You must set the ad_network_ads.txt file to be writable (check file name as well).
My Internet Security and are fighting. [Archive] - Messageboard


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Dan 'Hampton
03-02-2007, 03:14 AM
<p>Okay I'm probably retarded but here it goes.&nbsp; I have Trend Micro's PCCillen.&nbsp; Works great for me never have any problems with it at all.&nbsp; The other day i turn on my computer and it downloads the new updates like usual. Now (For the past two days at least) every time i click on&nbsp; page a window pops up and says: &quot;Warning Dangerous web site.&nbsp; You have attempted to open a dangerous Web site.&nbsp; Address: blah blah......</p><p>Credibility: Dangerous</p><p>Category: Spyware</p><p>Suggestion: Close your web browser window and do not reopen this website.&quot;</p><p>It then tells you to go to the main console which i did and allow the site to be viewed with no problems if you wish. I went to my console and checked to allow it to be viewed normal. But everytime I come on here now at least one of these windows pops up and tells me this same crap.&nbsp; Now this morning I got the updates and their &quot;Saftey window&quot; pops up over the add over to the left not allowing it even to be shown. &nbsp;</p><p>I guess I'm just wondering if this is happening to anyone else and maybe some ideas how I can fix this.</p><p>Thanks &nbsp;</p>

Bob Impact
03-02-2007, 04:27 AM
One of the ads is causing it, i wouldn't be too concerned.

Dan 'Hampton
03-02-2007, 04:29 AM
I realize that i'm just lazy and sick of clicking that stupid bubble that pops up.&nbsp; Thanks though

03-02-2007, 09:35 AM
So in addition to allowing, allow

03-02-2007, 12:25 PM
<strong>JustJon</strong> wrote:<br />So in addition to allowing, allow <p>The man knows what he is talkin about!! </p>

Dan 'Hampton
03-03-2007, 09:01 AM
I ended up just turning of my phishing protection. There are a bunch of different adbrite sites that post the adds and i added all that popped up but new ones kept coming. Working fine now. I just will have to be careful on what sites i give sensitive info to.