View Full Version : Made up kids games
02-03-2007, 02:45 PM
<strong>One game , me and my friends would play was called LAVA. There was this construction of a building in our neighborhood,and we would climb on everything to make our way thur the site. Only one catch, you could not touch the ground with your feet because it was LAVA, and you would die and of course out of the game. You could get lumber and place it on the dirt (lava) and run across. YOU could knock down construction fencing and move ahead. Climbing on cement mixers was allowed,and jumping to dump trucks was OK.Every weekend we would play this game because it would constantly be changing do to the progression of the work.IT was always fun till the cops came.</strong>
02-03-2007, 03:09 PM
ever hear of "smear the queer"??ÿÿ<div>other playground favorites included "bloody knuckles" and "pencil fighting".</div><div><br /></div><div>maybe it's just me</div>
02-03-2007, 04:26 PM
monster rain.
02-03-2007, 05:46 PM
I dont think we made any games up but we definately were all over manhunt and suicide
Doctor Z
02-03-2007, 05:51 PM
Jackass Kong, Cosmic Osmo, and Red Ball On The Loose.
Judge Smails
02-03-2007, 05:53 PM
<strong>whorehay</strong> wrote:<br />ever hear of "smear the queer"?? *>other playground favorites included "bloody knuckles" and "pencil fighting". *><br />*>maybe it's just me <p>Dude, where did you grow up? Because we played all of those games too and we honestly believed that we coined the phrase "Smear the Queer". I guess we weren't as original as we thought we were.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
02-03-2007, 05:57 PM
starting fires in the creek....
.....wait that wasnt a game..........
02-03-2007, 06:16 PM
Manhunt, Suicide, Handball (one bounce before it hits the wall), Kill the man with the ball, Tag, Freeze tag, ASS (combination of suicide and handball), Handball with 2 walls, red-light green light, house, school bus, punchball, wiffleball, stickball, football, etc. <strong>Chinese School</strong>- 1 person is the teacher and the others (student) have to pick correctly which hand has the quarter or rock or something. The person guesses correctly moves up to the next step. 1st person to get to the top of the steps graduates and becomes the teacher.<strong>Flies up</strong>- can be played with more than 2 people. Using steps, 1 person throws spalding ball at the steps (preferably the sharp corners). The other people try to catch the ball for outs. A one handed catch was 3 outs and that person was next. Any other catch (ground ball) was one out. Drops, mishandled ground balls were basehits. A fly ball that went over or touched the car across the street was a homerun.I don't remember what we called this game. But it involved balancing and walking on top from one side of the fence or rail to the other. If you fell down (depending on the fence, it could be a high drop!), you joined the other people who also couldn't do it and try to distract the next person from going across.<strong>Chance</strong>- You get a garbage can and placed it against a wall or preferably a corner. With a basketball you try to shoot the ball into the can. If you make it in you move to the next position/place (like the game HORSE). If you miss it, you can "Chance" again for another shot. If you miss that shot you start from the beginning.<strong>Going down the Cut</strong>- wasn't really a game but a place near the PATH station where the rocks were (which we called the cut) and usually go exploring or do karate play fighting/boxing. One time they found a dead body down there. (or so they say)<br /> What do kids do now???? Stay home and play video games. <p> </p>
02-03-2007, 06:22 PM
Speaking of games.......where did the spot-pass originate from when you're playing playground football???<br />
02-03-2007, 06:25 PM
Kill the Carrier, Butts Up, and Running Bases come to mind.
02-03-2007, 06:27 PM
Running bases. Forgot about that.<br />
02-03-2007, 06:33 PM
<strong>BoondockSaint</strong> wrote:<br />Kill the Carrier, Butts Up, and Running Bases come to mind.It was cool when a person not from the neighborhood hung out and although they named some of the games differently, it was still the same game. Like handball, when we played it, you had to let the ball bounce before you hit it and had to bounce back before it hit the wall. The "NY style" was that you didn't have to hit the ball on a bounce back to the wall. Boxes, Kick the can, dodgeball, prison ball, and who hasn't played "DARE". <p> </p>
02-03-2007, 06:40 PM
<strong>mdr55</strong> wrote:<br />Manhunt, Suicide, Handball (one bounce before it hits the wall), Kill the man with the ball, Tag, Freeze tag, ASS (combination of suicide and handball), Handball with 2 walls, red-light green light, house, school bus, punchball, wiffleball, stickball, football, etc. <strong>Chinese School</strong>- 1 person is the teacher and the others (student) have to pick correctly which hand has the quarter or rock or something. The person guesses correctly moves up to the next step. 1st person to get to the top of the steps graduates and becomes the teacher.<strong>Flies up</strong>- can be played with more than 2 people. Using steps, 1 person throws spalding ball at the steps (preferably the sharp corners). The other people try to catch the ball for outs. A one handed catch was 3 outs and that person was next. Any other catch (ground ball) was one out. Drops, mishandled ground balls were basehits. A fly ball that went over or touched the car across the street was a homerun.I don't remember what we called this game. But it involved balancing and walking on top from one side of the fence or rail to the other. If you fell down (depending on the fence, it could be a high drop!), you joined the other people who also couldn't do it and try to distract the next person from going across.<strong>Chance</strong>- You get a garbage can and placed it against a wall or preferably a corner. With a basketball you try to shoot the ball into the can. If you make it in you move to the next position/place (like the game HORSE). If you miss it, you can "Chance" again for another shot. If you miss that shot you start from the beginning.<strong>Going down the Cut</strong>- wasn't really a game but a place near the PATH station where the rocks were (which we called the cut) and usually go exploring or do karate play fighting/boxing. One time they found a dead body down there. (or so they say)<br /> What do kids do now???? Stay home and play video games. <p> </p><p> <font size="2">most of those games aren't "made up" but were common to kids everywhere.</font></p><p> <br /><font size="2">we had a game in my neighborhood similar to lava called tar tag. in our apartment complex there was black-top with paths of concrete. our game was similar to regular tag, except you couldn't be seen on the black-top (by the person who was "it" or you were caught. it was great in that you could climb from one ground floor window to another and you could go across the whole building this way.</font></p><p><font size="2">we also used to play an game of automatic baseball (with wiffle bat and tennis ball). there was a strike zone and a two-level fence behind the pitcher. any groundball or pop fly caught by the pitcher was an out. a grounball past the pitcher was a single. a line drive to the bottom section was a double, to the top was a triple. over the fence was a homer. it was great because you could play baseball with just two kids.</font></p><p> <font size="2">we also played a game similar to flies up called stoops. one person was at the bottom of the stairs and would get points for throwing the ball at the stairs and catching it, more points for off the tip of the stairs. the other person was a sort of defense at the top of the stairs and if they caught the ball (if it hit the stairs poorly and popped up to them) they'd get points and you'd lose your turn.</font> </p>
02-03-2007, 06:42 PM
in our latter years of elementary school we invented "cube tag" where you had to stay inside the woodchips while playing tag or else yer out. It was like tag with boundries and we would play it every day until we got sick of it...............I'm ashamed to say I think we were in 5th or 6th grade
kick flies up
and lighting fireworks under the southern state.............wait a second......
02-03-2007, 06:44 PM
<p>We'd play Sizzle Pisano which consisted of jumping on the couch and playing air guitar mixed with farting. Then there was Specie Island, a game made up of the neighborhood kids in a small waterless tiled pool which existed in my back yard somehoe tied to flashlight tag. The object of Specie Island, to this day, is still unclear to me though I played it. </p>
02-03-2007, 06:49 PM
laser tag in my basement with the lights off
02-03-2007, 06:51 PM
<strong>KC2OSO</strong> wrote:<br /><p>We'd play Sizzle Pisano which consisted of jumping on the couch and playing air guitar mixed with farting. Then there was Specie Island, a game made up of the neighborhood kids in a small waterless tiled pool which existed in my back yard somehoe tied to flashlight tag. The object of Specie Island, to this day, is still unclear to me though I played it. </p><p> am i the only person that needs to hear more about sizzle pisano?</p>
02-03-2007, 06:52 PM
<p><strong>Find the bomb (Bombhunters)</strong>- using the game (the one with a timer and you had to fit the pieces into it before time ran out and the pieces popped up) a person set the timer and hide the thing somewhere in the house. The rest of the other people would look for the device before the time ran out. Who ever found it, hide it next.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
02-03-2007, 06:53 PM
<p>3 games that weren't mentioned yet.</p><p>1- Dymamite... you would go to the park to the swing set. Each kid would pick a swing and with a stick draw two lines/boundraries on each side of their swing. Then you get on your swing belly down (superman style)... then the stick we used to draw the lines was dynamite. Someone would start the game by taking the stick/dymnamite and the object was to throw the stick in the boudaries of someone else... if it's in you boundarie you have to get the stick/dynamite and throw it into someone elses boundarie... the skill of the whole game is that your on your belly on the swing and have to grab the stick in that position... so you try to throw the "dynamite" in a spot where the opponent can't reach it... you needed to get the "dynamite" out of your area in 60 seconds after it was in your boundarie without falling off your swing or your blown up.</p><p>2- King of the Mountain... much like smeer the queer is a contact game. Basically you would stand at the top of a hill and someone would be king. The object would be to get past the king and get to the top. The king would at the same time try to knock you down and down the hill. Basically footaball with no ball. I'm sure many have a version of this game.</p><p>3- Cage... We would go to a baseball field and someone would hang on the backstop fence and climb or move however they could. Then 3 or 4 other players would have a soccer ball and have to kick it (off the ground not drop kick) at the "hanger" and knock them off the backstop. </p><p> God I wish I was 12 again...</p>
02-03-2007, 07:00 PM
capture the flag
cmon I said no burrying!
02-03-2007, 07:05 PM
<strong>Fortune teller- </strong>you ask the person 4 questions like: What's your dream car? Where do you want to live? Who do you want to Marry or like? How many kids do you want? And the person would need to give you 4 different answers for each. The fortune teller would draw like a spiraling circle and count the number of lines. Then they would count off and cross out the various answers until one answer was left for each question and that was their fortune.<br />
02-03-2007, 07:13 PM
<p>You think we can market/package some of these games????</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>I remember at Toys-r-us once I saw them selling "paper football and goal" in a neat package (and the goal had to be cut out from the back of the cardboard) . Unfreaking believable! Who hasn't made their own paper football during recess and fling that sucker across the room trying to kick that field goal into your opposing person's finger goal?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Or desk hockey using coins. </p>
02-03-2007, 07:32 PM
<strong>patsopinion</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>KC2OSO</strong> wrote:<br /><p>We'd play Sizzle Pisano which consisted of jumping on the couch and playing air guitar mixed with farting. Then there was Specie Island, a game made up of the neighborhood kids in a small waterless tiled pool which existed in my back yard somehoe tied to flashlight tag. The object of Specie Island, to this day, is still unclear to me though I played it. </p><p> am i the only person that needs to hear more about sizzle pisano?</p><p>Oh, now you wanna play Sizzle Pisano. Sounds like fun but only the cool kids get to jump around on the couch.</p>
02-03-2007, 07:46 PM
<p>Hot Beans And Butter - the gang would choose and and whoever won got to go around the corner and hide their belt. When he yelled "Hot Beans And Butter" the gang came running around the corner looking for the belt. There was a homebase designated. Whoever found the belt could whip anyone they could, as many times they wanted and as hard as they wanted before they made it to homebase. </p><p>Donkey - some card game where if you lose you had to grant 'one of three requests' from each player. One time my buddy had to stick his head down the sewer for 15 minutes. Sometimes you had to run a bus down and ask the driver for change for a penny.</p><p>1 2 3 Friday 1 2 3 - not really made up. It was army tag but you had to hold the guy and be able to say 1 2 3 Friday 1 2 3 before he got loose in order for him to be caught. </p><p> </p>
02-03-2007, 10:57 PM
one game that me and some friends would play in middle school was similar to bloody knuckles but we never had a name for it. you take a nickel (has to be a nickel, no quarters, pennies, or dimes allowed, those were for pussies) and you spin it on the table. the opposing person had to trap the nickel while it was spinning with their finger so the nickel was still upright, pretty tricky but you can catch on with practice. if you trap it, its your turn to spin. the nickel falls flat and the pain begins. you would then have to make a fist and place it on the table, so that the middle knuckle of your hand was firmly against the table. the person then get to take the nickel under their thumb and fling it as hard as you could against the persons hand. the nickel would shred your knuckles apart and would sting for days but would always be worth it if you got your friend with a really good one. we used to play it at the lunch tables until the teachers caught on to every kid having their knuckles shredded apart. man the stupid shit you do when you are a kid.
02-04-2007, 01:04 AM
<strong><font face="courier new,courier" size="2">This one time at band camp...</font></strong>
02-04-2007, 01:09 AM
<font size="5">best fucking game ever... smear the queer!!!!</font>
02-04-2007, 06:28 AM
<strong>ROASTED CHICKIES. This game was invent in my yard because I had two trees about 35 feet apart from each other with a long rope strung inbetween.An boy or a girl would wrap their arms and legs around the rope(one or two persons was allowed) thus looking like a chicken on a stick over a fire.Several kids, usually sadistic older brothers would start to swing the rope back and forth, getting higher and higher with each push. You had to hold on and indur sever G FORCES that would make an astronaut cry when the rope and you would ark downward. THe only ways to stop was when you fell offand got the wind knocked out of you or you started to cry that you would tell mom,or the sadists would get tired with thier victum or the rope would snap from the stress( this happened many times since it was a popular indurance game)and you would get the wind knocked out of you.GOOD TIMES!</strong>
02-04-2007, 11:51 AM
<p>We had one game in my neighborhood where one person rides their bike and the other kids try to throw a stick in their front spokes. </p><p>There was another game called Zombie where one person was human and the others were zombies. The human would have a stick and have to hit the zombies in the head before they touch him. I'm surprised none of us lost an eye.</p><p>When we got a little older we played Drag Race. One kid could be on a bike, another in rollerblades, another on a skateboard and we would race to the bottom of the street.</p>
02-04-2007, 11:59 AM
We also played Pennysaver War where on Saturday morning we'd go around after the Pennysaver was delivered and collect them. Then we'd chase each other around the neighborhood just wailing each other with them. The wet ones were the worst.
02-04-2007, 07:00 PM
<strong>BoondockSaint</strong> wrote:<br />We also played Pennysaver War where on Saturday morning we'd go around after the Pennysaver was delivered and collect them. Then we'd chase each other around the neighborhood just wailing each other with them. The wet ones were the worst. <p>I did that too!</p>
02-04-2007, 07:00 PM
<strong>BoondockSaint</strong> wrote:<br />We also played Pennysaver War where on Saturday morning we'd go around after the Pennysaver was delivered and collect them. Then we'd chase each other around the neighborhood just wailing each other with them. The wet ones were the worst. <p>I did that too!</p>
02-05-2007, 04:47 PM
<p>when i was real little , doctor...</p><p>flashlight tag,</p><p>we used to play LAVA but that was in school when we would walk the line in the middle of the hall and if you stepped off you fell in the lava or the "shark infested water".</p><p>windmill was was fun when you basically just swing your arms in circle and bump into eachother</p>
02-05-2007, 05:12 PM
<p>i was a boring kid. when i was 8 i got my first nintendo. then it all went down hill from there, now i have a 360 and wii and i'm way too old to sill be playing video games.</p><p> there are no cool made up games from me...</p>
high fly
02-05-2007, 05:23 PM
<p><font size="2">BUBBLE TROUBLE - We'd see who could be the last one to blow milk bubbles out his nose without puking.</font></p><p><font size="2">The game would go faster if you had some kids there who </font><font size="2">would pyuke at the sight of someone else throwing up.</font></p>
02-05-2007, 05:24 PM
T.V. tag.
high fly
02-05-2007, 06:25 PM
<p><font size="2">HIDE AND GO SEEK A BOOGER: What we'd do as dig out a booger, then stick that finger up a blindfolded friend's nose, then pull out the finger and the person who is blindfolded has to guess whether the booger is still on your finger or lodged up his nose.</font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><font size="2">Hey, we were kids and didn't know any better...</font></p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by high fly on 2-5-07 @ 10:26 PM</span>
02-05-2007, 07:05 PM
In the first grade....Jet pilot..We would run around the grounds in formation with our arms out...I was point man...(I Know gay)...Kick the can...Tator drum..Throwing potato's at semi's that were empty leaving a certian shipping yard........Full contact touch football..I would wear socks on my hands with holes for my fingers to look like BUTKUS....We had a bike gang ..The Midnight Riders.( Swear).I just now remembered that WOW...No wonder i love the Show!!!
02-11-2007, 06:11 AM
<strong>In the summer, we would play MARCO POLO only the person who was blind folded (a cloth stuffed into a divers mask)or should I say the person who was it, was armed with a wiffle ball bat. This game was played in a pool. Most of the game was spent under water as not to be struck on bare skin with a wiffle ball bat and thus become IT .</strong>
02-11-2007, 06:36 AM
<font size="3">My favorite game was dirt bomb fight. It usually turned into rock fight.</font>
02-11-2007, 06:47 AM
<strong>BoondockSaint</strong> wrote:<br />T.V. tag.<p> <font size="2">like with dresses??!<br /></font></p>
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