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When you drink... [Archive] - Messageboard


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01-15-2007, 11:50 PM
Are you a belligerent asshole? Do you get all friendly, but are given to nasty fights easily? I know that I can be your best friend or the guy that's gonna punch you in the head in the blink of an eye if I have enough beers.

01-15-2007, 11:54 PM
<strong>CofyCrakCocaine</strong> wrote:<br />Are you a belligerent asshole? Do you get all friendly, but are given to nasty fights easily? I know that I can be your best friend or the guy that's gonna punch you in the head in the blink of an eye if I have enough beers. <p>Either you tend to have bad moments when drinking, or you have been affected by someone who has. Which is it? All the choices had bad connotations.</p>

01-16-2007, 12:02 AM
i tend to be a very happy drunk. i like to get into deep conversations with people. sometimes i'd like to punch the drunk whore across the bar right in the face. i am quite the multi-faceted drunk i suppose. and i get really horny.

01-16-2007, 12:06 AM
<strong>Poochie</strong> wrote:<br />i tend to be a very happy drunk. i like to get into deep conversations with people. sometimes i'd like to punch the drunk whore across the bar right in the face. i am quite the multi-faceted drunk i suppose. and <font style="background-color: #ffff00">i get really horny</font>. <p>The next drink is on me.</p>

01-16-2007, 12:08 AM
<p>If it's a regular drinking night and I get drunk, I'm really good at keeping it together. It's nearly impossible to tell I'm smashed until the projectile vomiting starts. So I guess I'm a stealth drunk. </p><p>If I'm drinking because I'm stressed or depressed about something I kinda get manic and then come to a really low apologetic point where I'll be apologizing to anyone that can stand to hear me talk. Which is usually nobody. Then I'll wake up and depending on circumstances, feel better to some degree. &nbsp;</p>

01-16-2007, 02:57 AM
<strong>CofyCrakCocaine</strong> wrote:<br />Are you a belligerent asshole? <p>No - I don't get belligerent.</p>

Cleophus James
01-16-2007, 03:20 AM
<p>Beer makes me a jolly good fellow.</p><p>Harder stuff I tend to the emotional side (sometimes emotinally bad) </p><p>&nbsp;So I drink beer. <br /> </p>

01-16-2007, 03:35 AM
I am usually a very happy drunk, about 99% of the time.&nbsp; But one time out of a hundred, I will decide to get really pissed off about something stupid, and yell at someone.&nbsp; I've never turned to violence and started hitting things, but I have had to apologize for saying really stupid things the next day.

01-16-2007, 03:37 AM
<font size="2">i'm a happy, friendly drunk.&nbsp; nothing like when i'm sober.<br /></font>

01-16-2007, 05:49 AM
Friendly and i get a severe case of beer googles... I guess i should be ashamed of the last part, but maybe it'll be an issue if im the 35+ yr old hoping to score at last call

01-16-2007, 06:03 AM
<strong>Poochie</strong> wrote:<br />i tend to be a very happy drunk. i like to get into deep conversations with people. sometimes i'd like to punch the drunk whore across the bar right in the face. i am quite the multi-faceted drunk i suppose. and i get really horny. <p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3">I'm much the same way, except I've never been violent when drunk.&nbsp; Usually really horny, but interestingly I'm often hornier in the morning when I'm hungover.&nbsp; </font></p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by EliSnow on 1-16-07 @ 10:04 AM</span>

Dougie Brootal
01-16-2007, 06:04 AM
<strong>CofyCrakCocaine</strong> wrote:<br />Are you a belligerent asshole? Do you get all friendly, but are given to nasty fights easily? I know that I can be your best friend or the guy that's gonna punch you in the head in the blink of an eye if I have enough beers. <p>all of the above.</p>

01-16-2007, 10:07 AM
<p>When I drink I get more outgoing, more confident around the chicks and more active in 'party type' situations.</p><p>I don't get any hornier than usual but if I get enough liquor into me I go all night and can't cum. I go 'porno dick' before I get close.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>