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My f'in ear is clogged. [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : My f'in ear is clogged.

Bob Impact
02-13-2007, 03:27 PM
How do I unclog it?  For the love of God, HOW DO I UNCLOG IT?!

Marc with a c
02-13-2007, 03:28 PM

02-13-2007, 03:31 PM
Is someone ear-raping you?

Marc with a c
02-13-2007, 03:32 PM

02-13-2007, 03:34 PM
<font size="3">Hop on one leg</font>

02-13-2007, 03:36 PM
Mix some water and some hydrogen peroxide, pour into your ear (small amounts of course), move head so that water spills out and use natural plugger thing on your ear to unclog it.

02-13-2007, 03:39 PM
get some girl to suck it

02-13-2007, 03:42 PM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br />get some girl to suck it<p>&nbsp;delicious.&nbsp; i recomend hittin up your doctor and getting some drops.&nbsp; prescription ear drops work wonders. </p>

02-13-2007, 03:44 PM
Use your elbow!!!

02-13-2007, 03:44 PM
<strong>Doogie76</strong> wrote:<br />Mix some water and some hydrogen peroxide, pour into your ear (small amounts of course), move head so that water spills out and use natural plugger thing on your ear to unclog it.<p>You can also buy this stuff premixed from CVS or another drug store.&nbsp; Also get a syringe or something you can safely use to squirt water in your ear.&nbsp; It will feel really strange while you're doing it, but when you're done it will be a million times better. </p>

Bob Impact
02-13-2007, 03:45 PM
<strong>cupcakelove</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Doogie76</strong> wrote:<br />Mix some water and some hydrogen peroxide, pour into your ear (small amounts of course), move head so that water spills out and use natural plugger thing on your ear to unclog it.<p>You can also buy this stuff premixed from CVS or another drug store. Also get a syringe or something you can safely use to squirt water in your ear. It will feel really strange while you're doing it, but when you're done it will be a million times better. </p><p>&nbsp;Well THANK YOU for the help, unlike these silly bastards MOCKING ME DURING EAR CLOGGY CRISIS 2007!</p>

02-13-2007, 03:50 PM
<strong>narc</strong> wrote:<br />Is someone ear-raping you? <p>i was gonna go &quot;take the penis out&quot;</p>

02-13-2007, 03:52 PM
<strong>Bob Impact</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>cupcakelove</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Doogie76</strong> wrote:<br />Mix some water and some hydrogen peroxide, pour into your ear (small amounts of course), move head so that water spills out and use natural plugger thing on your ear to unclog it. <p>You can also buy this stuff premixed from CVS or another drug store. Also get a syringe or something you can safely use to squirt water in your ear. It will feel really strange while you're doing it, but when you're done it will be a million times better. </p><p><strong>&nbsp;Well THANK YOU for the help, unlike these silly bastards MOCKING ME DURING EAR CLOGGY CRISIS 2007!</strong></p><p>is there ever a bad time to get sucked dry?</p>

Bob Impact
02-13-2007, 03:54 PM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>is there ever a bad time to get sucked dry?</p><p>&nbsp;NO! But still, I would enjoy it more with clear ear holes!</p>

02-13-2007, 03:56 PM
<p><span class="postbody"> what?</span></p><p><span class="postbody"> What?</span> </p>

02-13-2007, 03:56 PM
<strong>Bob Impact</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>is there ever a bad time to get sucked dry?</p><p>&nbsp;NO! But still, I would enjoy it more with clear ear holes!</p><p>so you like the slurpy noises?</p>

Bob Impact
02-13-2007, 03:59 PM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Bob Impact</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>is there ever a bad time to get sucked dry?</p><p> NO! But still, I would enjoy it more with clear ear holes!</p><p>so you like the slurpy noises?</p><p>&nbsp;Who doesn't? FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, WHO DOESN'T?!?!?! </p>

02-13-2007, 04:03 PM
You ever try burning it out, i know its a popular thing to light a match or a candle and shove it in there.&nbsp; Supposed to be therapeutic.&nbsp;

Bob Impact
02-13-2007, 04:05 PM
<strong>johnniewalker</strong> wrote:<br />You ever try burning it out, i know its a popular thing to light a match or a candle and shove it in there. Supposed to be therapeutic. <p>&nbsp;I'm going to need more information before I randomly shove lit matches into my ear!<br /> </p>

02-13-2007, 04:19 PM
It's called candling, and it's a scam. I've read a&nbsp;bit about it. You end up with all this stuff in it, that they claim came from your ears, but it's actually just the wax from the candle. It can also be dangerous.

02-13-2007, 04:26 PM
<p>when i was a kid my grandma would tell me I had potatoes in my ears</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="200" height="200" /></p><p>and that she wish she had my nose full of nickels</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

02-13-2007, 04:29 PM
<strong>johnniewalker</strong> wrote:<br />You ever try burning it out, i know its a popular thing to light a match or a candle and shove it in there.&nbsp; Supposed to be therapeutic.&nbsp; <p>My mom use to use that stuff. I don't recommend it. The wax dripped down and burnt my aunts hear. She had to go to the ER, thankfully she's ok.</p>

Bob Impact
02-13-2007, 04:30 PM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>when i was a kid my grandma would tell me I had potatoes in my ears</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="200" height="200" /></p><p>and that she wish she had my nose full of nickels</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;I can't imagine that would be a substantial sum of money.</p>

02-13-2007, 04:32 PM
<strong>Bob Impact</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>when i was a kid my grandma would tell me I had potatoes in my ears</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="200" height="200" /></p><p>and that she wish she had my nose full of nickels</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;I can't imagine that would be a substantial sum of money.</p><p>you haven't seen my honker&nbsp; -lol&nbsp;&nbsp; plus a nickel went alot further back in the late 60's. you could actually get five bazookas for a nickel back then</p>

02-13-2007, 04:33 PM
Make sure you get your medical advice from a message board. Especially one about a comedy show. Whatever you do, dont see a Doctor, they're all crooks.

Bob Impact
02-13-2007, 04:35 PM
<strong>Bulldogcakes</strong> wrote:<br />Make sure you get your medical advice from a message board. Especially one about a comedy show. Whatever you do, dont see a Doctor, they're all crooks. <p>&nbsp;Well that is the smart way to go about things.&nbsp; I don't trust those fancy pants degrees.</p>

02-13-2007, 04:39 PM
<strong>Bob Impact</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Bulldogcakes</strong> wrote:<br />Make sure you get your medical advice from a message board. Especially one about a comedy show. Whatever you do, dont see a Doctor, they're all crooks. <p>&nbsp;Well that is the smart way to go about things.&nbsp; I don't trust those fancy pants degrees.</p><p>unless it's Doctor Vinnie Boombatz</p>

02-13-2007, 04:45 PM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>when i was a kid my grandma would tell me I had potatoes in my ears</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="200" height="200" /></p><p>and that she wish she had my nose full of nickels</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;I had a big splinter in my knee one time and it was in deep so my grandma cut a potato in half put in on my knee to get the splinter out. &nbsp; Maybe you could try that Bob. &nbsp; </p>

Bob Impact
02-13-2007, 04:48 PM
<strong>johnniewalker</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p>when i was a kid my grandma would tell me I had potatoes in my ears</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="200" height="200" /></p><p>and that she wish she had my nose full of nickels</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> I had a big splinter in my knee one time and it was in deep so my grandma cut a potato in half put in on my knee to get the splinter out. Maybe you could try that Bob. </p><p>&nbsp;You just want me to stick things in my ears.</p>

02-13-2007, 04:58 PM
<p><font size="2">maybe you should stop doing this:</font></p><p></p>

Bob Impact
02-14-2007, 04:09 AM
It's STILL CLOGGED!&nbsp; While you're all worrying about frivilous snowstorms I'm sitting here in ear induced agony!&nbsp;

02-14-2007, 04:10 AM
<strong>Bob Impact</strong> wrote:<br />It's STILL CLOGGED! While you're all worrying about frivilous snowstorms I'm sitting here in ear induced agony! <p>You're gonna have to leave the message board at some point to get it taken care of.<br /> </p>

Bob Impact
02-14-2007, 04:13 AM
<strong>cupcakelove</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Bob Impact</strong> wrote:<br />It's STILL CLOGGED! While you're all worrying about frivilous snowstorms I'm sitting here in ear induced agony! <p>You're gonna have to leave the message board at some point to get it taken care of.<br /> </p><p>&nbsp;I've tried that but my dogs don't have answers, and Agatha is out there! HOW COULD I LEAVE WITH ONE EAR AND AGATHA OUT THERE?!?! </p>

02-14-2007, 05:50 AM
<strong>blakjeezis</strong> wrote:<br /><span class="postbody">what? </span><p><span class="postbody">What?</span> </p><p>..............................................</p>

02-14-2007, 05:54 AM
<img src="" border="0" width="435" height="290" />

02-14-2007, 05:57 AM
<p>Candling works well if you do it right.</p><p>But you really ought to have someone who's done it before do it to you. I'm the 1 out of 5 listeners who doesn't reccomend shoving random objects(to include candles) into your orifices.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Do you have one of those blue bulbs they use to clean out babies noses and ears and such? they work wonders...</p>

Bob Impact
02-14-2007, 06:08 AM
<strong>briarhawk</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Candling works well if you do it right.</p><p>But you really ought to have someone who's done it before do it to you. I'm the 1 out of 5 listeners who doesn't reccomend shoving random objects(to include candles) into your orifices.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p style="background-color: #ffff00">Do you have one of those blue bulbs they use to clean out babies noses and ears and such? they work wonders...</p><p>&nbsp;That's what finally worked for me, at least for now.&nbsp; My ear is free and clear, we can all breath again.</p>

02-14-2007, 07:10 AM
Hydrogen Peroxide.&nbsp; Lay your head clogged ear up on a table with a towel under your cheek and pour a capfull into the effected ear.&nbsp; It will bubble and oose out.&nbsp; Open and close your mouth to allow the peroxind to penetrate deep.&nbsp; After a few minutes, turn your head the other way and let it drain out on the towel.&nbsp; <br />

Bob Impact
02-14-2007, 07:35 AM
<strong>sr71blackbird</strong> wrote:<br />Open and close your mouth to allow the peroxind to penetrate deep. <p>&nbsp;now you're just turning me on, who's up for some Shinsi Shinsi? </p>

02-15-2007, 07:05 PM
<strong>Bob Impact</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>briarhawk</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Candling works well if you do it right.</p><p>But you really ought to have someone who's done it before do it to you. I'm the 1 out of 5 listeners who doesn't reccomend shoving random objects(to include candles) into your orifices.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p style="background-color: #ffff00">Do you have one of those blue bulbs they use to clean out babies noses and ears and such? they work wonders...</p><p>&nbsp;That's what finally worked for me, at least for now.&nbsp; My ear is free and clear, we can all breath again.</p><p>i put the hydrogen peroxide in first and let it cook for a few minutes thens use the blue bulb with warm water to flush it out</p><p>works great </p>