View Full Version : Burn In Hell, Nifong!
01-12-2007, 10:48 PM
<p><font size="2">One Of The Major Things That Makes Fat's Blood Boil Is When People Are Wrongly Accused, And Then Get Ensnared In An Out Of Control Legal System.</font></p><p><font size="2">Almost From Day One, Anyone With One Iota Of Sense Could See That Those Three Poor Duke Guys Were Wrongly Accused, And That The Case Was Continued Only Because Nifong Was Using It To Get Black Votes. Nifong's Behavior Was Nothing Short Of <strong>Criminal</strong>.</font></p><p><font size="2">Well Today One Of The Lacrosse Moms Said This:</font></p><p><font size="2"><strong><em>"When asked what they would say to Nifong if he were in the room, Rae Evans, the mother of indicted player David Evans, says, "I would say with a smile on my face, 'Mr. Nifong, you've picked on the wrong families … <u>and you will pay every day for the rest of your life.'" </u></em></strong></font></p><p><font size="2">You Go Girl! When They Set Up The Fund To Go After Nifong, Fat Will Gladly Be The First One To Contribute!</font></p><p><font size="2"><strong><em><br /> </em></strong></font></p>
01-12-2007, 11:19 PM
Who would have thought that reverse racism would ever cause problems? Maybe in another 100 or 200 years we'll get it right.
<p>Referring to yourself in the third person?</p><p>Jesus man. </p>
01-13-2007, 03:50 AM
Are you a board character or what? Well, I know you're a board character so I guess I'm asking are you trying to not be a board character with this board character?
01-13-2007, 04:56 AM
<p>Third person or not, he brings up a good point. The only reason Nifong has asked off the case is because the NC Bar is gonna nail his ass to the wall.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
01-13-2007, 05:32 AM
What kind of name is Nifong anyways?
01-13-2007, 08:58 AM
<p>Sounds like half-a-Chinaman.</p><p>I do hope the burn this prick.</p><p>He can beg of the case all he wants.</p><p>He's probably about to see what all that " wealth and priveledge " he complained about can amount to I think.</p><p> </p>
01-13-2007, 09:06 AM
<p><strong><font size="1">Burn In Hell, Nifong!</font></strong> </p><p>that's not quite how i would say it</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="194" height="250" /></p>
01-13-2007, 09:08 AM
<strong>HBox</strong> wrote:<br /><font color="#000080"><font size="2">Referring to yourself in the third person?</font></font><font color="#000080"><font size="2"> <p><strong>Jesus</strong> man. </p></font></font><p><strong><font face="courier new,courier" size="2">FezPaul wonders where HBox has been.</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="Courier New" size="2">Fat has been using this gimmick for at least a week.</font></strong></p>
01-13-2007, 09:09 AM
Who gives a shit
01-13-2007, 09:59 AM
<strong>HBox</strong> wrote:<br /><font color="#000080"><font size="2">Referring to yourself in the third person?</font></font><font color="#000080"><font size="2"> <p><strong>Jesus</strong> man. </p></font></font><p>Ramrod thinks Fat is good. Ramrod likes posts from Fat. Fat's has been doing this for a while and Ramrod laughs</p>
shamus mcfitzy
01-15-2007, 03:49 AM
I have a conspiracy theory about the whole Duke rape case. Some rich white guy (in a white suit, smoking a cigar) paid the stripper to say that the Duke kids raped her. Now when its obviously that it didn't happen (which it kinda always was) it illegitimizes any claims of rape from black chick against a white guy in Durham. Now its rape-a-polooza in Duke town.
01-15-2007, 03:51 AM
Mendy likes the fat man
01-15-2007, 05:10 AM
<p>Missy also likes Fat's Style Of Posting</p><p>She also laughs because she calls her cat Mr. Fat and pictures her cat Posting These Posts. </p>
01-15-2007, 07:32 AM
<p>Well Yerdaddy thinks tha...</p><p>I can't do it! It's too trendy now. Like the mullet I had in 1991 I'll work up the nerve to join the trend when it's halfway down the backslope. Damn you Fat Tony! </p><p>Where can Yerdaddy get a tramp stamp?</p>
01-15-2007, 07:43 AM
<p>fats are u really corpses?</p><p>and rapeapalooza may be the funniest thing on this board. </p>
01-15-2007, 07:53 AM
<p>I hope Nifong gets completely reamed for this. Not only was the case against the 3 accused players relatively flimsy, he helped stir up the outcry that led to Duke cancelling the entire lacrosse season and brought negative publicity to Duke in general. </p><p>I have a huge problem with cases being tried in the "court of public opinion" anyway. It's less about justice than it is political spin.</p>
01-15-2007, 07:56 AM
<strong>phixion</strong> wrote:<br /><p>fats are u really corpses?</p><p>and rapeapalooza may be the funniest thing on this board. </p><p>No, Fat isn't anything like corpses and you shouldn't even draw the comparison. Fat may make some wierd posts and bring up odd topics, but he isn't a hate-filled, racist troublemaker just out to start trouble. [allegedly]</p><p>Fat often has some good points, even though his posting style may be a little <em>different</em>.</p>
01-24-2007, 01:58 PM
<font size="2">nifong faces more serious <a href="" target="_blank" title="nifong charges">charges</a> now, including withholding evidence and lying to the court.</font>
01-24-2007, 02:05 PM
<p>This is probably the same link but some tidbits :</p><p> " <strong><em>At a hearing Dec. 15, the director of the DNA Security Inc. testified that he and Nifong agreed to include only DNA matches -- and not the results finding no matches between the accuser and the tested players -- in the report on his testing results.</em></strong> "</p><p>Oh so kinda like only giving enough evidence so you seem correct ?</p><p>" <strong><em>Outside of court, the bar complaint said, Nifong gave a different version of events to a reporter. "We ... were trying to avoid dragging any names through the mud," Nifong said.</em></strong> "</p><p>Really ? You don't wanna drag any possibly guilty names through the mud but have no problem dragging the names of a few possibly innocent white fellas through the mud huh ?</p><p>I hope they lock this guy up.</p>
01-25-2007, 02:01 PM
Of course he deserves to die...I hope he burns in hell!!!!
01-25-2007, 02:33 PM
I'd bet you a buffalo nickel that Nifong was an unpopular dork in school, never invited to any parties and was never much of a ladies man. He saw this as a way to get back at all those jocks who picked on him and was able to lift up his reputation with the ladies. It's the only possible reason he fucked up such an obvious biased judgement.
01-25-2007, 02:36 PM
<strong>Furtherman</strong> wrote:<br />I'd bet you a buffalo nickel that Nifong was an unpopular dork in school, never invited to any parties and was never much of a ladies man. He saw this as a way to get back at all those jocks who picked on him and was able to lift up his reputation with the ladies. It's the only possible reason he fucked up such an obvious biased judgement.<p><font size="2">i'd heard all along</font><font size="2"> he was just doing it to win re-election in a predominately black area.<br /></font></p>
01-25-2007, 02:38 PM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Furtherman</strong> wrote:<br />I'd bet you a buffalo nickel that Nifong was an unpopular dork in school, never invited to any parties and was never much of a ladies man. He saw this as a way to get back at all those jocks who picked on him and was able to lift up his reputation with the ladies. It's the only possible reason he fucked up such an obvious biased judgement. <p><font size="2">i'd heard all along</font><font size="2"> he was just doing it to win re-election in a predominately black area.<br /></font></p><p>Well, that will do it too.</p>
04-11-2007, 09:12 AM
The office of North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper will announce that he is dismissing all charges against three Duke Lacrosse players, ABC News has learned from sources close to the case.
Special prosecutors from the attorney general's office took over the case after Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong recused himself in January amid charges of unethical conduct filed against him by the North Carolina Bar.
Well It Is About Freaking Time! Fat Hopes Those Kids Chase Nifong Down For The Rest Of His Life For What He Did To Them, And To Duke.
04-11-2007, 10:15 AM
Fuck Nifong! I hope they sue him down to living in a refrigerator box!
04-11-2007, 10:47 AM
Well its official. (
04-11-2007, 01:19 PM
These kids' families have millions of dollars of legal fees. The kids lost a year and a half of college. They can't return to Duke because of death threats. Coaches lost their jobs.
Put that idiot president of Duke with Nifong on the list of people who need to pay a price for their actions. Add the Duke Board of Trustees if they don't act quickly.
04-11-2007, 01:23 PM
I feel bad for these 3 guys, the former coach and the enitre team. I dont feel bad for the women, sorry I just dont. She had other issues going on in her life and used this and these boys to lie. Yes she probabaly has had a fucked up life but that doesnt give her a reason to have lied to try and fuck up their lives.
The fact that at any time someone can claim rape, abuse etc and with only it being one persons word someone can be arrested and in some cases sent to jail is so bad. When a women says she is raped her identity is no released, well either should the defendants name until he is convicted. Shit like this is what happens when the mens name are released, they get crucified in the media, its all over the net and will follow them for life. No matter what some will still think they are guilty, just b/c they dont want to believe the truth that women sometimes lie about being raped. Sorry sometimes they do! Either both names should be released (planitff and defendant) or no names.
And for the people sho say the players werent saints. Your right and neiter is any of us. They didnt do anything wrong by hiring stripers. When is that illegal to hire a striper? Its not. Men go to gogo bars, they have wild parties but as long as they arent forcing anyone to do something that is illegal or forcing anyone to doing things they dont want to do, then its no illegal and they didnt do anything wrong. Women go to male strip clubs, they do their own things at college that people wouldnt like but thats not illegal either. People need to stop worrying about others and worry about themselves.
Good luck to all these guys I hope they can put this behind them. But I doubt it.
04-11-2007, 04:16 PM
Here's The Trick To Get Fat's Style Of Typing. Simply Capitalize Everything And Then The Mysterious New Board Tools Will Do The Rest!
04-11-2007, 04:21 PM
Here's The Trick To Get Fat's Style Of Typing. Simply Capitalize Everything And Then The Mysterious New Board Tools Will Do The Rest!
Oh, you will be finding your ass on Al Sharpton's radio show for that one buddy!
04-15-2007, 10:27 AM
A pretty good recap of the whole story by newsweek...
MAG: What Really Happened That Night at Duke... (
04-15-2007, 11:18 AM
Read this jerkoff's article.
He makes it sound like these families can drop a million dollars on a defense like you go and buy a cup of coffee.
Fuck this guy.
04-15-2007, 11:23 AM
This was definately a case of wrongful accusations but the only reason it got the coverage it did was because it happened to a black women by well-to-do white guys. There are numerous cases of minorities being wrongfully accused (and jailed - since they don’t have the means to post bail) for crimes they didn't commit. Hell, some minorities have served years for crimes they are later exonerated. But the media doesn't seem to care about those cases since these people can’t hire the high-priced lawyers to defend them as the Dukes guys did.
04-15-2007, 11:27 AM
This was definately a case of wrongful accusations but the only reason it got the coverage it did was because it DIDN'T happen.. to a black women by well-to-do white guys.
Fixed It For You!
04-15-2007, 11:31 AM
Read this jerkoff's article.
He makes it sound like these families can drop a million dollars on a defense like you go and buy a cup of coffee.
Fuck this guy.
I think thats the opinion of a lot of writers, that is it ok to use stereotypes to justify their mistakes. So many people should apologize to these kids, the faculty who published this ad Social Disaster ( and turned their backs on the kids, the dean, and the meda but they won't b/c they only understand their idea of equality. Don't feel sympathy for people who were ridiculed and had no legitimate means to talk back. Don't worry though they are white after all so it doesn't matter and things aren't that bad. Ugh.
06-15-2007, 01:15 PM
Well, It Looks Like That Devil Nifong Is Resigning.
If You Saw That Poor Seligman Kid Crying On TV Today, Then You Know Resignation Is Not Enough. These Innocent Boys Have Been Through Hell, And Their Lives Changed Forever.
Nifong Knowingly And Wrongly Pressed On With A Witch-Hunt Against White Kids Accused Of A Crime Against A Black Woman, In Order To Gain Black Votes In The Election.
Next: His Law License Should Be Taken Away.
Then: Civil Suits By All Of The Accused.
Then: Possible Criminal Charges
If You Are Gonna Destroy Lives For Your Own Selfish Gain, Then You Better Be Prepared To Pay The Price.
06-15-2007, 03:23 PM
Hasn't this thing gone on long enough?
Everybody associated with this thing is a scumbag. Is this the first DA to bring up bogus charges for political gain? Didn't we just have hearings in Congress where the Department of Justice fired young lawyers for refusing to bring politically motivated charges prior to an election? So fire him. Move on.
And let's stop with the sympathy for the fine upstanding little white boys from the Duke Lacrosse team. They were a known menace on campus. One of the three charged has a prior for beating up a gay man. They had a keg party and hired black strippers to come over and shake their tails, and at least one of the players shouted that they were "niggers".
This kid Seligman that cried today - wait, can we stop calling 20 somethings "kids" - this douchebag that teared up in court today is quoted by the Augusta Chronicle as saying that he was glad that they brought charges against him, because he had an air tight alibi of ATM receipts and taxis that proved he wasn't there when the chick alleged the rapes took place (it's all documented on Wikepedia...I had to look because I honestly didn't follow this thing too closely). If he was glad that he was brought up on charges, then why was that little PUSSY crying in court? What a goddamn FUCKWAD! He doesn't have an alibi for the time in the party when his teammates where yelling "nigger", does he?
I haven't heard any right thinking people say the following (granted, I haven't been listening that closely): A group of future investment banker smarty pants jock dumbshits had a kegger and hired some black strippers to come dance for 18 or so drunk fucking white guys, then they're suprised! shocked! appalled! when some crack whore shows up, sees the brass ring and tries to grab it.
If I'm any of those kids' fathers, I tell him to shut the fuck up and realize that he put himself in that position. Those dudes have only themselves to blame, and instead of prancing around like little VICTIMS, they should tuck their tails between their legs and go away. They got lucky.
I'm not saying that they did it. They didn't. But, they still got lucky.
And if you want to use your energy productively, go visit the Innocence Project where truly innocent people are being exonerated - 15 of them from Death Row.
At least, that's what I think Hunter Thompson would have said.
06-15-2007, 03:27 PM
Nifong Knowingly And Wrongly Pressed On With A Witch-Hunt Against White Kids Accused Of A Crime Against A Black Woman, In Order To Gain Black Votes In The Election.
He wanted to make an example of the white students, it appears his collegues want to make an example of him. Seems fair to me.
06-15-2007, 08:44 PM
Ritalin's post was pretty incredible.
06-15-2007, 08:59 PM
Last edited by foodcourtdruide : Today at 12:47 AM. Reason: I'm dumb.
Just So You Know, You Do Not Actually Have To Put The Reason When You Edit A Post. F_S Has Edited Quite A Few Of His, And You Can Just Leave The Reason Blank, And The Edit Still Takes.
Although It Is Always Fun To Read, When People Give Reasons Like Yours!
high fly
06-15-2007, 11:44 PM
Who gives a shit
With tens of thousands of my countrymen being maimed, losing limbs, eyesight, internal organs and/or big chunks of their brains, if not being killed in a war against a country that was no threat to us, my rage is directed elsewhere.
Mike Teacher
06-16-2007, 02:23 AM
Ritalin's post was pretty incredible.
Yes; almost completely dead wrong, but earnest.
Hunter Thompson? Umm... he loved rich white entitled boys; he was one.
06-16-2007, 03:49 AM
Be nice!!!!!
06-16-2007, 06:11 AM
Just So You Know, You Do Not Actually Have To Put The Reason When You Edit A Post. F_S Has Edited Quite A Few Of His, And You Can Just Leave The Reason Blank, And The Edit Still Takes.
Although It Is Always Fun To Read, When People Give Reasons Like Yours!
lol, compulsively hitting submit reply like a spaz was too long to type :)
06-16-2007, 06:27 AM
So what food court will he working in ???
06-16-2007, 06:35 AM
Here's my take on the case:
In media theory class, we learned that a few key criteria make news, two of those criteria were conflict and celebrity.
The celebrity comes from Duke being a "good address". It's a wealthy, well-known school that almost everyone in this country has heard of. The alleged attackers were almost all from mid-upper class families.
The conflict is the white/black issue of the case. I don't really understand why people think this case was pushed into the mainstream media because the alleged attackers were white and the accuser was black. Do you really think that if it was the other way around it wouldn't have been front page news?
The conflict here is white vs. black and either way it would have been a conflict, along with the celebrity, that would have turned into news.
People that think white people are the victim of a liberal media that is trying to remove white dominance in our society are paranoid and should listen to O'Reilly and Hannity so they don't have to think for themselves and can have mislead anger rather than rational thoughts.
This guy Nifong IS paying for his wrong-doing, and rightfully so.
high fly
06-17-2007, 01:17 AM
Another factor in all the hate directed aganst the accuser is she is a veteran.
Right-wing chickenhawks hate veterans.
They attack their war records, send them to war undermanned, underequipped and with restrictive rules of engagement forcing them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs; then they cut their benefits and close VA hospitals....
Another factor in all the hate directed aganst the accuser is she is a veteran.
Right-wing chickenhawks hate veterans.
Didn't First Blood teach us anything?????
06-17-2007, 08:58 AM
I don't like to see anybody lose their job especially if they have a family to support but this Nifong douche went way too far and is now paying for it.
What's ridiculous is that he still claims that something happened at that party and i think that's one reason this group didn't give him a pass.
There was even a quote by the chairman or whatever saying something along the lines that Nifong still choses to believe his own version of the story despite what the AG and the investigators say.
And that post about white boys this and white boys that was just plain dumb.
On any given Friday/Saturday night, at any college in the US, there are probably 10 such parties and while there are probably unfortunately rapes that go on the vast go off w/out a hitch.
And if the one kid did have a charge of beating a gay guy hopefully he has/will be punished for that but it doesn't make the Duke accuser's story anymore believable/true. In fact she has a record herself.
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