View Full Version : comics
01-19-2007, 08:10 PM
ive recently (in the last month) started to read some comics again. a few weeks ago i picked up ultimate x-men at barnes and noble and have bought up to issue #33 in volumes and have really liked them. i haven't read comics since i was younger, and liked x-men, x-factor, and the like. i was just wondering what other people thought of this x-men series or if there are better one's out there. i've also been considering getting the ultimate galatcus the other day. also have been waiting for the civil war volume to come out in march because i have heard its pretty good. thanks for any advice on where to get back into good comics.
01-20-2007, 06:27 PM
<font size="3">I just finished reading X-men Deadly Genesis, great book. If you haven't read it definately pick it up.</font>
01-21-2007, 06:32 PM
<strong>lleeder</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="3">I just finished reading X-men Deadly Genesis, great book. If you haven't read it definately pick it up.</font><p> You and I must have read two different Deadly Genesises</p>
01-21-2007, 08:59 PM
<strong>JustJon</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>lleeder</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="3">I just finished reading X-men Deadly Genesis, great book. If you haven't read it definately pick it up.</font><p> You and I must have read two different Deadly Genesises</p><p> i liked it i got it issue by issue </p><p> </p>
01-21-2007, 09:21 PM
<p>Read SCUD. </p><p> Don't know how easy it is to find, but its cool.</p>
01-21-2007, 09:32 PM
<p>Transmetropolitan. Spider Jerusalem is the greatest comic character ever! Since you're an X-Men fan, you should pick a TPB of Origin too.</p><p><img src="" border="0" alt="Spider Jerusalem" title="Spider Jerusalem" /> </p>
01-22-2007, 10:01 AM
<strong>Sheeplovr</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>JustJon</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>lleeder</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="3">I just finished reading X-men Deadly Genesis, great book. If you haven't read it definately pick it up.</font><p> You and I must have read two different Deadly Genesises</p><p> i liked it i got it issue by issue </p><p> </p><p> You mean besides upending the established character of Prof. X and creating the third untofore seen Summers brother that was established 10 years ago and dropped the plot thread because no one liked Adam-X The Extreme? </p>
01-25-2007, 05:33 AM
<strong>JustJon</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Sheeplovr</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>JustJon</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>lleeder</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="3">I just finished reading X-men Deadly Genesis, great book. If you haven't read it definately pick it up.</font><p> You and I must have read two different Deadly Genesises</p><p> i liked it i got it issue by issue </p><p> </p><p> You mean besides upending the established character of Prof. X and creating the third untofore seen Summers brother that was established 10 years ago and dropped the plot thread because no one liked Adam-X The Extreme? </p><p> yeah your right it is pretty dumb now that you think of it</p><p>i jsut took it as a story out of no where </p><p>i dont read enough x men so since im jsut out of the loop i just liked it as a story but i forget it was suspeod to be in context of something </p><p> </p>
01-25-2007, 10:23 PM
The new Moon Knight series is actually pretty good<br />it picks up on a character that marvel hasnt done anything with in a while<br />dusts him off after he gets his ass kicked and makes him crazy.<br />Punishers War Journal is also good too, Ariel Olvietta isnt my favorite artist but doesnt stop the return of a character who again has been missing from the mainstream marvel universe,<br />DC has the hit of 52 which is amazing
01-26-2007, 04:14 AM
<p>One of the few Marvels titles I pick up has been the new Moon Knight series, Its been pretty decent and the art is quite good but like almost all titles of late the story moves so SSSSLLLOOOWWW. I also seems like there trying to turn him into a Punisher who doesnt use guns and how his stories all take place on the Island of Manhatten while the whole civil war is taking place I dont understand Im giving It 1 more Iss before I drop </p>
01-26-2007, 04:37 AM
<p>Cilvil war stinks worse then dirty bum asshole </p><p>i like many other people are a sucker for elderly superhero stories and so i picked up the first issue of Spiderman Reign </p><p>ehh its alright </p><p>but seams not interesting really </p><p>i also picked up welcom to tranquility ab out a retiremet village for super heroes and villians its goofy i dunno i got the first 2 issues jsut to see </p><p>but i dont think i like it much either </p><p>atleast this week mouse guarde 6 comes out </p><p>love the mouse guard hate how its ending </p>
01-26-2007, 04:43 AM
<p>One of the guys at my local comic shop swore up and down about how great Spiderman Reign was so I picked up the first 2 issues. I WONT be picking up the remainder issues of this series</p>
01-26-2007, 07:16 AM
<strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br /><p>One of the guys at my local comic shop swore up and down about how great Spiderman Reign was so I picked up the first 2 issues. I WONT be picking up the remainder issues of this series</p><p> its like you know what it is and probably know where its going so whats the point it should of jsut been sold as all 3 issues together its nto very spectacular and way lot of blood splatter </p>
01-26-2007, 09:53 AM
<strong>Deadshot87</strong> wrote:<br />The new Moon Knight series is actually pretty good<br />it picks up on a character that marvel hasnt done anything with in a while<br />dusts him off after he gets his ass kicked and makes him crazy.<br />Punishers War Journal is also good too, Ariel Olvietta isnt my favorite artist but doesnt stop the return of a character who again has been missing from the mainstream marvel universe,<br />DC has the hit of 52 which is amazing<p> I read Essential Moon Knight some time last year and the new series really requires you to know the history of the character, otherwise you'll be completely lost on all the characters and plot threads that the series picks up. Otherwise, I thought it was pretty good. </p>
01-26-2007, 09:26 PM
Spiderman Reign is allright but <br />theyre going for dark night returns<br />Something that can only be done well with Batman<br />Some of Spidermans villains are way too campy<br />The Civil War is allright but it is no where near as good as 52
01-28-2007, 07:01 AM
<strong>Deadshot87</strong> wrote:<br /><br />The Civil War is allright but it is no where near as good as 52<p> yeah i like the art whats in the talky bubbles is all bad haha<br /> </p>
01-29-2007, 07:43 PM
<p>Come on Cloned Thor<br />every one going against a symbol of America aka Captain America<br />Tony Stark deciding whats best for America beceause 500 people died in Stamford CT, blamed on speedball who didnt kill anyone while Nitro gets away. We all get behind Cap because he is right but we get the drunken idiot in the armors side. Good to see the Punisher killing the jankiest enemies ever like Plunderer, Golden Bug, Jester, and Jack O lantern</p>
01-30-2007, 09:24 AM
<strong>Deadshot87</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Come on Cloned Thor<br />every one going against a symbol of America aka Captain America<br />Tony Stark deciding whats best for America beceause 500 people died in Stamford CT, blamed on speedball who didnt kill anyone while Nitro gets away. We all get behind Cap because he is right but we get the drunken idiot in the armors side. Good to see the Punisher killing the jankiest enemies ever like Plunderer, Golden Bug, Jester, and Jack O lantern</p><p> And one idiot who doesn't know what a fucking spoiler warning is. There was a Civil War thread so some dipshit wouldn't post spoilers in the other comic threads for those of us who read the trades.</p>
01-31-2007, 07:24 PM
<p>chill dude it was an accident<br />Im new here allright<br />Im not talking about anything that reveals 100 percent of the story<br />its just things that piss me off about the story<br />anyone who saw the covers for civil war could now that <br />and i thought that any one who reads marvel comics would now about civil war but hell sure tell me im a fucking idiot </p>
01-31-2007, 07:37 PM
I'm reading Watchmen right now on reccomendation by my chick. It's really fucking good if you haven't read it yet.
01-31-2007, 07:40 PM
Alan Moore is an excellent writer too bad his movies dont turn out to be the best<br />apparently there are rumors of a Watchmen movie<br />Also the Killing Joke is a great Allan Moore story Alongside a Superman story the name escapes me now but all of his works have characters who participate in peverse actions
02-01-2007, 04:45 AM
<font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3">Shouldn't we have just one general comics thread, with other threads about individual comics? Right now we have two general comics threads, this one and the "Comic Books" thread. I don't care which one stays. You can lock mine if you want, but let's just have one.</font>
02-01-2007, 09:35 AM
<strong>Deadshot87</strong> wrote:<br />Alan Moore is an excellent writer too bad his movies dont turn out to be the best<br />apparently there are rumors of a Watchmen movie<br />Also the Killing Joke is a great Allan Moore story Alongside a Superman story the name escapes me now but all of his works have characters who participate in peverse actions<p> Pick up the Alan Moore trade from last year that has both the Killing Joke and the Superman story, plus some Green Lantern stories and other stuff.</p>
02-02-2007, 07:37 AM
<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3">There's two all-time best Alan Moore Superman stories:</font></p><p><font face="Arial" size="3">For The Man Who Has Everything - adapted for the cartoon "Justice League."</font></p><p><font face="Arial" size="3">Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow - A finale (of sorts) for the Silver Age Superman. </font></p><p><font face="Arial" size="3">There's some really great Superman stories out there, but I can't think of any that tops both of these two.</font></p>
02-02-2007, 08:14 AM
<strong>JustJon</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Deadshot87</strong> wrote:<br />Alan Moore is an excellent writer too bad his movies dont turn out to be the best<br />apparently there are rumors of a Watchmen movie<br />Also the Killing Joke is a great Allan Moore story Alongside a Superman story the name escapes me now but all of his works have characters who participate in peverse actions<p> Pick up the Alan Moore trade from last year that has both the Killing Joke and the Superman story, plus some Green Lantern stories and other stuff.</p><p> It collected every mainstream DC story Alan Moore did & it was an upgrade from the previous Alan Moore DC trade, which didn't have Killing Joke or Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow. The Watchmen movie was greenlight in June 2006 & Zack Snyder (Director of 300) is going to direct it. They are going to write a new script & not go for the script David Hayter (writer of the first 2 Xmen movies & voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear games) wrote. Adam Huges & John Cassaday are going to be designing the characters & costumes for the movie.</p><p> </p><p><span class="name"><font face="verdana" size="2" color="black"></font></span>Weekapaugjz, since you are into Ultimate Xmen check out the trades of the early issues. The current ones, written by Robert Kirkman, have been pretty bad. For the most part the whole Ultimate line is good & in particular The Ultimates is good, when it ships on ti<span class="name"></span>me. You'd probably find it easier to get into comics with them, as they have far less continuity than the regular Marvel universe titles.</p><p> </p>
Pappy McSchmear
02-02-2007, 01:08 PM
<p>Airgead:</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="595" height="768" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> or an ceann is fearr fos!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><img src="" border="0" width="500" height="500" /></p>
02-02-2007, 07:32 PM
<p>Dont forget Captain Pissgums:</p><p> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Dont forget Captain Pissgums!"><font color="#810081"></font></a></p><p> </p><p>S. Clay Wilson is a sick man!</p><p> <img src="" border="0" width="310" height="466" /></p><p> </p><p><a href="" target="_blank" title="Dont forget Captain Pissgums!"></a></p><p> </p><p><img src="" border="0" width="375" height="500" /></p>
02-02-2007, 07:40 PM
<p>Zap Comix RULE!!! I have all the originals in plastic!</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="508" height="731" /></p><p> <img src="" border="0" width="367" height="533" /></p><p><img src="" border="0" width="500" height="701" /></p><p>And don't forget Hytone: <a href=""><font color="#810081"></font></a> (linked for the faint-of-heart and probably NSFW)</p><span class="post_edited"></span>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by DJEvelEd on 2-2-07 @ 11:44 PM</span>
02-02-2007, 07:57 PM
<p>How could I forget this one???</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="517" height="750" /></p>
02-03-2007, 04:00 AM
<p>Robert Williams is cool too!</p><p><a href=""></a></p>
02-03-2007, 11:04 AM
<img src="" border="0" width="431" height="640" />
02-03-2007, 09:47 PM
Dude this comic was amaazing<br />It had the first apperance of John Zatarra the worlds greatest magician and some other guy who stole the cover<br /><img src="" border="0" width="637" height="875" />
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Deadshot87 on 2-4-07 @ 1:47 AM</span>
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