View Full Version : Christmas or Holidays
Don Stugots
12-08-2006, 06:47 PM
Should Wal-Mart call it Christmas or the Holidays? think for a minute, Wal-Mart has a world wide customer base with different world views and what not. what do you think?
12-08-2006, 06:53 PM
<p>i say it depends on where they are, store by store basis</p><p>if they are in lets say the bible belt area then definitely xmas</p><p>so are you talking website and tv commercial wise ???</p>
Don Stugots
12-08-2006, 06:57 PM
<strong>cougarjake13</strong> wrote:<br /><p>i say it depends on where they are, store by store basis</p><p>if they are in lets say the bible belt area then definitely xmas</p><p>so are you talking website and tv commercial wise ???</p><p> both, the wholeway that they handled it. </p>
12-08-2006, 07:13 PM
Christmas! It's the American way!
Don Stugots
12-08-2006, 07:16 PM
but its not just an american store. hell people in america dont just celebrate christmas. i jsut dont see how we can preach openness and tolerance of different societies and heritages etc but yet closed minded on calling it Christmas. i call it Christmas but i am not a world wide retail company.
12-08-2006, 07:31 PM
<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'">Happy Holidays - I rarely say Merry Christmas myself anymore.<br /></span></font></font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'"><br />It all stems from college. I grew up in a small town in South Central PA - very homogeneous and Christian. Merry Christmas was a normal greeting. Then I went to college. Suddenly I get the response, "Oh, I'm Jewish" or "Oh, I'm Muslim" - etc. After feeling like an ass enough times, I simply quit saying it.<br /><br />Happy Holidays is more inclusive anyway. Not only RE: religion but you have a solid stretch of holidays that are covered from Thanksgiving through New Years.</span></font></font></p><p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'"></span></font></font></p><span class="post_edited"></span>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by MadMatt on 12-8-06 @ 11:33 PM</span>
Don Stugots
12-08-2006, 07:33 PM
<strong>MadMatt</strong> wrote:<br /><p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'">Happy Holidays - I rarely say Merry Christmas myself anymore.<br /></span></font></font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'"><br />It all stems from college. I grew up in a small town in South Central PA - very homogeneous and Christian. Merry Christmas was a normal greeting. Then I went to college. Suddenly I get the response, "Oh, I'm Jewish" or "Oh, I'm Muslim" - etc. After feeling like an ass enough times, I simply quit saying it.<br /><br />Happy Holidays is more inclusive anyway. Not only RE: various religious holidays that occur around the same time, but you have a solid stretch from Thanksgiving through New Years.</span></font></font></p><p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman'"></span></font></font></p> <span class="post_edited">This message was edited by MadMatt on 12-8-06 @ 11:32 PM</span><p> see this is my point. yet people want to just say Merry Christmas and too bad for you. which doesnt make sense to me. </p>
12-08-2006, 07:35 PM
<p>a menza menz</p><p>6 of one, half dozen of the other</p><p>apples and apples</p><p>oranges and oranges</p><p>i'd say Holidays</p>
Don Stugots
12-08-2006, 07:39 PM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p><font size="2"><strong>a menza menz</strong></font></p><p>6 of one, half dozen of the other</p><p>apples and apples</p><p>oranges and oranges</p><p>i'd say Holidays</p><p> i have an uncle that says that all the time. </p>
12-09-2006, 02:31 AM
Corporatons have the unenviable task of trying to please everyone all the time.Therefore Happy Holidays seems appropriate. I say Merry Christmas, but I am a christian. As is the case so many times, companys regulate free thought and speech.Say what you want, say nothing at all. Whatever works for you-should be the standard .
12-09-2006, 03:09 AM
<p>i say wal-mart can burn in hell. </p><p>after <strike>the holidays.</strike> christmas.</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Poochie on 12-9-06 @ 7:13 AM</span>
12-09-2006, 03:38 AM
<p>U S Grant signed it into law for Christmas to be a federal holiday. Either way works.</p>
12-09-2006, 04:36 AM
<font size="2">merry christmas. i know jews and hindus who celebrate the commercial side of christmas. that's the business walmart is in. what holidays are we talking here? chanukah? not a real big-box-giving holiday, so no need to include it. kwanzaa? fake, invented holiday. walmart is celebrating gift giving, not any particular religion. funny thing from all the hoopla last year, tho', i believe the waltons are devout christians (not certain, but i think i'm right. they were just trying to include as many people to drum up further sales.)<br /></font>
12-09-2006, 04:47 AM
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="100%" id="HB_Mail_Container"><tbody><tr width="100%" height="100%"><td id="HB_Focus_Element" width="100%" height="250" valign="top">I say happy holidays just because it covers everything so nice...Walmart treat's there employees like shit use them and throw them away>>>I believe I read last week thay have lost 3-4 lawsuits over making employees work there breaks to meet stocking quotaa(sp)..Im such a shitty speller..Jughead..Ps Ive only been on the message board a few weeks cant believe how many nice (and smart people I have incountered.....Jug</td></tr><tr><td height="1" style="font-size: 1pt"></td></tr></tbody></table>
Don Stugots
12-09-2006, 05:54 AM
<strong>bronxmarc</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="2">merry christmas. i know jews and hindus who celebrate the commercial side of christmas. that's the business walmart is in. what holidays are we talking here? chanukah? not a real big-box-giving holiday, so no need to include it. kwanzaa? fake, invented holiday. walmart is celebrating gift giving, not any particular religion. funny thing from all the hoopla last year, tho', i believe the waltons are devout christians (not certain, but i think i'm right. they were just trying to include as many people to drum up further sales.)<br /></font><p> marc, they are right for doing that, since that is what they are in business for. They caved to the zelots and now call it Christmas again. Which to me is wrong. If i had a business, i would want it to accomidating to everyone to make the most money. I think they were wrong in the changing CHRISTMAS TREE to a HOLIDAY TREE but that is a small thing compared to changing the way that they do business to make a select few happy. </p>
12-09-2006, 05:58 AM
<strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br />Should Wal-Mart call it Christmas or the Holidays? think for a minute, Wal-Mart has a world wide customer base with different world views and what not. what do you think?<p> I think shenanigans.</p>
12-09-2006, 06:05 AM
Last year I got sucked into this "War on Christmas" nonsense. It really doesn't matter what a stupid store does. They're just trying to make money. Who cares what their employees or ads say. It's all pretty personal in my opinion. If some clerk wishes me Happy Holidays, I'll do the same back. If they say Merry Christmas then I'm right there with them. However...If the guy working the corner Christmas Tree lot tries to sell me a "Holiday Tree" then I'm going to the lot down the street.
12-09-2006, 06:09 AM
<strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>bronxmarc</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="2">merry christmas. i know jews and hindus who celebrate the commercial side of christmas. that's the business walmart is in. what holidays are we talking here? chanukah? not a real big-box-giving holiday, so no need to include it. kwanzaa? fake, invented holiday. walmart is celebrating gift giving, not any particular religion. funny thing from all the hoopla last year, tho', i believe the waltons are devout christians (not certain, but i think i'm right. they were just trying to include as many people to drum up further sales.)<br /></font><p> marc, they are right for doing that, since that is what they are in business for. They caved to the zelots and now call it Christmas again. Which to me is wrong. If i had a business, i would want it to accomidating to everyone to make the most money. I think they were wrong in the changing CHRISTMAS TREE to a HOLIDAY TREE but that is a small thing compared to changing the way that they do business to make a select few happy. </p><p> <font size="2">personally, i don't care either way. i'd imagine most people feel this way, just like with gay marriage. although i do have family who were really upset about it, and i'd hesitate to call them zealots. :(<br /></font></p>
12-09-2006, 06:41 AM
Don Stugots
12-09-2006, 06:50 AM
<strong>bronxmarc</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>bronxmarc</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="2">merry christmas. i know jews and hindus who celebrate the commercial side of christmas. that's the business walmart is in. what holidays are we talking here? chanukah? not a real big-box-giving holiday, so no need to include it. kwanzaa? fake, invented holiday. walmart is celebrating gift giving, not any particular religion. funny thing from all the hoopla last year, tho', i believe the waltons are devout christians (not certain, but i think i'm right. they were just trying to include as many people to drum up further sales.)<br /></font><p> marc, they are right for doing that, since that is what they are in business for. They caved to the zelots and now call it Christmas again. Which to me is wrong. If i had a business, i would want it to accomidating to everyone to make the most money. I think they were wrong in the changing CHRISTMAS TREE to a HOLIDAY TREE but that is a small thing compared to changing the way that they do business to make a select few happy. </p><p> <font size="2">personally, i don't care either way. i'd imagine most people feel this way, just like with gay marriage. although i do have family who were really upset about it, and i'd hesitate to call them zealots. <img src="" border="0" /> <br /></font></p><p> i only brought it up because a friend of mine called me to rant and rave for 10 mins (which keeping me on the phone for more than 3 mins. if like a root canal) about how he isnt going to stores because of this. he went on about how this is a war against God and the catholic church (another thing that is painful for me to discuss with closed minded people). I let him talk until he was out of breathe and then asked him if he was finshed, he said yes, then i wished him a happy hoildays and hung up. </p><p> </p><p>hee hee. </p>
12-09-2006, 08:40 AM
<strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>bronxmarc</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>bronxmarc</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="2">merry christmas. i know jews and hindus who celebrate the commercial side of christmas. that's the business walmart is in. what holidays are we talking here? chanukah? not a real big-box-giving holiday, so no need to include it. kwanzaa? fake, invented holiday. walmart is celebrating gift giving, not any particular religion. funny thing from all the hoopla last year, tho', i believe the waltons are devout christians (not certain, but i think i'm right. they were just trying to include as many people to drum up further sales.)<br /></font><p> marc, they are right for doing that, since that is what they are in business for. They caved to the zelots and now call it Christmas again. Which to me is wrong. If i had a business, i would want it to accomidating to everyone to make the most money. I think they were wrong in the changing CHRISTMAS TREE to a HOLIDAY TREE but that is a small thing compared to changing the way that they do business to make a select few happy. </p><p> <font size="2">personally, i don't care either way. i'd imagine most people feel this way, just like with gay marriage. although i do have family who were really upset about it, and i'd hesitate to call them zealots. <img src="" border="0" /> <br /></font></p><p> i only brought it up because a friend of mine called me to rant and rave for 10 mins (which keeping me on the phone for more than 3 mins. if like a root canal) about how he isnt going to stores because of this. he went on about how this is a war against God and the catholic church (another thing that is painful for me to discuss with closed minded people). I let him talk until he was out of breathe and then asked him if he was finshed, he said yes, then i wished him a happy hoildays and hung up. </p><p> </p><p>hee hee. </p><p> <font size="2">yeah, we got my mother-in-law a happy holidays card just because it was too funny.<br /></font></p>
12-09-2006, 08:53 AM
<strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p><font size="2"><strong>a menza menz</strong></font></p><p>6 of one, half dozen of the other</p><p>apples and apples</p><p>oranges and oranges</p><p>i'd say Holidays</p><p> i have an uncle that says that all the time. </p><p>that's one cool uncle you got there... <img src="/messageboard/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/cool.gif" border="0" alt="Cool" title="Cool" width="20" height="20" /></p>
Don Stugots
12-09-2006, 02:30 PM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><p><font size="2"><strong>a menza menz</strong></font></p><p>6 of one, half dozen of the other</p><p>apples and apples</p><p>oranges and oranges</p><p>i'd say Holidays</p><p> i have an uncle that says that all the time. </p><p>that's one cool uncle you got there... <img src="/messageboard/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/cool.gif" border="0" alt="Cool" title="Cool" width="20" height="20" /></p><p> he was pretty cool. then he got old and now is not cool at all. Growing up he was the shit. </p>
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