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PRESIDENT Giuliani? [Archive] - Messageboard


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03-04-2007, 06:53 AM
<p><font size="2"><strong><a href=";storyid=2007-03-03T222450Z_01_N03453364_RTRUKOC_0_US-USA-REPUBLICANS-POLL.xml&amp;src=rss&amp;rpc=22">NEWSWEEK: Giuliani up 25 points over McCain...</a></strong></font></p><p><font size="1">It's ridiculously early to be taking any of this too seriously, but I'm amazed at how popular Giuliani is at this stage. I still dont think he'll play in Peoria, especially with his marital history and socially liberal stances. I think people really dont know him in detail and are just reacting to him post 9/11, where he really shined. But we may end up getting the Hillary/Rudy deathmatch we were all drooling for in New York </font></p><p><font size="1">One thing I like about him, he has credibility as a fiscal conservative. He inherited a budget in NYC with chronic annual deficits and had a surplus by the time he left. Not an easy task in the <strong>far </strong>left political environment of NYC. He also took a budget which was around 48 billion when he came into office and left EIGHT years later with a budget around 50 billion. <strong>Well</strong> below the rate of inflation, which effectively shrinks the size of government in relation to the economy. That gives the private sector a chance to get the wet blanket off their backs and actually expand, which benefits the local economy in terms of employment and an expanded tax base. Something Bush doesn't believe in.&nbsp; &nbsp;</font></p><p>He also vasted reformed the judiciary in NYC, which acted as a shadow government in NYC. One with Communist (yes, communist) leanings in Housing court. Before Giuliani, tenants could go without paying rent for upwards of a year before a landlord could evict them. They would do so on the flimsiest of complaints, with little to no evidence to back up their claims. But everyone in NY knew the court was packed with red diaper babies. Guiliani set up a simple system where tenants would continue paying rent into a court run escrow account, and then if they won their claim the repairs would be deducted from the rent already paid. The landlords also faced possible fines if found to be negligent. If the landlord proved his case, he got his rent money. You would not believe the shit he caught for this simple, common sense reform.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Other reforms have directly led to the current building boom we are having across NYC. In the past, local community groups could kill a project by continuously throwing roadblocks at it, knowing the developer would eventually run out of money. They are still part of the process, but dont have the effective veto power they once did.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

03-04-2007, 09:17 AM
<p><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: black; font-family: Verdana">As you said, I think it's way too early for any poll to be accurate.&nbsp; The campaigning hasn't really begun and when it does, you can bet that his opponents will be bringing up his marital history and how he brought his &quot;girlfriend&quot; into Gracie Mansion when his current wife and kids lived there.</span></font></p><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: black; font-family: Verdana"></span><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: black; font-family: Verdana">As for his budget surplus, some of that can be&nbsp;correlated with the booming stock market of the mid to late 1990's.&nbsp; As it is today, the economy of New York City is directly related to Wall Street.&nbsp; And he was able to keep the budget from growing by cutting down on most social programs that many New Yorkers depended on.</span> </font><font size="2"><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana">And for the&nbsp;drop in crime, that can be partially attributed to Clinton giving more money to cities&nbsp;to hire more police.</span></p></font>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Jujubees2 on 3-4-07 @ 1:17 PM</span>

03-04-2007, 09:23 AM
my reasons for wanting rudy as president are selfish. most likely he'd increase the budget for federal agencies they way he did for nypd. after 6 years of Bush slashing our budgets, we could use a boost. i know everyone had this thought in their head that bush just pumps money hand over fist into the government, but that's not exactly true. DoD's budget has obviously increased, but most of the civilian agencies have suffered somewhat.

03-04-2007, 09:26 AM
<p><font size="2">Fat Likes Him Alot But He Has Way Too Many Skeletons In His Closet For The Southern Types.&nbsp;&nbsp;His Opponents&nbsp;Are Already Starting A &quot;Whisper Campaign&quot; About His Cross-Dressing!</font></p><p><img src="" border="0" width="160" height="135" /></p>

03-04-2007, 09:51 AM
Is it wrong to want a Giuliani/McCain ticket?&nbsp;

Doctor Z
03-04-2007, 09:53 AM
Giulliani is probably the only way I'll end up voting Republican... But he'll never make it that far.&nbsp; He doesn't hate gays enough.

03-04-2007, 09:55 AM
It's too early to tell anything. In a previous Republican primary poll followup questions were asked of the voters. 33% didn't know Giuliani was pro-choice. 25% didn't know McCain was older than 64. Almost half didn't know Romney was a Mormon. These people are voting only on name recognition at this point.

03-04-2007, 10:29 AM
<p>Just remember...Italian is the same as black in the South.</p><p>I still think it's going to be some arch-conservative like Sam Brownback or Mike Huckabee that wins the Republican Primary.</p>

03-04-2007, 10:34 AM
<strong>HBox</strong> wrote:<br /><font color="#000080"><font size="2">It's too early to tell anything. In a previous Republican primary poll followup questions were asked of the voters. 33% didn't know Giuliani was pro-choice. 25% didn't know McCain was older than 64. Almost half didn't know Romney was a Mormon. These people are voting only on name recognition at this point.</font></font> <p><font size="2">Romney actually had a pretty funny quote a few weeks ago when he said &quot;As a Morman, I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, and a woman, and a woman...&quot;</font></p>

03-04-2007, 10:38 AM
<font size="2">He'll only get in if the money players decide he should. We don't elect presidents we only annoint those that have been selected for us.</font>

03-04-2007, 01:13 PM
<p>MAyor Rudy stinks....people forget we hated him in NYC before 9-11. I wont vote for him!</p>

03-04-2007, 03:22 PM
<p>he's got my vote. he is a &nbsp;guy that gets things done, common sense approach,&nbsp;and not afraid to do the right thing despite&nbsp;possible political &nbsp;negative ramifications, who'e better that is running? hillary?/ bill hell yeah, but not that cankled frau. obama? pass. </p>

03-04-2007, 07:54 PM
<p>what's wrong with this picture?:</p><p></p><p>Among registered Republicans, 59 percent said they backed the former New York City mayor and 34 percent said they favored McCain, who announced on Wednesday he would seek the presidency in 2008, Newsweek said.</p><p>&quot;Most registered Republicans are not familiar with Giuliani's positions on key social issues,&quot; the magazine said, listing his support for abortion rights and gun control as examples.</p><p>&quot;When asked about whether Giuliani's views on these same issues would be enough to prevent them from supporting him, few registered Republican voters said it would,&quot; it said.</p>

03-04-2007, 11:21 PM
<p>It's an odd feeling to be excited about the candidacy for president. For the first time in a long time, both sides are presenting men (and women) of incredible diversity and character. Say what you will about any of them (aside from the second tier losers we know will drop out any day now....(Biden...Romney), they're all intelligent, articulate, dedicated public servants. Even if a republican was elected, I wouldn't be upset with either of the two, and that's a good feeling. </p><p>To not elect an idiot again, I think, is really my top priority. Just someone who is not a national embarassment, someone who can deliver a speech without that ridiculous southern drawl, ahh whatever, I hate Bush, let's stop beating around the...well...bush.</p>

high fly
03-04-2007, 11:34 PM
<p><font size="2">Has Giulliani made the trek to Lynchburg to suck up to Falwell yet?</font></p><p><font size="2">How 'bout that mandantory appearance at Bob Jones &quot;University&quot;?</font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2">Both should be good for a few laughs.</font></p>

03-05-2007, 05:51 AM
Don't be thrown by these bullshit polls.&nbsp; McCain got rocked in a recent poll where he finished dead last among die hard conservatives.&nbsp; Only problem is, the media failed to report it as a poll of die hard conservatives.&nbsp; Everyone in New York knows COMPSTAT was William Bratton's idea and Giuliani fired him for taking the spotlight.&nbsp; If you thought the Kerik debacle put Giuliani in trouble, wait until they find out about his cronyism and egotism... and that'll come after they find out he's pro-choice.&nbsp; McCain's had his skeletons dragged out for the nation to see, and he's been straight with us on all of them (his affair during his first marriage, the Keating Five) and regardless of our opinion of his politics, we all see him as an honest guy.&nbsp; However, Giuliani's campaign will be made or broken on how he responds to the scandals and scandalous individuals he has been associated with, and they are legion.

03-05-2007, 06:40 AM
<p>Why was it that Rudy was labeled a hero for his actions following 9-11?&nbsp; I mean...c'mon.&nbsp; Anything he did was merely doing his job.&nbsp; Is &quot;the bar&quot; that low for being a hero?&nbsp;&nbsp;Add no&nbsp;communications between firemen and police?&nbsp; And there was that thing about establishing a command post inside a building that was going to collapse.&nbsp; </p><p>And as far as being president?&nbsp; His police chief really did well in the process to become head of homeland security.&nbsp; What?&nbsp; That lasted about a weekend before he&nbsp;had to withdraw&nbsp;his name from consideration.&nbsp; And the tales about how if you badmouth Rudy he assigns someone to &quot;follow you&quot;.&nbsp; Wat the hell?&nbsp; Heard that one last week.&nbsp; Nice.&nbsp; Really blows up the Italian stereotype.&nbsp; </p><p>As far as his solving the crime problem?&nbsp; Gimme a break.&nbsp; The economy picked up during his reign.&nbsp; Question:&nbsp; During&nbsp;a good economy&nbsp;&nbsp;is crime usually up or down?&nbsp; The 90s&nbsp;saw&nbsp;a good economy.&nbsp;Crime was starting to decline EVEN UNDER DINKINS.&nbsp;</p><p>And being way way way down south in the most red of states I can say being Italian IS&nbsp;NOT&nbsp;equal to being black.&nbsp; I'm not sure who that's a slur on anyway...Rednecks,&nbsp; African-Americans,&nbsp; or Italians?&nbsp; But&nbsp;being pro-choice and pro gay rights would most likely spell doom for him.&nbsp; And if I were running against him I'd plaster the cross-dressing photos everywhere I could.&nbsp;&nbsp; Not that I hate&nbsp;cross-dressers but he makes a damn ugly woman.</p><p>&nbsp;I'll say this much...If I were going to vote would probably be Rudy.&nbsp; But seeing how I haven't voted for a Republican in 2 decades it's unlikely.&nbsp; I usually go third party.&nbsp; That way I can say...&quot;Don't look at me.&nbsp; I didn't vote for either one of those assholes.&quot;&nbsp; </p><p>Used to like McCain but he ended up with his head too far up Bush's ass.&nbsp; Ron said as much on a show a while back.&nbsp; And that was after Bush punked him in the primaries in 2000.&nbsp; So yeah.&nbsp; I think Rudy is the Republcan's best option to win it all...but I doubt he'll get through the primary.</p>

03-05-2007, 06:57 AM
<strong>NewYorkDragons80</strong> wrote:<br />Don't be thrown by these bullshit polls.&nbsp; McCain got rocked in a recent poll where he finished dead last among die hard conservatives.&nbsp; Only problem is, the media failed to report it as a poll of die hard conservatives.&nbsp; <font style="background-color: #ffff00">Everyone in New York knows COMPSTAT was William Bratton's idea and Giuliani fired him for taking the spotlight.&nbsp;</font> If you thought the Kerik debacle put Giuliani in trouble, wait until they find out about his cronyism and egotism... and that'll come after they find out he's pro-choice.&nbsp; McCain's had his skeletons dragged out for the nation to see, and he's been straight with us on all of them (his affair during his first marriage, the Keating Five) and regardless of our opinion of his politics, we all see him as an honest guy.&nbsp; However, Giuliani's campaign will be made or broken on how he responds to the scandals and scandalous individuals he has been associated with, and they are legion. <p><font size="2">The Boss always gets&nbsp;the credit. Bratton was a publicity whore.</font></p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Zorro on 3-5-07 @ 11:13 AM</span>

03-05-2007, 04:08 PM
<strong>NewYorkDragons80</strong> wrote:Everyone in New York knows COMPSTAT was William Bratton's idea and Giuliani fired him for taking the spotlight. <p>&nbsp;</p><p>If Bratton was the one responsible for falling crime, then why did it CONTINUE to fall (sometimes at faster rates) after he left under Safir and Kerik? COMSTAT was a technique, and an important one, but the larger theory of policing they BOTH believed in is the &quot;Broken windows&quot; theory, which dates back to the late 60's. And Guiliani's management style of unflinching accountability is what made those theories come to practice. Especially in a town like NY, where so many interest groups try to derail you at every turn. He had to fight like hell to fix this city for 8 straight years, and thats why he made so many enemies. </p><p>Guiliani's detractors cant claim that NYC didn't do well under his leadership. It actually did PHENOMENALLY well. Far better than anyone (even he) expected in terms of crime and the economy. He accomplished things previous Mayors tried to do (Consolidate the police Depts, Fix the custodians contract, 800,000 off welfare, etc etc) and failed at. So his detractors try to claim he had nothing to do with it. Please. If things went badly, of course, it would have all been his fault. Try to be a little consistent, folks. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Bulldogcakes on 3-5-07 @ 8:10 PM</span>

high fly
03-05-2007, 04:23 PM
<p><font size="2">I don't see anyone, Giuliani or Hillary leading wire-to-wire.</font></p><p><font size="2">The fun thing with Rudy is watching the right-wingers compromise their &quot;core values&quot; in order to support him.</font></p><p><font size="2">He's doing much to further the decline of the neocons, and that is a good thing.</font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p>&nbsp;</p>

03-05-2007, 06:33 PM
<font size="2">Poor Rudy.&nbsp; When Your Own Children Diss You In Public, You Are Going To Have A Big Problems With The &quot;Base&quot;.&nbsp; The Base Likes <strong><em>Family Values</em></strong>!&nbsp;</font>

03-11-2007, 07:51 PM
<p>Bloomberg's newspaper found&nbsp;that the&nbsp;big fire fighters union not happy about Giuliani over 9-11, guaranteeing that he won't get a free pass on the issue that made him a national politician. </p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Firefighters Claim Giuliani Ignored Needs After 9/11</a> <br />Kim Chipman - Fri Mar 9, 2007</p><p>March 9 (Bloomberg) -- Rudy Giuliani, who has parlayed his identity as the hero of Sept. 11 into a front-running presidential candidacy, was attacked by the nation's firefighters union for rushing to remove debris at New York's World Trade Center site before many remains had been recovered.</p><p>The International Association of Fire Fighters union said it wants its 260,000 U.S. members to know the ``real story'' of the former New York mayor, contending that Giuliani sought to curtail search-and-recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, that claimed the lives of 2,752 people, including 343 union fire fighters.</p><p>``Mayor Giuliani's actions meant that fire fighters and citizens who perished would either remain buried at Ground Zero forever, with no closure for families, or be removed like garbage and deposited at the Fresh Kills Landfill,'' said union President Harold Schaitberger in a draft letter to affiliates.</p><p>Giuliani, 62, leads the Republican presidential candidates in many polls and is favored in a match-up against Democratic frontrunner Senator Hillary Clinton of New York in the swing states of Pennsylvania and Florida, according to a Feb. 25-March 4 Quinnipiac University poll.</p><p>``Many people consider Rudy Giuliani `America's Mayor,' and many of our members who don't yet know the real story, may also have a positive view of him,'' Schaitberger wrote. The union wants ``to make all of our members aware of the egregious acts Mayor Giuliani committed against our members, our fallen on 9/11, and our New York City union officers following that horrific day,'' the letter said.</p>

03-12-2007, 03:44 AM
I'd rather he be <em>Attorney General</em> Giuliani.

03-12-2007, 07:28 AM
<p><font size="2">I'm sure his Republican competitors will be getting a lot of mileage out of this video:</font></p><p><font size="2"><a href="" target="_blank">Giuliani:&nbsp; There Must Be Public Funding for Abortion</a></font></p>

05-05-2007, 01:41 PM name is Led37zep and I'm voting

05-06-2007, 04:38 PM name is Led37zep and I'm voting

at this point none of the other candidates have shown me much

not that rudy has either but at least i know what i think im getting with him

high fly
05-24-2007, 01:28 PM
With a President Giulliani, Bernard Kerrick as Homeland Security chief is a given.

One wonders how many other cabinet posts will go to Rudyfriends who are "mobbed up."

05-24-2007, 04:15 PM
With a President Giulliani, Bernard Kerrick as Homeland Security chief is a given.

One wonders how many other cabinet posts will go to Rudyfriends who are "mobbed up."

Actually Rudy dropped him from his law firm the minute those allegations came out.

If you're trying to make the case that Rudy is in bed with the Mob, I'd love to debate you on that, anytime.

high fly
05-24-2007, 04:52 PM
Actually Rudy dropped him from his law firm the minute those allegations came out.

If you're trying to make the case that Rudy is in bed with the Mob, I'd love to debate you on that, anytime.

Rudy was informed sooner than you seem aware.
Check out the current issue of Vanity Fair, the article by Michael Wolff that begins on page 106.
Here's a pertinent quote from page 109-110 for ya:

"Kerik is from Paterson, New Jersey, where I'm from. He came to live in a house in the suburb just down the road from where my parents lived. I knew or had heard the same stories everyone else - my parents and my parents' friends - had heard. Which it seems impossible Rudy would not have heard, too. And if, somehow, he hadn't heard them, we know now from Rudy's own grand-jury testimony that he was, in fact, officially told - though, he says, it didn't quite register. In other words, one of the most experienced prosecutors of organized-crime figures has spelled out for him what is widely rumored - that his corrections chief might be Mobbed up - and he doesn't get it. Yup, and then goes on to become business partners with the guy. And then becomes his sponsor for high federal office."

05-24-2007, 05:31 PM
Rudy was informed sooner than you seem aware.
Check out the current issue of Vanity Fair, the article by Michael Wolff that begins on page 106.
Here's a pertinent quote from page 109-110 for ya:

"Kerik is from Paterson, New Jersey, where I'm from. He came to live in a house in the suburb just down the road from where my parents lived. I knew or had heard the same stories everyone else - my parents and my parents' friends - had heard. Which it seems impossible Rudy would not have heard, too. And if, somehow, he hadn't heard them, we know now from Rudy's own grand-jury testimony that he was, in fact, officially told - though, he says, it didn't quite register. In other words, one of the most experienced prosecutors of organized-crime figures has spelled out for him what is widely rumored - that his corrections chief might be Mobbed up - and he doesn't get it. Yup, and then goes on to become business partners with the guy. And then becomes his sponsor for high federal office."

I've yet to see any charges related to organized crime. There has been some smoke, but no fire whatsoever. The reality is anyone who does business in NYC is a stones throw away from a wise guy.

From Wikipedia (
During the court hearing, the Assistant Bronx District Attorney stated that "although some may draw inferences from this plea, there is no direct evidence of an agreement between Kerik and the New Jersey construction firm".

Call me when there's some meat on those bones.

Rudy made the gangsters lives miserable the entire time he was in office. He helped break up the garbage cartel, the Fulton Fish market, busted corrupt union officials, and put countless wise guys behind bars as prosecutor. The New York mafia COLLAPSED while he was in office, due in large part to his policies. You're lost.

high fly
05-24-2007, 06:18 PM
So, are you changing your position that Rudy didn't hear about these allegations until he went into business with Kerik?

And if Rudy did indeed crush the mafia in NYC, then how can you say,
"The reality is anyone who does business in NYC is a stones throw away from a wise guy."?

And do you really believe there is no more organized crime operating in the Fulton fish market, the garbage biz, unions, etc.?

Seeing how wikipedia said that Tony Blair's middle name was "Whoop-Dee-Doo," I don't respect it as a source.
I will agree with you that at this point these are mere allegations and should be given no more credence than allegations made against, saaaaaay, Bill and Hillary Clinton, neither of whom was ever convicted, either.

The following is a true statement: