10-16-2006, 04:16 AM
<p>So.</p><p><a target="_self" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pySXc-6GoU">Tideland.</a></p><p>Who's seen it? </p><p>We went to go check it out Saturday and I have decided it is not for me. I am a big fan of Terry Gilliam's other movies and was expecting more of the same enjoyment, instead I fell asleep in my seat and had more fun eating the free pork buns they were handing out across the street. </p><p>The movie seemed to be very very slow with hardly anything happening. There were a few moments that woke me up but for the most part I was just shifting in my seat trying to find the best position to close my eyes and take a nap.</p><p>That being said, the music in the movie was pretty great and there were quite a few scenes of "Wow, is that legal to film?" moments that I was pretty sure I would be taken in by the FBI for child porn questioning and the dream sequence was fun. The little girl actress was also pretty amazing and did a great job in her role. Jeff Bridges is also there for good times. The other people I was with really enjoyed the movie so it's not all bad. I found it odd that before it started Terry himself was on screen with a disclaimer saying a lot of people wont like the movie.<br /></p><p>It was a creepy movie but nothing that is going to stay with me the way Ron had mentioned on air. I had more fun watching the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre.<br /></p><p>Oh well. </p><p> </p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by LordJezo on 10-16-06 @ 10:01 AM</span>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by LordJezo on 10-16-06 @ 10:01 AM</span>