<br />This is the last time I will say this.....Matty.....stop busting my know that I don't like are pathological liar and you think that everyone likes're an asshole.....stay off the board <p>Maybe Welbutrin isn't a bad idea.</p>
03-07-2007, 01:24 PM
Shut up Sina!!!!!!<img src="" border="0" />
03-07-2007, 01:32 PM
<strong>reeshy</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Anyone else have succiss with quitting???</p><p>Since Dec 17, 2003. The farther you go along, Reeshy, the easier it becomes.</p>
03-07-2007, 01:37 PM
<p>I quite about 2 and a half years ago. It was fucking hard!! But the energy I got from it was great! And I didn't even realize how much it made me stink till i hung out with my friends that still smoked.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The tricky part is trying to convince yourself that if you have a pull of a cigarrette or two it's alright.</p><p>It's not!!!! Let your body quite it! You'll just be making it harder for it to realize it doesn't need it. </p><p> </p><p>Good luck and good job! :) </p>
03-07-2007, 01:37 PM
<p>I will say this just one time.....this sucks.....I want a cigarette so bad i can taste it ........</p><p> </p><p>And Matty.....I forgive you for being an asshole!!!!!! </p>
03-07-2007, 01:53 PM
<p>Reeshy, hang in there. It's been 2 years for me, and it's totally worth it.</p><>Have you looked into the patch? That's what I used, and it really worked. At least you get your nicotine fix without having to smoke. Learning what to do with yourself when you're not smoking, and getting used to the fact that you're not smoking is half the battle. <br />
03-07-2007, 02:07 PM
Good luck Reesh! I never smoked but I remember Imus saying he chews the gum. It does wonders for his personality.
walking joint
03-07-2007, 02:17 PM
<strong>SinA</strong> wrote: <p>Maybe Welbutrin isn't a bad idea.</p><p>funny both times</p>
Don Stugots
03-07-2007, 02:30 PM
<strong>walking joint</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>SinA</strong> wrote: <p>Maybe Welbutrin isn't a bad idea.</p><p>funny both times</p><p> Joint, that was funnier than the line. </p>
03-07-2007, 02:56 PM
<p><font size="2">1. Be Prepared To Put On Weight. When F_S Quit, Though, His Doc Said "Fat, I Would Rather Have You Gain 50 Pounds Than Continue Smoking". Just Be Prepared To Put A Few Pounds On; Maybe Alot. Keep Some Healthy Munchies Around Like Carrots And Celery Sticks. They Help To Keep Your Hands And Mouth Busy Without Alot Of Calories.</font></p><p><font size="2">2. What Leticia Said: When You Get A Little Weak In A Month Or Two, Don't Think You Can "Have Just One". You <strong>CAN'T!</strong> You Will Have One And Get Dizzy And Feel Wierd, So You'll Think "I Didn't Really Enjoy That, I'll Have Another". And Then It Is All Over.</font></p><p><font size="2">3. If You Are Really Struggling The First Few Weeks, Get Some Nicorette Gum Or The Patch. Works Wonders. Especially The Gum, As It Gives You Some Of The Oral Gratification You Took Away With The Smokes.</font></p><p><font size="2">4. One Day At A Time! </font></p>
03-07-2007, 02:57 PM
<font size="3">You doctor call you Fat? I'd punch that no good sucka in da mouth!@</font>
03-07-2007, 02:58 PM
Watch out for the mood swings!
03-07-2007, 03:00 PM
<p><font size="2">4. One Day At A Time! ---</font></p><p><font size="2">i quit in april. i'm smoking right now. have been on and off for two months. it sucks you right back in. i try to think of it as a little relapse but i lie to myself. now i have to quit all over again. fuck!</font></p>
03-07-2007, 03:07 PM
<p><font size="2">Yeah, Fat Had 5 Or 6 False Starts Before He Finally Quit.</font></p><p><font size="2">Fat Was Never Afraid Of Lung Cancer Or A Heart Attack. What Got Him To Quit Was (a) The Thought Of Emphesyma (Sp?) And Being Pushed Around In A Wheel Chair With His Portable Oxygen, Gasping For Breath, And (B) Picturing Himself Trying To Communicate With A Voice Box. He Just Did Not Want To Be One Of <em>Those</em> Poor People.</font></p><p><font size="2">Keep One Of Those Negative Images In Your Mind...It Helps!</font></p>
03-07-2007, 03:09 PM
<p>Thanks all....except for one asshole.....I still havent smoked......but I did find an old butt in an an ashtray...I threw it out.....god...this sucks </p>
03-07-2007, 03:13 PM
<strong>Fat_Sunny</strong> wrote:<br /><p><font size="2">Fat Was Never Afraid Of Lung Cancer Or A Heart Attack. What Got Him To Quit Was (a) The Thought Of Emphesyma (Sp?) And Being Pushed Around In A Wheel Chair With His Portable Oxygen, Gasping For Breath, And (B) Picturing Himself Trying To Communicate With A Voice Box. He Just Did Not Want To Be One Of <em>Those</em> Poor People.</font></p><p>Those are exactly the same reasons DonInNC quit. </p>
<p>You quit smoking cock? Good job. Cock can be bad for your health and we all know how addictive it is. </p><p>Seriously though stay strong. </p>
03-07-2007, 03:23 PM
I quit cigarettes and cigars in August of 03... after 4 months without one single nicotine wthdrawl, I started cigars back up.I've only wanted a cigarette a handfull of times since... and I've nearly started back up more times than I care to count..
03-07-2007, 03:25 PM
<p>Congrats Reeshy, it's the best thing you can do for yourself.</p><p> </p>
03-07-2007, 03:37 PM
Thanks Narc for the thought.....but the only one who smokes cock here is Matty Friday!!!!
03-07-2007, 03:43 PM
<strong>reeshy</strong> wrote:<br />Thanks Narc for the thought.....but the only one who smokes cock here is Matty Friday!!!!<p> </p><p>Ah Reesh. It all started off so positive and now.......</p>
03-07-2007, 03:47 PM
reeshy, congrats on quiting the smokes. i quit two days after christmas and have done pretty well. i bought a pack about two weeks ago cause i was really stressed out and needed a cig. after being away from them for a few months, it tasted like shit. i won't be buying anymore. keep it up, its tough to get through the first couple weeks/months depending on how much you smoke but keep going and you wont think about them as much (unless you see them on tv and movies, god that makes me want one!)
03-07-2007, 04:05 PM
<p><u>Reeshy's To Do List</u></p><p>1-<strike>Quit smoking</strike></p><p>2-Quit the pills </p><p>3-Quit the Mexican whorehouses</p><p>4-Quit using too many exclamation points</p><p>5-Quit attacking people then apologizing 5 minutes later</p><p> </p><p>One down, 4 to go. </p><p>You're on your way bro. </p>
03-07-2007, 04:19 PM
<p>Congrats reeshy!!!!</p><p>I'll have 5 years in May and it does get easier as time goes by, even tho i still have slight cravings once in a while. They usually only last a minute or two.</p><p>I'm 42 and I feel better than when I was 35 and quitting smoking is clearly one of the best choices I have made in my life.</p><p>Try gum or toothpicks, it helps just to have your fingers or mouth doin' something besides smoking. (Nipples also help)</p>
I quit 2 1/2 years ago, and it still bothers me sometimes. Try to focus on one day at a time.." I'm not gonna smoke today.." it helped me a lot. Good luck Reesh. <br />
03-07-2007, 04:32 PM
Reesh, maybe you can compare the pain and suffering of quitting to your years of gov. service in your speech next week.
03-07-2007, 04:42 PM the first answer from matty cocksmoker...he threw the first shot.....I just shot back!!!!!!
03-07-2007, 04:48 PM
<strong>Bulldogcakes</strong> wrote:<br><p><u>Reeshy's To Do List</u></p><p>1-<strike>Quit smoking</strike></p><p>2-Quit the pills </p><p>3-Quit the Mexican whorehouses</p><p>4-Quit using too many exclamation points</p><p>5-Quit attacking people then apologizing 5 minutes later</p><p> </p><p>One down, 4 to go. </p><p>You're on your way bro. </p><p></p>
Hey! Cut it out! Now!
03-07-2007, 07:34 PM
Fuck you Bulldog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-07-2007, 08:34 PM
I just bought a book called "the easy way to quit smoking" by allen carr. I'm almost finished, and i'm actually looking forward to quitting. We'll see when i finish the book. Its very compelling and almost like hypnosis
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