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I've gone and done it [Archive] - Messageboard


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02-10-2007, 02:42 PM
<p>I've gotten myself in a bit of a situation.&nbsp;&nbsp; Alright I started talking to this girl about two weeks ago.&nbsp; I met her doing an assignment and so we've emailed back and forth since then.&nbsp;&nbsp; Last weekend she was away on vacation so i really didn't talk to her.&nbsp; I resumed emailing her on monday of this week.&nbsp; We are both in grad school so are pretty busy so i didn't really ask her out till wednesday, but it was something simple.&nbsp; I asked her if she wanted to come over to watch Lost.&nbsp; I sent the request a little late and she was busy anyways working on a group project.&nbsp;&nbsp; Thursday i took a nap and slept till 9 and emailed her late again and we didn't do anything thrusday.&nbsp; Alright yesterday she went out to dinner with a old friend.&nbsp; So that leads me to today.&nbsp; I think i'm a decent judge of when things are going ok and when not, and i think i've absolutely blew this one pretty bad.&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;Pros</p><p>-Never really got any negative answer from her</p><p>-Really never stepped out and asked her on a date yet</p><p>- I'm pretty sure she likes me, but may be unsure on a date b/c of a possible relationship</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Negatives</p><p>-I've emailed her fairly consistantly, which i shouldn't have, but i did and i think that is getting old</p><p>-Apparently there is a sailor in my class that may be better than me</p><p>This is from an email&nbsp;</p><p>&quot;Thanks for inviting me over for Lost but I didn't read this until 10:30ish and I am so far removed from the TV show that I would have no clue what's going on.<br /><br />I'm fucked for tomorrow as I haven't done class reading, and I spent 3 hours in the library talking to Tom, the sailor, from our class...&quot;</p><p>-I've had a hard time meeting up with her face to face, i've really only talked to her face to face for maybe 30 minutes in 2 weeks</p><p>-I'm kinda nonconfrontational so i haven't managed to get past really using email </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Alright, so I kind of assumed I would go out with her on thursday, but this hasn't happened and today seems as good as any.&nbsp; I'm afraid the initial &quot;like&quot; period may have gone stale, but should i go for a definitive answer and kinda write an ultimatum or blow her off.&nbsp; Any other suggestions are dearly needed, and I probably should do something soon. </p>

02-10-2007, 03:26 PM
<font size="2">no ultimatum, but it can't hurt to ask her out for real.&nbsp; what type of class is this?<br /></font>

Don Stugots
02-10-2007, 03:29 PM
i say go for it.&nbsp; dont take a back seat to any Sailor.&nbsp;

02-10-2007, 03:31 PM
<strong>Don Stugots</strong> wrote:<br />i say go for it. dont take a back seat to any Sailor. <p>&nbsp;<font size="2">i tried my damndest to let that one slip under the radar.</font></p>

02-10-2007, 03:31 PM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="2">no ultimatum, but it can't hurt to ask her out for real. what type of class is this?<br /></font><p>Property, its a biggen, like 120 kids in it so i never really see her.&nbsp; TY sailor, i knew i could count on you.&nbsp; I was afraid i might have had to watch this thread get buried. </p>

02-10-2007, 03:32 PM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Don Stugots</strong> wrote:<br />i say go for it. dont take a back seat to any Sailor. <p> <font size="2">i tried my damndest to let that one slip under the radar.</font></p><p>&nbsp;Yeah i'm not too happy about your involvement.&nbsp; <br /> </p>

02-10-2007, 03:32 PM
<strong>Don Stugots</strong> wrote:<br />i say go for it.&nbsp; dont take a back seat to any Sailor.&nbsp; <p><font size="3">Great fucking line. I say its over though. She wrote that she wouldnt know whats goin on in Lost. If she was interested in you she would come over to watch it and not care. Your window has closed.</font></p>

02-10-2007, 03:34 PM
I think she just wants to be friends, in that case just stop talking to her.

02-10-2007, 03:39 PM
<strong>MrPink</strong> wrote:<br />I think she just wants to be friends, in that case just stop talking to her.<p>&nbsp;True, that's what i'm thinking.&nbsp; I last messaged her and refuse to email someone again after i've wrote them once.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>

02-11-2007, 03:52 AM
<strong>lleeder</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Don Stugots</strong> wrote:<br />i say go for it. dont take a back seat to any Sailor. <p><font size="3">Great fucking line. I say its over though. She wrote that she wouldnt know whats goin on in Lost. If she was interested in you she would come over to watch it and not care. Your window has closed.</font></p><p>&nbsp;<font size="2">not at all.&nbsp; if some chick invited me over to watch the gilmore girls (no offense sheeps) i think i'd turn it down no matter what i thought of her.&nbsp; even if the window HAS closed, wouldn't you rather find out for sure rather than realise down the road that it hadn't?</font></p>

02-11-2007, 05:26 AM
<p>I think she's on the verge of wanting to go out with you but she threw in that bit about the sailor to see if you'd step up and show her your balls. She wants to be fought for. If you ain't willing to do it you're in the friend zone. But if she didn't want you to try she wouldn't have mentioned him in the first place. </p><p>Not that I've ever been any good at this but I say you grow a set and just tell her you want to get together. Don't mention the sailor but she knows you know he's competition. You ask her out and you've proved you'll fight for her and you're in. Unless you fuck it up after that.</p><p>Keep in mind though: If you spend too much time in the friend zone you can eventually come here to Thailand. These chicks will fuck anybody.</p>

02-11-2007, 10:45 AM
<strong>johnniewalker</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>MrPink</strong> wrote:<br />I think she just wants to be friends, in that case just stop talking to her. <p>&nbsp;True, that's what i'm thinking.&nbsp; I last messaged her and refuse to email someone again after i've wrote them once.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>Jesus Christ man! you're gonna throw away something beautiful because you think she's not interested.</p><p>Don't think anything, grab her breast and then you'll know for sure.</p><p>Trust me, I know this!</p>

02-12-2007, 01:46 PM
In the meantime, park outside her house at night so you can protect her from the old friend.

02-12-2007, 04:09 PM
I agree with Yerdaddy, she's trying to get a reaction out of you with the sailor comment.&nbsp; Some chicks love to have two or more guys trying to pick them up at the same time.

02-12-2007, 07:52 PM
<p>If you're in law school stay away. Girls in law school are bad news. </p><p>Plus you shouldn't date anyone your first year anyway. I learned that the hard way. </p>

02-12-2007, 08:22 PM
next time you see her, ask her if she wants to go out for dinner or drinks the next night you have free.&nbsp; if she says yes, there are some really cool places to go in the city that should impress, just don't go anywhere out by ub, northtowns suck balls, no offense, i knew you said lived out there...

02-12-2007, 08:56 PM
<strong>weekapaugjz</strong> wrote:<br />next time you see her, ask her if she wants to go out for dinner or drinks the next night you have free.&nbsp; if she says yes, there are some really cool places to go in the city that should impress, just don't go anywhere out by ub, northtowns suck balls, no offense, i knew you said lived out there... <p>None taken, I'm miserable out here in the northern part.&nbsp; I'm used to madison and milwaukee where you don't have to go so far to get very very drunk at a bar w/o driving everywhere or taking a cab.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Anywho, I got swayed by the positives (I put complete&nbsp;faith in a guy nailing broads&nbsp;in&nbsp;Thailand)&nbsp;and I'll guess I'll figure out it out tomorrow.&nbsp; I'll post any available details.&nbsp;&nbsp; Valentine's day is like two days away, she can't be that cold, right?&nbsp;</p><p>I want to hear your story too,&nbsp;Narc.</p>

02-12-2007, 08:59 PM
<strong>johnniewalker</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>weekapaugjz</strong> wrote:<br />next time you see her, ask her if she wants to go out for dinner or drinks the next night you have free. if she says yes, there are some really cool places to go in the city that should impress, just don't go anywhere out by ub, northtowns suck balls, no offense, i knew you said lived out there... <p>None taken, I'm miserable out here in the northern part. I'm used to madison and milwaukee where <span style="background-color: #ffff00">you don't have to go so far to get very very drunk at a bar w/o driving everywhere or taking a cab.</span> </p><p>Anywho, I got swayed by the positives (I put complete faith in a guy nailing broads in Thailand) and I'll guess I'll figure out it out tomorrow. I'll post any available details. Valentine's day is like two days away, she can't be that cold, right? </p><p>I want to hear your story too, Narc.</p><p>&nbsp;you should move to elmwood or hertel if you don't mind a longer commute.</p>

02-13-2007, 08:13 PM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>lleeder</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Don Stugots</strong> wrote:<br />i say go for it. dont take a back seat to any Sailor. <p><font size="3">Great fucking line. I say its over though. She wrote that she wouldnt know whats goin on in Lost. If she was interested in you she would come over to watch it and not care. Your window has closed.</font></p><p>&nbsp;<font size="2">not at all.&nbsp; if some chick invited me over to watch the gilmore girls (no offense sheeps) i think i'd turn it down no matter what i thought of her.&nbsp; even if the window HAS closed, wouldn't you rather find out for sure rather than realise down the road that it hadn't?</font></p><p>I'd accept an invitation from a girl to watch Gilmore Girls, but only under the premise that it would lead at least to making out with her. Otherwise, I would rather just watch it at home with the mute on and my pants down. Kidding!</p><p>#1 Call her. If you don't have her number, get it. E-mail is ok, but making that call is the stronger move.</p><p>#2 give her more lead time when you ask her to do something. If you want to go out for drinks on Friday, call her Tuesday. Even if she is free the same night, she will feel obligated to pretend she has plans so she doesn't appear to be desperate/friendless.</p><p>#3 Sit by her in class. So what if it's a big class? Make an effort.</p>

02-13-2007, 09:02 PM
<p>Well its 12:47, valentine's day and um&nbsp; sad to say i think narc, lleeder, and mr. pink may have won this one.&nbsp;&nbsp; I guess technically it was VDay -1 when i asked, but yeah.&nbsp;&nbsp; It's cool though I think i really could turn this one around, if i wanted to but the more i think about it im not sure i want to date her or not.&nbsp;&nbsp; I talked to her informally.&nbsp; Here was the subsequent email, </p><p>&quot;And generally, as a rule, I avoid relationships, um, and well guys in general. This is for a variety of reasons which I will list below<br /><br />1. I'm scared. I could go on about that or psychoanalyze why, but that would be a book<br /><br />2. I am super commitment phobe. This is mainly related to time commitments, I am pretty awesome at being loyal. Anyway, I hate being called everyday, I hate feeling like I should spend time with that person even if I really like them and I tend to feel suffocated. Any sort of formal relationship commitments freak me out and I come to resent the person who I initially liked. <br /><br />3. I have actually learned from my mistakes. I've had 2 &quot;real&quot; relationships in the past. One was great, he really hurt me but I don't regret it. I feel like I've learned a lot more from the other one where my heart wasn't really in it and I felt like a fraud stringing him along and like I was wasting my time. Consequently, I'm really hesitant to get involved with anyone unless and / or it takes a LONG TIME for me to get involved.<br /><br />4. I have unrealistic expectations as a result of reading Pride and Prejudice too many times and seeing too many teen movies.<br /><br />I'm sure there are more reasons, but what I was trying to say is that I'm really not girlfriend / crush material. I'm overly protective of myself - to the point where I generally only befriend guys who have girlfriends or are engaged so I don't have to think about any sort of &quot;relationship&quot; with them.&quot;<br />&nbsp;</p><p>However, i think i was kinda right and kinda wrong.&nbsp; I didn't respond right away because i knew what was coming and i hate reading bad news even if i know its coming.&nbsp; So i read it at 12.&nbsp; She sends another email thinking maybe i was inferring that i liked someone else.&nbsp; So i got two back to back emails and she was online on facebook most of the night.&nbsp; Facebook lets you be such a stalker. &nbsp; So she has on her status before she goes to bed, this something about her not baking stuff for Valentine's Day, &quot; Instead she has sat around introspectively all evening and is now going to bed.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>I don't know, so that's where that stands,&nbsp; I guess i'm less confused?</p>

02-14-2007, 12:23 AM
<p>Sorry to hear that. I was pulling for you. </p><p>OK, here's plan B: Go get a hummer from a tranny. Ask her how old she is but don't ask for any kind of ID - she'll always tell you she's over 18 but if you don't see proof you keep plausible deniability. If she's wearing alot of makeup be carefull not to brush it off or you might see the handlebar mustache underneath. Don't ask for a tissue or she'll give you a tit. Don't fall asleep before she's gone or you'll end up naked and broke and missing a kidney.&nbsp;And don't pay more than $3! Good luck and godspeed!</p>