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I Cried About 9/11 For The First Time Today [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : I Cried About 9/11 For The First Time Today

Doctor Z
09-10-2006, 05:30 PM
I'll start by saying, I'm a native New Yorker. Born and raised in The Bronx. I was in The Bronx on September 11th... I saw smoke from my rooftop. I didn't lose anyone on that day, and I consider myself very fortunate for that. But despite not losing anyone, I, like most New Yorkers, spent the next 4 or 5 months in a daze.

I've run the gamut of emotions, from shock, outrage, anger, numbness, and depression... But for some reason, it took me 5 years to feel nothing but pure sadness. I was watching a broadcast tonight on CBS of that foreign guy's on-location documentary of 9/11, which I have actually seen before, so it wasn't even my first time viewing this...

But suddenly it all washed over me at once, fresh in my mind, like it was yesterday. The sounds, the cries, the police sirens, the radio broadcasts... I started crying like a baby in front of my television. It felt kind've good, but it also occurred to me as kind of strange that it took me 5 whole years to reach this point.

Don Stugots
09-10-2006, 05:38 PM
i am proud of you for expressing how you are feeling right now.  stay strong.  we are all in this together.

09-10-2006, 05:54 PM
I don't think it is that strange.  There are so many emotions tied up in that day so maybe you just got around to the tears. Just remember that there are others crying along with you.

09-10-2006, 06:24 PM
<p>That documentary wasnt shown on my local CBS affiliate because of concerns ove FCC fines due to some language that may be deemed inappropriate by the AFA. </p><p>They are waiting until 11:30 to show it here.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

09-10-2006, 07:33 PM
<p>The first time I cried over 9/11, it was nearly a year later.&nbsp; My first niece had just been born, and I had snared a copy of Springsteen's &quot;The Rising&quot;.&nbsp; I was listening to the song &quot;Into the Fire&quot;, and thinking about all the events that had led up to this.. It was a powerful wash of emotions that just made me lose it.</p><p>I still can't listen to that song without getting emotional.&nbsp; I was a wreck when I heard it live.&nbsp;</p>