View Full Version : Action Park
07-04-2006, 04:55 AM
<p>Inspired by the Mt Airy Lodge page, I wanted to look for info on the radddddest of childhood memories. Action park. It was 1 park theme park, 1 part what the fuck. Anyone been here? Like 30% of the rides, you really thought you would get broken on. It was like a 13 year old kid thought up all the rides, without his insurance agent around.<br /></p><p><img width="636" height="373" border="0" src="" /> </p><p> </p><p> This website is just depressing. I only remember the good times. Seeing it all overgrown makes me sad.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"> </a></p><p> </p><p><br /> </p>
07-04-2006, 04:57 AM
I thought all of mountain creek was the left over action park?<br />
07-04-2006, 04:58 AM
<a href="" target="_self">Video</a>.
07-04-2006, 05:23 AM
We used to go there a couple of times a summer with camp. Odd, but there always seemed like there was more room on the bus on the way home.
Judge Smails
07-04-2006, 05:24 AM
I'd only been to Action Park once in my life, when I was in high school. I saw three people carted away in ambulances in one day. Even at that age, when I was reckless and carefree, I remember thinking there was something wrong with the place. I don't know how they were able to get anyone to ever insure them. As I recall they had one "ride" that was basically just a cliff dive. They would let these kids just dive off a 40 foot rock into a murky pool. That place was CRAZY!
07-04-2006, 05:58 AM
The cliff dive was the best! How about that huge fan that just flew you like 30 feet in the air. Remember that one?<br />
07-04-2006, 06:15 AM
<p>In this day and age of litigation, you'd have to sign a mountain of waivers just to enter Action Park if it still existed today.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
Death Metal Moe
07-04-2006, 06:18 AM
<p>I went to Action Park years ago. My buddy Bob took that huge fucking cliff dive, then we went in that psycho wave pool.</p><p>Before we left we went on some crazy group water slide ride, and I lost THE GREATEST HAT I've ever owned in my fucking life. It was my High School's hat, and I had let all the people I knew who hated the school deface it with grafitti and other shit.</p><p>When we hit the bottom of the ride, the huge bump and wave it created made my hat come right off, and I couldn't find it in the murky waters at the bottom. I must have searched for like 20 minutes.</p><p>Fuck that place, it ate my hat.</p>
07-04-2006, 06:58 AM
<p> </p><p>I used to love that place. Although i must admit being too chicken for many of the rides. I like the Tidal wave - this was a swimming pool with artificial waves created that were some 5 feet around the pool. It was very dangerous. Another i remember was getting into a pipe with water and after a few seconds it just left you suspended in midair 20 feet above a pool.</p>
07-04-2006, 07:02 AM
<p> </p><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><br /><p>Fuck that place, it ate my hat.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>GVac, comment?</p><p> </p><p> </p>
Judge Smails
07-04-2006, 09:03 AM
<strong>PaulF</strong> wrote:<br />We used to go there a couple of times a summer with camp. Odd, but there always seemed like there was more room on the bus on the way home. <p>I don't know if you meant this to be sarcastic or not (I'm a little slow to pick up on message board sarcasm), but for some of the board members from other parts of the country who may not be as familiar with, or had the "pleasure" of visiting Action Park this actually happened. </p><p>Some school or camp went there once and realized that they were short one kid on the bus ride home. To give you an idea of how Action Park was run they didn't find the kid until the end of the day when they turned off the waves and found him dead at the bottom of the wave pool.</p><p>You'll notice that if you go to water parks now they will periodically stop the waves and make everyone get out of the pool several times during the day. I noticed they did this at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon and Six Flags' Hurricane Harbor when I was there recently. I think it's call the Action Park Rule.</p>
07-04-2006, 09:29 AM
action park has the best wikipedia page ever<br />
07-04-2006, 06:08 PM
Ah, memories. My favorite ride at Action Park was the cannonball shoot. You went into a tube that went underground so you could never really tell where the turns were, and then you were fired out of it and dropped about 15 feet into ice cold water, classic. I also loved watching people on the tarzan swing who couldnt hold their legs up far enough and their toes would clip the water causing them to faceplant into the water to everyone on lines histerical laughter.
07-04-2006, 06:41 PM
<p>Like most residents of Vernon, NJ in the 80's, I not only frequented Action Park (or Traction Park or Accident Park) but worked there. There was a time when there was at least one major injury or fatality a week.</p><p>From Wikipedia: "Its popularity, however, went hand in hand with a reputation for poorly-designed, unsafe rides; inattentive, underage, underpaid and sometimes under-the-influence employees;" Yep, that was me. I worked the gasoline saturated waters of the bumper boats and the ankle breaking Super Go-Karts down in Motorworld.</p><p>The Alpine Slide took out a lot of people who would stand up on the runaway "sleds" Silver Surfer style then fly off the fiberglass track and smash their skulls on the rock strewn ski slope it traversed.</p><p>As mentioned previously, the wave pool drowned quite a few folks. The 16 yr. old lifeguards spent most of their time chatting up the honeys while patrons succumbed.</p><p>My favorite was one that actually caused a rare, permanent closure of one of the rides. There was a circular track of water down in Motor World that people would navigate kayaks around while the water was being churned up by submersible fans encased in chicken wire fencing. One poor slob capsized and stood on the fan casing, which had an electrical short in it. Fried!</p><p>Ahhh...the good old days of finishing our shift (during which we were comfortably stoned), grabbing a case of beer and heading up to the cliffs for midnight diving. It's a wonder we weren't one of the fatalities.</p>
07-04-2006, 11:30 PM
<p>There really wasn't anything in the world like Action Park! </p><p>Check this out:</p><p><a href=""></a></p>
New Jersey....<br><p>
Preoccupied, hormonal lifeguards letting kids drown.....<br><p>
How long could it be before this guy shows up?<br><p>
<img src=""
07-05-2006, 09:49 AM
Action Park is closed??? But I still got the coupons. Damn!<br />
07-05-2006, 09:58 AM
<p>I've heard it called Traction Park.</p><p>You always left that place with scrapes, cuts, and bruises.</p><p>I remember really cold water and really hot blacktop on the walkways between rides.</p><p>If you didn't want to get wet you could get scraped up on the alpine slide.</p><p>Oh the memories.</p>
<p>I grew up about 15 minutes from lovely Accident Park, which I thought Mountain Creek was going to re-open as a part of their resort. The wave pool was always great in the summer, because it was packed full of people that couldn't swim. Who can drown in 4 ft. of rapidly moving water, right?</p><p>I went on the Alpine Slide a few times, and always made sure to take a center lane as to avoid the rocks off to the side of the track. There was nothing about that thing that seemed safe. I like that they always gave a person a good 3-5 seconds before sending someone down behind them. </p><p>I have a friend that's in his early 40's that was a life guard there years ago. He actually crushed his arm on the Alpine Slide and would up going into shock and being rushed to the ER. He still has a huge scar on his right forearm some 20+ years later. Incidentally, his sister wound up marrying a son of the people that owned the place. </p><p> </p>
07-05-2006, 12:23 PM
Action Park RULED!! I remeber them being one of the first places to offer bungee jumping too. The Alpine slide was a total deathtrap and those pictures they had at the top the hill, of previous accidents, were disturbing. Even the ski lift to the top seemed dangerous. Also, that blue circular tube/slide thing at the top of the thread was never open and I remember being like 12 years old and completly baffled at how you would not break your neck or back in that thing.
07-05-2006, 12:26 PM
<p>I never heard of this place, but the pictures of the video game grave yard are just so sad.</p><p>Also is that picture up top a loop 'd' loop water slide? It looks so deadly</p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p>
Judge Smails
07-05-2006, 12:41 PM
<strong>kdubya</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Also is that picture up top a loop 'd' loop water slide? It looks so deadly</p><p> </p><p>Yep. Only Action Park would be daring (ie. stupid) enough to even attempt such a thing. <a href="" target="_self">Here</a> is another website I found and what they have to say about the looping waterslide:</p><p><strong>One feature of Action Park, more than any other, indicated that the owners of the place were not merely stupid, but probably homicidal maniacs. For years, situated tantalizingly far away from most of the water park, was an unfinished water slide. This slide consisted of a tube that started a good fifty feet in the air, and turned itself into a 360-degree loop before continuing its descent. Any sane mind would consider the flexibility of the human body, crumple up their blueprints, and start all over. Not Action Park. Not only did they conceive of such a class action lawsuit-magnet, but they went as far as to start building it. It was never completed to the point where a pool was constructed to catch the people who would spill out of the end of the monstrosity. I'm not convinced that they ever would have built a pool, either, because anyone who would have gone through it would have had their necks snapped long before they emerged from this death trap. </strong></p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by judge_smails on 7-5-06 @ 4:45 PM</span>
Don Stugots
07-05-2006, 01:08 PM
didnt action park used to have indy style race cars for anyone with a drivers lic. to take around a road type track?
07-05-2006, 05:43 PM
<p><img height="274" src="" width="484" border="0" /></p><p>I'm with smails on this one. I used to see this beast when I was skiing and think, there is no way a human can handle this ride. Instead of a pool at the end, they should just use a casket.</p>
07-05-2006, 06:00 PM
Man I used to LOVE Action Park, I went to that place so many times as a kid I can't believe I didn't die there. <br />
07-05-2006, 06:19 PM
<strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br />didnt action park used to have indy style race cars for anyone with a drivers lic. to take around a road type track? <p>Yep, the LOLA cars. At times I filled in as a track "spotter", radioing in to the pit when someone left the track. This would result in a DQ for the run. Multiple spinouts would have you banned for the rest of the day.</p>
smiler grogan
07-05-2006, 06:57 PM
Loved Action Park.
I did that loop de loop, no lie, no bullshit.
We used to go to action park a few times a summer for a
good 5 yrs. in a row and only one time on one summer was the loop open. You climbed up the wooden structure
they sprayed the freezing water on you just like the cannonball ride and you shoot down the tube, you went so fucking fast that even though you know your up side down for a split second your stuck to that tube and then
boom your out but in classic action park style you flop to a halt on some puddle filled mat. Everyone stumbles like a bad drunk when you first stand up after that typically unsafe but fun as hell ride.
07-05-2006, 07:11 PM
<p>I was somewhat young when the park was closing, so i didnt get to go on some of the sickest rides, or drive the cars, but i did do alpine slide and fucked my arms up bad, the cannonbal thing i did, the tarzan swing, and the best ever</p><p>I forget the name, but that big 7 tier thing of water slides where the one had a jump was the best thing ever. So many people got fucked up on that jump, it was so much fun to do it until you got hurt, and then go and watch other people get hurt</p><p> </p>
smiler grogan
07-05-2006, 07:13 PM
remember the mat slide? It was a 10 lane track that was
layed or poured right on the side of a hill (they didn't bother smoothing out the hill so some lanes had jumps built right in). We would pick the lanes that had jumps built in and purposely skip from lane to lane.
the 4 man tube ride would end up 8 of us in a tube with the other on top creating a fantastic sandwich.
no homo..........
On the single tube ride we would jump in before the ride started . When the ride starts you go down a steep hill then bank up another steep incline. This is where we would make our entrance .
What a great place it was like the wild west, no rules, you just walked around until you found a ride of some sorts and then you immediately ignored the staff and did whatever you wanted.
07-05-2006, 07:17 PM
the mat slide is what im talkin about<br />
07-05-2006, 07:19 PM
<p>went there once... i didn't try too many things cause i was a big wuss and i think i was stoned. i saw guys and gals walking around with scrapes and cuts and i didn't feel like getting busted up. i did go on the one that you sit down and basically just go straight down into a small pool. all i remember was not being able to breathe as the water was hitting me in the face, good times....</p>
smiler grogan
07-05-2006, 07:24 PM
Now i'm all jazzed up thinking about the place.
We had a huge group one time, flying down the 4 man tube ride. We knew which turn off to take and we would lean to make it, but this time we flipped and i felt this thump thump as i flipped over , turns out this girl fell out and we steamrolled right over her, she was laying face first on the ground, dazed with a huge bruise on her hip.
That was her last time going with us.
so many memories.............
07-05-2006, 07:27 PM
they still use a couple of the old rides at mountain creek water park, as well as some new rides, a few of which arent exactly the safest things in the world either, its still fuckin funny<br />
07-05-2006, 08:36 PM
<p>From the Wiki:</p><p> </p><p>Since it was closer and slightly cheaper than <a title="Six Flags Great Adventure" href="">Six Flags Great Adventure</a>, Action Park attracted many visitors from the <a title="Urban area" href="">urban</a>
areas of the New York metropolitan area, particularly northeastern New
Jersey. Many of them were often from lower-income neighborhoods where
they had few, if any, opportunities to swim, much less learn how. </p><p> </p><p>Christ, that's gotta be the longest way to say "Black Folk" that I've ever seen.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
07-05-2006, 08:41 PM
<strong>Tenbatsuzen</strong> wrote:<br /><p>From the Wiki:</p><p> </p><p> </p>Since it was closer and slightly cheaper than <a title="Six Flags Great Adventure" href="">Six Flags Great Adventure</a>, Action Park attracted many visitors from the <a title="Urban area" href="">urban</a> areas of the New York metropolitan area, particularly northeastern New Jersey. Many of them were often from lower-income neighborhoods where they had few, if any, opportunities to swim, much less learn how. <p> </p><p> </p><p>Christ, that's gotta be the longest way to say "Black Folk" that I've ever seen.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Those damn Six Flags aristocrats. The true upper crust of society.</p>
07-07-2006, 09:06 AM
Apparently I am going to this "Mountain Creek" place tomorrow and I am a sucky swimmer. Not to mention I'm pale as Casper and will probably burn to death
Death Metal Moe
07-07-2006, 09:11 AM
<strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br />Apparently I am going to this "Mountain Creek" place tomorrow and I am a sucky swimmer. Not to mention I'm pale as Casper and will probably burn to death <p>Well well well, little "Miss Wisdom Teeth" really made a miraculous recovery, didn't she?</p><p>FAKER!!!!</p>
<hr color="cococo" align="left"></font><strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br>Apparently I am going to this "Mountain Creek" place tomorrow and I am a sucky swimmer. Not to mention I'm pale as Casper and will probably burn to death<hr color="cococo" align="left"><p></p>
You should take pics of some of the dangerous rides, and them post them. Sounds like there's a forecast for hilarity tomorrow.
07-07-2006, 09:19 AM
<p> </p><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br />Apparently I am going to this "Mountain Creek" place tomorrow and I am a sucky swimmer. Not to mention I'm pale as Casper and will probably burn to death <p>Well well well, little "Miss Wisdom Teeth" really made a miraculous recovery, didn't she?</p><p>FAKER!!!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>I need Vicodin. Fuck me.</p><p>I need Vicodin. Fuck me.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
07-07-2006, 10:15 AM
<strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br />Apparently I am going to this "Mountain Creek" place tomorrow and I am a sucky swimmer. Not to mention I'm pale as Casper and will probably burn to death <p>Well well well, little "Miss Wisdom Teeth" really made a miraculous recovery, didn't she?</p><p>FAKER!!!!</p><p>Got much better yesterday and almost 100% today. I at least do not look like I got punched in the face anymore. Still cannot eat delicious foods that are too chewy though.</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by angrymissy on 7-7-06 @ 2:16 PM</span>
07-07-2006, 10:59 AM
Great site. I remember seeing those commercials in Philly growing up, but never went. Alas, Dorney Park was the best I got.
07-07-2006, 03:03 PM
<strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br />Apparently I am going to this "Mountain Creek" place tomorrow and I am a sucky swimmer. Not to mention I'm pale as Casper and will probably burn to death <p>At least you have recent dental records to help identify your body.</p>
<strong>PaulF</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br />Apparently I am going to this "Mountain Creek" place tomorrow and I am a sucky swimmer. Not to mention I'm pale as Casper and will probably burn to death <p>At least you have recent dental records to help identify your body.</p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p>
Judge Smails
07-10-2006, 11:44 AM
<strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br />Apparently I am going to this "Mountain Creek" place tomorrow and I am a sucky swimmer. Not to mention I'm pale as Casper and will probably burn to death <p>So what happened? I'm dying to know. Are you still in one piece? Any broken bones or contusions, or has Mountain Creek done away with most of the crazier Action Park rides?</p>
07-10-2006, 12:04 PM
<p>Ohhh I almost forgot to update this thread. OK, I wish I had a waterproof camera because while marginally safer on the outside, Mountain Creek was dangerous and hell and I saw multiple accidents.</p><p>It's basically built on half of Action Park, when you are walking into Mountain Creek, you can see the section of Action Park that had the motorized rides, and it is all overgrown. You can also see where they ripped out the Alpine Slide, it is now a half pipe for snowboarders. Keep in mind, I never went to Action Park, but Jeff and his brother were pointing this stuff out because they went to Action Park all the time.</p><p>Basically there is a lower part and upper part to the park. The upper part on top of a huge hill is the superdangerous rides. These I just watched. They have a Tarzan Swing thingee, that you swing over the water on, then let go for a 20ft drop. Some guy dropped, then hit the water face first and passed out and had to be saved by lifeguards.</p><p>The bottom waterslides have the tubes and stuff to pick up for tubing at the bottom. Problem is, you have to climb back up the hill with the tubes, and instead of steps, they decided to use slippery rocks. Saw two kids fall and start bleeding/screaming.</p><p>Lots of people there who couldn't swim at all contemplating going on the "Expert Swimmer" attractions. I heard one guy say "I'm doing it, so what, I'll be able to float to the side". HE was talking about the cliff diving attraction with the giant EXPERT SWIMMER ONLY sign next to it. His girlfriend was like "you can't even swim, idiot".</p><p>The tubing water slide for 1 person had a malfunction that resulted in the tube getting stuck around a curve, flipping the tube upward and ejecting the tuber out of the tube and onto the concrete water slide area. I saw this happen one after another while waiting for another ride. A little girl flipped out of the tube and ran down the slide crying, then fell and had to be rescued by a life guard. Then a teenager flipped out of the tube, stood up and got slammed into by the next tuber.</p><p>The tubing water ride for 2 people bascially hurtles you down a bumpy waterslide and your ass is slammed into every bump... hurt and it was unaviodable.</p><p>Went on the big tube ride that seats 4 people and it was dangerous as hell. You are hurtling down a rock covered waterslide and not even strapped into this tube, you just have to hold on and hope you don't get ejected.</p><p>At the bottom of one ride, I heard the lifeguards talking about how they were hungover from the "lifeguard party" the night before.</p><p>They have lifejackets now for the wave pool, but I still saw two kids inhale a crap load of water, go under, and have to get pulled out by lifeguards.</p><p>The "urban" element is still there, and I saw a lot of fights, and kids throwing shit at random people in the food court and laughing.</p><p>Basically, they seem to have a lot of lifeguards, but the rides are still dangerous.</p><p>To top it off, on the way home, we were driving down 515S (I think) right south of the waterpark, and saw a HUGE FUCKING BEAR in a field next to someones house. It was fucking ridiculous huge. And it was running right in the direction of Action Park.</p><span class="post_edited">Anyway, I did not go on the crazy rides, Jeff did. I'm not a great swimmer and am still recovering from my Wisdom Teeth surgery. The side of my face is still tender and I didn't want to go on a ride that could smack the side of my face.</span>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by angrymissy on 7-10-06 @ 4:08 PM</span>
07-10-2006, 12:08 PM
<p> </p><p> </p><span class="postbody">It's basically built on half of Action Park,
when you are walking into Mountain Creek, you can see the section of
Action Park that had the motorized rides, and it is all overgrown. You
can also see where they ripped out the Alpine Slide, it is now a half
pipe for snowboarders. Keep in mind, I never went to Action Park, but
Jeff and his brother were pointing this stuff out because they went to
Action Park all the time.</span> <p> </p><p>Unless they added a second half pipe, no its not. When you go up the Gondola lift on Creek north, you actually go over the old tracks from alpine slide. Its used mostly for the mountain biking trails now. The half pipe, at least the olympic spec superpipe they use for competitions, was built seperately, dug into the ground a bit off to the right of the trails. When there is no snow on it, the half pipe actually just looks like a 50 foot wide drainage ditch to run water off the mountain. Its basically just filled with dirt and rocks and even has some grass growing on it. </p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Snoogans on 7-10-06 @ 4:10 PM</span>
07-10-2006, 12:09 PM
<p>They might have been wrong, like I said, I never went to Action Park. There were 2 tracks on the mountain that they were arguing over which one was Alpine Slide. </p><p>EDIT - you can go up that gondola thingee? Does it take you to the top where the crazy rides are? Because I walked up that stupid hill and it was hell in the heat, I wish I could have taken the gondola up</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by angrymissy on 7-10-06 @ 4:13 PM</span>
07-10-2006, 12:15 PM
<p>Im not sure exactly how it lays out for the water park, but id assume yes. When you ride, where you get off the gondola is just a big thing of cement that you walk down to where the snow is, then you strap in. The alpine slide tracks, like i said, are mostly mountain bike terrain now. If you noticed any old metal bracework where it seems like it used to be a kinda of bridge but the middle is gone now, those are the old alpine tracks. </p><p>The superpipe is actually all the way at the bottom, its one of the first things you see from the parking lots. I know the gondola goes right over the water park because they leave alot of the rides there through the winter. Its actually really stupid the way it lays out. 1 mistake in the right spot on a mountain bike and you will basically fly into the water park. </p><p>If you ever go back for any reason, ask someone about the lifts. Ive heard they are used for the park, kinda you go to the top, take rides down, go back to the top and take a different line of rides down, but ive never actually done it. </p>
07-11-2006, 04:39 AM
i wiped out on the "Alpine Slide" i had burn marks for months afterwards
walking joint
07-11-2006, 04:49 AM
<strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br /><p>To top it off, on the way home, we were driving down 515S (I think) right south of the waterpark, and saw a HUGE FUCKING BEAR in a field next to someones house. It was fucking ridiculous huge. And it was running right in the direction of Action Park. </p><p> </p><p>my old block. moved less then a year ago. would see bears all the time. i kind of miss them. all i get are damn squirrels and bunnies eating my lawn on LI. </p>
07-11-2006, 07:37 AM
The Alpine Slide at that place was the best. <br /><br /> <br /><br />My uncle would tell me stories of Action Park from when he would go there as a younger man. To think that he used to say "Man, action park used to be awesome and so much more dangerous than it is now" ... and that was in the late 80s / early 90s when the place was still a death trap. I only wish I was born years earlier so I could have experienced the true devastation.<br />
07-11-2006, 02:19 PM
<p>The spirit of Action Park lives CANADA!</p><p> </p><p><a href=""></a></p><p> </p><p>Just to give you a hint: the headline is "Boy loses both legs below knee at water park mishap"</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>"Mishap". That's a euphemism if I've ever heard one!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>.</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by fezident on 7-11-06 @ 6:19 PM</span>
07-11-2006, 10:03 PM
<p>Scary fucking shit! How the fuck can this be possible? All they needed were some sort of screens on the intake valves. I read stuff like this is being fought in court cases with home pools too. It seems the companies don't see the need to make these things safer. Some cases are soo fucking horid I won't even describe them here. All in the interest of saving a few bucks too. But hell, companies shouldn't be responsible should they? Thank W! </p>
07-30-2006, 08:49 PM
I can not believe that no one has corrected a grave mistake. The loop ride DID open, and Mother Shucker rode that thing. It really was not as bad as it looked. The alpiine slide was waaaaay more dangerous. If you followed the directions (which half the idiots that went there did not), you did not get hurt. The problem with that "ride", was that it was so fucking dark and steep, and people would panic and lift there heads. Well guess what? When you got to the bottom of the tube, if your head was not flat, you would get an instant concusion or whip-lash. It was open for about six weeks. I loved Action Park and would go every other week from Long Island. This went on from 16 to about 20.<br /><strong>TheGameHHH</strong> wrote:<br />Man I used to LOVE Action Park, I went to that place so many times as a kid I can't believe I didn't die there. <br />
<p> </p>
08-09-2006, 04:50 PM
<p>I went to Action Park with my friend Irene when we were in the 5th or 6th grade. </p><p> </p><p>Mind you, I had been to Great Adventure a bunch of times already, and had loved it every time, so to me, Action Park was truly and deeply LAME, mainly due to its size and lack of roller coasters. Irene thought it was the greatest place in the world, probably because (1) her parents are controlling psychopaths and (2) I have never met someone who was more uptight about saving a few pennies than her dad, even to the point of bringing the family to Action Park over Great Adventure. Or sending his kid to a Catholic high school in Paterson instead of Wayne simply for the PRICE DIFFERENCE.<br /></p><p> </p><p>ANYWAY, Irene made it a point to tell me all about the fiberglass burns you could get if you fell off the Alpine Slide. By the time we got to the top of the mountain, I didn't want to ride the damn thing anymore I was so fucking paranoid that I was going to fall off and get burns and be in worse pain than I already was because it was a goddamn hot day and the park was really fucking lame. But, her mom was riding the Alpine Slide and so was Irene. . .and there was no other way down.</p><p> </p><p>So I caused a traffic jam and backup on the Alpine Slide. I don't remember if they sent an attendant down after me, and I think I started crying because I was panicking so much, but I had never been so pissed at Irene in our entire friendship before that day. <br /></p><p> </p><p>I remember wanting to swim in the wave pool, but there wasn't enough room with all the non-swimmers flailing around in there. . .and no discernable lifeguard presence or authority. </p><p> </p><p>I hated that place and refused to mention it for years afterward. And I am still bitter about the Alpine Slide incident.<br /></p><p> </p>
08-09-2006, 06:12 PM
You probably hated it so much because Action Park wasn't meant for pussies. Irene knows what I'm talking about.
08-09-2006, 06:53 PM
<p> </p><strong>spoon</strong> wrote:<br />You probably hated it so much because Action Park wasn't meant for pussies. Irene knows what I'm talking about. <p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Watch it.</p><p> </p>
08-09-2006, 07:32 PM
Don't worry, most people on this board can take a joke.
08-09-2006, 07:53 PM
<strong>spoon</strong> wrote:<br />Don't worry, most people on this board can take a joke. <p> </p><p> </p><p>Sorry. I'm a little overprotective sometimes.</p><p> </p>
08-09-2006, 08:02 PM
That's ok sweetie.
08-10-2006, 07:39 AM
Who's Irene? I know a one-legged Korean broad with that name, but I'm not sure it's the same person. <br />
08-10-2006, 11:52 AM
<p>I went to both Action Park AND Mountain Creek. I liked Action Park Better. if only for the Alpine Slide. And it seemed to offer more, albiet more dangerous as well, rides. I remember one year I was going up the gondola to ride the Alpine Slide and I saw one guy was heading down the slide at top speeds. The carts had a stick in the middle of the cart. You push foward and it releases the break and you go light speed. You pull back on th stick and you slow down some and break. this guy was leaning fully foward.</p><p>I saw him yelling like he was enjoying himself. Next thing you saw was him disappear between the trees that seperated the gondola and the slide. Youheard a loud "AHHHH!" and all of a sudden as he re-entered the clearing I saw the cart just no passenger. Even though he might have been hurt I could not stop laughing. Turned out he just hit the turn too hard and got tossed from his cart.</p><p>god I miss that place.</p><p>Anyone up for Mountain Creek?</p>
<strong>Justice4all</strong> wrote:<br /><p>....Even though he might have been hurt I could not stop laughing. ... </p><p> </p><p><font face="times new roman,times,serif" size="4">"It don't make you a bad person!!!"</font></p>
08-13-2006, 08:49 PM
<strong>Justice4all</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I went to both Action Park AND Mountain Creek. I liked Action Park Better. if only for the Alpine Slide. And it seemed to offer more, albiet more dangerous as well, rides. I remember one year I was going up the gondola to ride the Alpine Slide and I saw one guy was heading down the slide at top speeds. The carts had a stick in the middle of the cart. You push foward and it releases the break and you go light speed. You pull back on th stick and you slow down some and break. this guy was leaning fully foward.</p><p>I saw him yelling like he was enjoying himself. Next thing you saw was him disappear between the trees that seperated the gondola and the slide. Youheard a loud "AHHHH!" and all of a sudden as he re-entered the clearing I saw the cart just no passenger. Even though he might have been hurt I could not stop laughing. Turned out he just hit the turn too hard and got tossed from his cart.</p><p>god I miss that place.</p><p>Anyone up for Mountain Creek?</p><p>Only if you promise not to ride the triple dipper slide!</p>
08-13-2006, 09:06 PM
<strong>spoon</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Justice4all</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I went to both Action Park AND Mountain Creek. I liked Action Park Better. if only for the Alpine Slide. And it seemed to offer more, albiet more dangerous as well, rides. I remember one year I was going up the gondola to ride the Alpine Slide and I saw one guy was heading down the slide at top speeds. The carts had a stick in the middle of the cart. You push foward and it releases the break and you go light speed. You pull back on th stick and you slow down some and break. this guy was leaning fully foward.</p><p>I saw him yelling like he was enjoying himself. Next thing you saw was him disappear between the trees that seperated the gondola and the slide. Youheard a loud "AHHHH!" and all of a sudden as he re-entered the clearing I saw the cart just no passenger. Even though he might have been hurt I could not stop laughing. Turned out he just hit the turn too hard and got tossed from his cart.</p><p>god I miss that place.</p><p>Anyone up for Mountain Creek?</p><p>Only if you promise not to ride the triple dipper slide!</p><p>how is it a triple dip when he was just with two woman? </p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by FUNKMAN on 8-14-06 @ 1:19 AM</span>
08-13-2006, 10:31 PM
Hell, you could triple dip one woman if she's game.
08-14-2006, 12:50 PM
<p> </p><strong>blakjeezis</strong> wrote:<br />Who's Irene? I know a one-legged Korean broad with that name, but I'm not sure it's the same person. <br /><p> </p><p> </p><p>Unless "Korean" means Scotch-Irish and 4' and 4' wide, then no.<br /></p>
08-14-2006, 12:55 PM
<strong>FUNKMAN</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>spoon</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Justice4all</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I went to both Action Park AND Mountain Creek. I liked Action Park Better. if only for the Alpine Slide. And it seemed to offer more, albiet more dangerous as well, rides. I remember one year I was going up the gondola to ride the Alpine Slide and I saw one guy was heading down the slide at top speeds. The carts had a stick in the middle of the cart. You push foward and it releases the break and you go light speed. You pull back on th stick and you slow down some and break. this guy was leaning fully foward.</p><p>I saw him yelling like he was enjoying himself. Next thing you saw was him disappear between the trees that seperated the gondola and the slide. Youheard a loud "AHHHH!" and all of a sudden as he re-entered the clearing I saw the cart just no passenger. Even though he might have been hurt I could not stop laughing. Turned out he just hit the turn too hard and got tossed from his cart.</p><p>god I miss that place.</p><p>Anyone up for Mountain Creek?</p><p>Only if you promise not to ride the triple dipper slide!</p><p>how is it a triple dip when he was just with two woman? </p><p>Always nice to start to a trend</p>
08-14-2006, 01:12 PM
<p> </p><strong>spoon</strong> wrote:<br />You probably hated it so much because Action Park wasn't meant for pussies. Irene knows what I'm talking about. <p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Telling me about the fiberglass burns AFTER building up how great the Alpine Slide was not exactly the best way to get me to enjoy myself. She shoulda kept her big fat mouth shut.</p><p> </p><p>And did I ever once deny I was a pussy?</p>
08-14-2006, 02:01 PM
<p> </p><strong>Thebazile78</strong> wrote:<br /><p> </p><br /><strong /><p> </p><p>And did I ever once deny I was a pussy?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> No, and I have photographic evidence from our mutual ride on Medusa at Six Flags to confirm this.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
08-14-2006, 04:03 PM
<p>Tenbats, the official Ron/ Proof Source!! </p><p>Thank God for Dimebats.</p>
10-12-2006, 01:33 PM
I used to ove the Kamikaze, and the Alpine Slide was dope too. But stay away from the Wave Pool!! Does anyone remember the Colorado River Rapids ride? That was cool too.
10-16-2006, 11:58 AM
<strong>angrymissy</strong> wrote:<br /><p>It's basically built on half of Action Park, when you are walking into Mountain Creek, you can see the section of Action Park that had the motorized rides, and it is all overgrown. You can also see where they ripped out the Alpine Slide, it is now a half pipe for snowboarders. Keep in mind, I never went to Action Park, but Jeff and his brother were pointing this stuff out because they went to Action Park all the time.</p><p>part of the alpine slide is still there. you can seee it in the winter time when you go up the gondola all covered in snow. i haven't been to the creek since the first summer it opened, but i go all the time to snowboard down that shitty ice covered mountain. yet i love it cause i keep going back. its just as bad in the winter time. with retarded kid snowboarders causing crashes & major accidents to others. i had my first concussion on that mountain. what a great place to be.</p>
10-19-2006, 10:11 AM
<p>I loved Action Park. Nothin like almost gettin killed all day and jumpin on people from 40 feet up.</p>
Judge Smails
08-02-2007, 11:43 PM
I'm sorry for resurrecting a nearly year-old thread. But since so many people had expressed fond childhood memories of Action Park I thought I'd share this.
I was just checking out the Weird NJ site and saw that they recently added an Action Park page. It reminded me of this thread. So, here ya go:
08-03-2007, 01:19 AM
I got this from the article:
One problem with the pool was that many of its users were not good swimmers. “Action Park attracts many people from urban areas who have few chances to swim and frequently must be rescued from the water".
I wonder whom they're referring too?? Hmmm.....
Ay Kay Forty2
09-08-2007, 09:00 PM
I never now Action Park existed. I went to The Land of Make Believe.
And when i did go to Mountain Creek, I couldn't swim with my glasses on, so I was as blind as a bat.
09-08-2007, 09:28 PM
Is this thread a bit??!! This is the most amusing thread I've seen..... I'm cracking up and in horror as I read from post to post!! Action Park??!! Never heard of it, what a riot!
Ay Kay Forty2
09-08-2007, 10:04 PM
I think someone posted this before but look up Action Park at Wikipedia. there is even a list of fatalities.
09-08-2007, 10:36 PM
i really don't get all the complaints about this place. it rocked! when i was a kid we went there all the time on group trips. i don't remember anyone i knew even getting a scraped knee there. my favorites were the wave pool and the alpine slide, by far.
09-09-2007, 08:23 AM
agreed. My fav was the cliff diving!!
09-12-2007, 05:14 AM
The wave pool at Action Park is the reason why I'm so nuts about my kids keeping up with swim lessons. I remember floating on one of those mats waving to the lifeguards (and my parents) for help and watching them wave back. They had no idea that I was scared shitless. I wasn't in any real danger but I was a terrified ten yr old. The pool was cool but the middle was crazy.
The tennis ball shooting tanks were my favorite.
09-12-2007, 07:48 PM
i really don't get all the complaints about this place. it rocked! when i was a kid we went there all the time on group trips. i don't remember anyone i knew even getting a scraped knee there. my favorites were the wave pool and the alpine slide, by far.
I scraped my knee on the alpine slide. I still have the scar to prove it.
09-12-2007, 10:45 PM
I scraped my knee on the alpine slide. I still have the scar to prove it.
i don't know you. see??? :)
01-06-2008, 07:33 PM
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
12-10-2013, 11:57 PM
<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src=""></iframe><br /><a href="" target="_blank">The Most Insane Amusement Park Ever (Full Length)</a> <i>by <a href="" target="_blank">insane-amusement-park</a></i>
12-11-2013, 07:25 AM
<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src=""></iframe><br /><a href="" target="_blank">The Most Insane Amusement Park Ever (Full Length)</a> <i>by <a href="" target="_blank">insane-amusement-park</a></i>
i watched this a couple weeks ago. Awesome. Fore some reason, the one redheaded guy with glasses who is in it looks really familiar and i cant remember from what
12-11-2013, 10:18 AM
someone in the comments said they couldn't believe young woody allen would risk himself at such a park…ha!
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