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Barry Bonds Failed A Drug Test Last Season [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Barry Bonds Failed A Drug Test Last Season

01-11-2007, 12:08 AM
<p>&nbsp;</p>NEW YORK -- <a href="">Barry Bonds</a> failed a test for amphetamines last season and originally blamed it on a teammate, the Daily News reported Thursday.<p>&nbsp;</p><p>When first informed of the positive test, Bonds attributed it to a substance he had taken from teammate <a href="">Mark Sweeney</a>'s locker, the New York City newspaper said, citing several unnamed sources.</p><p>&quot;I have no comment on that,&quot; Bonds' agent Jeff Borris told the Daily News on Wednesday night.</p><p>&quot;Mark was made aware of the fact that his name had been brought up,&quot; Sweeney's agent Barry Axelrod told the Daily News. &quot;But he did not give Barry Bonds anything, and there was nothing he could have given Barry Bonds.&quot;</p><p>... </p><p>Under baseball's amphetamines policy, which went into effect last season, players are not publicly identified for a first positive test. A second positive test for amphetamines results in a 25-game suspension. The first failed steroids test costs a player 50 games.</p><p>Bonds did not appeal the positive test, which made him subject to six drug tests by MLB over the next six months, according to the Daily News.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font color="Navy"><font size="2">Classy. I didn't think it was possible for me to have less respect for him than I already did but here we are.</font></font></p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Link here.</a></p><p><img src="" border="0" width="232" height="309" />&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by HBox on 1-11-07 @ 4:12 AM</span>

01-11-2007, 01:13 AM
I heard he's moving to Dublin!!!!!!

01-11-2007, 05:21 AM
<p><font size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><span class="forumlink">who gives a shit... it pretty much common knowledge </span><span class="forumlink">amphetamines have been in locker rooms of a<strong>ll sports</strong> for decades. It really is a witch hunt with Barry Bonds... I always hated him but I have to be honest&nbsp;now I root for the guy. </span></font></font></p><p><font size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><span class="forumlink">Also as far as McGwire not getting into the hall of fame I think a big part of it was the reporters knew if they<font face="Helv"></font></span> let him in they had to let in Bonds.&nbsp;While we are on the subject&nbsp;how did thesedipshits not let in McGwire. Because he did roids. Well if these guys are such intellegent and noble journalists why weren't they reporting on the steroid use in the 90's.&nbsp;&nbsp;Instead of getting into it&nbsp;they sucked off McGwire and Sosa. They can't have it both ways. </font></font></p>

01-11-2007, 05:25 AM
<p>&quot;Looks like he picked the wrong week to use amphetamines.&quot;</p><p><img src="" border="0" width="266" height="168" /></p>

01-11-2007, 05:34 AM
<p>The worst part of it is that once again someone has given out information that should be confidential.&nbsp;Players have been taking speed for decade, and it's been a known issue since &quot;Ball Four&quot; was published.&nbsp; No one cares.&nbsp; </p><p>Like a poster said above, this is just a witch hunt for Bonds.&nbsp;He's always hated the press, and they hate him because of it.&nbsp; In addition, it seems to irritate them even more that all the bad press and criticism have little or no effect on his on-field performance.&nbsp;Reporters love to feel important, and it's pretty clear that they are totally irrelevant to Bonds in every way possible and I think it pisses them off even more.&nbsp;That's not the case for a number of players (A-Rod, I'm looking in your direction...).</p>

01-11-2007, 05:53 AM
<strong>crb1</strong> wrote:<br /><p>The worst part of it is that once again someone has given out information that should be confidential. Players have been taking speed for decade, and it's been a known issue since &quot;Ball Four&quot; was published. No one cares. </p><p>Like a poster said above, this is just a witch hunt for Bonds. He's always hated the press, and they hate him because of it. In addition, it seems to irritate them even more that all the bad press and criticism have little or no effect on his on-field performance. Reporters love to feel important, and it's pretty clear that they are totally irrelevant to Bonds in every way possible and I think it pisses them off even more. That's not the case for a number of players (A-Rod, I'm looking in your direction...).</p><p>&nbsp;<font size="2">people leak stuff all the time.&nbsp; it's no witch hunt, not that i would care if it was.&nbsp; hasn't affected his on-field performance?&nbsp; whee have you been the past two years?&nbsp; isn't the real shame that he blames someone else?&nbsp; he randomly went into someone else's locker and took pills without knowingwhat they were?&nbsp; please.&nbsp; also, he's throwing ateammate under the bus.&nbsp; typical bonds. </font></p>

01-11-2007, 06:03 AM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>crb1</strong> wrote:<br /><p>The worst part of it is that once again someone has given out information that should be confidential. Players have been taking speed for decade, and it's been a known issue since &quot;Ball Four&quot; was published. No one cares. </p><p>Like a poster said above, this is just a witch hunt for Bonds. He's always hated the press, and they hate him because of it. In addition, it seems to irritate them even more that all the bad press and criticism have little or no effect on his on-field performance. Reporters love to feel important, and it's pretty clear that they are totally irrelevant to Bonds in every way possible and I think it pisses them off even more. That's not the case for a number of players (A-Rod, I'm looking in your direction...).</p><p>&nbsp;<font size="2">people leak stuff all the time.&nbsp; it's no witch hunt, not that i would care if it was.&nbsp; hasn't affected his on-field performance?&nbsp; whee have you been the past two years?&nbsp; isn't the real shame that he blames someone else?&nbsp; he randomly went into someone else's locker and took pills without knowingwhat they were?&nbsp; please.&nbsp; also, he's throwing ateammate under the bus.&nbsp; typical bonds. </font></p><p>he has been hurt the last two years... when healthy he has been just fine for a guy who is closing in on 100... Who knows if he really blamed someone else... why is that true??? &nbsp;cause the mighty Quinn (who is a douche, a fucking grown man that calls himself the mighty quinn) says so... how about waiting to pass judgement... these sports writters are full of shit... They gave McGwire a pass cause he was nice to them... &nbsp;if it wasn't for Bonds McGwire would be&nbsp;in Cooperstown with Ripken and Gwynn</p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Earlshog on 1-11-07 @ 10:08 AM</span>

01-11-2007, 06:09 AM
thank god it wasn't amphibians...

Marc with a c
01-11-2007, 06:11 AM
<strong><span style="font-size: 36pt; font-family: Arial">WHAT?</span></strong>

01-11-2007, 06:14 AM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><p>&nbsp;<font size="2">people leak stuff all the time.&nbsp; it's no witch hunt, not that i would care if it was.&nbsp; hasn't affected his on-field performance?&nbsp; whee have you been the past two years?&nbsp; isn't the real shame that he blames someone else?&nbsp; he randomly went into someone else's locker and took pills without knowingwhat they were?&nbsp; please.&nbsp; also, he's throwing ateammate under the bus.&nbsp; typical bonds. </font></p><p>People do leak stuff, but that doesn't make it ok to give out results of tests that should be confidential. This was a major concern of players before testing began, and I thought they were being asses at the time. Now, I can see their point.&nbsp;</p><p>How can you say it's not a witch hunt?&nbsp; Giambi admits to using steroids (in yet another piece of leaked information), did an awful press conference, and now people are rooting for him again.&nbsp;Sheffield admitted to using too, and no one talks about it.&nbsp; How come everyone goes after Bonds when there are two big name players&nbsp;that have admitted to using and they get off with basically nothing. Why go after Bonds repeatedly, and give Giambi the comeback player of the year award because he recovered from a benign pituitary tumor (which are a known side effect of steroid use)?</p><p>He was hurt the last two years.&nbsp;Maybe the bad press made him stay out for a little longer, maybe it didn't.&nbsp; But he's ALWAYS been hated by the press, and it's never been a factor in his performance.&nbsp;The steroids issue just gave the writers more ammo.</p><p>That he blamed someone else just further shows how much of a selfish, ass we all know he is. He doesn't give a crap about anyone else, and I'd be amazed if he has another friend in life let alone baseball. </p><p>I'm not supporting Bonds.&nbsp;He seems like an awful person in general, and blaming a teammate for something he did just further illustrates that point.&nbsp;But going after him over and over when most fans don't care anymore almost makes him a sympathetic figure in some ways, which he doesn't deserve to be.&nbsp;And there's nothing worse than a grandstanding writer up on his soapbox.&nbsp; Anyone that's ever read a Mike Lupica column&nbsp;should understand that.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by crb1 on 1-11-07 @ 10:16 AM</span>

01-11-2007, 06:20 AM
<font size="2">steroids help keep you free from injury.&nbsp; bonds never suffered a major injury.&nbsp; steroids testing goes into effect.&nbsp; bonds suddenly misses most of two years to injury.&nbsp; i'd say the media &quot;witch hunt&quot; based on steroids has had an obvious effect on his performance.&nbsp; or do you think this is all a giant x-files type coincidence? </font>

01-11-2007, 06:25 AM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="2">steroids help keep you free from injury.&nbsp; bonds never suffered a major injury.&nbsp; steroids testing goes into effect.&nbsp; bonds suddenly misses most of two years to injury.&nbsp; i'd say the media &quot;witch hunt&quot; based on steroids has had an obvious effect on his performance.&nbsp; or do you think this is all a giant x-files type coincidence? </font><p>the fact the guy is in his 40's may have something to do with his injuries</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>and I am not disputing the guy juiced... its pretty obvious... but it was obvious alot of other guys were doing it as well... &nbsp;but you didn't hear boo..&nbsp; it was joked about... except with Bonds</p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Earlshog on 1-11-07 @ 10:27 AM</span>

01-11-2007, 06:30 AM
<strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="2">steroids help keep you free from injury.&nbsp; bonds never suffered a major injury.&nbsp; steroids testing goes into effect.&nbsp; bonds suddenly misses most of two years to injury.&nbsp; i'd say the media &quot;witch hunt&quot; based on steroids has had an obvious effect on his performance.&nbsp; or do you think this is all a giant x-files type coincidence? </font><p>Are you saying the only reason he got hurt is that he's not on steroids?&nbsp;I've read in different places that steroids can actually lead to injury, and that they can prevent injury.&nbsp;So, I honestly have no idea which notion is correct.&nbsp; However, a player in his late-30's injuring his knee isn't really all that far fetched, and certainly cannot be attributed to steroid testing.&nbsp;For all we know, he's using HGH since they don't test for that.</p><p>I think your theory is the &quot;X-files type,&quot; not the simple notion of an older player getting hurt.&nbsp;I would guess that 99% of fans think he was (and possibly still is) on steroids.&nbsp;That wasn't my point.&nbsp;My point is that the media goes after him constantly, while ignoring Giambi and actually praising him for his comeback.&nbsp;Why?&nbsp; </p><p>Reporters are incredibly biased in their writing, and tend to go after the players that don't like them.&nbsp;It always makes me wonder how many players that are actually nice, decent people have gained a mean, surly reputation because there was a reporter, or two, that they didn't feel like talking to.</p>

01-11-2007, 07:04 AM
I love how he's blaming it on someone else.&nbsp; You got caught, dragging someone else into it won't get you off asshole.

01-11-2007, 07:15 AM
<font size="2">giambi was constantly under attack in the new york press.&nbsp; unlike bonds he admitted past wrong-doing (sort of) and has basically moved on from it.&nbsp; bonds has lied under oath (assuming he juiced).&nbsp; then he drags his teammates down with him.&nbsp; or he blames his trainer.&nbsp; or the media.<br /></font>

El Mudo
01-11-2007, 07:54 AM
<p>Its funny how years pass with Bonds, and everyone is still burying the guy, and the other baseball guys alleged to have been on steroids, but it still boggles my mind that <font size="6">NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT STEROIDS IN THE NFL<font size="1"> <font size="6">WHEN ITS JUST AS BIG A PROBLEM AS IN BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></font></font></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Why is baseball being held up as being &quot;evil&quot; every single day, when players in the NFL are failing tests too? How bout the same kind of coverage?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Have we become such slaves to the NFL that we overlook every single thing wrong with it?&nbsp; That disgusts me.&nbsp;</p>

01-11-2007, 07:55 AM
i wonder if he got them at an amphitheater

01-11-2007, 09:47 AM
Who really cares? These sports writes get paid so much money to write about a sport that they probly never could play. They are always fishing for something to hurt these players. I hate the sports writers. Bonds will break the record this year and thats that.

01-11-2007, 02:42 PM
I agree with Sailor.&nbsp; Fuck Bonds...he narced out a teammate.&nbsp; What team want a piece of shit like that in their locker room?

01-11-2007, 03:13 PM
<font size="2"><strong>El Mudo</strong> wrote:<br /></font><p><font size="2">Its funny how years pass with Bonds, and everyone is still burying the guy, and the other baseball guys alleged to have been on steroids, but it still boggles my mind that </font><font size="2">NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT STEROIDS IN THE NFL WHEN ITS JUST AS BIG A PROBLEM AS IN BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></p><p><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></p><p><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></p><p><font size="2">Why is baseball being held up as being &quot;evil&quot; every single day, when players in the NFL are failing tests too? How bout the same kind of coverage?</font></p><p><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></p><p><font size="2">Have we become such slaves to the NFL that we overlook every single thing wrong with it? That disgusts me.</font> </p><p>&nbsp;<font size="2">i think it's more the nature of the individualistic records in baseball.&nbsp; there are individual records in football but baseball relies so much on numbers to compare eras.&nbsp; <br /></font></p>

Doctor Z
01-11-2007, 03:29 PM
<p>Can we just kick this asshole out of baseball already?&nbsp; Please?</p><p>What the fuck else has to to happen for Major League Baseball to give this record-stealing douchebag the boot?&nbsp; He's playing us all for fools, and MLB is letting it happen.&nbsp; MAKE A FUCKING EXAMPLE OF HIM. </p>

01-11-2007, 03:36 PM
<strong>Doctor_Z</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Can we just kick this asshole out of baseball already?&nbsp; Please?</p><p>What the fuck else has to to happen for Major League Baseball to give this record-stealing douchebag the boot?&nbsp; He's playing us all for fools, and MLB is letting it happen.&nbsp; MAKE A FUCKING EXAMPLE OF HIM. </p><p>yes its already a travesty that he passed the babe</p><p>please dont let him pass aaron</p>

01-11-2007, 03:40 PM
<font size="6">NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT STEROIDS IN THE NFL</font><font size="1"> <font size="6">WHEN ITS JUST AS BIG A PROBLEM AS IN BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></font><font size="1"><font size="6"> <p><font size="1">because they are actually punished. merriman the best pass rushing lb inthe league used steroids and missed a quarter of the season. and more importantly when it came time to vote for defensiveplayer of the year they gave it toa piece of shit in miami instead of merriman, i believe as punishment. </font></p></font></font>

01-11-2007, 04:45 PM
<strong>crb1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>sailor</strong> wrote:<br /><p>&nbsp;<font size="2">people leak stuff all the time.&nbsp; it's no witch hunt, not that i would care if it was.&nbsp; hasn't affected his on-field performance?&nbsp; whee have you been the past two years?&nbsp; isn't the real shame that he blames someone else?&nbsp; he randomly went into someone else's locker and took pills without knowingwhat they were?&nbsp; please.&nbsp; also, he's throwing ateammate under the bus.&nbsp; typical bonds. </font></p><p>People do leak stuff, but that doesn't make it ok to give out results of tests that should be confidential. This was a major concern of players before testing began, and I thought they were being asses at the time. Now, I can see their point.&nbsp;</p><p>How can you say it's not a witch hunt?&nbsp; Giambi admits to using steroids (in yet another piece of leaked information), did an awful press conference, and now people are rooting for him again.&nbsp;Sheffield admitted to using too, and no one talks about it.&nbsp; How come everyone goes after Bonds when there are two big name players&nbsp;that have admitted to using and they get off with basically nothing. Why go after Bonds repeatedly, and give Giambi the comeback player of the year award because he recovered from a benign pituitary tumor (which are a known side effect of steroid use)?</p><p>He was hurt the last two years.&nbsp;Maybe the bad press made him stay out for a little longer, maybe it didn't.&nbsp; But he's ALWAYS been hated by the press, and it's never been a factor in his performance.&nbsp;The steroids issue just gave the writers more ammo.</p><p>That he blamed someone else just further shows how much of a selfish, ass we all know he is. He doesn't give a crap about anyone else, and I'd be amazed if he has another friend in life let alone baseball. </p><p>I'm not supporting Bonds.&nbsp;He seems like an awful person in general, and blaming a teammate for something he did just further illustrates that point.&nbsp;But going after him over and over when most fans don't care anymore almost makes him a sympathetic figure in some ways, which he doesn't deserve to be.&nbsp;And there's nothing worse than a grandstanding writer up on his soapbox.&nbsp; Anyone that's ever read a Mike Lupica column&nbsp;should understand that.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><span class="post_edited">This message was edited by crb1 on 1-11-07 @ 10:16 AM</span> <p>I say who gives a shit??? Assholes love to look at Bonds and go after him for shit they have no idea about. Did he do steroids? Probly but he never tested positive for it and amphetmines are totaly different. Baseball is to blame not Bonds. Baseball turned a blind eye, baseball has a 162 game schedule to suck as much money out of people as they can. We want to see HR's but now that people may have taken steroids we are all upiddy.&nbsp;I dont give 2 shits if they took juice or not. Fuck the records of old. We will never know for sure who took juice so you cant pick and choose who you want to let into the hall of fame or who to claim took juice with no positive tests. The funny thing is since steroids has become illegal in MLB 1 power guy has been caught, the other 4 were 2 pitchers and 2 small guys known for speed and defense. That tells me that you cant say mcguire, bonds, sosa took them and not let them in the hall, but chances are clemens, petite, mariano, ozzie whoever could have taken juice. WE will never know (unless some things get leaked) and I dont care. So hate bonds all you want. At the end of the day he is the greatest all around hitter to ever play the game. Every athlete tries to get an edge, so if its not illegal in your sport then you use it or try it til it is made illegal. That has happened forever. Hell ball players used to smoke in the dugout between innings, they would drink beer like water. They cheated on their wives, they have done drugs and they have cor

01-11-2007, 04:56 PM
<strong>phixion</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="6">NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT STEROIDS IN THE NFL</font><font size="1"> <font size="6">WHEN ITS JUST AS BIG A PROBLEM AS IN BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></font><font size="1"><font size="6"> <p><font size="1">because they are actually punished. merriman the best pass rushing lb inthe league used steroids and missed a quarter of the season. and more importantly when it came time to vote for defensiveplayer of the year they gave it toa piece of shit in miami instead of merriman, i believe as punishment. </font></p></font></font><p>you can hate the dolphins b/c you like the shitty jets, but come on Taylor is no piece of shit and deserved the def player of the year award. 13.5 sacks, 2 fum rec, 10 forced fum, 2 int and 2 td's. thats a nasty year. meriman had 3 more sacks nothing else did he even come close. Even with the 4 games he still wouldnt have beaten his other totals.</p>

01-12-2007, 07:01 AM
<p>merriman had 17 sacks in 12 games, thats goes for average of about 1.5 sacks a game, figure that he keeps that average up and thats 24 sacks in a season. thats disgusting. and oh yeah merriman also had more tackles. taylors biggest stat was his int returns for tds. if merriman didnt cheat he wouldve gotten it. </p><p>and yes jason taylor is a piece of shit if only for trying to sell me soap. fuck him fuck him in his ear. </p>

El Mudo
01-12-2007, 08:39 AM
<strong>phixion</strong> wrote:<br><font size="6">NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT STEROIDS IN THE NFL</font><font size="1"> <font size="6">WHEN ITS JUST AS BIG A PROBLEM AS IN BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></font><font size="1"><font size="6"> <p><font size="1">because they are actually punished. merriman the best pass rushing lb inthe league used steroids and missed a quarter of the season. and more importantly when it came time to vote for defensiveplayer of the year they gave it toa piece of shit in miami instead of merriman, i believe as punishment. </font></p></font></font><p></p>

How is he being "punished" when he's still getting votes for Defensive POY from guys like Peter King, who claims it wasn't an "on field issue"?

And why doesn't any one remember Julius Peppers? Or Todd Sauerbrun? Or God knows how many other Carolina Panthers?

Its a COMPLETE double standard in regards to the two sports

01-12-2007, 11:07 AM
<p>Its a COMPLETE double standard in regards to the two sports </p><p>they are punished, in baseball the punishment is a joke. in football u cant smoke a blunt, in baseball my pot head mets made the front page.</p><p>&nbsp;their punishment for cheating wasnt suspending u for 6% of the season, it suspended u for 25% i agree baseballs new 50 game suspension is better, but they did it because of the gov't. football players went to their own union and said we dont want to have to keep up with all these guys on roids, their own union fought to create a steroid policy in football, it isnt perfect but its by far the best drug testing system outside of international competition. if it was up to baseball owners/players they would still be taking enhancers. and i wonder how they are going to punish bonds, if they punihs him as harshly as they should then maybe ill start to look at baseball seriously, until then it is farce. </p>

01-12-2007, 11:12 AM
<p><font size="3">If the MLB was a the mob Bonds would be dead by now.....a real stand up guy!&nbsp; </font></p><p><font size="3">I hate Baseball anyway!</font></p>

01-12-2007, 01:57 PM
<strong>El Mudo</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>phixion</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="6">NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT STEROIDS IN THE NFL</font><font size="1"> <font size="6">WHEN ITS JUST AS BIG A PROBLEM AS IN BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></font><font size="1"><font size="6"> <p><font size="1">because they are actually punished. merriman the best pass rushing lb inthe league used steroids and missed a quarter of the season. and more importantly when it came time to vote for defensiveplayer of the year they gave it toa piece of shit in miami instead of merriman, i believe as punishment. </font></p></font></font><p>&nbsp;</p>How is he being &quot;punished&quot; when he's still getting votes for Defensive POY from guys like Peter King, who claims it wasn't an &quot;on field issue&quot;? And why doesn't any one remember Julius Peppers? Or Todd Sauerbrun? Or God knows how many other Carolina Panthers? Its a COMPLETE double standard in regards to the two sports <p>i dont remeber peppers being one of them</p><p>i remember it being a few o lineman and sauerbraun</p>