View Full Version : Why are Americans so F-N stupid?
02-24-2007, 07:06 AM
<p>I mean, for real now. Why are so many Americans so F-N stupid? They give Bush, a weak-ass punk the power to send their sons and daughters to die in a meaningless b-s war that only enriches Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Halliburton, the Carlilse Group...and a host of other multi-billion dollar rich-boy "private" corporations...not to mention the oil companies like Chevron (who named a tanker after <strong>Condi <em>"I don't know nuthin' bout birthin' babies, Missy"</em> Rice. </strong></p><p> </p><p><font size="5">Americans underestimate Iraqi death toll</font> *</p><p><span><font size="2">By NANCY BENAC, Associated Press Writer </font></span>1 hour, 31 minutes ago </p><p>WASHINGTON - Americans are keenly aware of how many U.S. forces have lost their lives in <span class="yqlink"> <a href="" title="Related information on Iraq" onclick="activateYQinl(this);return false;"><strong><font color="#003399">Iraq</font></strong></a>, according to a new AP-Ipsos poll. But they woefully underestimate the number of Iraqi civilians who have been killed. </span></p><p>When the poll was conducted earlier this month, a little more than 3,100 U.S. troops had been killed. The midpoint estimate among those polled was right on target, at about 3,000.</p><p>Far from a vague statistic, the death toll is painfully real for many Americans. Seventeen percent in the poll know someone who has been killed or wounded in Iraq. And among adults under 35, those closest to the ages of those deployed, 27 percent know someone who has been killed or wounded</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by busybeeman on 2-24-07 @ 11:08 AM</span>
02-24-2007, 07:25 AM
<p>nobody gives a fuck about the Iraqi people. never did and never will.</p><p>1500 corporations along with political leaders around the world were fucking them over along with Sadaam via the Fuel For Food program. Most money went to their corrupt pockets and little went for food for the people. it made headlines for a day or two and got swept under the rug.</p><p>too many nicole smith and britney stories to tell</p><p>why should anyone even give a fuck about anything?</p>
Dan 'Hampton
02-24-2007, 07:49 AM
<strong>busybeeman</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I mean, for real now. Why are so many Americans so F-N stupid? They give Bush, a weak-ass punk the power to send their sons and daughters to die in a meaningless b-s war that only enriches Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Halliburton, the Carlilse Group...and a host of other multi-billion dollar rich-boy "private" corporations...not to mention the oil companies like Chevron (who named a tanker after <strong>Condi <em>"I don't know nuthin' bout birthin' babies, Missy"</em> Rice. </strong></p><p> </p><p><font size="5">Americans underestimate Iraqi death toll</font> *</p><p><span><font size="2">By NANCY BENAC, Associated Press Writer </font></span>1 hour, 31 minutes ago </p><p>WASHINGTON - Americans are keenly aware of how many U.S. forces have lost their lives in <span class="yqlink"> <a href="" title="Related information on Iraq" onclick="activateYQinl(this);return false;"><strong><font color="#003399">Iraq</font></strong></a>, according to a new AP-Ipsos poll. But they woefully underestimate the number of Iraqi civilians who have been killed. </span></p><p>When the poll was conducted earlier this month, a little more than 3,100 U.S. troops had been killed. The midpoint estimate among those polled was right on target, at about 3,000.</p><p>Far from a vague statistic, the death toll is painfully real for many Americans. Seventeen percent in the poll know someone who has been killed or wounded in Iraq. And among adults under 35, those closest to the ages of those deployed, 27 percent know someone who has been killed or wounded</p> <span class="post_edited">This message was edited by busybeeman on 2-24-07 @ 11:08 AM</span><p> The point of this article was to point out that the average American was off by 100 deaths in guessing the death toll of Americans in Iraq? Slow week?</p>
02-24-2007, 08:31 AM
<p>The point is this.</p><p>Bush is a punk.</p><p>Americans are dying.</p><p>Other Americans are too F-N stupid (watching American Idol...or pulling lint out of their belly-buttons)...too F-N stupid to care or to notice what the F is going on.</p>
02-24-2007, 08:39 AM
Probably the reason why americans underestimate the civilian death toll was the conflicting tolls, and news stories as to exactly how many Iraqi's have died. I also think people tend not understand the amount of civilian casualites in war in general though and would vastly underestimate the amount of vietnamese too.
02-24-2007, 08:44 AM
I understand and agree with you. But, just looking at the average (as Ron says) "ham-and-egger" who ain't concerned with anything but his own hide and wallet. That bastard should be pissed off at this punk Bush.
02-24-2007, 09:13 AM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>nobody gives a fuck about the Iraqi people. never did and never will.</p><p>1500 corporations along with political leaders around the world were fucking them over along with Sadaam via the Fuel For Food program. Most money went to their corrupt pockets and little went for food for the people. it made headlines for a day or two and got swept under the rug.</p><p>too many nicole smith and britney stories to tell</p><p>why should anyone even give a fuck about anything?</p><p> I say what he said....The End..Funkman for Mod!!!<br /> </p>
<p>Why are Americans so stupid? </p><p>No peoples of this world are fundamentally stupid, rather its a question of the information that those people receive and/or demand. </p><p>Fundamentally an intelligent, well-educated people are good for democracy and bad for the status quo. When you are less educated, things of trivial matter are news & things of great importance are ignored. </p><p>We can blame the media for it's insipid coverage of Anna Nicole's death & Britney's haircut, but ultimately the media is run by corporations whose greatest goal is ratings that will deliver to them great profitability. Think about it, what will deliver a greater rating for CNN: Britney's haircut or an expose on the shame of New Orleans? You already know the answer. </p><p>So who is to blame? Our government. In the 1980's we saw a major shift in the education of this nation, from which we have not recovered. One of the things that Ronald Reagan did in California as governor & then did as <a href="">President is slash public education budgets</a>. We can all wax poetic about desire & vouchers and whatever other bullshit we want, but when public educators have smaller resources, they generally produce smaller results. </p><p>Here fact about the Reagan educational legacy: When Reagan entered office, public education was 12% of the federal budget. When Reagan left office, public education was 6% of the federal budget. </p><p>What type of results do any of us think that is going to produce? Bush Sr, Clinton, nor Bush Jr fixed the problem either. Until we properly fund public education in this nation we are going to continue to produce young adults that don't have the skills to deal with the world around them. Ultimately as we as a nation will continue to elect officials that are pretty rather than smart. We'll want to elect somebody we would wanna "have a beer with" rather than somebody who understands the history of the Middle East. </p><p>I wanna puke now...or maybe it's the booze I drank last night.</p>
02-25-2007, 12:09 AM
<strong>epo</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Why are Americans so stupid? </p><p>No peoples of this world are fundamentally stupid, rather its a question of the information that those people receive and/or demand. </p><p>Fundamentally an intelligent, well-educated people are good for democracy and bad for the status quo. When you are less educated, things of trivial matter are news & things of great importance are ignored. </p><p>We can blame the media for it's insipid coverage of Anna Nicole's death & Britney's haircut, but ultimately the media is run by corporations whose greatest goal is ratings that will deliver to them great profitability. Think about it, what will deliver a greater rating for CNN: Britney's haircut or an expose on the shame of New Orleans? You already know the answer. </p><p>So who is to blame? Our government. In the 1980's we saw a major shift in the education of this nation, from which we have not recovered. One of the things that Ronald Reagan did in California as governor & then did as <a href="">President is slash public education budgets</a>. We can all wax poetic about desire & vouchers and whatever other bullshit we want, but when public educators have smaller resources, they generally produce smaller results. </p><p>Here fact about the Reagan educational legacy: When Reagan entered office, public education was 12% of the federal budget. When Reagan left office, public education was 6% of the federal budget. </p><p>What type of results do any of us think that is going to produce? Bush Sr, Clinton, nor Bush Jr fixed the problem either. Until we properly fund public education in this nation we are going to continue to produce young adults that don't have the skills to deal with the world around them. Ultimately as we as a nation will continue to elect officials that are pretty rather than smart. We'll want to elect somebody we would wanna "have a beer with" rather than somebody who understands the history of the Middle East. </p><p>I wanna puke now...or maybe it's the booze I drank last night.</p><p>Interesting points and I don't entirely disagree, but... </p><p><a href="">pop hasbeen shaves head</a></p><p><font size="2">Displaying 1-25 of <font color="#ff0000"><strong>81</strong></font> messages in this thread. </font></p><p><font size="2"><a href="">The liberal media hates our soldiers!</a></font><font size="1"> </font></p><p><font size="2">12 posts</font></p><p><font size="2">...who's fault is this? </font></p>
02-25-2007, 12:13 AM
<strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>epo</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Why are Americans so stupid? </p><p>No peoples of this world are fundamentally stupid, rather its a question of the information that those people receive and/or demand. </p><p>Fundamentally an intelligent, well-educated people are good for democracy and bad for the status quo. When you are less educated, things of trivial matter are news & things of great importance are ignored. </p><p>We can blame the media for it's insipid coverage of Anna Nicole's death & Britney's haircut, but ultimately the media is run by corporations whose greatest goal is ratings that will deliver to them great profitability. Think about it, what will deliver a greater rating for CNN: Britney's haircut or an expose on the shame of New Orleans? You already know the answer. </p><p>So who is to blame? Our government. In the 1980's we saw a major shift in the education of this nation, from which we have not recovered. One of the things that Ronald Reagan did in California as governor & then did as <a href="">President is slash public education budgets</a>. We can all wax poetic about desire & vouchers and whatever other bullshit we want, but when public educators have smaller resources, they generally produce smaller results. </p><p>Here fact about the Reagan educational legacy: When Reagan entered office, public education was 12% of the federal budget. When Reagan left office, public education was 6% of the federal budget. </p><p>What type of results do any of us think that is going to produce? Bush Sr, Clinton, nor Bush Jr fixed the problem either. Until we properly fund public education in this nation we are going to continue to produce young adults that don't have the skills to deal with the world around them. Ultimately as we as a nation will continue to elect officials that are pretty rather than smart. We'll want to elect somebody we would wanna "have a beer with" rather than somebody who understands the history of the Middle East. </p><p>I wanna puke now...or maybe it's the booze I drank last night.</p><p>Interesting points and I don't entirely disagree, but... </p><p> </p><a href="">pop hasbeen shaves head</a><p> </p><p><font size="2">Displaying 1-25 of <font color="#ff0000"><strong>81</strong></font> messages in this thread. </font></p><p> </p><p><font size="2"></font></p><a href="">The liberal media hates our soldiers!</a><font size="1"> </font><p> </p><p><font size="2">12 posts</font></p><p> </p><p><font size="2">...who's fault is this? </font></p><p> <font size="2">yerdaddy's fault, i presume. :) </font></p>
02-25-2007, 01:35 AM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>epo</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Why are Americans so stupid? </p><p>No peoples of this world are fundamentally stupid, rather its a question of the information that those people receive and/or demand. </p><p>Fundamentally an intelligent, well-educated people are good for democracy and bad for the status quo. When you are less educated, things of trivial matter are news & things of great importance are ignored. </p><p>We can blame the media for it's insipid coverage of Anna Nicole's death & Britney's haircut, but ultimately the media is run by corporations whose greatest goal is ratings that will deliver to them great profitability. Think about it, what will deliver a greater rating for CNN: Britney's haircut or an expose on the shame of New Orleans? You already know the answer. </p><p>So who is to blame? Our government. In the 1980's we saw a major shift in the education of this nation, from which we have not recovered. One of the things that Ronald Reagan did in California as governor & then did as <a href="">President is slash public education budgets</a>. We can all wax poetic about desire & vouchers and whatever other bullshit we want, but when public educators have smaller resources, they generally produce smaller results. </p><p>Here fact about the Reagan educational legacy: When Reagan entered office, public education was 12% of the federal budget. When Reagan left office, public education was 6% of the federal budget. </p><p>What type of results do any of us think that is going to produce? Bush Sr, Clinton, nor Bush Jr fixed the problem either. Until we properly fund public education in this nation we are going to continue to produce young adults that don't have the skills to deal with the world around them. Ultimately as we as a nation will continue to elect officials that are pretty rather than smart. We'll want to elect somebody we would wanna "have a beer with" rather than somebody who understands the history of the Middle East. </p><p>I wanna puke now...or maybe it's the booze I drank last night.</p><p>Interesting points and I don't entirely disagree, but... </p><p> </p><a href="">pop hasbeen shaves head</a> <p> </p><p><font size="2">Displaying 1-25 of <font color="#ff0000"><strong>81</strong></font> messages in this thread. </font></p><p> </p><p><font size="2"></font></p><a href="">The liberal media hates our soldiers!</a><font size="1"> </font><p> </p><p><font size="2">12 posts</font></p><p> </p><p><font size="2">...who's fault is this? </font></p><p> <font size="2">yerdaddy's fault, i presume. <img src="" border="0" width="15" height="15" /> </font></p><p>Not enough pics?</p><p>How's this:</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="389" height="518" /></p>
Mike Teacher
02-25-2007, 03:57 AM
<p>So who is to blame? Our government. </p><p>=</p><p>Ahhhh no, the 'blame the Government for our own problems' thing doesnt work for things we do to ourselves like getting fat and staying dumb. It's Americans themselves who choose, actively choose, to be stupid, to be naive about the world around them, to not care, to have fucked up priorities; no Gov does this. We do.</p>
<strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote: <p>Interesting points and I don't entirely disagree, but... </p><a href="">pop hasbeen shaves head</a> <p><font size="2">Displaying 1-25 of <font color="#ff0000"><strong>81</strong></font> messages in this thread. </font></p><font size="2"></font><font size="2"><a href="">The liberal media hates our soldiers!</a><font size="1"> </font><p><font size="2">12 posts </font></p></font><p><font size="2">...who's fault is this? </font></p><p><font face="comic sans ms,sand" size="3">Good point but a bad example. I would guess that most board members (including myself) come to this board to escape from the real world for a while, not to get our news.</font></p>
02-25-2007, 05:16 AM
<strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>epo</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Why are Americans so stupid? </p><p>No peoples of this world are fundamentally stupid, rather its a question of the information that those people receive and/or demand. </p><p>Fundamentally an intelligent, well-educated people are good for democracy and bad for the status quo. When you are less educated, things of trivial matter are news & things of great importance are ignored. </p><p>We can blame the media for it's insipid coverage of Anna Nicole's death & Britney's haircut, but ultimately the media is run by corporations whose greatest goal is ratings that will deliver to them great profitability. Think about it, what will deliver a greater rating for CNN: Britney's haircut or an expose on the shame of New Orleans? You already know the answer. </p><p>So who is to blame? Our government. In the 1980's we saw a major shift in the education of this nation, from which we have not recovered. One of the things that Ronald Reagan did in California as governor & then did as <a href="">President is slash public education budgets</a>. We can all wax poetic about desire & vouchers and whatever other bullshit we want, but when public educators have smaller resources, they generally produce smaller results. </p><p>Here fact about the Reagan educational legacy: When Reagan entered office, public education was 12% of the federal budget. When Reagan left office, public education was 6% of the federal budget. </p><p>What type of results do any of us think that is going to produce? Bush Sr, Clinton, nor Bush Jr fixed the problem either. Until we properly fund public education in this nation we are going to continue to produce young adults that don't have the skills to deal with the world around them. Ultimately as we as a nation will continue to elect officials that are pretty rather than smart. We'll want to elect somebody we would wanna "have a beer with" rather than somebody who understands the history of the Middle East. </p><p>I wanna puke now...or maybe it's the booze I drank last night.</p><p>Interesting points and I don't entirely disagree, but... </p><p> </p><a href="">pop hasbeen shaves head</a> <p> </p><p><font size="2">Displaying 1-25 of <font color="#ff0000"><strong>81</strong></font> messages in this thread. </font></p><p> </p><p><font size="2"></font></p><a href="">The liberal media hates our soldiers!</a><font size="1"> </font><p> </p><p><font size="2">12 posts</font></p><p> </p><p><font size="2">...who's fault is this? </font></p><p> <font size="2">yerdaddy's fault, i presume. <img src="" border="0" width="15" height="15" /> </font></p><p>Not enough pics?</p><p>How's this:</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="389" height="518" /></p><p> <font size="2">hott!!!</font></p>
02-25-2007, 07:49 AM
<p><span class="postbody"><strong>Condi <em>"I don't know nuthin' bout birthin' babies, Missy"</em> Rice. </strong></span></p><p><br />Jesus, dude, why not just say stupid, lazy, big-lipped nigger, Condi Rice? </p>
02-25-2007, 07:58 AM
<p>I think Americans do realize that we're in a bad situation, but what can we do about it? Bush is already leaving, we'll have a new regime in 2 years, we're just waiting it out. I mean, it's not like we can organize a boycott of the war. Even with a correlation to Vietnam, the losses we are suffering in Iraq are much smaller than Vietnam.</p><p> </p><p>I don't support the war, but I don't see anything that your average Joe can do to change things until the elections come around.</p><p>The mid-term elections actually show that people want change.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
02-25-2007, 08:08 AM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>nobody gives a fuck about the Iraqi people. never did and never will.</p><p>1500 corporations along with political leaders around the world were fucking them over along with Sadaam via the Fuel For Food program. Most money went to their corrupt pockets and little went for food for the people. it made headlines for a day or two and got swept under the rug.</p><p>too many nicole smith and britney stories to tell</p><p>why should anyone even give a fuck about anything?</p><p> its similar to three card monte...or the old shell game, confuse them with enough silly stuff and theyll be blind to whats really going on</p><p>*edit~and its nit just americans who are stupid, europeans aint that bright either, remember good ol 'there will be peace in our times' chamberlin* </p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by douchebagsean on 2-25-07 @ 12:09 PM</span>
02-25-2007, 08:47 AM
<strong>Tenbatsuzen</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I think Americans do realize that we're in a bad situation, but what can we do about it? Bush is already leaving, we'll have a new regime in 2 years, we're just waiting it out. I mean, it's not like we can organize a boycott of the war. Even with a correlation to Vietnam, the losses we are suffering in Iraq are much smaller than Vietnam.</p><p> </p><p>I don't support the war, but I don't see anything that your average Joe can do to change things until the elections come around.</p><p><strong>The mid-term elections actually show that people want change.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>i will always stand by my new philosophy where "Nobody Should Vote" It doesn't matter who is in power, Democrat or Republican. The rich are getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and everything else is just an after affect.</p><p>You can compare it to "organized labor" today. Unless they Strike then there are never any significant changes. They'll get minimal increases that don't cover the increase in "cost of living", they'll pay more for healthcare, they'll continue to be outsourced. But read your newspapers and online business news and every few months there is an article "executives receive record pay and bonuses" The writing is on the wall, in the news, it's in front of everyones's face.</p><p>Like you said "what can be done about it?" NOBODY VOTE!!!! And the entire workforce go ON STRIKE or Revolution.</p>
02-25-2007, 10:00 AM
So, busybeeman. You don't like bush, but you love your trump. Kick ass.
02-25-2007, 10:04 AM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Tenbatsuzen</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I think Americans do realize that we're in a bad situation, but what can we do about it? Bush is already leaving, we'll have a new regime in 2 years, we're just waiting it out. I mean, it's not like we can organize a boycott of the war. Even with a correlation to Vietnam, the losses we are suffering in Iraq are much smaller than Vietnam.</p><p> </p><p>I don't support the war, but I don't see anything that your average Joe can do to change things until the elections come around.</p><p><strong>The mid-term elections actually show that people want change.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>i will always stand by my new philosophy where "Nobody Should Vote" It doesn't matter who is in power, Democrat or Republican. The rich are getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and everything else is just an after affect.</p><p>You can compare it to "organized labor" today. Unless they Strike then there are never any significant changes. They'll get minimal increases that don't cover the increase in "cost of living", they'll pay more for healthcare, they'll continue to be outsourced. But read your newspapers and online business news and every few months there is an article "executives receive record pay and bonuses" The writing is on the wall, in the news, it's in front of everyones's face.</p><p>Like you said "what can be done about it?" NOBODY VOTE!!!! And the entire workforce go ON STRIKE or Revolution.</p><p> <font size="2">nobody votes already.<br /></font></p>
02-25-2007, 08:42 PM
<p>Try living in a country without democracy. You'll see that the cliches about it are true: </p><p>Democracy is a gift. </p><p>Democracy is a responsibility.</p>
02-26-2007, 07:25 AM
<strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Try living in a country without democracy. You'll see that the cliches about it are true: </p><p>Democracy is a gift. </p><p>Democracy is a responsibility.</p><p>Hey, in a Democracy (or, more appropriately, a<strong><em> Republic</em></strong>...which is what we happen to be) everybody has the right to be stupid if they want. No one has to vote. No one has to read a book. Everybody can be fat, lazy, and stupid and watch TV like a coach potato and eat potato chips. Hell, in a "Democracy" everybody can be as stupid as Dan Quayle and spell potato...<font size="2">potato<em><strong>e</strong></em>.</font></p>
02-26-2007, 09:54 AM
<strong>busybeeman</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Try living in a country without democracy. You'll see that the cliches about it are true: </p><p>Democracy is a gift. </p><p>Democracy is a responsibility.</p><p>Hey, in a Democracy (or, more appropriately, a<strong><em> Republic</em></strong>...which is what we happen to be) everybody has the right to be stupid if they want. No one has to vote. No one has to read a book. Everybody can be fat, lazy, and stupid and watch TV like a coach potato and eat potato chips. Hell, in a "Democracy" everybody can be as stupid as Dan Quayle and spell potato...<font size="2">potato<em><strong>e</strong></em>.</font></p><p>You know, I was going to simply post this: "Thank you for that completely worthless piece of information."</p><p>But I'm thinking you've actually summed up a major part of all the political problems we piss and moan about in America - they're our own fucking fault. And that's because the right you talk about - to be lazy and stupid (politically) - is excercized by Americans probably more than in any other democracy in the world. National Geographic has already shown that Americans know less about the world than any other developed nation - we barely beat out Mexico who was thrown in for shits and giggles and on the question "find the United States on a map" Mexicans actually scored higher than Americans. </p><p>And there are no fucking excuses but us. We have the longest running democracy in the world and we take it for granted. We've got a million excuses and all of them are bullshit. "The media feeds us Britney Spears and Anna Nichole Smith"? So what? "The media" also includes all the social, political and historical information you would need to know what the fuck is going on in our world and with our government. We have the finest media institutions in the world in our print media - and most of what it produces is available online for free! We choose to ignore it. We choose to be ignorant. We just don't admit that it's our choice. We'd rather blame politicians, political parties, the media, our busy lives - anyone but ourselves. It's absolute bullshit. Almost all of us have what is considered in economic an sociological terms to be lesiure time. It is precious to us. Informing ourselves about political issues and participating in our democratic system is not. We love our opinions, sure. But we don't care if our opinions are right or wrong. We don't value self-examination of our opinions. We value the "strength" with which we hold and express our opinions and we value who we share our onions with us and how association in that group makes us feel about ourselves. We don't value whether our opinions are based on fact or are anywhere near the truth. We're not willing to invest the time in that kind of thing, and thus we have nobody to blame for our political problems but ourselves. </p><p>We do have the right to be stupid, and we exercize that right on a regular basis. But just like if we excercized not to ballance our checkbooks or learn how to buy a house or a car before we buy it, we're retarded for doing it and we pay the price. When we excercize our rights to be iformed and repsponsible citizens then the problems with our government and our myriad political issues will get better.</p>
02-26-2007, 04:02 PM
<strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>busybeeman</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Try living in a country without democracy. You'll see that the cliches about it are true: </p><p>Democracy is a gift. </p><p>Democracy is a responsibility.</p><p>Hey, in a Democracy (or, more appropriately, a<strong><em> Republic</em></strong>...which is what we happen to be) everybody has the right to be stupid if they want. No one has to vote. No one has to read a book. Everybody can be fat, lazy, and stupid and watch TV like a coach potato and eat potato chips. Hell, in a "Democracy" everybody can be as stupid as Dan Quayle and spell potato...<font size="2">potato<em><strong>e</strong></em>.</font></p><p>You know, I was going to simply post this: "Thank you for that completely worthless piece of information."</p><p>But I'm thinking you've actually summed up a major part of all the political problems we piss and moan about in America - they're our own fucking fault. And that's because the right you talk about - to be lazy and stupid (politically) - is excercized by Americans probably more than in any other democracy in the world. National Geographic has already shown that Americans know less about the world than any other developed nation - we barely beat out Mexico who was thrown in for shits and giggles and on the question "find the United States on a map" Mexicans actually scored higher than Americans. </p><p>And there are no fucking excuses but us. We have the longest running democracy in the world and we take it for granted. We've got a million excuses and all of them are bullshit. "The media feeds us Britney Spears and Anna Nichole Smith"? So what? "The media" also includes all the social, political and historical information you would need to know what the fuck is going on in our world and with our government. We have the finest media institutions in the world in our print media - and most of what it produces is available online for free! We choose to ignore it. We choose to be ignorant. We just don't admit that it's our choice. We'd rather blame politicians, political parties, the media, our busy lives - anyone but ourselves. It's absolute bullshit. Almost all of us have what is considered in economic an sociological terms to be lesiure time. It is precious to us. Informing ourselves about political issues and participating in our democratic system is not. We love our opinions, sure. But we don't care if our opinions are right or wrong. We don't value self-examination of our opinions. We value the "strength" with which we hold and express our opinions and we value who we share our onions with us and how association in that group makes us feel about ourselves. We don't value whether our opinions are based on fact or are anywhere near the truth. We're not willing to invest the time in that kind of thing, and thus we have nobody to blame for our political problems but ourselves. </p><p>We do have the right to be stupid, and we exercize that right on a regular basis. But just like if we excercized not to ballance our checkbooks or learn how to buy a house or a car before we buy it, we're retarded for doing it and we pay the price. When we excercize our rights to be iformed and repsponsible citizens then the problems with our government and our myriad political issues will get better.</p><p>I feel your angst. But chill, Player. I believe in America. I'm a vet. Okay, I'm a decorated military veteran. So, I live in the home of the brave whilst most folk live in the land of the free. It's all good. We're all Americans. That said, don't have a damn conniption fit. We were just as stupid 200 years ago. We're still here, right? Don't you w
02-26-2007, 05:40 PM
<p>What we did to England (Revolutionary war) we did with the help of France. Anyone for an order of FREEDOM FRIES? How about FREEDOM TOAST?</p><p>Why are Americans so F-N stupid? Come down to Texas sometime and see how many of these silly bastards are still tooling around with W-04 bumperstickers stuck on their SUVs. Try to have an intelligent argument. You can lay out a stack of facts proving your point and they won't hear it. I quit arguing with them. They're hopeless. I gave up when arguing about whether the recession back in 2001 started with Clinton or Bush. I'm no Clinton fan but I got online and found the definition of a recession and proved it started AFTER Bush took office. And before 9-11 by the way. I was showing this goober and all he had to say was..."I know it started with Clinton....My wife said so." THAT WAS HIS FUCKING ARGUMENT! Had to point out HIS WIFE isn't the one that determines recessions. And the ENRON deal? That's a laugher. They all were saying that California's energy problems were their own fault. No way Enron was screwing them. No way. We know how that worked out. Enron was fucking their eyes out!</p><p>One thing about living in a state hopelessly Republican is you know the Dems are going down when running for national offices. Take last go 'round. I prefered Kerry over Bush but knew there was no way he'd win Texas. So I voted for the Libertarian. NO. I'M NOT A CONSERVATIVE NUT CASE! I'm just getting to the point where I'm voting for the less political of the politicians. Right now I'll be happy if there's never another Bush or Clinton in the White House. 20 years is enough. What? Are they royal families? ENOUGH ALREADY! Sick of Republicans AND Democrats to be honest. </p><p>I'm tired of the "illusion" that you actually have a choice. It all boils down to who gets the money to run. If the money people don't like what they see they don't pony-up for that candidate. It's that simple. That's what decides elections. If the money isn't there...NO CHANCE. The corporations make contributions to their hack politicians and they vote their way. Over and over and over and over. Several hundred thousand dollars or even millions may sound like a lot...till you look at the breaks the politicians vote their way. It's a steal. They let the credit card companies RE-WRITE the bankrupcty laws. Same deal with that Medicare drug plan. It's a joke.</p><p>It's like Ron said on the show once. You look at the two parties and they argue and argue. Then at the end of the day they load up in the same car and go to the next town. JUST LIKE WRESTLING! </p>
02-26-2007, 05:51 PM
<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'">Americans are just as stupid as citizens of any other country. <span> </span>But the ones I personally recognize as stupid are the overly religious ones.</span>
02-26-2007, 06:05 PM
<strong>BLZBUBBA</strong> wrote:<br /><br /><p>Right now I'll be happy if there's never another Bush or Clinton in the White House. </p><br /><p> </p><p>I was just saying the exact same thing a couple weeks ago. I don't care if Hillary, Chelsea, Jeb, or anybody else with the last name Clinton or Bush would make the best president in the history of the planet. There are millions of other families in this country with different last names that aren't even distant cousins of these two. Surely in one of them, there is a person smart enough to be President. These two families have held consecutive seats in the executive branch of this govt for almost 30 years. I'd say that's enough for anybody unless we wanna switch to some kind of weird monarchy that alternates every 8 yrs. It's somebody else's turn to piss me off so if your last name is Bush or Clinton, get the fuck out of their way and let them get started. </p><p> </p><p>Badmonkey </p>
02-26-2007, 06:29 PM
<strong>myfilth</strong> wrote:<br /><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'">Americans are just as stupid as citizens of any other country. <span> </span>But the ones I personally recognize as stupid are the overly religious ones.</span><p>some people believe in things, you don't. remove emotion from the equation and maybe you will feel included/better.</p>
02-26-2007, 11:32 PM
<strong>BLZBUBBA</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I'm tired of the "illusion" that you actually have a choice. It all boils down to who gets the money to run. If the money people don't like what they see they don't pony-up for that candidate. It's that simple. That's what decides elections. If the money isn't there...NO CHANCE. The corporations make contributions to their hack politicians and they vote their way. Over and over and over and over. Several hundred thousand dollars or even millions may sound like a lot...till you look at the breaks the politicians vote their way. It's a steal. They let the credit card companies RE-WRITE the bankrupcty laws. Same deal with that Medicare drug plan. It's a joke.</p><p>It's like Ron said on the show once. You look at the two parties and they argue and argue. Then at the end of the day they load up in the same car and go to the next town. JUST LIKE WRESTLING! </p><p>Spend some time poking around the links at the bottom of <a href="" target="_blank">this page</a>. Truth is that corporations, unions and "special interests" still contribute a small fraction of campaign money. Most of it comes from private citizens. WE send the money to the politicians we support and then they win based on how much money they raise and what they do with it. Sure a corporation gives more than most individuals do but collectively we're the driving force behind Bush setting all records for money raised in 2000 over McCain or Gore or anyone else. Money matters, the media matters, petitioning the government (either by paid lobbyists or letters to reps and membership to political issue organizations) matters. But when the NRA pressured the White House and Congress to allow the Assault Weapons Ban to expire against the will of a large majority of the public and the entirety of law enforcement, it did so not because the NRA gives more money to politicians than the general public, but becuse the NRA is actively pursuing its interests and the general public is not. We could have punished the politicians who let it happen by paying attention and factoring in that even in our voting decisions. We could have forced action on the law by calling our reps and scaring them with our interest in the subject. We chose not to do that and the NRA got its wishes fulfilled against the majority of the public. Our fault.</p><p>Our blind obedience to ideologies and/or parties, our obsession with trivial and tabloid politics, our ethic of "it's not polite to talk politics or religion" and our refusal to do our homework to be responsible voters means we hold the majority of the blame for politics as usual. If we took our responsibilities seriously we could solve any problems. That's idealistic, sure. But how can we blame the powerful for petitioning the government with money and influence when we aren't willing to do the same? The tools to change everything are readily available. All we have to do is the work. We don't. They do. They win.</p>
02-27-2007, 07:07 AM
<strong>BLZBUBBA</strong> wrote:<br /><p>What we did to England (Revolutionary war) we did with the help of France. Anyone for an order of FREEDOM FRIES? How about FREEDOM TOAST?</p><p>Why are Americans so F-N stupid? Come down to Texas sometime and see how many of these silly bastards are still tooling around with W-04 bumperstickers stuck on their SUVs. Try to have an intelligent argument. You can lay out a stack of facts proving your point and they won't hear it. I quit arguing with them. They're hopeless. I gave up when arguing about whether the recession back in 2001 started with Clinton or Bush. I'm no Clinton fan but I got online and found the definition of a recession and proved it started AFTER Bush took office. And before 9-11 by the way. I was showing this goober and all he had to say was..."I know it started with Clinton....My wife said so." THAT WAS HIS FUCKING ARGUMENT! Had to point out HIS WIFE isn't the one that determines recessions. And the ENRON deal? That's a laugher. They all were saying that California's energy problems were their own fault. No way Enron was screwing them. No way. We know how that worked out. Enron was fucking their eyes out!</p><p>One thing about living in a state hopelessly Republican is you know the Dems are going down when running for national offices. Take last go 'round. I prefered Kerry over Bush but knew there was no way he'd win Texas. So I voted for the Libertarian. NO. I'M NOT A CONSERVATIVE NUT CASE! I'm just getting to the point where I'm voting for the less political of the politicians. Right now I'll be happy if there's never another Bush or Clinton in the White House. 20 years is enough. What? Are they royal families? ENOUGH ALREADY! Sick of Republicans AND Democrats to be honest. </p><p>I'm tired of the "illusion" that you actually have a choice. It all boils down to who gets the money to run. If the money people don't like what they see they don't pony-up for that candidate. It's that simple. That's what decides elections. If the money isn't there...NO CHANCE. The corporations make contributions to their hack politicians and they vote their way. Over and over and over and over. Several hundred thousand dollars or even millions may sound like a lot...till you look at the breaks the politicians vote their way. It's a steal. They let the credit card companies RE-WRITE the bankrupcty laws. Same deal with that Medicare drug plan. It's a joke.</p><p>It's like Ron said on the show once. You look at the two parties and they argue and argue. Then at the end of the day they load up in the same car and go to the next town. JUST LIKE WRESTLING! </p><p>Great post.</p>
02-28-2007, 09:07 AM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Tenbatsuzen</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I think Americans do realize that we're in a bad situation, but what can we do about it? Bush is already leaving, we'll have a new regime in 2 years, we're just waiting it out. I mean, it's not like we can organize a boycott of the war. Even with a correlation to Vietnam, the losses we are suffering in Iraq are much smaller than Vietnam.</p><p> </p><p>I don't support the war, but I don't see anything that your average Joe can do to change things until the elections come around.</p><p><strong>The mid-term elections actually show that people want change.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>i will always stand by my new philosophy where "Nobody Should Vote" It doesn't matter who is in power, Democrat or Republican. The rich are getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and everything else is just an after affect.</p><p>You can compare it to "organized labor" today. Unless they Strike then there are never any significant changes. They'll get minimal increases that don't cover the increase in "cost of living", they'll pay more for healthcare, they'll continue to be outsourced. But read your newspapers and online business news and every few months there is an article "executives receive record pay and bonuses" The writing is on the wall, in the news, it's in front of everyones's face.</p><p>Like you said "what can be done about it?" NOBODY VOTE!!!! And the entire workforce go ON STRIKE or Revolution.</p><p>I must agree and disagree with Funkman. While it is true that there is no real difference between the two political parties (there are differences, but they are purely superficial; rhetoric differs, but policy remains the same) and voting really has no effect, not voting is not the answer. Even if eveyone who feels the way we do refuses vote, those people who blindly support the parties WILL vote, and nothing will change. I do like the idea of a nationwide strike, this will only hurt corporations and not the politicians; it would go a long way in bettering our lives in regard to how we are treated by corporations but won't likely affect corporate dominance of the political process. A good alternative might be a mass movement for the abolishment of political parties. Or, all of those out there who feel like we do (and considdering 1/2 the country doesn't even vote, we could be the majority) could attempt voting for third parties. If enoguh of us did, it would force the two dominant parties to allow third parties a place in public debates and secure federal funding for the third party(s) . Better yet, it might put enopugh pressure on the two parties to actually represent the American people, not corporations.</p>
02-28-2007, 09:12 AM
<strong>richg0404</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote: <p>Interesting points and I don't entirely disagree, but... </p><a href="">pop hasbeen shaves head</a> <p><font size="2">Displaying 1-25 of <font color="#ff0000"><strong>81</strong></font> messages in this thread. </font></p><font size="2"></font><font size="2"><a href="">The liberal media hates our soldiers!</a><font size="1"> </font><p><font size="2">12 posts </font></p></font><p><font size="2">...who's fault is this? </font></p><p><font face="comic sans ms,sand" size="3">Good point but a bad example. I would guess that most board members (including myself) come to this board to escape from the real world for a while, not to get our news.</font></p><p>While this may be true, giventhat this group of threads is entitled "Politics and Current Events", I think it's safe to assume that the news will be discussed here. Not to be a complete ass or anything, but if you don't wish to discuss the news, you might want to avoid this particular group of threads.</p>
02-28-2007, 09:29 AM
<p>I mean, for real now. Why are so many Americans so F-N stupid? They give Bush, a weak-ass punk the power to send their sons and daughters to die in a meaningless b-s war that only enriches Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Halliburton, the Carlilse Group...and a host of other multi-billion dollar rich-boy "private" corporations...not to mention the oil companies like Chevron (who named a tanker after <strong>Condi <em>"I don't know nuthin' bout birthin' babies, Missy"</em> Rice. </strong></p><p>Ok, i am confused here. How is Bush a weak-ass punk i dont get that one? You call the ouster of a man who stole from the poor and hungry and simply killed those that didnt agree meaningless? What is your definition of meaningful?</p><p>How was Boeing or Northrop Grumman enriched - I worked on the NGC Firescout program about 6 months after the war started and lost my job because funds that were marked for that program were diverted to help fund the war. And Boeing's latest war plane the F/A-18 G Model (Growler) was in development for flight testing before the war started, and since that point have not come out with new planes or any such thing. And most of the contracts on the testing for F/A-18 A-F models was under the control of NAVAIR so Boeing wasnt even in the flight test decision business during this time of war.</p><p>And as far as oil companies go they got rich more on the hurricane season of last year then anything that the war has affected. As a matter of fact wasnt the need for oil the reason that many liberals said we were going to war for, yet gas is almost higher then it was when bush took office. And that the US is now trying to secure more oil contracts with African countries rather then Middle East companies. And also dont you think the emergence of India and China as world powers and the oil consumption for these countries has skyrocketed through the roof causing more demand for oil causing the price to rise.</p><p>ANd lastly you assume that even if Condi Rice did have children they would be fighting. This country is a volunteer army not one done by draft. If these soldiers didnt want to fight then why did they join a voulantary organization i mean you ask about Rice, how many rich democrats have their kids fighting on the front line. The fact is that most soldiers join out of the need for money and education.</p><p>You seem to be great at posting other peoples stories and opinions why dont you throw an original thought out of that empty head of yours</p>
02-28-2007, 10:21 AM
<strong>AgnosticJihad</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Tenbatsuzen</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I think Americans do realize that we're in a bad situation, but what can we do about it? Bush is already leaving, we'll have a new regime in 2 years, we're just waiting it out. I mean, it's not like we can organize a boycott of the war. Even with a correlation to Vietnam, the losses we are suffering in Iraq are much smaller than Vietnam.</p><p> </p><p>I don't support the war, but I don't see anything that your average Joe can do to change things until the elections come around.</p><p><strong>The mid-term elections actually show that people want change.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>i will always stand by my new philosophy where "Nobody Should Vote" It doesn't matter who is in power, Democrat or Republican. The rich are getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and everything else is just an after affect.</p><p>You can compare it to "organized labor" today. Unless they Strike then there are never any significant changes. They'll get minimal increases that don't cover the increase in "cost of living", they'll pay more for healthcare, they'll continue to be outsourced. But read your newspapers and online business news and every few months there is an article "executives receive record pay and bonuses" The writing is on the wall, in the news, it's in front of everyones's face.</p><p>Like you said "what can be done about it?" NOBODY VOTE!!!! And the entire workforce go ON STRIKE or Revolution.</p><p><strong>I must agree and disagree with Funkman</strong>. While it is true that there is no real difference between the two political parties (there are differences, but they are purely superficial; rhetoric differs, but policy remains the same) and voting really has no effect, not voting is not the answer. Even if eveyone who feels the way we do refuses vote, those people who blindly support the parties WILL vote, and nothing will change. I do like the idea of a nationwide strike, this will only hurt corporations and not the politicians; it would go a long way in bettering our lives in regard to how we are treated by corporations but won't likely affect corporate dominance of the political process. A good alternative might be a mass movement for the abolishment of political parties. Or, all of those out there who feel like we do (and considdering 1/2 the country doesn't even vote, we could be the majority) could attempt voting for third parties. If enoguh of us did, it would force the two dominant parties to allow third parties a place in public debates and secure federal funding for the third party(s) . Better yet, it might put enopugh pressure on the two parties to actually represent the American people, not corporations.</p><p>i tell ya you're not half bad kid...</p><p> </p>
02-28-2007, 10:22 AM
<strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I mean, for real now. Why are so many Americans so F-N stupid? They give Bush, a weak-ass punk the power to send their sons and daughters to die in a meaningless b-s war that only enriches Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Halliburton, the Carlilse Group...and a host of other multi-billion dollar rich-boy "private" corporations...not to mention the oil companies like Chevron (who named a tanker after <strong>Condi <em>"I don't know nuthin' bout birthin' babies, Missy"</em> Rice. </strong></p><p>Ok, i am confused here. How is Bush a weak-ass punk i dont get that one? You call the ouster of a man who stole from the poor and hungry and simply killed those that didnt agree meaningless? What is your definition of meaningful?</p><p>How was Boeing or Northrop Grumman enriched - I worked on the NGC Firescout program about 6 months after the war started and lost my job because funds that were marked for that program were diverted to help fund the war. And Boeing's latest war plane the F/A-18 G Model (Growler) was in development for flight testing before the war started, and since that point have not come out with new planes or any such thing. And most of the contracts on the testing for F/A-18 A-F models was under the control of NAVAIR so Boeing wasnt even in the flight test decision business during this time of war.</p><p>And as far as oil companies go they got rich more on the hurricane season of last year then anything that the war has affected. As a matter of fact wasnt the need for oil the reason that many liberals said we were going to war for, yet gas is almost higher then it was when bush took office. And that the US is now trying to secure more oil contracts with African countries rather then Middle East companies. And also dont you think the emergence of India and China as world powers and the oil consumption for these countries has skyrocketed through the roof causing more demand for oil causing the price to rise.</p><p>ANd lastly you assume that even if Condi Rice did have children they would be fighting. This country is a volunteer army not one done by draft. If these soldiers didnt want to fight then why did they join a voulantary organization i mean you ask about Rice, how many rich democrats have their kids fighting on the front line. The fact is that most soldiers join out of the need for money and education.</p><p>You seem to be great at posting other peoples stories and opinions why dont you throw an original thought out of that empty head of yours</p><p>regarding the oil comment, war in the middle east isn't about cheap oil, it is about securing control over the world's oil supply. Notice how the only two countries being demonized by the US areIraq and Iran, the only two countries who countries in the region who have had the "audacity" to defy the US (Iran when it overthrew our dictator of choice, and Iraq when Saddam used the military we built for him to attack anyone but Iran), and allthe other undemocratic regimes are left alone? The US's goal is implant pro-US governments in the middle east, who will be accomadative of US interests. </p>
02-28-2007, 10:27 AM
<strong>AgnosticJihad</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>richg0404</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote: <p>Interesting points and I don't entirely disagree, but... </p><a href="">pop hasbeen shaves head</a> <p><font size="2">Displaying 1-25 of <font color="#ff0000"><strong>81</strong></font> messages in this thread. </font></p><font size="2"></font><font size="2"><a href="">The liberal media hates our soldiers!</a><font size="1"> </font><p><font size="2">12 posts </font></p></font><p><font size="2">...who's fault is this? </font></p><p><font face="comic sans ms,sand" size="3">Good point but a bad example. I would guess that most board members (including myself) come to this board to escape from the real world for a while, not to get our news.</font></p><p>While this may be true, giventhat this group of threads is entitled "Politics and Current Events", I think it's safe to assume that the news will be discussed here. Not to be a complete ass or anything, but if you don't wish to discuss the news, you might want to avoid this particular group of threads.</p><p> <font size="2">i don't think rich was saying you shouldn't post these articles, just you can't make too much out of it that people AREN'T posting there. his point would seem to mesh with your last line <font size="2">"</font></font><font size="2">if you don't wish to discuss the news, you might want to avoid this particular group of threads." well, the numbers listed prove that people ARE not devoting too much energy to threads of that ilk.</font></p>
02-28-2007, 10:33 AM
<strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote: <p>You seem to be great at posting other peoples stories and opinions why dont you throw an original thought out of that empty head of yours</p><p>I see that you are from the same plantation as Condi Rice. Well, untie that handkerchief off your head and get up off your knees. Emancipation Proclamation is in effect, though it may be a severe shock to your system. Stop slurping on watermelon and Bush's johnson. Slavery days is over. Free your mind and your ass will follow.</p>
02-28-2007, 10:38 AM
<strong>busybeeman</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote: <p>You seem to be great at posting other peoples stories and opinions why dont you throw an original thought out of that empty head of yours</p><p>I see that you are from the same plantation as Condi Rice. Well, untie that handkerchief off your head and get up off your knees. Emancipation Proclamation is in effect, though it may be a severe shock to your system. Stop slurping on watermelon and Bush's johnson. Slavery days is over. Free your mind and your ass will follow.</p><p>So your original thought is to call me an Uncle Tom is that it, that sure is funny since i am white and all, but keep showing your ignorance by not responding to my wanting an original thought from you on the subject. As a matter of fact you are the one acting like the house nigger around here not me by spouting off what your masters in the big house media tell you to regurgatate to teh rest of us "slaves" as you put it</p><p>Like Halle Berry told Omar Epps in The Program:</p><p>Pretending to be educated isnt the same as being educated</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Knowledged_one on 2-28-07 @ 2:45 PM</span>
02-28-2007, 10:40 AM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>AgnosticJihad</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>richg0404</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Yerdaddy</strong> wrote: <p>Interesting points and I don't entirely disagree, but... </p><a href="">pop hasbeen shaves head</a> <p><font size="2">Displaying 1-25 of <font color="#ff0000"><strong>81</strong></font> messages in this thread. </font></p><font size="2"></font><font size="2"><a href="">The liberal media hates our soldiers!</a><font size="1"> </font><p><font size="2">12 posts </font></p></font><p><font size="2">...who's fault is this? </font></p><p><font face="comic sans ms,sand" size="3">Good point but a bad example. I would guess that most board members (including myself) come to this board to escape from the real world for a while, not to get our news.</font></p><p>While this may be true, giventhat this group of threads is entitled "Politics and Current Events", I think it's safe to assume that the news will be discussed here. Not to be a complete ass or anything, but if you don't wish to discuss the news, you might want to avoid this particular group of threads.</p><p> <font size="2">i don't think rich was saying you shouldn't post these articles, just you can't make too much out of it that people AREN'T posting there. his point would seem to mesh with your last line <font size="2">"</font></font><font size="2">if you don't wish to discuss the news, you might want to avoid this particular group of threads." well, the numbers listed prove that people ARE not devoting too much energy to threads of that ilk.</font></p><p>It does appear that way. All I am saying is if you don't like to talk politics, leave the threads open to those of us who do. </p>
02-28-2007, 10:44 AM
its because they devolve into useless name callings that is why they get locked
02-28-2007, 10:52 AM
<strong>AgnosticJihad</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><br /><p> <font size="2">i don't think rich was saying you shouldn't post these articles, just you can't make too much out of it that people AREN'T posting there. his point would seem to mesh with your last line <font size="2">"</font></font><font size="2">if you don't wish to discuss the news, you might want to avoid this particular group of threads." well, the numbers listed prove that people ARE not devoting too much energy to threads of that ilk.</font></p><p>It does appear that way. All I am saying is if you don't like to talk politics, leave the threads open to those of us who do. </p><p> <font size="2">good luck with that war.</font></p>
02-28-2007, 10:56 AM
<strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote:<br />its because they devolve into useless name callings that is why they get locked <p>Unfortunately this is true, and I was even guilty of it on another thread (and even this one, I bleieve). I try not to do that, but once it starts, it's sometimes hard to stop. My apologies to eveyone, for my part.</p>
02-28-2007, 11:05 AM
<strong>busybeeman</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote: <p>You seem to be great at posting other peoples stories and opinions why dont you throw an original thought out of that empty head of yours</p><p>I see that you are from the same plantation as Condi Rice. Well, untie that handkerchief off your head and get up off your knees. Emancipation Proclamation is in effect, though it may be a severe shock to your system. Stop slurping on watermelon and Bush's johnson. Slavery days is over. Free your mind and your ass will follow.</p><p><font size="3">"Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow"-<strong><u>P-Funk</u></strong> (<font face="comic sans ms,sand">Parliament-Funkadelic</font>, <em><strong>Maggot Brain</strong></em> album...featuring the best guitar rock solo in HISTORY by Eddie Hazel, whose <strong><em>Maggot Brain</em></strong> solo was sampled by such notables as Pink Floyd)</font></p><p><img src="" border="0" width="160" height="160" /></p>
02-28-2007, 11:10 AM
Nice intelligent post there house slave did your masters approve it because i am still waiting for your response to my questions
02-28-2007, 11:30 AM
<strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote:<br />Nice intelligent post there house slave did your masters approve it because i am still waiting for your response to my questions <p>My poor misguided, fool. It'll be all right. Relax. Take a deep breath. BTW, Where'd you get your funk from?</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="303" height="403" /></p>
02-28-2007, 11:38 AM
<strong>busybeeman</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote:<br />Nice intelligent post there house slave did your masters approve it because i am still waiting for your response to my questions <p>My poor misguided, fool. It'll be all right. Relax. Take a deep breath. BTW, Where'd you get your funk from?</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="303" height="403" /></p><p>Great cartoon! But seriously, don't get me started on the whole wiretapping thing. not only does warrentless wiretapping show a complete disregard for basic civil liberties, it basically accuses all americans of being potential traitors and terrorists. Not to mention what kind of mistakes can arise (as this cartoon brilliantly points out), but it can be used for some very undemocratic purposes; Seek info on COINTELPRO if you want to know more about that.</p>
02-28-2007, 12:09 PM
<strong>busybeeman</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote:<br />Nice intelligent post there house slave did your masters approve it because i am still waiting for your response to my questions <p>My poor misguided, fool. It'll be all right. Relax. Take a deep breath. BTW, Where'd you get your funk from?</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="303" height="403" /></p><p><font size="3">"Turn it loose</font></p><p><font size="3">We Shall Overcome</font></p><p><font size="3">Where'd you get your Funk from?"-----<strong>P-Funk, <em><u>"Bop Gun"</u></em></strong></font></p><p>They started to achieve some more success with the single "Tear the Roof Off the Sucker" (1975), hitting #5. <a href=""><cite>Mothership Connection</cite></a> also did very well, becoming Parliament's first gold record. All of Parliament's future LP's would go gold as well. It was at around this time that another major shakeup occurred. Clinton left Westbound records, Funkadelic's label for over six years and moved to Warner Brothers, mostly for fiscal reasons. The other original Parliament members became disgruntled and all except Ray Davis quit after they learned that Clinton was the sole owner of the Parliament name and that they were his employees, in 1977. Monetary and credit issues were usually at the heart of band conflicts, and still are today to a certain degree. At this time, Bootsy was given a contract to form his own band, known as Bootsy's Rubber Band, a heavily bass driven group with a wacky sense of humor. The band had an extremely clean, tight sound, with Catfish on guitar, the Horny Horns driving the songs with riffs, Bernie (on many records) or Joel Johnson cutting in and adding color on keyboards, and Bootsy roaming all over the place on bass. The band became wildly popular, touring with Parliament-Funkadelic and later on their own, and reached their zenith with the #1 hit, "Bootzilla". The Rubber Band played a lot of uptempo funk jams, as well as a lot of ballads that usually featured Bootsy doing an incredible solo. The other huge strength of the band was vocalist Gary "Mudbone" Cooper, whose voice ranged from the highest of falsettos to a raunchy, low, funky growl. </p><p>The arrival of three new members came at just the time the band started to achieve its greatest success. Seventeen year old Michael Hampton was recruited from the band after being discovered at a party as a replacement for Eddie Hazel, who had joined the Temptations around 1975. Hampton's greatest strength was his incredible versatility, being a superb rhythm player as well as a dazzling lead guitarist. His style wasn't as heavy as Eddie Hazel's, but his sense of taste was superb, particularly on the <a href=""><cite>One Nation</cite></a> album. Jerome Brailey was more of a veteran, but his impact on the group was unmistakable, with the power of Tiki Fulwood and the taste of Ty Lampkin. He was the greatest of the P.Funk drummers, and anchored many classic albums. The third was Glen Goins, a singer/guitarist who sang lead and some of Parliament's most memorable songs from 1975-77. He was also featured prominently during concert, getting the spotlight while singing 'swing down sweet chariot, stop, and let me ride' during "Mothership Connection", doing the lead for "Bop Gun", and much more. Goins was by far the best vocalist who ever worked with the P.Funk mob, with a rich, powerful, soulful voice that had incredible range. He was also an excellent rhyth
02-28-2007, 12:11 PM
<strong>AgnosticJihad</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>busybeeman</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Knowledged_one</strong> wrote:<br />Nice intelligent post there house slave did your masters approve it because i am still waiting for your response to my questions <p>My poor misguided, fool. It'll be all right. Relax. Take a deep breath. BTW, Where'd you get your funk from?</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="303" height="403" /></p><p>Great cartoon! But seriously, don't get me started on the whole wiretapping thing. not only does warrentless wiretapping show a complete disregard for basic civil liberties, it basically accuses all americans of being potential traitors and terrorists. Not to mention what kind of mistakes can arise (as this cartoon brilliantly points out), but it can be used for some very undemocratic purposes; Seek info on COINTELPRO if you want to know more about that.</p><p>'Course I know about Cointelpro. The one's who killed King and Malcolm X:</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="299" height="423" /></p>
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