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Drugs and sex. [Archive] - Messageboard


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12-07-2006, 11:57 PM
<p>ok.. no lectures.&nbsp; I know what people should be doing and not doing, and at this stage in my life I am back to just drinking.. just opening up a discussion..</p><p>&nbsp;Me personally- </p><p>Alcohol- All fuckin night, but too drunk- am NOT finishing.&nbsp; To the point where I would tell her to not worry about me and 'its all about her tonight'</p><p>Pot- no different</p><p>Ecstasy- no physical problem and orgasms are so intense to the point of pain, but I have extremely motivation for sex on that- ugh.</p><p>&nbsp;Coke- THE WORST.&nbsp; No shot AT ALL.&nbsp; And to compound problems, it makes me horny as all fuck- the only unexpected benefit is since you KNOW you aren't having sex, you end up having thEE most insane fucked up games of Truth or Dare ever..</p><p>&nbsp;Shrooms- way too fucked up from it&nbsp;to ever try.&nbsp; The only drug that I ever did (never did the killers- H, crack, etc, though coke is mighty close) that scared the FUCK out me and would NEVER even consider again.</p><p>???</p>

12-08-2006, 12:03 AM
<p>i usually just let the drugs and/or alcohol take effect and let the guy do what he wants. </p><p>&nbsp;</p>

12-08-2006, 02:25 AM
<p>I usually don't respond to these posts because of the uncomfortability I feel when speaking of drug use. But , for me...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Coke- In the beginning, the 1st couple of toots(My toots were mostly1/2 grams at a time) I could hammer my ass off and blast like a rocket but to much and I'm dead. </p><p>Reefer- Even though I hav'nt smoked that lame ass baby shit for over 22 yrs. , I never had a problem w/ getting off. I usually came to quickly.</p><p>Pills- i.e. Vics, xanax, v's, oxy's , you name it, I can bang like theres no tomarro but I can blast like a horse.</p><p>Booze- The 1st couple &amp; I'm fine. Once I get past my 12th or 15th drink I'm usually shot to do anything. </p><p>Heroin- 2-4 bags and I'm fine. I can bang like a jackhammer &amp; blast eventually but once I reach my max (Which I've had 12 bags a day at one point in my life) I'm pretty much to shot to do anything.</p><p>But for me , what I'm trying to say is that the tail is much tastier now that I've been drug free for over 6 yrs. The shit nearly fuckin' killed me. Now I'm&nbsp;just considered the King of Snapper suckin'. I've had enough practice to compensate&nbsp;&nbsp;.</p>

12-08-2006, 02:47 AM
<p><strong><font size="1">Drugs and sex.</font></strong> </p><p><strong><font color="#000080">(WHAT??? No Rock'n'Roll???)</font></strong></p><p><strong><font color="#000080">I'll take a dozen of each please!!!</font></strong></p><p><img src="" border="0" width="450" height="469" /></p>

Don Stugots
12-08-2006, 04:12 AM
<strong>Poochie</strong> wrote:<br /><p>i usually just let the drugs and/or alcohol take effect and let the guy do what he wants. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;want to get married?&nbsp; or just have a few drinks. </p>

12-12-2006, 05:59 PM
<p>I just got done watching a show on VH1 called Drug Years. I never smoked pot in my life but now I'm 25 and wondering if I should at least try it before I get to old. </p><p>Is pot really worth it, or should I just keep on drinking a couple of beers on a friday night to hold me over.</p>

Bob Impact
12-12-2006, 06:10 PM
<p>Pot is so overrated.</p><p>Any upper fucks me up completely.&nbsp; Downs are OK in my world. </p>

12-12-2006, 06:24 PM
<p>Pot is weird, some people love it... I just get tired, eat food, and count my heartbeats till i sleep.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;I've never done any hard drugs and had sex. Vicatin but that's not really hard. &nbsp; </p><p>As for alchohol,&nbsp; maybe this a normal thing...but i pull out of a drunken haze really bad after I finish. &nbsp; There is nothing that sobers me up and throws me back into reality faster than that. &nbsp; I can think of three times that I pulled of it and was like what the fuck. &nbsp;&nbsp; </p>

12-12-2006, 06:26 PM
<p>Pot does jack shit to me besides get me incredibly sleepy. I don't even think I've ever been high...just really tired.</p><p>My drug of choice is&nbsp;4 Benadryl and a shot of NyQuil...not that plastic cup they give actual shot. It puts me to sleep real good, and I dont have to deal with people who can't roll a tight fatty.</p>

Drunky McBetidont
12-12-2006, 06:31 PM
<p>i vaguely remember something involving nitrous oxide, a sorority girl&nbsp;and a dust buster. very hunter&nbsp;s thompson-like.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>oh college...<img src="/messageboard/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/lol.gif" border="0" width="20" height="20" /></p>

12-13-2006, 01:48 PM
I hear it's not good to mix Viagra and sex.

12-13-2006, 04:39 PM
A few drinks to loosen up is OK, but I can honestly say sober sex is so much better than when you're fucked up.

12-13-2006, 05:05 PM
<p><img src="" border="0" width="343" height="254" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>you dont need that rubbish to feel good boss.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>choose life buddy! </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>get a hobby.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

12-13-2006, 05:28 PM
<p>If I could do it all over again - I wouldn't touch weed or any drug. </p><p>It's not worth it</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

12-13-2006, 05:31 PM
I'm the happiest drunk in the world.<div><br /></div><div>Pot makes me horny as hell.</div><div><br /></div><div>I'm afraid to use other drugs because I was born with a heart murmur and I'd get paranoid and think I was dying.˙ But many people I know say I should try shrooms.˙ Silly kids.</div><div><br /></div><div>Most people think I'm on something when they meet me anyway...</div>

12-13-2006, 07:55 PM
I am, at this very moment, high on the same smoke that Puffy smokes every day. I don't, but I can see why he does. My other medication wears off around 6.

12-13-2006, 08:04 PM
<p>I have never had any better sex than on LSD but those days are long gone for me.</p><p>Never had sex on ecstasy or shrooms but those days are gone too.</p><p>Drinking is overrated and gives me a miserable headache every time</p><p>Pot makes me&nbsp;a lazy lay most times and I really really think that being high makes one's dick smaller--maybe it doesn't fill as much.&nbsp; Not by much, but I think I have noticed a difference in mine.&nbsp; Am I crazy??</p>

12-14-2006, 05:46 PM
the drug viagra makes me pound away all night long

12-14-2006, 05:56 PM
<strong>Poochie</strong> wrote:<br /><p>i usually just let the drugs and/or alcohol take effect and let the guy do what he wants. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>My new favorite member.</p><p>Ronnie, who says we don't love our women here!!</p><p>For shame.</p>

12-23-2006, 03:20 AM
<strong>Lumber</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I usually don't respond to these posts because of the uncomfortability I feel when speaking of drug use. But , for me...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Coke- In the beginning, the 1st couple of toots(My toots were mostly1/2 grams at a time) I could hammer my ass off and blast like a rocket but to much and I'm dead. </p><p>Reefer- Even though I hav'nt smoked that lame ass baby shit for over 22 yrs. , I never had a problem w/ getting off. I usually came to quickly.</p><p>Pills- i.e. Vics, xanax, v's, oxy's , you name it, I can bang like theres no tomarro but I can blast like a horse.</p><p>Booze- The 1st couple &amp; I'm fine. Once I get past my 12th or 15th drink I'm usually shot to do anything. </p><p>Heroin- 2-4 bags and I'm fine. I can bang like a jackhammer &amp; blast eventually but once I reach my max (Which I've had 12 bags a day at one point in my life) I'm pretty much to shot to do anything.</p><p>But for me , what I'm trying to say is that the tail is much tastier now that I've been drug free for over 6 yrs. The shit nearly fuckin' killed me. Now I'm&nbsp;just considered the King of Snapper suckin'. I've had enough practice to compensate&nbsp;&nbsp;.</p><p>Shit (aka Coke) I've asked ALOT of people about this- pretty much half say EXACTLY what you said, and the other half say what I say- no chance.</p><p>But with out sounding preachy, as has already been mentioned- the absolute best is both of you stone cold sober- you both want it, want to be there, and there is no stupid substance to fuck anything up..</p><p>&nbsp;ENJOY.</p>

12-23-2006, 07:18 AM
Ian Dury was an out dude. He had one crazy palsy hand, I think from Polio that he got at a public swimming pool as a kid.

12-23-2006, 07:24 AM
I thought we were offering a place to buy and use!

01-16-2007, 08:50 AM
<p>on Vicotin... weird feeling, my head just wasnt there (no pun) but good for a laugh</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>on weed... not so hot... ive noticed that chicks will get really wet, then dry up like the desert...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Alchol... lowers inhibitions (got some at the holiday work party) but besides that, its just...sloppy...not worth the trouble&nbsp;</p>

01-16-2007, 10:21 AM
<p>I have always liked shrooms as long as the other person(s) are on them with you.&nbsp; Add Tequila or Redrum for best results.</p><p>Pot can be great if you have the right strains.&nbsp; Usually I find that sativa strains or sativa crosses are the best.&nbsp; They give you a more energetic high and really get your head swimming.&nbsp; Straight indica strains, no matter how high quality, make you very lazy, relaxed and want to sit on the couch.&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;Never got lucky on LSD but it would have to be great.</p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by riverofpiss on 1-16-07 @ 2:22 PM</span>

01-16-2007, 03:31 PM
<p>i've smoked alot of pot but i have the same problem, i don't know when to stop , when i start to get a little high i need more and more untill im literaly not able to smoke any more. i think the most ive ever smoked to the face all at once would probably have to be ... $120 worth? (6 blunts each w/ a deuce o'chronic) , at that piont i am WAY to retarded to even think let alone get horny... ive been to the piont where i laughed for 25 minutes straight (i was timed) and finally i sarted choking cause i couldnt breath and i pissed myself like crazy ... after that i really dont smoke anymore. ive wondered off into the middle of a major intersection at 3 in the morning and needed my friends to come chasing after me to pull me back home ... ive puked from laughing too hard, fell on me face , rolled around in mud, and fell in a pool and almost drowned w/ all my clothes on. PLUS i wake up the next morning feeling so burnt out of my mind, cant sleep even though im exhausted, can't move, in pain. it sucks major ass when you dont know when to stop.</p><p>i think if you just get a little high and have a good buzz goin its ok , but to over do it like that is too much for me, i have a low tolerance for everything. </p>

01-26-2007, 11:14 PM
<p>pot... never done it. always got to stoned</p><p>alcohol-enough for her(im fat)</p><p>no one has mentioned meth?- strangly purifying.&nbsp; makes the haze go away.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>sorry i just really liked this thread and thought it diserved a comeback&nbsp;</p>

01-26-2007, 11:45 PM
Coked up sex is a waste The thing to do is offer a young lady some white lady for ass. Then get coked up afterwards.

01-27-2007, 12:07 AM
You guys should try sex on Depo-Provera.&nbsp; Out of this world.

01-27-2007, 12:21 AM
<strong>GwEnYpOo</strong> wrote:<br /><p>i've smoked alot of pot but i have the same problem, i don't know when to stop , when i start to get a little high i need more and more untill im literaly not able to smoke any more. i think the most ive ever smoked to the face all at once would probably have to be ... $120 worth? (6 blunts each w/ a deuce o'chronic) , at that piont i am WAY to retarded to even think let alone get horny... ive been to the piont where i laughed for 25 minutes straight (i was timed) and finally i sarted choking cause i couldnt breath and i pissed myself like crazy ... after that i really dont smoke anymore. ive wondered off into the middle of a major intersection at 3 in the morning and needed my friends to come chasing after me to pull me back home ... ive puked from laughing too hard, fell on me face , rolled around in mud, and fell in a pool and almost drowned w/ all my clothes on. PLUS i wake up the next morning feeling so burnt out of my mind, cant sleep even though im exhausted, can't move, in pain. it sucks major ass when you dont know when to stop.</p><p>i think if you just get a little high and have a good buzz goin its ok , but to over do it like that is too much for me, i have a low tolerance for everything. </p><p>Sounds like you need to smoke some better ganja.&nbsp; If you only smoke small quantities of high quality herb you tend to not burnout so much.&nbsp; Also, weed and alcohol are not a good mix unless you really want to be&nbsp;spinning at the end of the night.&nbsp;</p>